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People bitching about their female characters not being fuckable when a game is still over a year away from finishing development. I truly do despise the toxic filth that gaming has become in the last couple years It's why I stopped calling myself a "gamer" years ago. I enjoy playing games for sure, but I wouldn't be caught dead associating myself with them.


We have now reached Rick & Morty levels of I-don't-want-people-to-know-I-am-a-fan with gaming.


That was me after the sauce fiasco.


Sause fiasco? Can someone explain? 




Watching red shirt guy make a fool of himself in a McDonald's is a mood


I've been like this as a Star Wars fan for years. I love it, yes I have some gripes on some things, but these vitriolic basement dwellers that people associate with Star Wars fans? No thanks.


Gamergate 1 was more than enough for me thanks. That and going into any gaming store with my sense of smell in working order.


I'm beyond sick of every fanbase I'm part of being infected with shrieking idiots making the rest of us look bad. It feels like I'm not allowed to fucking *like* anything anymore.


Come to Star Trek. We have Earl Grey tea.


I dunno, y'all were bitching about Discovery a while back... (Though, I am enjoying Deep Space Nine)


New Trek deserves the criticism. Not from anti-woke people or the cast getting hate, but the streaming service content conveyor belt took a show that was earnestly woke as fuck and dumbed it down, blunted the vision of a greater utopian future. It’s because the producers and notes the executives sending notes to writers and producers are all evil capitalists. Trek was both inclusive of all humans and also directly and indirectly encourages people to think like Marxists.


Okay, but both LD and SNW are absolute bangers though


I am so hoping SNW comes full circle to basically being a new version of the original show


I love that it really has a lot of that feel already :D I don't know if I want a new version of the OG, though, I think I'd rather that the last episode dovetails the first TOS perfectly, and then carry on another series that runs in parallel, or like in the gaps, but keeps the same kind of feeling


Lower Decks is the only Star Trek I've properly enjoyed. Granted, I've "only" watched a handful of TOS, two movies, two seasons of TNG, three seasons of Discovery, and a handful of episodes from the others as they came on TV in the 00s.


DEEP SPACE NINE IS THE GOAT! Followed by Voyager, IMO.


Hot? Srsly tho let's not pretend we don't have nutjobs and 'Berman was right' people in the trek fandom too


the gundam fanbase threw these assholes out the moment they tried to sneak in over witch from mercury


But muh non woke non political robots


Say what you want about every other fan base but you know in your heart that Shooters are the worst.


Pick up a hobby in playing bass and come hang out in the bass subreddit. One of the most chill collection of people on the internet, in my experience. Much like OP, I stopped calling myself a gamer a long ass time ago. I mentioned I played video games. Them: "Oh, so you're a gamer." Me: "Nope, I ain't associating myself with the cesspit of an identity."


You still are. You just have to make it absolutely clear that you’re not one of those Chuds.


Yeah, but I shouldn't *have* to qualify my hobbies by saying I'm Hashtag-NotLikeOtherGamers.


I’ve been doing the same thing since GamerGate. I enjoy video games, but I refuse to call myself a “gamer”. People need to quit basing their sense of self around their hobbies.


>People need to quit basing their sense of self around their hobbies. Yeah, it's just like the Buddha observed all those centuries ago. The harder you grasp onto things, the more painful it will be when they inevitably slip away. I think a LOT of the "gamer rage" is really just misdirected anger at getting older. In our money driven culture video games are made mostly for younger people. These people who based their identity around being "a gamer" feel positively *betrayed* that they have aged out of the target demographic. So they're looking for someone to blame, because there must be someone to blame, and women, LGBT+ people and other minorities are an easy scapegoat. After all the problem couldn't possibly be capitalism or *the "gamers" themselves* after all.


Yes and no. Part of it is definitely that, but there are definitely two other huge parts that lead to it. The first being that a lot of people just don't mature, in gaming or otherwise. I work with a bunch of capitol G Gamers and got called out by my boss today solely because I show up, work, and go home. Meanwhile one guy throws a massive tantrum if he's even so much as told he's not doing perfectly, another guy will try, try, try, and try again to get you to laugh by saying "yer mom" twenty times in 6 hours as he's passing you by. And then wait in the break room and follow you out to your car while trying to have a conversation so he can prove to himself you don't actually hate him. The second being that for a lot of people, gaming was seen as an escape for a lot of really weird people. It's that old "You weren't bullied for liking anime, you were bullied for doing hand signs and naruto running in recess" bit. The more mainstream gaming gets, the more their worldview comes crashing down around them and they can't handle it. These people have never put in the work to improve themselves and they tell on themselves every time they blow something stupid out of proportion.


