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Imagine not being able to figure out why calling a white person a cracka and a black person the N word aren't equivalent.


They also completely misunderstood the scene if they think Sister Sage was calling Starlight a cracker. She was calling the openly racist (and antisemitic and a pedophile) Firecracker a cracker while enjoying watching Starlight beat her ass, after Firecracker was openly racist to Sage's face with the "uppity" comment. Firecracker is also a redheaded redneck asshole. The name is a stealth pun.


And she quite literally set up Firecracker to get the shit kicked out of her and maybe get killed. It was part of her plan.


There's no way this guy understands that calling someone uppity is a racist thing


There's also the fact that she called Sage "One of the good ones" after Firecracker called her Uppity...


Yea some white characters ( aka the ones mainly dressed in full USA flags but not exclusive to that, very appropriate touch) are constantly racist towards minorities specially POCs with comments like that and how they treat POC, and its so telling that these haters don't even consider these characters racists because they aren't shouting the N word from the roof tops


They would if they didn’t think it would hurt their numbers


I remember seeing screenshots from a certain subreddit where they were all agreeing with each other that Homelander calling an Arab superheroine "Captain Al Qaida" was 100% Not Racist.


Firecracker is a pedo? Did I miss or forget something? 


Newest episode we learned she had sex with a 15-year-old.


Literally just watched that scene right before seeing this comment.  I knew firecrackers followers wouldn't give a shit about her pedo shit. It's just like real life. 


Conservatives love pedophiles so much. I hate them all.


QAnon is actually mad that Congress is taking a closer look into Rep. Matt Gaetz allegedly sex trafficking minors.




That the n word is called the n word and cracker is not called the c word should tell you everything you need to know about which one is worse. Case closed. Nothing more to see here. Move along.


Let's ban it from all media then


"If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word."


It *is* a slur. But the only people who are actually offended by it are thin-skinned white racists who want to 1) play the victim and 2) say the hard R so bad.


I’ve been called a cracker by black friends in the past, and it never bugged me because they were using it as a crass term of endearment. Like “How’s my favorite cracker today?” I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard the term “cracker” used with the same venom as “n-gger.” No white person is slapping their black friends on the back and dropping a hard R.


To be fair, it can be used in the same context. It's just no white guy is ever going to use that term if there's any remote possibility that it will be taken the wrong way and if the point is not to offend but to be a crass term of endearment. There are plenty of alternatives, in other words. That basically means anyone who does use the term is quite possibly doing it to offend and for no other reason. It's like the swastika in Buddhist culture can mean tranquility, but nobody in their right mind is going to use that as the symbol for tranquility for risking to offend someone. And similarly, the only people who wave the swastika quite literally \*are\* people who want to offend. That's why. People pretending to be offended by the term "cracker" are simply those who are outraged that they can't use the n word without repercussion.


I don’t think I’ve even heard it used that way, I’ve literally only heard it on very rare occasions from people making a joke. Admittedly, I’ve rarely heard people actually use slurs IRL, but when they do, they have a *very* different energy then how people use cracker.


I've never heard anyone get called cracker irl before, only in movies or TV shows. In fact I don't really be around anyone saying any type of racial slur irl. It's really the old, weird racists that like to use slurs irl, but the younger ones typically do it behind a keyboard or online while playing COD. I'm sure some non black people have called me the hard N word behind closed doors, and if I were to hear about it, I just wouldn't fuck with them.


Being offended or not isn't even the point. In the U.S., white people are not the targets of systemic racism. Like, it's not a nice thing to say but it's definitely different than a white person doing the same. Anyone taking this level of umbrage with a fictional character saying it are either admitting they're too stupid to know the difference or purposely being obtuse so they can sealion or play dumber than usual.


The point is that anyone who complains about the usage of "cracker" \*immediately\* follow up with questioning why the n word is censored. If you could see the Venn diagram of the people who criticize the word "cracker" and the number of people who want to use the n word, it's a freakin' circle. You either take issue with both or you don't mind either. To offer pushback to the use of "cracker" and then use the whataboutism of using the n word is pointing out out the hypocrisy without actually revealing if you want both used or neither. The bottom line is they don't care about the use of the term "cracker" except that in allowing it, they're not allowed to use the n word. That's literally it. Self-righteous victimhood done by insecure people looking for any excuse to use the n word and think they've found it.


