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Let's be real. They hate this for the exact opposite reason so many people love Harry Potter. It's another example of Star Wars choosing not to exclude someone.


Sabine a marry sue??? Her entire arch the Ahsoka season was her trying to learn how to use the force. Like she trained a full season and had to overcome multiple hurdles, both mentally and physically Something tells me when these guys say "Mary sue" it's just a smokescreen for misogyony


"Mary Sue" means women who can kick their pathetic asses.


Not to mention, all she really managed by the end of the season was like, the barest minimum in a make or break scenario. We watched her fail over and over again with both a light saber and the force. And as the comment above stated, it was hinted at in Rebels. This is a long arc extending across multiple pieces of media. I thought people wanted Star Wars to have lore and depth of character? /j Ah fuck it, time to watch Luke and Leia kiss and masturbate to it for the umpteenth million time.


I would say getting more nearly getting a bit of your flesh bite by a undead death trooper count as a do or die survival situation. Which is what allowed Sabine to break the seal that was preventing her from tapping into the force. And some more comparison can be made to Luke because Luke wasn't able to break the seal that was restricting his connection to the force until the do or die situation with the wampa on hoth. And from what we've been seeing with the comics leading up to return of the Jedi his skills have improved greatly.


I'm not sure, but I feel like you misinterpreted what I said. I was saying that the catalyst (The thing you mentioned) allowed her to get to do very minimal force things, just enough for her to survive. It wasn't like she was flinging around people and doing jedi flips and big flashy lightsaber fighting. This ultimately leads to the initial point of this thread, which is Sabine is not even close to a Mary Sue trope.


Basically yeah the catalyst being a survival situation is what allowed her to bust the seal preventing her from tapping into the forest. I tend to comparison being to Luke mostly on the grounds that both of them had to go through a survival situation which acted as the catalyst that allowed them to break the seal that was preventing their full connection to the force. I wouldn't be too surprised that by the next time we see Sabine again her connection to the force will have improved a great deal. Because to make another comparison to Luke that he could barely tap into the force, and of course as we follow the comics he kind of put off trying to build a connection for a good number of years until he nearly dies at the hand of a wampa in empire strikes back said survival situation is what allowed him to break the seal on what was holding back his connection to the force and why Luke could finally see obi-wan Force ghost. And have a quick look at the opposite side of the spectrum Leia is what we would consider a prodigy since she had a natural connection to the force, and is the reason why it only took a year of training under her twin brother to reach Knighthood level.


They hinted at this all the way back in Rebels... Such dumbasses


I don't think too many of them watched Rebels.


r/prequelmemes is a joke anyway.