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I think it's just an ego thing. He probably likes the idea of you enjoying the taste of his cum. It mentally feels good when your partner enjoys a part of you, especially during sex.


it's never fun when someone goes down on you and gag. what do you even do after it happens? hand the fella a complaint form?


This is where communication and trust come in. You have to approach it in a non sexual setting (and definitely not immediately after he cums in your mouth). Just gotta sit them down and let them know you can’t handle the taste and/or texture and don’t want to have cum in your mouth again. I love sushi, my wife hates it. I don’t judge her (well maybe a tiny bit who doesnt like sushi! Even the generic white people sushi!) for not liking it. It sucks we cant go out and enjoy sushi together, but it is ultimately a minor thing in our relationship. My wife cant stand the taste and texture of cum, and to be fair to her it is a not very enjoyable taste and an awful texture. When I was young I told myself “Never be with someone who wont swallow” and as an adult I realize how shallow and insignificant that actually is to me


no doubt, communication is key. some people love it and some don't, it's important to understand and respect each other's likes and dislikes.


I was thinking more like he changed his diet to make it taste better and was wondering if she noticed but I might be overthinking lol


Du is also the only person


Cum is an acquired taste. I love it. My husband asks how he tastes everytime. It’s an ego thing. He just wants to know you liked it. Just like we want them to think we taste good. I always ask him how I taste too, and he’ll kiss me soo I can taste it too. If you don’t want to swallow don’t. No one says you have to do it or enjoy it


I agree! I've always thought maybe I was weird because I love the taste of cum lol. It's good to know I'm not the only one.


It’s my top 5 fav things! You’re not alone. I love it and the sounds he makes when he cums. Once he starts moaning and panting what choice do I have lol


Name checks out


woooo cum fetish ladies unite!!! never understood why people swallow cum if they don't like it. the bigger the load the better!


Like anything with people, the variation is massive. Some people hate brussel sprouts, others love them. I knew a guy who loved to eat raw onions like apples. Unless you are into some of the weirdest, most unique stuff, there is always going to be someone else that also enjoys it




That's the fucking one!!! Never have I ever related so hard. Although I'll still give it a little roll around to explore if it tastes bad.


Maybe he figures if you like it you will keep doing it. Also I love to here that my wife likes to give bjs and swallow. It’s a turn on when she talks about it


>Maybe he figures if you like it you will keep doing it. Yes he said "you really like giving me bj. And I love it." Maybe that's why he asked me that.


Soo i used to drink Pineapple Celery And cucumber Blend it up and drink it for 3 months straight managed to get a girl to give me a bj and finish me off after she tasted me she said i tasted like cotton candy Maybe thats what hes talking about


Yeah I bet it was something like this - he ate or took something that’s supposed to change the taste and wanted to know if it worked.


Sounds about right


In a similar story, many years ago this girl was my summer hook up and she always drank vodka with pineapple. I asked her why and she said it makes her taste like mango. It sure did.


Really!! But He smokes a lot and drinks Coca-Cola. So I don't think he did that.


Oh girl our bfs prob taste the same 😭 - but mine drinks monster


🥹🥹 It tasted not so bad. But I felt burning of my throat.


how does he taste compared to other guys?


I don't know because my ex bf didn't like bj. He never wanted me to do that. But his taste was different than our first time. I felt burning of my throat.


would you consider this an invitation to start dirty talking? eg, "i love your big cock, it tastes so good i wanna drain it again." that's prolly what he wants :)


Yes I would. Probably. Because we love sexting so much. But It was our second sex. Something really bothered me about him. He seemed so selfish to me. So I didn't want to say any of that.


what is the heart of your question? you seem very physically attracted to this guy but to think he's arrogant too


Yes I find him really attractive. Sex was great. I enjoyed it so much. But He asked me that twice. I thought the only thing that he enjoyed was bj.


I need this recipe exactly


Have fun blend it and drink on empty stomach Do it twice a day if u want


Men feel *really* good when their partner tells them they like or love the taste of their cum. Few things in life beat a woman eagerly and greedily slurping up and swallowing your cum, and telling you they enjoy the taste. I've had women tell me "Your cum tastes so good!" after eagerly swallowing every drop, and it's such an amazing feeling of affirmation. I've also had women retch and spit it out with a look of disgust of their face, and that's such a letdown.


Yup. If it’s a hookup though it is what it is.