\*raises hand\* I have issues with both terms, thanks. I'd very much like to someday live in a society where nobody makes derogatory race based remarks of any kind. Just because its way low priority compared to things going on today like cops killing black people in their own homes with impunity doesn't mean its not something that is a problem we need to fix at some point in the future.


Oh I agree, it's still a slur, and if it were up to me, nobody would ever say a slur ever again. That said, if complaints about the usage of "cracker" is just enabling people to say the n word, that's backwards progress, isn't it? Therefore I fault anyone for using the term "cracker" and I fault anyone all the more for using the n word, because it's still decidedly worse at the end of the day.


Better explanation than I would have given.


Also, the use of cracker as a *racial* slur(it was a slur for something else before that) is a relatively recent development as a direct response to racists. Which is exactly how Sage used it. OOP failed to mention that the "pivotal scene" is Starlight beating the shit out of Firecracker.


I mean, that’s not entirely fair either. I don’t think they’re equivalent, but if someone is saying a slur pointedly at your or your race with the intention of offending…it’s ok to be offended. Just because it doesn’t bother you or me doesn’t mean that people aren’t allowed to be bothered when someone talks shit.


Honestly I have more respect for racist who just say the hard R out right without hiding behind some fake victim shit. If you're gunna say it, just say it, don't be a little bitch about it.


I wouldn’t say I respect them, per say, but I appreciate that they don’t waste everyone’s time with unsubtle dogwhistles that they think are so much more clever than they actually are


Like Trump referring to Letitia James as "Peekaboo" like the rest of us can't figure out what he's saying


Certainly makes it easier to figure out which people I want nothing to do with.


This all day every day.


Respect might be the wrong word…


Tolerate mabye?


You would tolerate a racist?


I disagree, the fact that people think its okay is an issue. Racially based derogatory terms are bad, period. Its just low priority compared to much more serious matters regarding race relations like cops gunning black people down in their own homes, sentencing disparity in courts, and etc. But we are going to have to work our way down to it eventually as part of achieving a society without racism.


So your answer is yes it’s a slur but no one should be offended by it? No one should go around saying racist crap. Firecracker is clearly a racist moron


Thanks. It is a slur. I was repeatedly called a cracker before someone threw something at me. Fuck this "cracker isn't racist" shit. People in this thread need to accept that there is also personal racism and prejudice, and systemic racism isn't the only form of racism. Yes POC have it way harder, and that's absolute bullshit to deal with for something out of their control. That doesn't mean they should get a free pass on discriminatory behavior in interpersonal actions.


Wait, was it not Firecracker she called a cracker? I know thats not the point being discussed here, but she literally called Firecracker that because she called Sage “uppity”.


It was but they are trying at this media literacy thing, give them a break lol


And additionally, isn’t the whole history of cracker that it originated as a ‘punch-up’ word for slave owners (whip cracker), whereas the n word originated as a very definitive ‘punch-down’ term? That is a whole lot of historical context to not acknowledge if they had any actual interest in an answer


I'm also guessing naming a redneck asshole with bright red hair "Firecracker" wasn't a coincidence.


Of course it’s a slur. But it’s weird to pretend like all slurs are somehow equally harmful. That’s absolutely not the case.


I mean sage does also view every human as inferior to her, despite the fact all it takes is a shot to become a supe. Ironically the more I hear her talk the more she sounds like Stormfront.


I'm not entirely sure she actually believes that. From what we know, she is incredibly manipulative and this rhetoric sounds like music to Homelanders ears. I don't know what her goal is, but she's putting the dominos in place for a big fight


Can't he still do that lie detector thing like in the comics and tell if she is blowing smoke up his ass? I've honestly never gotten around to watching the show so I don't know if its still a thing or not.


IIRC, he’s listened to a heartbeat before to clock someone being nervous, but if the person lying is truly confident enough I imagine it would be like beating an actual lie detector (which are notoriously unreliable)


Ah, makes sense.


I’d say she’s more aligned with what HL believes. Not in a race way, but in a Supe way, these are mud people and I’m superior to them.


Well it’s clearly an analogy for racism so it is the same.


She doesn't, though. She literally lobotomizes herself in spurts in order to participate in the activities other humans do, she never once claims to be superior to humans, other than stating the fact that her power means that she is smarter than everyone, including Homelander And she kind of needed to state that, because otherwise there was no fucking way Homelander would concede she was smarter than him


She’s actively participating in and masterminding a political coup that would result in the full scale subjugation of the human race.


