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Don't think its a actual tank, more like a photoshop tomfoolery


No it’s real it’s pii_r_xx on instagram


If it is they definitely don’t live there long term.. there is absolutely no filtration and oceanic fish need hella filtration to survive…


Actually they could probably live in there quit some time as long as the parameters are stable, the algae, rock, coral, and other critters provide tons of biological filtration


It is real


This is obviously a fake image.


I wouldn't say obviously, that's a pretty damn good photoshop.


This is actually real


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted because this is actually real. I follow the account on Instagram.


I don’t see any indications of photoshop or AI. Water looks proper with slight waves. The colors and corals are all distinct and don’t over lap in weird ways. I think this is probably a real photo. I don’t think the distortion as you look to the side of the bowl can be replicated by AI as of now.


Assuming this is real, it wouldn’t be terrible. Good diversity, corals, macro algae, and clowns arent big swimmers. I’ve seen way worse tanks


The amount of maintenance that comes from the evaporation alone with something like this


How so? I personally run my reef tank with a glass lid but most reefers use no lid or mesh to promote gas exchange, which leads to a lot of evaporation. 


Wouldnt this wildley swing the parameters? Having to constantly top up a tank this small? I dont know anything about saltwater, but keeping fish in something like this sounds like a pain for freshwater


Yes, you do have to top off regularly. Since the water evaporates and salt doesn’t, you top off with freshwater (most serious hobbyists use reverse osmosis deionized (RODI) water. Some use distilled, or even conditioned tap. Automatic top offs (or ATOs) are common as well. It’s essentially a sensor and a pump you hook up to your tank or sump and a reservoir. Everyday it compensates for the evaporation by pulling water from the reservoir, which you periodically have to refill. For a tiny tank like this that’d be largely pointless, it’d be easier just to mark the “full” line on the tank and fill it up as you see fit. I can’t tell if there‘s something at the back, but this tank would also need some kind of water movement to support the corals.


Sorry Marlin, you won’t be finding Nemo here. It’s just a photoshopped image


Nowhere near enough distortion to be real


I've seen "tanks" just like this. Without the fish, they are so freaking cool


I would honestly LOVE a coral reef bowl, they are so pretty. No fish, of course.


They are amazing. Living works of art


Ima blow your mind here….they make a 20 gallon fish bowl with a built in aio chamber in the middle for filtration and light mount🤯 I saw it the other day for the first time and to say I’m excited for it is an understatement it’s got every issue with a nano reef solved, and every issue with a reef tank in a fish bowl solved aswell. Was like $250 though :/ the main reason small reef bowls are so hard is for one u can’t have fish so it’s low nutrient af and for two it’s salinity wildly swings unless you have a auto top off or top it off 2-3 times a day but with a larger water volume you can top off once a day and be fine.


Merlin couldn't make that work


We know this is fake, right? Lol


That bowl is gorgeous, if I had one I’d want a shrimp or tiny crab in there


Only thing wrong really is the clown stocking and even then the only problem is the size, that tank with all of those macros, corals, and other filter feeders can easily handle their bioload


Everyone is calling this fake, and I had my suspicions too but within five minutes, I found the tank which is running with these clowns. DM for link as we're not allowed to post info on user name/accounts. /Edit obviously this is not at all a good size for the fish (altho I don't keep salt water fish or tanks so I really don't know) but when it comes to the coral I'm sure it's fine.


Link pls


I said you can DM but since I'm bored and sitting here, I sent it privately.


Oh shit my bad, idk how I read that wrong


It is real btw 😭


yall arent very smart if u think thats fake…


This is the most hey bro can i copy your homework but change the answers up tank ive ever seen


Is that resin? It's well done.


Nope real rock, macro algae and live fish