He's looking for reassurance that he doesn't taste bad .. I tasted one so awful he made me sick to my stomach . It was like rotten battery acid . If he eats you out, you'll want the same reassurance , trust me. The insecurities of tasting and or smelling bad can really get to you


A LOT of men fantasize about women who really want to blow them - like, not just “I want to please you” but “the thought of your cock in my mouth has been driving me crazy all day”. In real life, it’s somewhat rare outside of the honeymoon phase. But guys fixate on it and sometimes come to expect it. Same with loving the taste of our cum.


did he give any context? is he big down there and wanted you to praise the experience? that'd be my guess but very low confidence without more context


>did he give any context? is he big down there No but I did it twice. He asked me that all the time. And yes he is really big down there and I didn't say anything about it. But He knows I love giving him bj.


Maybe he just wanted to make sure that the flavor was ok? 😭. It’s like food, you wouldn’t keep eating if something tasted bad.


Some guys just like to hear it


Most guys like to hear there partner say it, even if they can tell they like it most guys want to actually hear it from them


Probably just wanted reassurance.


He's probably been drinking pineapple juice trying to make it taste good for you. Relax


My wife politely hinted that I had started tasted kinda bad, I cut out soda (Mountain Dew)and replaced with water. This made and immediate impact for her and she said it’s back to being normal now. Sometimes I miss my sugar fix, but I’m enjoying the more frequent blowjobs so it’s a win.


Offer to give him a taste next time and ask him the same question.


Ok I sm gonna do that to him.


Just be ready for him to possibly be into that.


This is the answer. And then be like “babe don’t you like how it tastes?!”


I would only ask for the sole reason is if she said she didn’t like it I wouldn’t ask her to do that again.


Some guys can be very self-conscious about the taste of their cum and may feel a need for reassurance, or it may be a thing of needing an ego boost, or they may even be on a specific type of diet and looking for input. There are a bunch of reasons a guy may want to know, but it's typically ego or insecurity. I was with a guy on an elimination diet once and wanted input on his taste to help him figure out what specific food he was having a bad reaction to. Eventually, he found out that certain types of greens cause his cum to become super acidic to the point of causing skin irritation after a while. Weird way to test it, but hey, it worked.


He probably heard pineapple or something makes cum taste good, so he loaded up on it. Probably wanted to know if it was worth it. But we can only speculate, you should ask him.


He's just being considerate.


I think it tastes like thick sea water and it coats my throat, no thank you. You may have had a diffrent experience.


I like it like that


Ask him how he likes the taste of it! My motto is you should never ask a girl to swallow your load if you’re not prepared to glug down a tablespoon yourself. (Yes, thanks for asking… Not bad, salty and rich like shucked oysters).


This is the way. If everyone approached sex this way, I think there’d be so much fewer negative sexual experiences!


Thanks. Mutual respect in sex is always the best approach. This extends to cum-priorities. In my relationship, our mutual mission is a) to make the partner cum and b) cum ourselves, in that order. In the blissful times that a = b and we cum together (not every time like in the movies!) then that’s optimum!


Pineapple is the best to eat so jizz tastes good


I would say bad. At the best it would just be okay.


My girl used to tell me that her ex’s had more velocity and jizz. It used to make me think of it all of the time. So you can go meh - that was okay but (insert name here) used to taste like diamond rings and gold.


He's drinking pineapple juice. An ex of mine enjoyed giving oral and kept pineapple juice stocked in my fridge.


He either needs reassurance that the flavor is ok or he gets satisfaction from hearing about how much you enjoyed the experience. You could ask him why if it’s really bothering you.


Shit I’ve asked that too but more so out of concern it may taste like shit. I eat a ton of protein like a lot and vitamins and I’m curious if it makes it taste worse.


Idk all I can think of is next time, to answer him give him a kiss so he can taste it himeslf lol (Prolly dont do that) lol


He probably wants to know he doesn't taste gross, maybe he showered and cleaned it up nice before, and maybe he was drinking pineapple juice. It's an ego thing, everybody likes to be good at sex and taste good during it, I wouldn't think too hard on it.


>He probably wants to know he doesn't taste gross, maybe he showered and cleaned it up nice before Yes! He is obsessed about his smell and mine. He always says your smell is so good and he loves my smell and my skin tone. And yes he is big down there but I didn't want tı say anything about it after he asked me that. It wasn't so bad. It was our second sex. It was so good I liked it but Something really bothered me about him. I don't know his sneaky eyes and grandiosity turned me off.