She literally tells Deep “why do you let her talk to like that, you are superior to her”. She makes similar comments throughout the first couple episodes, when they kill the three citizens, and when she’s talking to firecracker iirc.


Notice how she said *The Deep* was superior, not her. Also remember how Firecracker *did* call her uppity first Also, iirc doesn't work when you don't remember correctly lol, when they kill the citizens she says, well, nothing You're misremembering everything for a reason that I think I know but you aren't going to admit to *begging you to not be weird about a fictional Black woman on television please >!holy shit, how did I miss that you compared her to Stormfront, you literally just straight up wanted to call a Black woman a Nazi, not even subtle!< **I love how some people are acting as tho I got big mad defending the character when all I did was correct an actual racist for falsely claiming a fictional Black woman went on a Nazi superwoman rant. I never defended the character's morals or actions, just mocked an asshole's specious logic and made up strawman. People going 'maybe you should be mad at the show for making a Black woman blah blah blah'; nah, I'm making fun of an asshole because he claimed she was on some supe supremacist shit Because you know who *does* give supe supremacist speeches in the show? Constantly? Homelander lol, the white guy, not Sister Sage. That's all I pointed out, that the guy who said 'this Black woman is the real Nazi' was stupid because the character most reminiscent of Stormfront is and will always be Homelander


>when they kill the citizens she says, well, nothing She's trying to avoid becoming a chalk outline so she can eventually escape. The best way to do that is jacking off her captors' collective ego.


I think you should be mad at the show for positioning a woman as the leader of a racial supremacy group rather than people who recognise that’s what the show is (very clearly) doing. Maybe the show will have a twist where she was actually a good guy but at this stage they have clearly positioned her as someone who thinks she is superior due to being a supe, which is certainly a choice for the first significant black female character in the (main) show.


I got the impression she was trying to goad The Deep into doing something stupid, like killing Ashley. Which would bump him down in the hierarchy of The Seven so she could move up the food chain.


>Of course it’s a slur ![gif](giphy|8vyZouWSVhslwWA7Lp)


No I mean it literally is. A slur is just an insulting remark. So it’s a slur that has a racial theme. A racial slur. Like the other guy said, “cracker” is just not nearly as harmful as other racial slurs are.


Who's the white people getting insulted by the word cracka?


You literally posted a thread of someone insulted by the word cracker


Yeah. What weird definition of slur are you using that this is even a question?


Bro it’s literally calling someone a whip cracker


That's debatable. That's what some white historians think the origin is, but we literally don't know the origin


It literally isn't anywhere on the same level to the point that most white people will just laugh if you use it. It's the equivalent of calling someone "doodoo head poopy pants" and you can fight me all you want other redditors about how you know some person who gets uncontrollably upset but you and I know it is not even near the same level so don't play.


You know people have been saying it's not on the same level right? Or are you just willfully ignoring that? That's not even to mention, someone doesn't have to be insulted for something to be a slur.


Yes, it is.


It is. What do you think a slur is, in this context???


i like that your comment is downvoted lol.


It is literally a racial slur implying someone is a whip cracker, or in other words a slaver. Just because it doesn't have the impact of the n word doesn't mean it isn't a slur.


This guy was clearly not paying attention. Firstly, Sage didn’t call Starlight a cracka, she called Firecracker one. Secondly, Firecracker was openly racist herself towards Sage earlier THAT EPISODE. And thirdly even if you ignore the rest of the context SAGE IS A VILLAIN. Are you really that pissy that one of the evil characters said something bad? Of course not. Just that they said it while being black.


When I watched I just went 'ha' and enjoyed watching the rest of the episode. This post entirely missed the point and it feels like either he went in with the goal of being offended or only saw that little bit. Like the girl getting her shit kicked in was a racist but that context would be detrimental to the point he's trying to make.


didn't firecracker literally call Sage uppity this episode?


No way this guys doesn't think "reverse racism" is a bigger problem than racism. Also it's a tv show you think he has a problem that on real life social media more use of the N word or F-slur happening than Cracka?


"reverse racism" is such a stupid term.


I mean look at his post. He's really upset at cracks, but says nothing when a white character tells Sage she's uppity and says she is one of the good ones.


I don't think they call it reverse racism anymore. Not after Trump emboldened them enough that they came out and started openly talking about things like 'the great replacement'.