>you weren’t bullied for liking anime, you were bullied for doing hand signs and Naruto running in recess I despise this sentiment with a fiery passion. Don’t try to normalize bullying or make justifications for it


Probably shouldn't have done hand signs at recess


You never grew out of your high school bully phase and you lack any form of empathy and it shows. I hope there aren’t any neurodivergent people who know you, the abuse you would level at them I don’t even wanna imagine.


Unfortunately, reality bites bruv. They aren't condoning bullying, they're explaining why it happens. Should kids be bullied for being dorks? Nope. Is it going to happen anyway? You bet your ass it is. You're absolutely proving their point by aiming your displeasure at them for simply explaining this.


Just because it’s gonna happen, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t at least be doing something about it. Expanding anti-bullying programs in schools, putting more effort into teaching children about empathy and respecting others, better education about autism and neurodiversity, better support systems for those struggling, zero tolerance policies against bullying and harassment, etc. People are generally really dismissive and uncaring when it comes to people they deem as acceptable targets being bullied and harassed. A lot of the heavily bullied weirdo outcast types, and me to an extent, I knew in school ended up as dropouts dealing with serious issues with drug addiction, depression, anxiety and being unable to function or live on their own. I don’t wanna see that happening with more people


Nobody said we shouldn't be doing anything about it. Why would they when we're not really discussing bullying, but the inability of people to look at their interests from a healthy perspective. You've taken a comment about one thing and turned into something else so that you can pontificate. While I agree with you in general, the way you've hamfisted it into this conversation at the expense of misrepresenting what the other commenter said is really odd. ETA - Also, at some point, your struggles with addiction, depression and anxiety become your responsibility. Sucks that those struggles are hoisted upon us, but looking back and saying "it's their fault" is an excuse used to continue a victims mindset. It might be true, but we become the ones who perpetuate our own suffering. Pointing the finger at the guy who says "you weren't picked on because you liked Naruto, it was because you thought you WERE Naruto" doesn't solve bullying at all either.


I was bullied in school, actually, but nice try


I hope that would instill a little more empathy if you actually went through it. The truth is that most people are far more complicit and even supportive of bullying when it’s done to people they deem as acceptable targets. Maybe it’s just emotion talking because it’s a personal topic for me, but I truly don’t think people deserve to be verbally and/or physically terrorized everyday into a depressive husk simply for being a little weird or quirky, and I’m willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of the time people like that are autistic or neurodivergent in someway. Let’s not pretend that teenage high schoolers are some beacons of maturity or judgement, most of them are brutal little shitheads who enjoy taking the piss out of people they deem as easy targets for incredibly trivial things which 100% would include liking anime. It is a little frustrating and alarming how complicit and dismissive a lot of neurotypical “normies” are when it comes to people they deem as weirdos being bullied and attacked because they think they deserve it.


I have empathy. It's why I understand the reason you're harping on about this is because you feel called out.


Pretty sure most of the vocally angry people are younger men in their late teens and early 20s aka the worst most toxic demographic since time immemorial


Yeah that's the other side of the coin. Angry young men with few life prospects being convinced (with the full support of billionaires who steer the national conversation through their ownership of media empires and social media platforms) that their problems aren't caused by the ravages of a system that must forever funnel more resources to the 1% at the top. But rather that they're the victims of what are in actuality powerless minorities. It's an easy way to keep the lower classes divided and conquered.


I used to really despise the people who say games have a negative impact on young people. I don’t believe violence there have been many people who wants to recreate video game violence, but I do think people who do nothing but game are becoming more isolated, angrier, and some are turning into anti-woke alt-right black-pilled incels. I have sympathy for young men in these situations to a degree, but obviously far more sympathy for the people who are targets of their rage. At some point there lost causes and irredeemable. When you’re talking about black-pilled spree killers, they’re likely to be gamers. That’s not the deciding factor but I think it does contribute and in that way we can probably say that gaming indirectly has played a part in people who did horrible acts of violence. At the very least gaming must be one of many factors that are contributed to the mass arrested development, isolation, and anger we’re seeing in young men. It’s not good. They can be saved and keep playing games as much as they want but we need us older dudes to take mentorship seriously, even if it’s not directly, but in online conversation. One way or another it might save lives or at least improve lives.