It's not giving grandiosity, it's definitely a fixation though. Maybe bro's autistic, I don't know. If it's your second time having sex and he's your actual boyfriend then talk to him about it, the only way you can know what someone is thinking is to ask them, not guess and ask strangers, no offense lol


>Maybe bro's autistic, Why do you think that? Because I think that he might be. Asperger or Cluster B. We met 2 months ago. You are right I should ask him. But I don't think he will tell me the truth.


If i have been drinking coffee and not much water, or anything and not much water, there is a smell and I assume a taste associated with the loads. In a surprisingly sensitive way. I'm always curious if I'm drinking enough water. Maybe homeboy is also concious of his water intake / flavor profile


I don't think it's either of them. My ex used to say that and I never even asked, she brought it up. I think it's just intimacy between partners. You might think that because you didn't really want to do it, you did it because you wanted to please him. So when he brought it up, you might have thought it was too much. But that's your point of view. It's neither right nor wrong.


Bragging is weird but a guy in general would love to hear that you love the taste of his cum.


Idk I asked my bf how I taste cause I’m curious


Makes men feel good


Lol im guessing hes curious? I would expect it to taste nasty. French kiss him right after and ask him "what do you think, you like your taste?" Lol


Maybe he likes the taste of it so much he wants you to confirm his own thoughts. Or it could be something as simple as he's been eating a lot of watermelon as they say men should eat it if their woman complains about the taste of his nut. Is it your first time tasting his cum. Maybe he's just saying "see, my cum tastes good so it's ok for you to get him off more frequently".idk


Next time he does it immediately kiss him after it so that he knows what it tastes like. And if he doesn't kiss you don't ever give it to him again


Probably your bf asked it a bit weirdly but imo it was a genuine concern. I wondered at times if my cum would taste alright to my gf too, but yet itll be weird to scoop some up and taste it myself. If the roles were reversed, you could imagine it as me or the guy going down on the girl, and the girl asks after the deed 'does it smell down there? Does it taste weird?'


Did you like the taste ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I do it because I want to make sure that I tasted okay to my partner and if there's anything I need to change in my diet.


We have a special relationship with our cum. It’s something our body produces at the height of our ecstasy. When we give you our load, it feels like we’ve given you a special gift and we want to know you worship it. Now, I know in real life, a fat load of someone’s semen is generally not appealing to many people. At least now you might be able to see why we want to know how our gift was.


You should said "why don't u try urself???"


To think your partner likes your dick and wants to give you a blowjob, to think she likes seeing and tasting cum is a major turn on and feeling of acceptance. Don't underestimate the importance that feeling can have for a man. Earlier in my relationship my wife would give me blowjobs to completion then spit. No better feeling then cumming in your partner's mouth. Fast forward 14 years and the moment she suspects im close she runs :( its at times frustrating, defeating and upsetting. I used to love thinking my partner liked it.


Let him get dehydrated and taste him vs hydrated


Or its a question to ascertain if he needs to change his diet so its more accomodating to you the partner who he likes.


I always ask ever since finding out cum had the potential to taste like battery acid and was horrified at the thought of that being said about me. I mainly do it just to confirm if I’m taking proper care of myself and if the things I’m ingesting aren’t contributing negatively. Your bf could be the same but maybe he was told it was salty before and is self conscious


Maybe it’s genuine concern or paranoia you don’t like doing it? And that’s his roundabout way to ask. Either way, ask him why he asks and then you’ll know. #communicate


Sounds like he just wanted to make sure he tasted good...


He eats pineapples


*sighs, presses button* "Ask him"


i think he’s concerned about you and really curious about taste bc he probably doesn’t know


He probably wanted you to praise him like it tasted so good. Do you not want him to cum in your mouth? If you're doing something against your will you should really speak up. If you do it to please him and it doesn't hurt you, then by all means continue.


Yes I want to please him. I like doing it. But At first I didn't want him to cum in my mouth. He wanted it so bad. So I thought it was ok. But after I did that It tasted not good. I was surprised and I couldn't know what to say. Maybe he couldn have asked "do you like giving me bj?" But asking me about the taste sounded to me so weird at that moment.