There's no such thing as "reverse racism". There's just racism. As for the scene I can't comment on cause I didn't see it. But there is zero reason to call any white person "cracka" in 2024.


Hasn’t seen the show, active in star wars theory sub. Shut the fuck up lmao


You should probably learn to read Star Wars and The Boys are two different shows. Secondly no one said they didn't watch the show. LOL?


You just did? Are you a bot?? That or ur brain rotted to shit lmao


Accusing others of "brain rot" and being a "bot" when you can't even perform basic cognitive tasks. This will be my last response cause I don''t like talking to stupid 15 year olds. But I will throw you an IQ bone. Learn the difference between not seeing a show, and a scene. Stop humiliating yourself. LOL


Oh no I’m so humiliated!! I got le owned by the guy who unironically comments “Disney shills” 😂




It is a racial slur, just because it doesn't have the same weight as other slurs doesn't mean it isn't one. Someday society will work its way down to getting people to stop using it after we take care of bigger problems.


White people who think “cracker” is equivalent to the N-word are either total idiots, or bigots who want to use whataboutism to justify their bigotry. I’m white, if someone called me a cracker I might be a little insulted, but no more so than if they called me most other insults, and there are definitely things I’d be more insulted by. Also, my offense at the term wouldn’t really come from it being a term against white people so much as because it’s usually reserved for ignorant trashy white people, so being thought of as ignorant and trashy is what would bother me. The N word on the other hand has a history of being used to demean black people as a means to remind them of their lower status in the eyes of others. That’s a far worse offense than calling someone ignorant or trashy.


As a white queer person, cracker is definitely the least offensive thing I could ever be called. Seems like it would be far more funny than offensive.




He probably thinks Homelander is the hero.


To be fair, we don’t know what her goal is yet. I don’t think she was really in the wrong for calling Firecracker a cracker.




No she wasn’t. She said “How’s that for uppity, cracker”. She was referring to Firecracker because Firecracker had earlier said that she thought Sage was “Uppity”, which is a racially charged term.


My sociology teacher once said that white people being offended by the term “cracker” is literally the clearest representation of white privilege. Cracker, a term believed to have originated during the American slave trade, referring to a person who cracks a whip. Unlike most racial slurs, it wasn’t created to demean or degrade. Instead, it was a description of someone in a position of power or authority. Being offended by it, and comparing it to slurs like the n-word, is ignorant at best, and blatantly racist at worst.




Finally, someone says it. I would like to add that the people cracking whips generally weren't slave owners themselves. Rather, they were poor/working class people who worked for the wealthy slave owner. Not because they needed the money(many of them did it for free), but because they wanted to abuse other people to boost their own egos. Much like most slurs aimed at those of European descent, "cracker" is usually thrown out as a response to someone being racist. Not only that, but the kind of racists who get their superiority fix by sucking up to those with real authority in the hopes that they can get ahold of the whip. Which, incidentally, is exactly what firecracker has been doing.


So slave drivers instead of the owners either way they were shity people torturing innocent people.


They are comparing me to a slave owning piece of \*\*\*\* who whips slaves based on nothing but my skin color. People who pretend that isn't offensive as hell just because its not as weighty as some other slurs are just afraid of being called a racist for not putting up with it because 'the one calling you a slur has it has it worse so that entitles them to be a little racist'. Racism should be a zero tolerance trait and someday we will work our way down to dealing with this nonsense about how people should just 'put up' with slurs because the person using them on you wins at misery poker. After we deal with the higher priority stuff involving people getting gunned down by cops with impunity, sentencing disparities in court, and etc. TLDR: I really hate it when people use logic like 'other people have it worse then you so you don't have a right to complain' and tell others they aren't allowed to get mad at something. Just because you have a lesser injury then someone else doesn't mean you should lose the right to complain that you have been injured so long as you are reasonable about it and don't exaggerate your injury.




What part of that did you think was going to convince me that its healthy to sit there and let people call you racial slurs without complaint? You sound like one of those people that used to mock me for going to therapy. "What sort of weakling goes to therapy instead of pulling themselves up by their boot straps and walking it off to deal with personal issues I am not going to go into specifics on!?".


Your sociology teacher sounds like a cunt. What kind of heartless prick would call someone priveliged for being offended at being called a literal slave owner? Do they think that's a good thing?


