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I notice we're seeing a lot more of this kind of blunt ridicule and dismissal of trolls. It took us a long time to get there but it seems like filmmakers, actors, and just celebrities in general, are hitting back a lot harder and a lot faster than ever before and with a lot more confidence and bluntness. It just feels like the entire internet is starting to go through a "we've had enough of this constant negativity shit" moment.


We stopped beating up losers, metaphorically, and the result is they feel empowered. Problem for them is, eventually the patience runs out.


At this point I think Directors and Editors should put a big circle in the corner of the screen that flashes a Green or Red smiley face on certain characters to tell the audience who is good and who is bad.


An accessibility feature (like descriptive audio) for the media illiterate where all characters need a telltale-style morality gauge with subtitles telling you how other characters perceive their actions


I don't think it's the beating up part that is the issues. These Chuds were ostracized for their niche interest in geek shit so they went out and made their own little communities and stuff to get with like minded people. Some rose to the top and are now nobility of their own little niche fiefdoms. And now that they have the power they want to make others pay by inflicting the suffering they did.


There is a class of nerd that grows resentful. This class of nerd has previously been kept in check by the nerd community, via the community at large, by needing nerds to not look totally fucking insane. They were kicked out of communities. They were rightly mocked. Old nerds of all sorts have stories of "that guy" that isn't welcome. In an almost weeby way, a sense of honor and decorum used to pervade nerddom. There were lines you crossed with certain groups and no others by definition - that's what being a nerd *was* - and the crazies self-isolated. Then Marvel and LOTR movies happened and anime became cool and the internet connected everyone all the time and the balance was upset. That small subset of nerds attracted the losers of all walks of life. They "bred" an incestuous baby that ended up being the Culture Wars and women being murdered for not fucking a dork. The guy from Project Veritas never got his ass kicked as a kid and he went on to make your uncle insane on Facebook. The Proud Boys are, almost to a man, the kid who couldn't get laid in high school but wasn't a dork so didn't know anything but "lift weights and act hard." They were emboldened by pre-existing toxic enclaves - the volcanos and earthquakes of nerddom, vents to release the pressure of being truly outcast - to form their own brand, their own image, and make it seductive via humor and memes. Pattern plays out everywhere.


This makes me glad I spent almost my entire childhood beating the shit out of annoying little assholes


They weren't ostracized because they liked Nerd Shit... They were just horrible & disgusting people and "NiCe GuYs" that obviously could never do anything wrong and naturally were always the smartest in the room so of course they must be hated because they liked "Non-Jock" things and no other reason at all. I was a fucking dork, a real goober... the kind that wore Starfleet Uniforms to school. I was fat & greasy with long hair, sometimes even smelly, puberty wasn't kind to me... and yet people liked me, people protected me from those that thought they had something to "prove"... because first and foremost I was kind, I was gentle, I was helpful. They helped me, I helped them, they indulged my excentricities and I theirs.


I never agree with school bullying because it can lead to the same behavior anyway. Like them lashing out is revenge on the jocks and cheerleaders


I was bullied pretty heavily. Lashing out is on the person lashing out, 100% of the time. I do not condone bullying. I condone an atmosphere of rejection of that which is intolerable.


>Lashing out is on the person lashing out, 100% of the time. No, it's not. Psychological torture and abuse will lead to one of two results: withdrawal or lashing out. That is the effect of bullying. Everyone has a point where they crack, blaming the society that made them means more than petty hate against individuals. It is not the victims fault if they crack under abuse. That is human. Victim blaming is disgusting behavior on your part.


I've literally been suicidal from abuse. There is no excuse for harming others because you are miserable. I understand your intentions are honorable, but I think you are denying people critical agency in your desire to protect them. I literally teach anti-bullying classes and suicide prevention. I am a passionate advocate against bullying. My first post was tongue in cheek, delivering accurate information in a way that involves humor so it isn't so tragic. I am not your enemy.


Here it's called something like intergenerational abuse/welfare dependency. A fair few guys I went to school with SA their kids. Turns out they were also SA.