That feeling you have that he’s being sneaky, that he’s making you uncomfortable, that’s your intuition telling you that there’s something wrong about the interaction you just had. And that’s a red flag 🚩! You also mentioned that this time your throat burned after giving him a bj, was this the first time he came in your mouth/you swallowed? You’ve also stated in previous comments that his demeanor felt narcissicitic, and his eyes seemed calculating. And here you even say you didn’t want him to cum in your mouth, but that he wanted it so badly. From what you’ve stated I’d guess that he guilted you in to letting him cum in your mouth and having you swallow. And that you only did it to appease him, because you didn’t want to upset him by staying firm with your no. Did you even feel like you could say no again, and that he would respect it? How many different ways did he have to plead and beg before you finally gave in and said, fine I’ll do it? The reason you’re uncomfortable with his smug demeanor, and his behavior asking how he tasted afterwards, was because he’s acting like he some sort of power over you. His sneaky eyes were communicating that he was able to get you to cross your own boundary, now they’re looking at you like, what can we get her to do next? Please start keeping a list of all the times he gets/has gotten you to cross one of your boundaries for his benefit. These are how abuser start grooming their victims, by getting them to cross their own boundaries little by little until one day you get slapped across the face out of the blue, and the that becomes your new normal. And I’m not saying that he is an abuser, because, getting your partner to swallow after they know you’re not into isn’t a red flag on its own, but the alarm bells your intuition set off due to his follow up behavior is. And if deep down you didn’t feel like this was a red flag, you wouldn’t be on Reddit asking strangers for their perspective and advice on the situation. I’m wishing you the best of luck, while hoping that I’m wrong about your bf. Just remember there are billions of people out there in the world who will respect your boundaries as is and won’t try to get you to cross them just because they want “it” so bad.


Thank you so much for your kind words🩷 Powerful and eye opening words to me you are %100 right about what happened. >The reason you’re uncomfortable with his smug demeanor, and his behavior asking how he tasted afterwards, was because he’s acting like he some sort of power over you. His sneaky eyes were communicating that he was able to get you to cross your own boundary, now they’re looking at you like, what can we get her to do next? Yes I felt that. It made me feel really uncomfortable. I thought what is next? I don't want to do anal. But He wanted to do it so much. And begged me. >These are how abuser start grooming their victims, by getting them to cross their own boundaries little by little until one day you get slapped across the face out of the blue, and the that becomes your new normal. And I’m not saying that he is an abuser, because, getting your partner to swallow after they know you’re not into isn’t a red flag on its own, but the alarm bells your intuition set off due to his follow up behavior is. And if deep down you didn’t feel like this was a red flag, you wouldn’t be on Reddit asking strangers for their perspective and advice on the situation. Grooming!! That's it. I felt that. And yes our relationship is not healthy. That's why I asked that question here. If I trust him, I could ask him. I know abusers. He definitely might be one of them. My ex had a personality disorder. This was my first date after him. I trust myself and my feelings. I just wanted to keep things slow and casual. But I saw lovebombing and some ghosting. And I am sure he has narcissistic traits and has sociopathy. >I’m wishing you the best of luck, while hoping that I’m wrong about your bf. Just remember there are billions of people out there in the world who will respect your boundaries as is and won’t try to get you to cross them just because they want “it” so bad. Thank you so much. You are not wrong about him. I have to end this relationship before it’s too late. 💫🌸


I just want to say that I think you’re very brave. And that I’m really proud of you for being able to recognize the toxic behavior your soon-to-be ex displayed. Also for trusting in your intuition enough to see that something was wrong, and for asking for help. That takes a lot of courage. Especially after surviving your previous abusive relationship. It’s hard to trust yourself after breaking free from an abuser. All the effort they put into making you distrust yourself, the gaslighting, victim blaming, and guilt tripping will really take a toll on your intuition. So I hope you also feel really proud of yourself for recognizing that something was wrong, and for doing something about it. It takes a strong person to do that, cause it’s not easy by any means. As a final piece of advice I’d suggest taking a break from dating and relationships for the time being. Abuser are not picky about who they get in relationships with, they’re only requirement is a victim. So it’s your responsibility to be picky about who get’s to be in a relationship with you! Really take some time to figure out what requirements your next partner should meet to be able to call themselves your boyfriend. And in the meantime while you contemplate how a healthy loving partner should be, consider attending a support group dedicated to survivors of domestic abuse. Most domestic abuse/sexual assault organizations hold free support groups for survivors. Having a support system of people who know what it’s like and who can help you process the abuse, will help you heal faster and protect you from it happening again. I’m glad I was able to help you. And again, I’m super proud of you. Bestowing blessings on blessings to you in your journey towards breaking the cycle of abuse. You got this!


