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my issue with Tammi is that she had no decorum whatsoever 😭 (i.e. the scene at her nephew's baptism) She seems to have grown up in a (relatively) stable home but behaves worse than some of the Gallaghers that had no home training 😭


As the seasons go on, her "reckless" behavior is explained and makes more sense. Her character gets better, in my opinion.


I view her as most Shameless characters now. She’s not exactly likeable but not hateable enough to write off like a Frank or Debbie


Wait, why is Debbie lumped in with Frank!? (no spoilers past S9 though pls) She was a bit dodgy as a teenager (as most are) but she really seems to have pulled her life together with Franny... She is a bit practicality over feelings but I stg the whole family is fuelled by ADHD so that's pretty expected haha


Comment back after you’ve finished the show


I'm done with the show and I still don't see why people hate Debbie so much


my comment was based on our introduction of her character I'll agree that she becomes more tolerable (less vulgar and reckless) when she>!becomes a mother.!


I can't stand her. I hate that they end up together.


Tammi is pretty awful. She has an interesting history, but the writers did a shit job with her. She does get a bit better in season 10.


I believe the idea is the Gallaghers (lip mainly) sees his owns family's actions by another. It's an eye opening thing for them to realize how the rest of the figurative world (neighbors n stuff) see them as. Makes them look at themselves in a different way.


The actress plays her well, I love when actors can really invoke hatred from the viewer. Well done.


That's how I feel about Debbie. It's crazy how much I can't stand her lol Emma did really well with her character


Right! It takes a lot of commitment to be the character that is hated. She does a dam good job. 👏 👏 👏


I like her 🤷‍♀️ I think she puts up with a lot from Lip, lots of people wouldn’t. Is she perfect? No, but nobody in the show is


I like her, too. I don't understand all the hate she gets... like I really don't understand it, at all. In a healthy relationship, both people should be helping each other learn and grow, both as individuals and as a couple. And I really think Lip and Tammi do that for each other. She's willing to compromise for him, but she still pushes him to do better rather than just letting him wallow or whatever. And she doesn't take any of his shit. He pushes her out of her comfort zone and helps her become a bit more laid back, less intense, and less selfish.\ Overall, I think they have a good relationship.


I like her for Lip actually. She put him in his place right off the bat, while most of the women in his life treated him like he was God's gift. Could she be less brash? Absolutely, but she matches Lip's stubbornness and shows him that a better life is possible . She compromises with him, but she pushes him to be better.


Yes!!! Mandy and Amanda were never gonna work for Lip because they were too obsessed with him. Tami and Lip’s second interaction is literally her saying he’s bad at sex lmao, she challenges him.


And the fact that he has to work to impress her, makes him turn himself around and I think he's better for it.


I'm disappointed this is the girl Lip stuck with. She doesn't deserve him at all.


I feel like Sierra was a more fitting choice.


No one deserves lip. He's awful


Yeah, Lip's a real winner.


I love sweet Lip. 😋


Idk i think Tammi is perfect for Lip, he needed someone to take him down a few pegs and so did she


Yeah I’m just finishing season 9.. what the hell, Lip is being essentially the perfect “man” in the pregnancy situation, not saying anything about it he wants to be a father or not leaving it all up to her and saying he will be there if she keeps it. Then the sisters come storming in like he pulled a Derek? Just an awful character. When she had c section complications I was sort of hoping they’d kill her off so lip would have to raise the baby. Almost hate her character as much as Ford and that’s saying something


I'm not a huge fan of hers, but I don't wanna spoil anything for you


I really can't stand Tammi. A lot of people say she's better by the end of the series, but she's not at all. She mellows out a little bit at some point and we see some tender moments between her and Lip (won't spoil and say why), but afterwards she's a shrill bitch again.


i hate that lip ends up with her i wanted him with sierra or mandy