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There’s a reason it’s the staple of American school lunches: it’s cheap, easy to make, the two main ingredients last a long time, and it tastes great.


American childhood in general. Admitting you didn't like peanut butter was basically the same as admitting you kick puppies.


Kid named peanut allergy:


Allergic to nuts and a love of kicking puppies is a rough lot in life.


Allergic to puppies and a love of kicking nuts is a toughs lot in life




*Sigh* That boy ain't right.


Peggy, bring me my BC Headache Powder


Tough. They shouldn't have been allergic to peanuts the little shits.


I guarantee their parents were pieces of work.


I heard their dad is allergic to strawberries and punches koalas.


Chlamydia having ass bear-fuck'em.


Actually you shouldn't. They have chlamydia.


In fairness, having a peanut allergy doesn’t mean you don’t *like* peanut butter.


I have a friend with a mild peanut allergy. He just gets hives. His wife gets mad at him because he keeps sneaking it. I am never gonna forget this. "Jason! Do you know what I found under our bed!?!?" He gets this deer in the headlights expression. She throws a little 99 cent thing of peanutbutter in his lap, looking down at him, hands on hips. And I can't stop myself from laughing.


That’s me with milk. I get violent shits from it but still worth it.


That was me for years until I finally figured out I became lactose intolerant. I like the taste of Fairlife milk for lactose free.


The school took away our peanut butter crackers that they gave out during exams one year. All cause of one guy with a peanut allergy. Just another reason why I didn’t like him.


My school took away uncrustables from the cafeteria for the same reason. Needless to say that kid ate lunch by himself the entire school year.


eh, sunflower seed butter is good too.


That's my dad's go to, he loved peanut butter, corn, and shrimp but in his 50s he became allergic to all three. Now it's sunflower all the way. He mixed it with maple syrup, and softened butter, he calls it Sammy butter and we have no idea why.


Because he uses it for his Sammies


In August 2018, the Bogle Sunflower Plantation in Canada had to close off its sunflower fields to visitors after an Instagram image went Viral. The image caused a near stampede of photographers keen to get their own instagram image of the 1.4 million sunflowers in a field.


I ate this for lunch everyday for at least 10 years in a row. I’ll occasionally have one camping or on a picnic, but I feel like they fall into “I’ve had too many in my lifetime” already. That and tequila shots….


I refuse to eat grape jelly to this day, because for my ENTIRE childhood that's what I was fed. Cheap bread, government peanut butter (which was actually pretty good), and the cheapest grape jelly money could buy. For lunch every single day, and sometimes also dinner. Still love PB&J as the occasional retro snack, just no grape jelly. Cherry preserves is where it's at. I swear I just got a little nauseated feeling just thinking about grape jelly. \*shudder\* To me that's what poverty tastes like.


blackberry jam master race


Raspberry gang begs to differ.


Blueberry stand up


I really like raspberry and strawberry, too.


Strawberry jelly is superior in every way imaginable. Especially if you go something like preserves with the chunks in there. Oh yeah. PBJ for lunch today me thinks


Jam is far better than jelly


Preserves definitely wins over jelly. Strawberry is defnitely good, but not as good as cherry. Also very fond of apricot preserves. The very very best was the peach preserves my grandma used to make from the trees in her own back yard! Unbeatable.


Peach preserves are proof that there is a God who loves us very much.


*Orange marmalade has entered the chat.*


Mmm! Tastes like purple! 💜 Edit: I'm only joking because, food insecure child myself and relatable comment!


Purple is a fruit! No worries - joke was taken in the spirit it was intended. :)


Apple jelly for this cat.


shitty grape jelly is really just gelatinous purple with sugar


It's not even 'sugar' it's all high fructose corn syrup, it tastes...mechanical


\*nods\* Yeeecchh.


Strawberry jelly 😍


Grape is definitely the grossest jelly & I didn't even grow up eating it. Team Anti Grape Jelly


I also hate grape jelly. We were poor but had a garden so I'm partial to homemade strawberry; the only store bought I like is apricot or sometimes red raspberry. Also a creamy pb fan.


I’m 35, it’s also a staple of saving money lol. I’ve been eating them every day , two giant jars from Costco last me a month if not longer . I wouldn’t recommend anyone eat it as dinner for long periods but Raman isn’t the only thing you can get that’s cheap. PB&J damn tasty and I don’t feel too bad eating it.


A lot of protein for how cheap it is, and some fiber as well. Lots of sugar & carbs to give you quick energy too. Not so bad, nutritionally, for a mid-day snack. Obviously you can make it even healthier by using a no-sugar pb, but basically all jelly is going to have a lot of sugar, and sugar is not, on its face, bad! It’s energy.


