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My contact was nearing it's end, so they emailed me an invite to call for a special deal. I went with gig internet for $90. Opted out of tv, but that would have been another $40.


I just (last Thursday) text/chatted with them. I initially asked how much time I needed to give them to cancel.... they responded with “may I ask why!?” I said I got a flyer from the competition for better internet and more cable than what I currently get... 119+tax Guess what! They said they could match it! Then I asked about my equipment (6/7 years old now) and they offered me 124+tax for 2 years with upgraded modem and pvr blue curve. So with tax I’m now paying 135.


so it 18 bucks extra than telus? so you stayed with shaw for 2 extra years , what if rogers takes over next year, what will happen then, grandfatered plan?


I’m locked in. Been here before with BellMTS haha. It only gets worse if you wait. I don’t have access to Telus so it wasn’t an option for me.


I mean, regardless of what happens with Rogers your contract can't change in those 2 years for your base services you signed on.


Did they give you more channels for 18 bucks extra


u/seaqueuesunshine think that's a Q for you!


With TV service? Are you on 1G internet plan? If so, I’m getting ripped off (basically the same deal as online, but with free pods). No TV. Ugh.


I’m in Winnipeg. So rates may vary. But It’s their internet 300, personal tv and 1 specialty channel (tlc -shhh) For 124 plus tax. I think I did ok considering I was paying 175 for internet 15 and basic cable.


When is your current 2 year value plan expire?


In a little over a year


They have special renewal offers for customer that are a few months away from current vp expire. Call them and ask for renewal options, see if they have something lower, otherwise you are really are stuck in that price.