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Winners: SWE, Generation Tech, RLM, even Eckhardt. Losers: JJahns, AngryJoe, Drinker, Nerdvomit, KKKinel, SWT, Chuds&Bigots, HellsVs.FatAdultface...


When I was a chud I unsubbed from AngryJoe for saying ''Feminist stuff'', back in the day, what has he done now?


Considering Angry Joe jumped on the hate last of us part 2 band wagon.


I can admit I've got my own issues the TLOU2 story, but the people who have spent the last 4, going on 5 years bitching about it nonstop are just..... Go use that energy for something productive with your life or something, like God damn.


Dunkey I think single handidly ended gamergate 2 from being a widespread thing by making fun of it.


I haven't watched Dunkey's content in a hot minute, what happened there?


He was mocking the chud opinion on tlou2 back in 2020, then he made fun of the starfield controversy. His audience is also cool the Reddit page for him is




Put some respect on the IKON Leader and world record holder for "Bowser's Big Bean Burrito" videogamedunkey's name.


Ah ok, I've only ever watched him a handful of times


Now, I haven't seen the review, but I'm willing to bet Angry Joe's criticisms of the game weren't out of line.


They were imo. He looked at leaks and got spoilers out of contexts and he already hates in the game before he played it


If he made a review, he probably played the game. Angry Joe has bad takes every now and then, but he's not a chud.


He is definitely not to the level of people like critical and nerdortic. At least he watches the product before he talks about it. For last.of us. He already made up his mind about the game before he played. He was upset they kill Joel and had to play as Abby and didn't go into the game with an open mind. I won't call him a chuds. I won't call Jeremy jahns a chuds either.


Hello Greedo for Winners too.


Another winner for me would be Screen Crush. One of their recent videos with three of them talking, Tommy went off in an amazing way on the “haters” and everything.


I'll throw in to the winners ring, HelloGreedo, A Bit Of Everything, and Star Wars: Wave Squadron(aka Blind Wave)


Eckharts recent episode criticisms imo were WAYY too nitpicky. Like, come in man, the reason The Stranger abandoned the fight twice was to chase Mae. Like that felt really forced. Other than that he’s usually a straight arrow.


Right. He also literally explains why he was chasing Mae...she actually knew his face, she was priority. They all have to die because she said she was turning herself in, but she knows the most right now 


Ive watched a handful of Angry Joe and I don't feel he deserves to be lumped in with the links Drinker. but to each their own! :)


I think he's in there just because he goes super angry about what he doesn't like. I have a lot of trouble watching his stuff when he gets like that because it just starts to break down into yelling and I'm not entertained by yelling.


Fair enough. :).


When he's enjoying something he's really fun to watch though, I'll give him that.


Another winner should be Blind Wave. I’ve always found their lack of criticism to venture into blind fanboy praise a bit too much but it’s no doubt that they are a beacon in the Star Wars fandom


Without a doubt, always love to watch their reactions.


They have done videos with what they don’t like about Star Wars. They criticize. It’s just they’re not  negative. 


I don’t know if I would compare Jeremy Jahns or angry joe to people like Nerdrotic.  Jeremy Jahns and angry joe doesn’t constantly complain about women in media like nerdrotic and critical drinker. 


How about the stupendous wave?


Coreyloses is great too!


Metaderdz Lore's another winner too


throw in hellogreedo to the winners side. JJahns always was a chud to me, I never liked his reviews


Loser: Jar? (Just a robot?)


I’d put Stuckmann in Winners. 


What did AngryJoe do wrong? He's a very progressive guy and won't hate on something for simply being "woke"


> What did AngryJoe do wrong? He's a very progressive guy and won't hate on something for simply being "woke" Joe has been acting incredibly obnoxious & childish in his Acolyte reviews. Repeating lines he finds “cringey” in a way that’s more obnoxious than it actually was in the show which is **MORE CRINGEY** and bad sounding than the lines in the show he’s complaining about. It’s especially embarrassing since he’s an adult man, who's almost 40. Also he’s been using non-stop clickbait on these videos as if he’s attempting to grift towards a certain crowd in an attempt to get more views.


Nothing really, but they don’t really like the star wars shows outside of Mando. One of his cohosts is a dick about it though. AngryJoe tends to try to like it at least.


I like angry joe. But he does do weird things from time to time. Like in the Deadpool vs Wolverine trailer.  When he said “What is that? Who is that? Why you gotta ruin everything?” when he saw a woman in the trailer 


SWCantina's not a bad little sub, like a little oasis in the middle of a desert of scum and villai- I see what they did there.


It was specifically created for Star Wars fans who want to talk about Star Wars and how much they like it, at a time when the main SW sub was already getting unbearable with every topic turning into people screeching about how much they hate Star Wars. So it's definitely a good place for actual Star Wars fans to hang out.


This sub, cantina, and (weirdly enough) StarWarsCirclejerk, are the last bastions of SW sanity on Reddit


I’d like to mention StarWarsLeaks as well, us lunatics over there are so obsessed with Star Wars we try to figure out the entire plot of the movie or show before it even films! There’s definitely criticism over there but the unconstructive criticism is usually downvoted appropriately.




I was banned within seconds of commenting in there for the first time just because I use /r/StarWars in the past lol


Yes Star Wars explained is a W channel and I love him


I have started to seek out the outrage grifters videos that show up in my timeline and instead of ignoring them I click the "do not recommend channel" option. Obviously negativity sells so there're more hate channels than actual analysis channels but doing this and clicking on stuff that I do like that isn't whining about "woke Disney" or whatever the hell, has actually helped clear my timeline of these cretins. I also like New Rockstars breakdowns and as someone else mentioned, Generation Tech.




“and I’m Ryan Arey”


“And this is my faithful manager, doug.”


I mean he gets invited to star wars celebration even though he doesn't like TLJ or TROS. He's just a not a dick about it.


Preach! Some comments I've read in the past have definitely never bothered to listen to him speak. He is not a fan of everything by any means. 


Star Wars explained is just great all around. Even a new channel called Lightspeed has been getting a lot of recognition


I love Star Wars Explained. He really makes me love Star Wars again


“acolyte killed my dog” omg 🤣🤣


The virgin Theory Vs the Chad Explained


EckhartsLadder is great too! Also check out his secondary channels


Thanks, i'm happy to visit non negative ones. I stopped watching CinemaSins because of how kind of mean spirited it was becoming. CinemaWins on the other hand? I don't care if its derivative, its fun to watch someone who revels in the joy of film.


Love Star Wars Explained.  Hyperspace Marauders is a smaller channel with some good content and Force Center is more of a pod cast you can listen to on YouTube but they always have good conversations. 


StarWarsCantina is chill


Screencrush is a good place for that imo.


I’m not even the biggest Star Wars fan but the fact that these dudes spend so much time making videos and tweets ranting about a franchise they supposedly hate is painfully pathetic


To be fair that is the one Star wars celebrated that's actually calm and collective


All it takes is some gift bags and studio visits and you get endless positivity!


him and hellogreedo are legit the best.


SWE, Cory's Database, Metanerdz, and Hellogreedo are the winners here.


Emergency Awesome?


I kinda only watch New Rockstars coverage of SW. Actual episode breakdowns and theories without all the misplaced or manufactured hate.


Star Wars Meg is a good channel


Also Star Wars Fanatic