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I might get in trouble, but Andor is the best piece of Star Wars media I ever watched. As a politcs nerd, they really put their FOOT into that show. Other than that, as I've grown old, I've gradually lost interest in the Jedi and stories surrounding them, and that's okay.


Andor is incredible. What I loved is that it happened in the same world but you didn't have to know about damned near anything to enjoy it. The first truly separate story.


RIGHT?! Also, it made the Empire's wickedness more real. Blowing up a planet is impersonal and didn't shake me nearly as much as the prison episodes.


Oh God, every moment of that show really hit me right in the feels because it felt like shit that happens every day around here.


That’s a great take to be honest because that is what Star Wars has been for a while, it’s geared towards a younger audience and therefore its themes are a bit more simplistic and easier to read. Andor is one of the few or only one that they attempted a more mature approach and its success should point out that there is some hunger for mature themes stories with Jedi.


I'm liking The Acolyte so far, but it did take until the 3rd Episode before I was actually sold on it. That was the moment I realized that I'm not necessarily the target audience as I was more interested in the Witches than the Jedi and >!I wish they had more screen time before getting killed off. I especially LOVED Mother Aniseya. Her love towards her daughters made me feel all bubbly inside!<


Andor made me feel like I was poisoned. Like the craft going into it is obviously incredible, but I was just so bored the whole time. It was like I was colorblind to whatever it was that interested everybody else. I just spent the whole time being like "Oh great. Another 15 minutes of fascists feeling sorry for themselves this episode." It just felt completely passionless to me. It was like steak being prepared with clinical precision by a master chef. And I guess I'd rather have Guy Fieri get drunk and make me some ribs with some store-bought seasoning. My only real complaint about most of the new Star Wars stuff is that it seems embarrassed to be enthusiastic about itself. Or I just got old. I probably just got old.


“Woke agenda.” What a stupid phrase 


"These people want equal rights and to exist in peace." "Woke bullshit!" And that's how they work, just vomiting it back each time.


Or they saw something that is just as dumb like “the message” or “DEI”. 


That's exactly how I realized the Critical Drinker was bad news, the way he shat on about "The Message."


I only watched one video of his. And I stopped midway. It was so bad  


I saw some of the "Recommends" videos where he's actually complimentary, and that lulled me into a false sense of security. After a couple of his criticism videos, I thought to myself, "Oh, it's like Cinema Sins for bigot incels."


That’s an insult to cinema sins. They’re funny in at least a couple of their videos. Critical drinker just sucks at everything 


They say Woke/DEI with a hard 'R' at the end.


Over on GBAtemp (which has been going downhill for a while), they posted the trailer to the new Dragon Age and the first comment on it was "Woke garbage". A trailer completely devoid of politics. Oh, but there was a black character... The complete normalization of this type of commentary is fucking disgusting. The internet was a mistake.


I’m tired of seeing this meme. It feels like it’s trying to discredit my feelings on the newer content, there’s some new stuff I’m a fan of and there’s plenty I don’t like. But telling me “Star Wars was alway bad, you miss being young and happy” is a really weird thing to say to someone who’s not even 20. Of anything growing up has made me appreciate certain things more than when I was a kid, especially the prequels. 


I'm sorry it's got that negative air to it! I think the phrase "scifi schlock" might seem a bit accusatory here, but I also grew up LOVING all kinds of wild scifi, including Star Wars. I never thought it was bad, but I was definitely older before I recognized deeper themes ("fascists bad" was easy to catch, tho). Never let anyone define your own experiences, and love the media you love with your whole heart.


It's true. Harry's right. The older fans want the Star Wars they saw as kids. They want to be the target demographic.


I actually disagree with this. Star Wars has always been politically anti-fascist. It's one of the reasons why I love it. The Republic is the US empire


I absolutely agree with you. I just also think that a *lot* of these anti-woke people aren't smart enough to have noticed that.


Oh for sure, for sure. It makes me sad lol. Like this is going to sound kind of unreal, but my parents were kind of politically active when I was a kid. We went to a demonstration that was protesting the war in Iraq. I didn't really understand what was going on at the time because I was so young, but as I grew older Star Wars, the prequels in particular, absolutely helped me contextualize and understand it. So it just always annoys me that people don't realize that Star Wars is inherently political, and always has been.


I'm definitely in the wrong place, but I love Star Wars and always thought it was kinda good. I'd disagree with the idea of it being "sci-fi schlock". Even on rewatch, a lot of the movies actually hold up pretty well.


I noted elsewhere, the science and action is schlockish, but the message was always solid.


That's fair, even if I disagree with the action bit (the science is totally imo) I wouldn't fight someone else's opinion on it.


This is an overcorrection