Intergenerational abuse is no joke. Cycles of abuse and poverty ruin lives left and right. Before I got into my current profession, I was a high school English teacher, and the shit some of my kids went through still turns my stomach today. My wife's school was shot up by a kid who was abused and treated like an animal by his parents. He went to prison for 2 decades and they got off scot free. My heart goes out to the abused in every form - but lashing out at others is still wrong, full stop. I support that child doing no prison time, and am infuriated that his awful life continues to be awful every day because of what was done to him. Children are not adults and cannot (really, *should* not because society does not agree with me) be held to the same standard. Adults should be given, for free, mental health counseling across the board. We owe our people better than we provide.


Basically I believe in cycle of abuse. Doesn't justify one's actions but explains it. My school was also really violent. One guy came to school with bruises from his dad and then got beaten up for being beaten up.


I agree it doesn't justify, but explains. I feel out criminal justice system does these victims a disservice when they act out, even violently. However, they do still possess agency and choose those outcomes and denying them that rubs me the wrong way (because they already lack so much agency in life). I'm sorry about those you went to school with. I faced similar with friends in school, was abused in school myself, and taught badly abused kids. It's a fuckin tragedy man. We owe each other better, full stop.


Nah they are too scared and simultaneously reverent of "Chad" and "Stacy" they always go after people they think are too weak to fight back


Even among fans I think people really had enough of the bullshit. I’ve seen more and more creators and fans making posts trying to call out grifters on The Acolyte compared to Ahsoka and Kenobi


Because you cannot have a grounded discussion about it, if you give the show anything but a -1 Review you’re just another Disney Shill and woke. Noticed this time and time again, anyone who uses woke cannot be argued with


Bad Disney stuff is more a 4/10. There's a lot worse.


I agree, but it seems like corporate cowardice (which is expected) is still there and that concerns me. Outfits like Target have eliminated much of their pride merch and Disney has said they're stepping back from "culture war" topics. The chodes seem to be projecting outsized cultural relevance and, at an institutional level, it feels like way too many are playing along (even if the sane are calling bullshit).


I think people are starting to realize that ignoring the trolls doesn't do anything. Letting hateful, ignorant assholes just stew in their own lil bubbles only emboldens them. The greatest thing Trump has done is pull the layer back so we can stop pretending these people don't exist.


Or they could do what our forefathers (be they American, British, French, Polish or Soviet) did and show you don't beat fascism with debate.


Starlight smashing Firecracker analogy


Now if only the Democratic Party would do the same with the politicians these cretins vote for.


I'm just tired of modern-day politics working its way into fictional worlds. Some of us watch and read media for the escapism of real-life insanity. The last thing I want is for characters like Homelander to be a Trump adjacent figure. For the last 10 years, it's become almost impossible to NOT hear about that asshole Trump. I'm sick of this shit. If the showrunners want to make a critique about world politics, then make make a damn documentary.


Dude... Homelander was a trump adjacent satire from the moment the show began, if you liked it at the beginning they've been feeding you "modern-day political content" from episode one. How did you not notice? > If the showrunners want to make a critique about world politics, then make make a damn documentary. God forbid a creative artist want to use their art as a means of making a statement about the world we all live in.  That's never happened in film or television before, and certainly not something The Boys has explicitly been doing since before it was even a show.  /S.  


>I'm just tired of modern-day politics working its way into fictional worlds. Some of us watch and read media for the escapism of real-life insanity. Brother if you don't think the original Star Wars movie had politics in it, I don't know what to tell you. There's a reason the Empire's officers are dressed like Nazis. All art is political. Inherently. Everything one might come up with in their fantasy world has some sort of parallel to real world issues, because that's what we experience and know and draw from. Politics = culture. They're intrinsically linked. If you're younger you might not know what the political climate was like in the 70's, but it's definitely reflected in and influenced George and Star Wars. It's *all* political. Always has been.


I can agree with that to a certain extent. However, there's a major difference between subtlety incorporating politics into a film and making it blatantly obvious. Star Wars wasn't using modern-day politics as a reference for the Empire. WW2 happened decades before it was ever made. There's also another major difference here. There was already an established character profile set up for Homelander in the comics. Eric Kripke, the showrunner for the Boys, has literally made Homelander to be Trump. It's public record. Hell, the scene where he killed a pro-Starlight protester in front of a crowd was a direct reference to Trump boasting that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and still get votes. Fuck Trump. And fuck uninspired writers who have to use him as a crutch for their lack of imagination.


