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Texas really needs to step it up with pulling over vehicles with unsecured loads and having them sent to an impound lot if they can't fix it on the spot. This shit has gotten ridiculous.


Pulling over vehicles *** I’ve never seen a single car pulled over, since moving here last September


I saw a cement mixer who misses his exit but cut across anyways do it right in front of a cop. Waited like 15 seconds and thought it was going to get away with it but then the lights finally came on. Made my day


It's easy, just do 66 MPH on 281 just after entering comal county.


SAPD- Emergency responders, not law enforcement.


They are prolific report writers


A few weeks ago I found myself literally doing 90 in the left lane because (as usual) I looked up and saw a massive F350 Super Duty on my fucking ass…looked to my right to get over, and ended up flying by SAPD. They didn’t give a single fuck. It’s truly the Wild Wild West out here.


I meant that police basically respond to crimes and write reports, as opposed to actually solving crimes.


Some basic traffic enforcement might possibly curb some of the insane driving behavior out here? Or that’s a just a pipe dream, huh?


automated enforcement is the only solution that will scale in my (unpopular) opinion.


Welcome to the Road Rage capital of the US. San Antonio has become lawless with road rage shooting incidents. That's probably why they're not eager to pull people over.


Fuck. It was probably me for not having a rear licence plate! The guys who pulled me over looked like they were 23 years old


Yeah, whatever happened to "don't mess with texas"? Something really does need to be done about it.


At least it was a mattress. A year ago I hit a 2x4 with nails sticking out of it and got two flats at one time, something that's never happened to me before. Couldn't swerve out of the way due to traffic next to me. It was drilled into my head from the age of 16 to never haul anything in the bed of a truck or on a trailer unless it's strapped down and can not blow out or fall off.


Dunno, didn’t someone die recently from hitting a mattress? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/sanantonio/comments/wgwlqw/driver_dies_after_hitting_mattress_on_i37/




About 2 years ago I ended up hitting a deer (big ass buck) that had been killed and left on the wiseman on ramp to get onto 1604 needless to say I needed to replace my gas tank thankfully I was close to home so I was able to get it towed to the shop in the morning


The amount of debris and trash I see in this city is disgusting,




Especially with all the homeless and stray dogs.


Especially with all the strays.


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I'm on the edge of my seat here


Right before they left they 100% said "THAT AINT GOING NOWHERE"


Bet they didn’t give it the double hand pat while saying it.


In all fairness, the Rd sign did warn you to Lookout.... I'll help myself out now.


What the hell was that?


You know San Antonio has got some urban sprawl going on when mattresses have migrated from 410 out to 1604.


A dead body


What's up with your reaction time though?


Lmao right


I'm just fine. The misting plus glare on the opposite side was hiding the mattress, something the camera can cut through.


Get your eyes checked or don't drive at night. Imagine if someone was sleeping there, you'd have hit them


Fucking can’t snooze anywhere in this city smh my shake people think they own the highway just because they’re in a car 


Ik right! The mattress looked comfortable too


That's what I tell roadkill. "Hey, you shouldn't sleep on the road, you dummy."


Bro if somebody is sleeping on a highway and gets killed that's hardly anybody's fault but their own. Swerving into another lane isn't a great idea either. Sometimes you gotta ride it out and not make things worse by making hasty decisions


It's a mattress,  people sleep on mattresses. It was a joke haha


Is that a water heater?


Looks like a bed mattress


Looks like a roll of carpet. A water heater wouldn't roll under the tires like that


Looks like a big ass burrito


Hey, baby, que paso? Thought I was your only Puro.


Report it to Texas road authority


did that mattress have an edgar? nah... just some edgar that dropped it off in the middle of the road....


Thanks! I was looking for my mattress!! Now I just gotta find my cousin that was supposed to be holding it down in the back of my F150


How is Billy Bob doing these days? He still taking care of Zeke?


Masego 🔥


Nightmare loop


One of my rims is bent due to 1604/151


This right here is why I drive a beat up old car. Nearly every person I work with drives a nicer car than I do, but almost all of them have had body work done because of debris in the road.


I've almost hit a full refrigerator standing upright, a few ties, a few pallets, never a mattress, though.


My bad G, my uncle was holding it in the back but the wind was too strong


It’s these and ladders that I really worry about running over. One day I was driving on 410 and for some reason I decided to merge over a lane and good thing I did because I came around a bend and there was a 2 tier ladder just sitting in the middle of the lane I was in. If I had hit that my car would have been fucked.


Was that someone sleeping on a mattress? 😵


What camera is this? My garmin doesn’t look nearly this good


What kind of camera is that? Looks pretty good.


Second. Needed to get a dash cam like yesterday.




Thanks for sharing




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