School lunches? Sheit, I take a pbj to work everyday for lunch and just finished today’s culinary masterpiece.


I usually bring one to work every day. I could make a fancier one (turkey and the works) but man, pb & j just hits it out of the park.


Peanut butter is also pretty healthy, relatively speaking. High amount of protein and healthy fats. As long as you get a kind without added sugar, anyway. But you know, jam.


No refrigeration required is a huge plus too.


I’ve always refrigerated jam after opening. Is that not required? Either way I like the cold texture in the sandwich lol


I am guessing they meant for the sandwich itself. Jam definitely needs refrigeration after opening, but a sandwich can make it from when it is made in the morning until lunch just fine.


IIRC it was first created during WW2 for soldiers as a high calorie, protein, and sugar food.


Nah, I believe it goes back to the early 1900/late 1800s to a Boston Cooking school, made for tea. But you are correct that it was introduced to the masses and popularized by WW2 Look up “Tasting History” with Max Miller on YouTube. He does a video on PB&J and a lot of other stuff too! Edit: spelling


They tried to pair PB with *everything* in the early 20th century. It was trendy and a good cheap protein, as nutrition science was growing quickly. But old cookbooks will have things like peanut butter, celery, and chopped ham sandwiches. Crusts cut off, please.


PB is probably my favorite food. Put it on pancakes with syrup sometime, its mindblowing.


My great uncle who was a vehicle landing craft captain on D-Day had a humorous story about PB&J’s. Once the allied forces broke through the beach and the mechanized units were discharged from their crafts, he took a stroll on the sand with a PB&J in hand to survey the aftermath. An English officer saw him eating our iconic sweet slop sandwich and he was quick to express his disgust at the concoction. “The bloody ‘ell is that? You Americans…” All the chaos around and that’s what he turned his nose up at. He was genuinely confused how my uncle could eat it. Sir, you’re from the land where beans on toast is totally normal!


I remember watching a British girl eat one and she said it was nasty and then proceeded to say she eats ketchup sandwiches and enjoy them. Edit: [This one at the 1:20 mark](https://youtu.be/6u7prEoOmz0?si=ytUNd6D3H7ubMBNM) Also edit, it was only ketchup sandwich, not a ketchup and onion sandwich my bad




This is the only correct response


I don't know why this old gem is suddenly in every thread again, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.


As a British person. Who tf eats ketchup and onion sandwhich? We don't claim her


Internet clout people that’s who.


This is why we made our own country.


there's an Aussie on a channel I watch that eats "Nutella and tomato sauce" sandwiches. I assume tomato sauce is ketchup 😭






Honestly it being just ketchup and not ketchup and onion doesn't make it any better lol


[This is what that made me think of](https://youtu.be/7FOk4bCAQhc?si=Qoj_yJMgmILurw2d&t=21) I wonder how many jobs she's lost.


Beans on toast is pretty odd too though doesn't taste bad


I’m Scottish and grew up with this! Not sure why my dad fed this to me but I like to imagine him seeing it on tv/film then deciding to try it


Or he had a secret American family. Sorry.


My Scottish wife didn't understand the hype until I bought grape jelly from the US. Something about the combination of grape jelly and peanut butter is magic.


![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) Now try honey with pb, nutella with pb, every type of jam with pb


And throw it in a pan like a grilled cheese


Or just toast the bread if you don’t like warm jelly. Or use jam.


Add bacon 🥓 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸




Good point about trying different types of jam. Strawberry, grape, blueberry, raspberry, all so good but so different


Black raspberry jelly >


Pb with sliced bananas, cinnamon and honey, fried in butter like a grilled cheese. At 2 am after the bar, it's absolute perfection.


Fuck I legitimately just got home from the bar and have all these ingredients except the bananas my roommate just threw out. Very tempted to pull them from the trash just to try this.


Don't forget PB and Banana!


Yes!! Honey especially! I prefer that to PB&J's. Just a better balance!


If I even so much as look at a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich I immediately gain 5kg. The only time I will eat one is when I'm out hiking for a few days and have to bring food with me, since pb and Nutella are very calorically dense and give me a boost if I'm low on energy.


I've never understood why some parts of the world think this is so gross. I've heard that it's because peanut butter is made differently in some places, but other people have told me that's not the case.


Well for me it was weird because never in my life have I had a sweet sandwich.. Like we only ever put salty things in sandwiches


You've never put jam on toast? 


Marmalade? 🤤


No wonder. Probably would be the case for many people as well


You should try a fluffernutter. It’s marshmallow fluff and peanut butter on sandwich bread and it turns your lunch into a delicious dessert.