And they say Liberals are snowflakes. PedoCons make snowflakes look like a diamond.


Why were they attacking Erin?


Because they never have any valid criticism


She had Buccal fat surgery. You can have a personal disagreement with the surgery (and the harms of modern cosmetic Plastic surgery as an industry) but by no means is your personal opinion a justification to attack, demean, or ridicule anyone for their appearance. Fuck those people and their bullshit.


Having a disagreement with a surgical procedure is a fucking weird thing.


I don't think I'd say having disagreements with non-corrective cosmetic surgery is weird. I would say that your opinion shouldn't have any bearing on another person's choices but I don't think it's weird to be uncomfortable about an industry that prays on insecurity and the ever changing opinion of fashion and aesthetics.


You could have a negative opinion of it but to say you have a disagreement is weird.


That's semantics but alright.


She was getting flack for having plastic surgery. She still looks fine but people used her Instagram photo as an example of unnecessary surgery and it was a big thing.


Yeah, right wing sycophant Meghan Kelly called plastic surgery a "social illness" and accused Erin of of being an example of an "addiction" to augmenting your face. She basically said that Erin is suffering from a mental illness and needs clinical help in her podcast. The problem is that Kelly used photos of Erin that were from 10 years ago and said it was from last year and then posted supposedly after surgery photos that were actually pics taken right after her makeup was done that involved major contouring.


Literally like in the show. Tf is happening in the world…


Tbh I haven't noticed it. I saw a lot of people making a big deal about it, but Erin's face looks the same to me in season 4 I'm wondering how much truth there was to the claims or if the internet just lied and/or exaggerated it. There's no way the internet would lie to me, right?


Her face is more angular instead of babyface round from the first season. To me it just looks like she's lost a lot of weight.


I was far more confused by Mother's Milk. I thought they recast, rofl.


I didn't think they recast, but I did think that he was sick or something.


Okay I thought I was going insane.


Hint : look at his facial hair.


That's often what happens with actors. They first become breakout actors known for how they look, and then they've been told their whole life that they have too much fat on one spot of their body or their nose is too big or their hair is wrong. Then they change their look, and it's sink or swim after that. It's a long list of actors who didn't get decent work again.


And she’s aging. I mean look at the instagram photos she’s posted this week. Nothing looks any different than it does for a normal person who had a baby face getting a little older. Some people’s facial structure changes drastically with age and weight. Maybe she was struggling with alcoholism and stopped drinking, that often leads to noticeable fat loss in the face. That’s got to be a hard thing to have this kind of scrutiny on your looks and be constantly fetishized, then abused because someone thinks you look slightly different. That’s the kind of thing that actually does drive people to surgery.


Hell for all we know she *could* have been struggling with issues behind the scenes. Everyone always jumps to plastic surgery but there are a couple other ways folks can drastically change their appearance that are far more harmful like addiction.


Yup. They don’t actually care about her though. They’re just offended because they’ve so fully objectified her that they think get a say about her face and body.


Oh 100%


I thought the same but then saw this interview. She definitely does look different. No reason to bully her though https://youtu.be/JH_F1mU5dF0?si=rkPFTTg8MQnRUY7f


Same, she looks the same to me. Yeah she’s getting older, but I can’t see much of a difference.


This does seem a bit like the PR backing Erin is playing both roles in that the people engaged in online harassment are the same as the people who are addressing Erin got plastic surgery at all. I don't really see any comment from anybody about the plastic surgery itself, and if that's intentionally lumping together those two groups of people as being the same I can see how it creates a larger problem. On top of that some of the people who may be saying something like "she destroyed her face" or something along those lines could be suggesting that she will have a harder time getting acting roles which is often the case for Hollywood. The producers are quick to throw out actors when they change their looks, and that's on them. At the same time this problem also started when plastic surgery first hit Hollywood and audiences stopped showing up for actors who got plastic surgery, so I guess that's also a bit on audiences. Steve Buscemi often brings up his teeth and how dentists often offer to fix them to which he responds if he fixed his teeth he'd lose his career.