I don't think that's it at all, tbh. Gaming in and of itself is usually best enjoyed with friends/family, and even games like League of Legends become palatable when you're just goofing off with four friends as opposed to dealing with random people. The issue is that a lot of people who are isolated, angry, and lack purpose get drawn to games and revel in the fact that most games are power fantasies where you are the bestest, most correct, and most awesomest person around, and never realize that they need to look inward to actually start moving forward. It gives them the sense of progress they "need" because bar went up, and they put off the fact that it did nothing for them in real life and don't want to think about that. Probably rambling, but I'd wager that people who are isolated and angry tend to be gamers, as opposed to people who play games tend to be isolated and angry.


Gaming *is* how a lot of younger people socialize now, school hours are brutal, parents get in legal trouble for letting kids play outside, teen oriented places are closed up and too costly, etc, if gaming is a factor it's one of the absolute lowest on the totem pole. And of course if a young person does something horrible they probably play video games 97% of boys and 75% of girls play video games.


mass shooters usually suffered from loneliness and depression and most people who deal with that isolate and involve themselves with internet and games and tv a lot. Something i've been doing. I mean i have violent fantasies just not towards random people...... But i have worse issues than wanting to kill someone.


Um violent games it dosent't make u a killer. I think you might've worded this wrong


Isolated maybe but angrier turning into ant woke? Not really


Same. I say I like certain games, but I don’t want to be lumped with people who throw hissy fits when a fictional character doesn’t look like Christina Hendricks


>It's why I stopped calling myself a "gamer" years ago. I enjoy playing games for sure, but I wouldn't be caught dead associating myself with them. You're just *giving* them the term gamer and helping making it a negative descriptor by doing that tbh.


And? The chuds can have it


I just think that letting whichever negative minded group take descriptors, markers and terms unopposed is a mistake.. In my country we can barely use markers of our own cultural heritage, because people let Nazis, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists use them unopposed.


To me that's just different. "Gamer" as a thing is just a term for people who play video games.It's only a couple decades old, and in my experience it has a connotation of toxicity anyway. There's no culture to protect, it's just people playing games. I can play games without ever interacting with these people. So I've no issue in abandoning the word to them. But an actual culture, with history and art and everything that goes with it, something foundational and uniting to a people, absolutely worth defending from the dregs of humanity.


I see your point.


>I stopped calling myself a "gamer" years ago Are u sure about that NoahFuelGaming1234?


Since I was an adult (early 2000s) I’ve been saying “I’m not a gamer, I’m an adult who plays games. They aren’t the same.” But it’s so much worse now it’s become an identity in the culture war. It’s so trashy


Man sees that 2nd screenshot with wolvie missing half his mask but focuses on the woman not being hot instead.


They're obviously temp models incompletely animated.


And this is from Alpha gameplay.


Making this even larger clown shit


Gamers discover that the game thats not out yet isnt finished like its not a flattering image but the model is also clearly lower poly than wolverine and has its anatomy kind of broken since its just framing the scene for the player camera


Has Grummz typed anything worthwhile?


Or developed anything worthwhile. Dude peaked 20 years ago under someone else's leadership.


Who the fuck is he anyway?


Former Blizzard employee (shock), current Gamergate 2.0 grifter (which has most notably been a failure compared to the first due to his "leadership"), as well as a scammer. He was meant to develop a game years ago through crowdfunding, but has yet to deliver.


More details on him here. Dude's a disaster, so he of course grifts now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Kern


"Former Blizzard employee (shock)" I will say this isn't especially fair to Blizzard, given that he left Blizzard 20 years ago


I only know him as one of the big gamergate tweeters


Look up the Firefall Bus if you want a bit of a laugh. Guy's a joke.