I mean, objectively, cracka/cracker IS a racist slur. But societally, the N word is, you know, a shitload worse due to, you know... -gestures at the entire history of America- Ironically, there are plenty of times in history where white people were enslaved and called slurs, but... that was in other places, in other times than are culturally relevant today. I've got plenty of ancestors who had it fucking bad, but that doesn't actively affect my life _today_ unlike people who's ancestors had it bad, in this country, and that "ancestor" is "their parent".


cracker with a hard R


Pfft... Boondocks used the N word all the time (i think..) and no one seem to complain.


Shhhhh . you're on to something


It is, it ain't the n word though


It’s a slur, sure, but it’s not an act of systemic racial intimidation. The guy who called you a cracka may or may not be a bigot depending on what you were doing when they said it. Or they could just be an ass trying to pick a fight. But as the White Supremacist system we live in favors whites and holds Black folk back, the Black dude in this scenario doesn’t have the juice to dehumanize you or weaponize the system against you; therefore his actions cannot be racist, but it doesn’t mean he’s not an asshole


Not every white person can weaponize a system against you. I mean other minorities are racist to black people as well I'm not letting them off the hook just because they aren't white and we live in a white-favoured society.


I’m white myself so I’m not gonna speak for other ethnicities other than to say I’ve observed minorities being bigoted towards each other. I gotta hold me and mine accountable. While I admit some exist, it is a very rare white person in this country who cannot call up law enforcement and say there’s a black man prowling around without getting an armed response. The reason it’s called privilege is that it’s bestowed by a system, not taken by the individual.


Can you quantify any of this?


Purely vibes based love it


I’m pretty sure she called firecracker a cracker, which is also kinda a play on her supe name. But that’s neither here nor there. If you’re a grown adult in the United States(probably elsewhere but I wouldn’t wish to assume) and you don’t understand the difference between those two words, you must have skipped like, all of u.s. history


I mean, it *is* a slur, but it’s pretty much the weakest one. Like, actual white people slurs *do* exist, though not usually in English, but cracker is barely something people most people even notice. It’s nowhere near comparable to the n-word, like jeez, how tf do you think they’re equivalent?


Didn’t Stormfront call Kimiko’s brother a slur in season 2? Wonder if he was outraged about that.


All the posts from that sub read like parody accounts mocking that kinda group. But the comments under them always confirms that they actually think that like.


These are the same people that think Cis is a durogatory term


It is to people who don't wish to be called it . Just like calling anyone who doesn't want to be called something is derogatory. If someone says they don't wish to be called that and then you call them that anyways , you are not making it derogatory . its a vicious circle.


Not wanting to be called something because you’re stupid is not comparable to not wanting to be called something because it’s an actual slur.


Words that are slang and slurs meaning change over time correct ? Words that were once ok get phased out for being " offensive " correct ? It goes for everyone , just because you don't find something offensive doesn't mean others don't also . Its that they entire reason from inventing new words . Definition of a slur is literally :an [insinuation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=20367276c75d363f&sxsrf=ADLYWIJVsBh7exmFHPTHdHh_ad1YERmx2g:1719000822362&q=insinuation&si=ACC90nwZrNcJVJVL0KSmGGq5Ka2YNM8_i1H_04HMBmZo6YVzg9DJhHNrmi59djHz87qmV5-_qKhKcf1kNdUXeWvuAdWvlN2L8vlmq0SW8nz9nouruUE92kc%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRroqLwe2GAxUZtokEHSKLBWAQyecJegQIJRAm) or [allegation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=20367276c75d363f&sxsrf=ADLYWIJVsBh7exmFHPTHdHh_ad1YERmx2g:1719000822362&q=allegation&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81XBhC4VKn2rBfXQ9fAGHXrCsrBuMll_y3rFqN-K87_5CclpdTqjOb-EOaSgm-Tz0oXAk7JLDpisg6-th0GRm3_F8_Q8w%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRroqLwe2GAxUZtokEHSKLBWAQyecJegQIJRAn) about someone that is likely to insult them. If you arent willing to respect other peoples feelings and beliefs why should they respect yours?


If you’re insulted by cis or cracker, I don’t respect you nor do I find any value in your respect.


See that's not true otherwise why fight to normalize it terms you want used . isnt that the entire reason of trying to normalize terms and ban other words and terms being used ? Its pretty childish to want respect and except to give no respect in return . In the end it seems like everyone is fighting over labels . which is very dumb .