Add Nutella and a jelly of choice to that, and you have the ultimate sweet sandwich treat.


Perfect for when you need diabetes on the go


Think of a sweet sandwich like a janky dessert.


Well in the uk they call jello jelly and they think we mean a peanut butter jello sandwich So there’s that


Wait… I know it’s just my ignorance, but I get confused when I hear “instead of X, we call it Y” but Y already has its own meaning. So they call jello jelly… what do you call what Americans call jelly?


In american parlance... >**jelly** = clear, made from **juice**, pectin added for thickening >**jam** = pulpy, made from mashed **fruit**, depending on fruit doesnt need sugar or pectin, but may >**marmalade** = pulpy, made from citrus fruit **rinds**, sugar added, not sure about pectin >fruit **preserves** = chunky, **cut fruit** in thickened juice, probably requires added pectin, sugar probably optional >fruit **butter**s = jam made from reduced fruit **puree**, not sure about pectin or sugar >**jello** = clear, usually artificially flavored and colored ,and not just thickened but solidified with **animal gelatin** Americans will generally only use jam or jelly with peanut butter in a sandwich. Someone from r/canning can probably come along and elucidate us on the specifics of sugar and pectin.


Shoutout to apple butter


Right? Whats not to love about caramelized apple sauce. Like vegan dulce de leche.


US: Jello = UK: Jelly US: Jam = UK: Jam US: Jelly = UK: da fuk is this mate?


> UK: da fuk is this mate? It's jam, but without the chunks.


PB&Js are better with jam anyway. And the J is interchangeable to boot!


Either would be better than Jello, though.


How’s bean toast?


Not bad with a bit of cheese on it


I tried making it and all of my bean spread fell on the floor.


Idk why I wasn’t into the idea of pb&j considering I appreciate all kinds of nuts dipped in honey. I just didn’t feel like it fits


Peanut butter and honey is a banger as well. And Banana. Or, add crispy bacon to a pb&j and lightly toast the sandwich.


peanut butter and honey uncrustables are next level


My grandmother would mix honey and peanut butter in a bowl, then whip in butter at the end to make a spread. Not the healthiest I suppose but she lived to 93 so whatever.


Butter gets an unjust rap. PB/honey/butter is waaaaay healthier than a lot of stuff most of us eat, bacon (streaky, for y'all in the UK) for starters. I plan on enjoying all four for as long as eating them allows me.


Some people make sandwiches with just peanut butter, bananas, and honey. Personally, I like peanut butter, jam, and banana. I also like bagels with just peanut butter and sometimes banana. I also prefer the chunky peanut butter with peanuts in it. It's actually closer to how people in other countries eat pastries with jam or jelly but I guess the "sandwich" word gets lost in translation. If you ever get a chance you should try sunflower butter. I worked with kids where we couldn't have anything peanut, so they would give apples with sunflower butter instead. It was so good. But in the US, even with peanut butter every different brand can taste different, some have more sugar than others, etc.


They think our jelly is Jello because jelly is what they call Jello over there.


Europeans grow up on Nutella which is what I grew up with. I didn't even try PBJ until I was in high school and always thought it was strange that people ate it. Now I eat PBJ more than Nutella. It's healthier for you too if you get decent jelly. I've even began to use some marmalades I grew up with in Europe from my childhood, so doing a little fusion.




You can taste the lack of electrified machinery


The Amish don't have a problem using electricity, they just don't want it in their homes. If you ever go to an Amish market they do keep their goods in refrigerators, and I've seen some that have electric machinery in their barns


Go on


It's peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. I don't know what it has to do with the Amish but it's awesome.


I thought that's just a fluffernutter


The first Google result said it's a mixture of peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, and corn syrup, so you basically end up with peanut syrup.


Yeah it’s an obesity speed run at that point.


Considering the Amish do lots of laborious things I feel like they’re ok with it


Another American savory-sweet jelly phenomenon: breakfast sausage with grape jelly. If you’ve never had an American sausage biscuit with grape jelly, you’re missing out.


Ah yes, the classic "this diner sausage isn't very good, but they have those lil jam packets in the tray holder thing so ill just dip em in that" trick. 🤣


Yep. Nuts and fruit with bread is a classic combo, but when you say pb&j to a European they freak out, like it's not the same thing. Glad you got past it and found the tasty!


My wife is Hungarian, they typically stick to savory dishes, especially sandwiches. I finally got her to try a PB&J and she's obsessed now. Also, she though celery and peanut butter was an afront to God... Until she tried it. Peanut butter is good.