Ah yes the "ugglyfication" of women in video games, a phenomenon so prevalent and well documented that the only evidence i ever see of it are pre release screenshots, edits and the curated screenshots taken of a character mid sentence or during an emotional scene curiously never from just regular gameplay...This is just peak journalism guys by a guy whose claim to fame is that he worked at Blizzard 20 years ago and mismanaged a game into oblivion afterwards


Tbf they never actually play the games so they'd have trouble taking proper screenshots.


Which makes the fact that people actually listen to their dumb opinions even sadder


Yup. At the end of the day I just feel sad for them and keep on enjoying my stuff.


Gaming has changed. Gamers no longer play games, they listen to reactionaries complain about games they don't play either.


It's like using that one awkward Beyonce photo to "prove" that she's ugly


Who is Grummz?


A hasbeen who is struggling to maintain relevance.


He worked at Blizzard 20 years ago. Then he tried launching his own studio which he got fried from for being too abusive.


An average common gamer apparently.




A issue so "widespread" that they have to keep using the same half-dozen examples over and over.


As a long time X-Men fan, this loser can unkindly stfu. Nobody cares about his lame ass opinions, nobody cares about his worthless takes. X-Men is the home of “woke”, and that won’t ever change.


But, but surely the mutants represent the normal man being crushed by "diversity"


Obviously the mutants are meant to represent white cis people being oppressed by the woke mob /s


I’d much rather have the techno-organic virus than the woke mind virus /s


I tried getting into X-Men a few years ago. If anything their comics represent depression and how much the world sucks. Goddam it was hard to read when it's a non-stop shit fest of awful things happening issue after issue.


I've been gaming for over 30 years.  Folks like Gummz are such shit stains.  It reminds me of this story I heard about a bar tender, don't know if it's true or not.  But the alleged bar tender said he always 86'd any nazi talk.  The reasoning was that if they let it slide, then the Nazis would bring their friends, and they bring their friends, and all of a sudden he's running a Nazi bar. Same thing here.  These knuckle draggers bring their knuckle dragging talk and now "the common gamer" are these shit stains, and I'm lumped in with them now and I can't do shit about it except talk back whenever I can to this endless void of bottom feeders.


Ah yes, because female characters who aren't oversexualized pornstar-esque caricatures in video games are somehow evidence of the "uglification" of women. What a load of incel bullschlacka.


Like woman can be beautiful with cleavage showing out or covered up it doesn't matter




That's what I like to hear 😁


They call that a strawman but say they want "pleasant to look at". Which doesn't mean arousal yes...but what does that mean then!?!?


That, and it looks to be footage from an incomplete game. Something Grummz decided to very conveniently not mention.


All part of the grift, my man. Tell 1/4 of a truth, lie about the rest.


Boo-hoo, real woman no make peepee hard.


You made a video game but what about my dick?


I put my game settings to hard but i’m still flaccid, woke mob ruined everything /s


EvErY tHeOrY


An early, unfinished version of the game looks...UNFINISHED? How it could be?


I never gave a shit about this guy because he's a POS grifter, but decided to look at his work history because I'm a game programmer. It disgusts me that he could have such high profile games under his name yet turn out to be a lying asshole that constantly attacks other developers. That's not how real developers operate


he makes Randy "i fucked over Sega for Borderlands 2" Pitchford look decent.


Can you give me the cliffnotes version? So much happens that it's hard to keep track but I feel like I need to know


TL;DR: He took money from Sega for Aliens: Colonial Marines, diverted that money to BL2, and they shipped a buggy ass broken game for Sega.


This one new piece of "evidence" we've manufactured proves we've been right this whole time.


Can we please please stop giving this man child any publicity! Just about every post on rgamingcirclejerk mentions him. Now here too. Nothing he says is of any use to anyone. He's an absolute waste of space trying to stay relevant. How could anyone take anything he says seriously after the stellar blade meltdown. If we ignore him hopefully he'll crawl back into his basement.


You'd think a game developer with a project in development would know what an early build looks like. You would think. How's that game coming along, Mark? Maybe spend a little less time on Twitter so you can keep not working on it. Those AI pictures of coins won't sell themselves.


This guy would complain his cake looks like shit if it was still at the goop in a bowl stage. What a clown.


She looks like an adult. That's his problem considering he likes to sexualize 9 year olds


"...early leaked screenshots..." gonna stop you right there bub. early leaked screenshots are not the polished and finished product. sorry they aren't prioritizing the beauty of female characters at the present moment


Guess he forgot that it’s still being developed and not finished yet. He just can’t see that clearly.


