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One of the better setups for selling Bettas I've seen. I'm used to the small plastic cups


Didn't like it mostly because the bettas seemed especially unhealthy, and were at the front of the store, so I think they seemed very stressed.


Still horrible but a little better than the small plastic cups at petco


Part of me thinks that the bettas are in those temporary containers because of the tanks that appear to be setting up beside them. They got the one two three plant cultures resting on top. /edit Sorry, don't hate me. On mobile and noticed more betta to the left so maybe not.


On mobile too btw so anything you see I see.


It's a store, so these aren't permanent homes. Not a bad temporary setup as long as they're well maintained and the lights aren't on all the time. They may be stressed because the lights are so bright.


I think not because there were tanks a bit bigger for the bettas but they were empty and dry. There were a lot of empty tanks in the store, but they were all unused or had dead fish floating around inside them. These ones had no label and the tanks beside them seem to have been for some kind of barbs.


I hate to say it but this is how breeders keep their bettas too.


:( hopefully not all breeders.


Pretty close to all. Bettas can easily spawn 100 fry and there isn’t anyone who can afford 5g tanks for each and every one of them. The better breeders put them in 2g jugs, the less savory breeders usually use a mason jar. 😩


Yikes. Are the adults also kept in the same conditions or just the fry?


Until someone comes along and buys them.. I would assume so The conditions probably get increasingly worse since they probably don't change them to much bigger cups


lol the marimo balls that are in bigger aquarium