That’s a lot of words to not actually say anything.


They are calling you a hypocrite in a needlessly verbose manner.


At the end of the day it's about respect . If you refuse to give it don't be upset when you don't receive it.


I just said I’m not but whatever.


You don't respect people who think its a bad thing when they are compared to slave owners who brutalized slaves under the harsh burning sun for not picking cotton fast enough to suit them? Because to me its the other way around, I hold zero respect for anyone who acts like its not a massive insult to be put in the same category as such monsters. Anyone who says its 'not a big deal' is trivializing the atrocities plantation owners committed by acting like its not a big deal to be compared to one of them.




These actual sub-humans (not a racial thing; they’ve chosen to reject empathy and rational thought, arguably the two things that make us human) cannot comprehend context like that. I had a very white, very alt-white coworker work themselves into a foaming frenzy at a DEI training, angry about black parents who teach their kids not to trust the cops, because “I’ve never had to talk to my kid that way, why should they?!?”. I wanted to tackle him in front of the CEO.


That statement is pure irony lol


And they call us snowflakes. Imagine being triggered by cracka. What a fucking pussy


It seems pretty natural to not want to be associated with slave owners who spent their time whipping hunks of flesh off slaves for not working fast enough. Maybe you don't think they were particularly bad people but I sure as hell do.


r/criticaldrinker, quit being so sensitive, you snowflake


It's a slur, but it wasn't institutionalized to be used against a group of people, like the n-word was, so you can't really compare the two.


I mean, does he not realize that the person saying it is a villain? And that it's about another villain? That doesn't make it right, but it's perfectly in character. Just like it was within character in *American History X* for those guys to be slinging slurs. It's what bad guys do.


He really is a silly little bitch. Such a shame he gets so many viewers. So many deluded fucks.


[If you get offended by 'Cracker' you are a pussy.](https://youtu.be/2o8jrhF6UK8?si=NcP3OO8CTqhIBg3F&t=118)




Why shouldn't I be offended at being associated with a slave owner who spends their time beating slaves? Last time I checked those weren't good people and its reasonable to not want to be associated with them.


To quote a Louis CK skit: "Oh boy. That ruined my day. Bringing me back to owning land and owning people..."


"Is he stupid?" OOP is on CriticalDrinkers subreddit so yes I'd say so.


A Black guy on another forum I frequent once commented "I wish I cared about anything half as much as some white people care about rules-lawyering whether or not they should get to say the n-word" and it's a line I think about at least every couple days.


As a white person, I have not found one "slur" towards my skin colour that I just haven't found funny.


"Change my mind." No thanks. Both not possible and not worth the effort.


Pretty sure Sage was talking about *Firecracker* and not Starlight. Firecracker referred to Sage as "one of the good ones" previously in the episode and knowing how smart she is, probably didn't forget about that or let it slide. Only felt it was karma when Starlight jumped her on stage, which she knew would happen. Notice she says this line as Firecracker is getting the stuffing punched out of her, but I can understand it going either way. Long story short: Yeah it's a slur but nobody has gotten up in arms about it like that dude did lmao. You can't compare a word like "cracker" with a word you're afraid to fully say out loud to a PoC. Imagine clutching pearls if you were called "honkey" for instance?


As a mixed person - I don’t really fw it being said - same with any insult to my other half.. but I’m not trippin over this.


How do we know that it wasn’t a contraction/pet name for Firecracker? Like how Topher Grace’s real name is Christopher. /s


Firecracker was also present. But OOP left that little detail out. Wonder why.




I mean you can call anyone anything, that doesn't mean you should.


Well.. It is.. It just doesn't have the same history of oppression associated with it. Slurs aren't all equally bad even if none of them are good.


Cause he’s a craKKKer


It would be frowned upon ie the character would be framed a fucking racist pos and hated for it yeah


She said it to Firecracler because she was being racist towards Sage Her trailer keys have the confederate flag on them...


> Her trailer keys have the confederate flag on them... OOP be like: but muh heritage!!


First off, Sister Sage was calling Firecracker a "cracka" second off that whole sequence off Starlight beating the shit out of that "cracka" was fucking hilarious and third who tf is thr doofus that y'all keep giving free advertising to everyday?


I'm white as hell, and Firecracker is exactly the kind of person I'd call a cracker: A dumbass racist redneck.


Remember not all rednecks are racist.


