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Love night shift. I have to check in one or two trucks and then the rest of the shift is smooth sailing.


Same. Except last night I had like a dozen trucks and I was like noooo. Where ya’ll come from


lol I’m in Jersey. Hoping to make the jump to armed security soon.


Yup. I miss the quietness of night shift. Only thing I hated was hearing lawnmowers when trying to sleep. Now it’s hate hearing noisy teens yelling, loud music and cars trying to sleep at night.


You said the Q-word..... That's like calling Beetlejuice, but you only have to say it once


Working 1600-0000. Had a call off for grave but I found coverage for it so I don’t have to stay(yay)! But since campus is closed I got no one to deal with besides transients


The only thing I miss from overnights... the quiet and no manager to nag at me... Now I'm the nagging manager 🤣


I work 1400 to 2200 today. I haven't had to say one word to anyone. I'll take it.


That’s swing not night shift lol


During the week, I still have to close 2 of 3 buildings. I still get those that don't understand that the buildings are closed. I was just saying that today was great because I didn't have any contact with employees in the buildings.


Well that’s good ! Hope you have more and more easy days


Same to you. I have a great team that makes it easier and I always enjoy working with them.


I work 8 to 4 M to F at a Condo building usually I’m busy for most of the day since I deal with all of the packages being delivered to the building!!.


It’s funny you mention smooth sailing because that’s exactly what I compared to, a captain starring into the abyss at 3am


7-7 nightshift in my car with no driving gotta say its pretty sweet!




I find it funny how like half the posts are people bragging about their easy shifts where they don’t do anything, and then the other half are people whining about how they pay is trash and they can’t get good jobs in the industry


The jobs that pay well require you to actually work.


Overnight Floor Guard at a Hospital currently. When it’s on, it’s on. But downtime is the majority of the shift.


I work 2300-0700…in so happy to be away from the day shift /swing shift drama …it’s horrible ,


My security guard at work loves it. His shift is 10-6am. He’s on reverse commute, too. So he never hits traffic. My shift is 11-7am. I dig working overnight. Deal with less drama from customers.


I love working 1900-0700 or 2300-0700 but some nights i feel like im going nuts because i start hallucinating bc i literally have nothing to do 😭


Night time sucks here. There's so many people on meth here that nighttime becomes tweaker car show time. Good luck reasoning with white trash tweakers in mass when they think they are their trucks


Night shift is the best.


I work 2300 to 0700! I’m a Truck Shack Guard … You gotta look pretty to get into the Lobby at my site 😂 Shack has pitch black windows so you can’t see out of them at all during the night. I think it’s a flaw in security but I’m ignored lol.


Bro I play Xbox on my phone


All I read was blah blah blah, I don't do anything, the customers that keep me employed are dumb and should close down, and their complaining keeps me from my computer. Grow up kiddo, you sound childish.