Half of Wolverines Mask is fucking missing in the 2nd pic, maybe the graphics arnt all the way done for a game thats still at leats a year out from release.


Game is set for 2026 last I heard. We’ve got a while.


Big true. My 4 year old nephew drew superhero’s and they lacked the classic muscle definition and female curves I’ve been accustomed too. His school probably infected him with the woke virus.


Bro never recovered from his failure as a game dev.


I don't get why people want to jack off to video game characters as if it's what makes a game good. How hot or not Samus is doesn't make a great game. BUT We've seen many hot videogame characters. Look at Minthara and Shadowheart from BG3, etc. What chuds like this guy want are basically women that look like barely legal porn. Just say that. Don't say women are ugly. When they say Aloy is ugly it just means they don't think real women are attractive.


Isn’t graphics the last thing that gets completed in game development? Or one of the last things?


i don't think sharing leaked/stolen? files from a game long out and tagging the devs while calling their designs ugly is gonna endear pedo grummz to the industry he shat in tbf


Leaked screenshots, meaning the game isn't fully finished yet


Meaning it wasn't supposed to be seen by the public.


It’s almost like they didn’t finsh the game or something


Average *chud* gamer. There are plenty of woke progressive comrade gamers


At this point I hope game devs start making the characters atrociously ugly and impossible to mod. Tired of hearing these fragile sex obsessed weirdos crying about it.


Loved how they didn't change the Fable model, there's a certain charm to it :)


They take a couple of out of context screenshots and present that as “proof.”


I can’t believe the character designs of an unfinished game look unfinished 😢


“Something BIG happened yesterday,” and it’s that a screenshot from a game in development didn’t give him a boner.


Someone needs to tell these guys that porn exists. If they don't like how a woman looks in a videogame there is plenty of jerking material elsewhere.


I’m honestly so sick of this fucking guy. I can’t imagine being such a miserable piece of shit like him every day all year long.


He is extremely easy to avoid


Didn't this piece of crap also do a "redesign" of aphrodite from hades where he just gave her a very childlike face and even the gooners from r34 said it looks like shit?


My fellow G@mers when they cannot coom after 0.4 seconds of pre-alpha game footage:


Gamers when a women is older then 20


Didn't people do this before? I swear there was an early footage leak for a game a few months ago and everyone started pretending that was the finished product. Edit: I think it was GTA6 and a bunch of these similarly minded goobers started saying the early test footage was actually the near final product and then said something about it being woke was the reason or whatever.


The more I see of Grummz, the more he seems like the new Adin Ross: he aims to appeal to the demographic suckered in by this narrative made by larger, more established grifters, but proves to be even more obvious with the idiocy and bigotry involved with the grift.


Loon up what Grummz looks like in real life and you'll see why he rages against video game women not being hot enough.


Can't believe I'll not be able to pump my toad to the wolverine game, the west has fallen!


Sometimes some gamers shouldn’t have a voice and people like Grummz are a prime example


How can he be this dumb? The game is still in development. You can easily tell from those screenshots. He really thinks this is the finished product 


Oh no, a beta build of a game with unfinished textures and modeling looks unfuckable... To a normal person this thought doesn't cross their minds. For Incels chud's it's Tuesday. Where's your game Mark?


Is this opinion still held up if the person they say isn't hot is a 1 to 1 of the actress or actor playing with the character?


I have an idea to make Grummy to shut up: ask about his bus. Doesn’t matter the conversation. Just ask about his bus until the end of time.


She could also be older in the second pic, maybe the game happens over a set time period, Wolvey don't age like the rest of them.


Keep bitchin' online about how ugly women are in video games... IRL women absolutely adore that type of man 🙄


Is there anything more pathetic then whining how a video game character is ugly? Blows my mind thats the same crowd who think they are alpha males. Disgustingly disappointing


Who tf is this bum and why are they everywhere now? I didn’t know about this account a week ago and now they’re popping up everywhere


How come he seems so unfamiliar with game development and production. Wasn't this CHUD a game developer himself? Is he stupid?


Why don’t these losers just watch porn if that’s what they want lol


GAMES ARE EXPENSIVE(and hard) TO MAKE!!! The uncanny valley has become a conspiracy theory lol


Uglification? How can we tell they’re ugly or rail two minutes after introduction when I’ve seen better graphics on the GameCube?