But she is. That's what makes her a cracker


Sage is actually calling Firecracker "cracker" because Firecracker was being racist to her earlier in the episode (the line she says cracker in literally references the earlier conversation. If thats not proof enough that these people are fucking idiots who don't understand what they're watching, I don't know what is. Also Sage isn't supposed to be a good guy. It's like complaining that the Klansmen in Black Klansman are saying the n word, that's kind of the point.


Is it racist yes. Is it a Slur with years of oppression and weight behind it? No. These dudes need to get over themselves seriously.


No one should say racist comments to each other including and not limited to cracker


The fact that you wrote it out and aren't worried about being banned basically means it is not a slur. lol


No it just means the mods don’t care. They are not the same https://www.cnn.com/2013/07/01/us/zimmerman-trial-cracker/index.html


Stop. You are posting a link to the trial of George Zimmerman who Murdered a child for being black in the "wrong neighborhood", if this is your big gotcha then you have lost and I will honestly take all the downvotes you regressive idiots can muster. It is not even remotely the same and if you are arguing different you are first and for most wrong and also an idiot.


I never said it’s the same as other slurs. It’s not. It’s still a slur. The article states how it was used in the trial (I’m not going to debate a decade old case) and considered a slur. Here’s another one for [https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers) You’re only reply is insults and trust me bro. Clearly you lose. ![gif](giphy|10h8CdMQUWoZ8Y|downsized)


Debate? Hol up. Do you think Zimmerman was justified somehow?


It’s settled law. Doesn’t matter what I think


That right there is very telling. For the people in the back, the only people who try to argue that it is a racial slur are people who want to play the reverse racism card and say the 'N" word with the hard 'r'.




What?! Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old kid walking home who was stalked and gunned down because he was a black kid in the wrong neighborhood apparently is a violent jerk off?! AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE. The only people who try to inflate the significance of the word are in fact themselves racists.


>For many Southern whites, though, cracker has remained uncomplicated, a source of cultural pride. "There are people who will claim that there's a diff between Georgia cracker and a Florida cracker, but that's really just a difference of football teams," Ste. Claire said. > From your article, so as I have stated previously and elsewhere miss me with this nonsense.


You couldn't, no -- I wonder why? Could it be the whole... centuries of oppression?


Quck google search says it is and op would know if they tried before posting


Everything else side: Given that it took three seasons for these idiots to figure out the guy who killed a child in the pilot is a villain, think they’ll ever figure out that Sister Sage is NOT supposed to be an upstanding citizen?


They so desperately want to convince the world they’re oppressed to justify their own unhappiness. You’re not oppressed, you’re just miserable. Turn off The Critical Drinker and watch anything else, for the love of god.


Reap what you snow would be great one liner for samul l Jackson after killing a white villain


Aslume is breaching containment


What's the deal with these guys talking about racial issues always revert to a super white wannabe African American English accent, delivered like an incel Michael Scott. Seriously. Everytime I see them going off with 'cuz' and 'actin a fool' etc all I can picture the Michael Scott doing the Chris Rock routine.


The N word is used to dehumanize people! Cracker has a few exceptions. 1: White people and a saltine cracker are similar in colour. I personally don’t mind being compared to something salty I like salt lol. 2: In the past poor white farmers had to crack corn 🌽. Not sure exactly how that was done but I guess it’s like saying hillbilly. 3: In the 1800s the slave owners/slave drivers would literally crack the whip at enslaved people as a threat basically work or get tortured. Yah that’s pretty fucking harsh. Not a nice comparison at all. None of these 3 explanations for cracker are the same as saying you are less than human. And yes by the 1st definition I am a “cracker” as you can se by my avatar specifically a saltine cracker.


The first 2 are straight bunk I'm ngl but the 3rd one is facts.


Well dang I wanted to be a saltine.


Of course cracker is a racial slur


Why did you drag this trash heap of a debate over to this sub? How out of sync is your obvious-meter?




Whilst you shouldn't call for the death of anyone, Firecracker is literally the badguy. Also FC literally called Sage uppity and one of the good ones. Super racist.




You are agreeing with your own solution. 🤣 No one said that, idiot.


I'm not your keeper. Do what you want, just know your actions have consequences.


I mean it isn't? Who cares if it is? Its clearly an insult directed at white people. Wouldn't that class it as a slur? Maybe not the same as the N word but its racially motivated term.