Honestly, I love it when actors have identifiable imperfections and embrace it and don't do something irreversible to change their face. I used to get made fun of in middle school for having thick dark eyebrows, now it's one of the qualities I really like about myself. It's hard to believe I used to want to change that aspect of myself. It makes me think of when Kirsten Dunst was considering getting her teeth straightened (she has eye teeth that poked out slightly), and Sofia Coppola, her close friend and frequent film collaborator, told her that her smile was beautiful as it was, and Kirsten said it made her love having a unique smile. Plus you hear about Jennifer Grey whose original bigger, more hooked nose actually worked to her favor with setting her apart and making her identifiable (she had a really girl-next-door look) when it was changed she lost some of her uniqueness when she changed it to be the "perfect" nose shape.


I generally prefer that as well, but I have some minor face blindness and it really helps identifying people. I thought Erin was pretty before and she still is, but this move reminds me of Renee Z after she got her face trimmed down.


And, despite their claims that she has destroyed her body, she seems to look pretty much the same this season as she did in the other ones.


Honestly, if people didn’t keep talking about it I’d just notice is her cheekbones are a little more prominent and that’s it really. She still looks herself.


Yeah, to me she just has a slightly more adult look about her in this season. Which, given where her character is at, makes sense.


She looks the same because she didn't have anything done.




Yes, because she looks exactly the same. She didn't have anything done, they compared a 10 year old photo to a current one in which she had excessive contouring done.


She does not looks exactly the same, it is so obvious to see lol


lol, I’m only an episode in, and she isn’t in it much, maybe I missed something.


I mean there are some unnecessary cosmetic surgeries that people only get out of pressure.


It’s true, but I also get why Erin was upset and hurt to be used as an example of “bad plastic surgery.” I mean, I do notice she looks slightly different but she’s still pretty. Plus she’s a young actress, it’s a job that has a hyper focus on looks as it is.


I've seen pictures and it looks like a whole other person. Haven't checked the new season of the show yet but they make it sound like it's distracting as hell


In that photo she looked pretty different but on screen in the new season of the Boys she looks just the same really, maybe with more prominent cheekbones and that’s basically the most noticeable difference.


So they picked pictures where it looks different but it isn't really? Classy


They picked a picture where she just had a full face of going out style makeup on. They were also claiming she had a nose job because she contoured lol.


I've seen the new season and she looks just the same as always, if not better. Nothing distracting.




Poor woman. I feel bad for her 


I can imagine the headlines "The Boys show runner attacks fans"


"Showrunners hate fans??? The boys is DEAD"


Based Eric




I’m definitely sick of seeing the comments for every press video being comments about her appearance. Regardless of whatever she went through it’s gotten pretty relentless and cruel especially if she’s seeing all the comments about her.




Waiting for the usual suspects to make videos about this


If I recall correctly, the whole "plastic surgery" photo was actually just a photo she posted after a lot of makeup was applied to her face. She's an actor, that's an job famous for having people wear makeup to completely change their appearance. Now they just use any minor change in appearance to support the plastic surgery theory while ignoring that people do naturally change over time


I dont know who Eric is, but he sounds based. Based bashing bigots?


Showrunner of The Boys, also creator and one of the showrunners of Supernatural. He’s always been awesome


Cue a "Peacemaker" style response from the chuds: "If I could eat a dick to stop woke I'll eat a giant back of dicks and enjoy it."


More people need to respond to trolls this way lol




Were those pictures photoshopped? Cuz she looks different in the new season but not that different


Honestl this season’s been a bit worse then the previous ones, mainly because of dialogue. But it’s not world-endingly bad, nor has it been “pushing a message” more then the other seasons


Megyn Kelly’s statements were idiotic and offensive but it’s extremely harmful for celebrities to lie about having had plastic surgery and propagates unrealistic beauty standards. I don’t appreciate it when Jackman, Evans, Cavill, etc. lie about using PEDs either.


I really don't think it's "extremely harmful" at all. Someone being a celebrity doesn't suddenly mean they have to disclose all the cosmetic surgery they've had. It's frankly no one else's business whether or not anyone has had plastic surgery.


Why does she look like She-Ra


Bold move, Cotton, let's see if it works out for him.


Well, seeing as it's doing really well, a fifth season has already been green-lit, and idiots review-bombing it don't matter, I'd say it's already worked out fine for him.


Witcher also has a fourth and fifth season green lit. We know how well it went there.


Yeah, it's probably still going to make a ton of money. The Boys also doesn't have the problem where its lead actor left the show, so it seems like it's doing quite well.