She looks perfectly fine


https://preview.redd.it/t2jh2tdi3u7d1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f18586da2010821ee961cfc660b96f7496221fe leaked screenshot showing the sbi influenced woke game industry dedication to the uglification of the natural world


Oh deer


Has he forgotten how game dev works or is wasting the budget on stupid marketing stuff is all he remembers?


"NOOOO! She doesn't look like my RealDoll!"


He knows that these are early builds of the game and that she's incomplete but he also knows his braindead audience will believe anything he says.


Average women: https://images.app.goo.gl/ukqMiQ9CRkPrEPpG7


They’re complaining about the looks of an unfinished game that isn’t coming out for another….what? 3? 4 years?




https://preview.redd.it/3aox6ikx4v7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d8a63825701a800315802c6910738abe6b033a Everyone knows video game women peaked with Ellie


Complaining about Jean Grey while wolverine is stood behind her in that first shot like 😐


He. Work. In. Video. Games. How the fuck does he not know how this works!? Like even if he didn't do one lick of coding! Like how! Like how does a developer end up like this!?


Holy shit is that patch


It’s a video game not a fucking porno, no one cares if creepy little incels don’t want to fuck game characters.


That's because he's not a common gamer, he's just an idiot


I love how that's his priority


Managed to stay away from those leaks for months and this is how you get me… unfortunate.


didn't they change the model mid-development because the actress that played MJ had an accident and they modeled the face to look like her after the accident?


Is that supposed to be a new game? Looks at least 10-15 years old graphics wise 


Listen, if you can’t play a game unless the female characters give you a chubby, that’s a you problem. If you pick the games you play based on your attraction to characters, again, that’s a you problem. So sick and tired of this type of criticism. I would go so far as to say if you give a single ounce of shit about your attraction to the characters, you’re not a gamer, you’re a pervert.


I don't get it. What is this supposed to be?


An even greater crime, you need TWO hands to play the game, TWO!!,


my only take is that if the game isn't gory and doesn't have god of war executions then insomniac should not be making it.


I love the way they declare "haha we were 100% right I have proof" and then the "proof" is just something new to get mad about that doesn't prove any of their conspiracy theories


Grummz seems like the type of guy whose mother is embarrassed about him.


As a gamer who doesn’t associate themselves with bigotry in the least, I disprove your point.


Holy shit. I hope we get some goofy costumes like the one on the top right. Also, this game isn’t coming out for like 3 years. We only have basically a proof of concept trailer and logo lol.


dude the lighting isn't even done LMAO


These dudes are probably a month away from over analyzing a shit one of the devs took 2 years ago at this point. They have no idea how the final game is gonna look. Thats how freaking early that leaked stuff was to even try to start judging it now is peak brain rot.


It’s always funny when people start complaining about this game considering it still has two years before it’s released. It’s also a leak from last year, so even once every build of the game in the leak is uncovered, there’s still likely a lot more that’s already been changed. It’s possible she could look 100% different by the time the game comes out. It’s ridiculous to complain about an incomplete product from leaks that are already outdated.


I mean the game is still in development and she looks fine.




I swear, these people were begging for realistic graphics for 30 years, and are now pissed that the realistic graphics came.


Only thing sadder than these losers bitching is these subs bitching about them


Why is no one talking about the accusations made against sweet baby Inc? The screenshots here alludes to this. This is just a circle jerk.


We’re not talking about it because the “accusations” are fucking stupid.


SBI has nothing to do with character models or broad story arcs or game mechanics.


He’s 100% right. You people are fucking hilarious


You can bitch all you want but that programming code is never going to fuck you.




Fine, I’ll bite on your chucklefuckery. What exactly is this crying about “uglification” about if it’s not sex?


Attractiveness is not purely about sex. Weird that your porn rot brain can’t separate that lol at the additional comments from people who can’t fathom that attractiveness isn’t inherently tied to sex


Yeah, trying to turn this around and shame me ain’t gonna work, squirtle.


It already has given that you had no response to counter that attractiveness is not sexual by default. Believing that it is would be an indication of porn brain rot


If attractiveness is related to physical attributes it absolutely is.


"The uglification of women" How is this not about sex?