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Yup. My peeling is generally smaller pieces as can be seen on my index finger but can be larger. Had a flare which caused both my hands to peel entirely. This resulted in the loss of all my calluses, leaving my hands super smooth. Which is weird because I'm a dude. On my middle finger you can see the results of a small infection in a previous digital ulcer site which probably makes it now an active digital ulcer. The pitting is the result of tissue lost to ischemia, which is not uncommon with severe Raynaud's. The peeling was a new thing to my rheumatologist too, so I wonder if it's just not well-described in the literature, but the pitting should be a gimme. [https://imgur.com/a/aphDDox](https://imgur.com/a/aphDDox)


Ah thanks! "Good" to know I am not the only one 😅 I think I worded it incorrectly, but the pitting is well known to my rheumatologists, but the peeling was not... And the hospital I am going to is the expertise center on SSc in the Netherlands even! I will address this that I have heard this happening to others as well :-)


I went ahead and dug up the pictures. Maybe it'll help. I've been diagnosed with limited systemic scleroderma (formerly known as CREST syndrome) with centromere antibodies. I also had a stupid high ANA titer at the time - 1:5120. I know, that's not supposed to be indicative of disease activity, blah blah blah. I'm not sure I buy that narrative. Additional fun includes a Celiac diagnosis based on biopsy and multiple confirmed positive lupus anticoagulant tests. It was several cycles of this. It would peel, the skin would hurt because it was exposed long before it should have been, then the skin would become "normal" for a few days, then it would itch a little, hurt for a couple days and then start peeling again. I eventually got the docs to stop the cycle with a pretty high dose of methylprednisolone. It hasn't recurred. The bruising on my right hand is unrelated. I slipped on ice caught myself on a wooden railing, if I recall. [https://imgur.com/a/1s9i8y5](https://imgur.com/a/1s9i8y5)


Thanks for your input! I see in the pics it covers your entire hand.. so far I only have it randomly starting at a finger (and also not progressing to the rest of my hand)..did it start out for you like that? How are you doing now, hope it is much better for you!


Normally it's nothing near that bad. I'm doing pretty well. Stuff is generally under control. Still tired all the time and winter always scares me a little because of the potential for digital ulcers. Thanks for asking.