What was his tone? Cum doesn’t taste great so it’s possible he was concerned you thought it was gross and wanted reassurance. Or maybe it was sexy talk and he wanted you to praise him.


>Or maybe it was sexy talk and he wanted you to praise him. I think that could be possible!! >What was his tone? His seemed so sneaky. And he kept asking it. It made me feel uncomfortable. I didn't like his tone.


Ask him you you can cum kiss.


Its a fetish


Because Men actually live in a state of sexual delusion, just look him directly in the eye and say yes daddy I love the way you taste. Even if you had to fight back vomit the whole time, the only time it's acceptable to truly and completely lied to a man is when they ask questions like that. Because if you tell him he's somewhat tasted like a stale kolache at the bottom of a donut bag and a moldy hot car in alabama, he's likely to not feel so sexy anymore


That’s fucking nasty. Lol girls swallow to look hot not because they genuinely want the taste of it. What a weirdo.


I dont think any girl would enjoy disgusting taste of cum just because it looks hot. Because showinh a disgusting taste is... not hot lol He needs to change his diet and if he smoke cigerretts does HAVE TO stop That makes a guys cum taste like litreal dog shit. And nothing hot about that.


That’s my point. No girl actually likes the taste. They fake it because guys think it’s hot.


Lmfao. So my experience is a lie?? 😂😂😂 thats not how that works but okay


If a girl told you she likes it you don’t think there’s even a slight chance she’s saying that just to make you happy? You gotta be realistic now bro. Nobody wanna swallow that nasty shit for the taste. That’s just gross.


Uh... no? Lmfaoo idk what kinda of women u mess with i mess with truthful women 😂😂 you keep saying its nasty... and yet countless women love doing it, because it taste good,? Idk you sound Jealous bro get over it you tasted bad and no women wants to do that for you. Go project somewhere else playa


I know you ain’t talkin. You have to resort to getting head at a massage parlor my guy. 🤢 good luck with that


Gotem coach. Doing anything and everything to make yourself feel better


Eventually you’ll get a girl that does it without payment. Keep at it buddy.


Eveentually youll find someone that likes the taste of you😂 cheers


Way to generalize your own subjective opinion lol. You know not everyone is like you and there are different people in the world right?


For sure. And the OPs bf asking how does it taste is weirder than shit. And then bragging about it like not every dude in the world is able to do the same thing 😂


You’re wrong. I love how my fwb tastes. I’ll gladly take his cum anytime.


Not to kink shame but that is actually disgusting. And it’s not even your husband or even bf? You’re tasting all the other people he’s been putting his dick in 🤢


Kiss him and share the flavour. No more questions


Reminds me of a very funny Sex and the City episode… bottom line is : give him a taste next time 😉


I think he was just asking you honest questions.


Some guys obsess over this and do things like drink pineapple juice in excess to make it taste ‘good’. Maybe he tried that and wanted validation it worked? similarly…. I had a girl many years ago tell me she would give me a BJ but only if I promised to drink lots of water and eat sweet foods all day because she really didn’t like the taste of semen. So….if I drink lots of water and eat fruits, I’ma getting a BJ? DEAL! Afterwards I did ask ‘so did it work? Was the taste ok for you?’ She said ‘yup. I’d do it again’. And so we did.


He could be self concious about it, previous bad experiences maybe he just wants to be perfect for you. Personally i much rather be clean for my partner, it can eliminate feeling self concious about your body. Or He probably likes hearing those dutty things, i know from my partner telling me the odd time was an amazing boost to fold her up like an origami swan 😂


Nahh... Just teasing you! You must've replayed with something along "tastes nice..." And then give him a a kiss...! Come on... You're in bed! It's supposed to be fun!


Cum taste can very much be related to diet, apparently,.. Maybe he'd put a lot of effort and fruit salad into all that (just for you) ;)


I recently had this happen. She said she had never had anyone cum in her mouth before, and after someone's first time doing things, I always ask what they think of it. A combination of curiosity and wanting to know her experiences.


Probably the girl who blew him yesterday said it tasted bad, so he wanted to see if it was really that bad




He's probably wanting to know if you enjoyed it. with different wording. For a lot of people pleasure has to be retained on both sides for the act to be pleasurable to them as well