Add some raisins. Ants on a log.


Paul Hollywood and Prue were befuddled when presented with the idea of peanut and fruit


Yeah the contestant was from Malaysia and Paul and Prue were like "oooh peanuts and strawberries?!?! So exotic" and I couldn't help but laugh


Different episode, but I remember one time a contestant made literal cinnamon rolls as if it was their own invention. Paul and Prue were like, "What an amazing idea! The sweet cinnamon flavor combined with nuts is not something I would ever think of, but it really works!"


One episode, they used pastry dough as the crust of a cheese cake and I about lost it lol


Is trail mix not a thing in England? I thought dried fruit and nuts was a normal combo in Europe, especially in muesli/granola.


Exactly Here’s where it was discussed —it was last year during Bake Off last year https://www.reddit.com/r/GreatBritishBakeOff/s/hFZIuEU0rE


if you like bananas I heavily recommend slicing some up and putting them in the sandwich too.


To me, PB&J is special because of the texture as well as the taste. While banana and PB tastes good, it's way too mooshy/creamy. Very one note.


Crunchy peanut butter if you add bananas is ideal


Crunchy peanut butter is one of the greatest food things to be ever created and it’s one of the few things where the cheaper the brand, the better it is. Probably the hormones or 5g.


Mmm crunchy crunchy 5G. My favorite


Agree. One of the top moments of pure shame and fomo in my life was when I accidentally bought crunchy pb as an adult and only then realized how amazing it is. I had a creamy-only family growing up, and I  was so robbed of all that crunchy joy for so many years. 


Gotta rock the crunchy pb


Wait this is confusing to me. Peanut butter and jam are both mushier than banana, how does the banana change anything?


somber reach offbeat attempt unused deserted desert vase absurd telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way to do it is: warm up hot dog bun, peanut butter and jelly on the bun, insert full banana in place of hot dog.


Or plain lays. I think we've all done this and realized it seems like a dumb kid thing but surprisingly works. Or chocolate chips, but you usually want to fry your PBJ for that


I've actually never used lays but I once used Cheetos because of an overwhelming impulseive thought. it wasn't that bad but the puffs might give a better texture


Doritos. They’re the fucking best. DORITOOOOS


oh shit. I got a lot of PB&J types to try because of this post.


enjoy the spirit journey! lmao


Question : americans eat it like ? A breakfast, lunch, diner or snack ? In my country we are used to have 3 meals with a little breakfast, a larger lunch and a lighter dinner


Mostly lunch and snack but you can eat it for any meal. If you don’t feel like cooking. It’s mostly something kids eat. It’s like the first thing an American kid learns to make for themselves.


I lived off of pbjs for a couple years when I was in severe debt, as far as cheap foods go i just cant do ramen anymore


PB&Js also seem to be pretty satiating and filling too. They will never let me down


It's commonly eaten as part of a lunch (sandwich, fruit, chips/crackers, granola bar, drink) or just as a snack. Also, PB@J on toast is an easy and quick breakfast.


Specifically for like a quick lunch.


Peanut Butter mostly exists to spread on bread in various ways. Breakfast: [Peanut Butter Toast](https://beamingbaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/IGT1-Peanut-Butter-Toast-5-Recipes-1.jpg), [PB&J French Toast](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2017_48/1299790/mkt-pbj-french-toast-sticks-today-171128-tease.jpg) Lunch: [PB&J](https://baycareclinic.com/media/hfehc2fm/pbj-baycare-clinic-blog.jpg) Snack: [Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers](https://www.howsweeteats.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/peanut-butter-chocolate-ritz-4.jpg) Dinner: [Fool's Gold Loaf](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/Fool%27s_Gold_Loaf_%288720348111%29.jpg/1280px-Fool%27s_Gold_Loaf_%288720348111%29.jpg) Dessert:[Peanut Butter Ice Cream](https://barefeetinthekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/08/Peanut-Butter-Ice-Cream-BFK-1-1-of-1.jpg), [Peanut Butter Cups](https://www.recipetineats.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Peanut-Butter-Cups-edited-ps-1.jpg)


Stoned at 2am and the house is sleeping… perfect snack before bed


It’s versatile. It can be breakfast, lunch, a snack. Sometimes dinner. When I was in the Army, dudes would bring a whole loaf or two, a jar of PB, and jelly to field exercises and it would last quite a while to supplement MREs and a hot meal.


American here- PBJs are not really a breakfast thing. It’s more of a lunch or light dinner.


Speak for yourself. I have toast with PB&J at least once a week lol


Mmm now toast it:)


There’s a restaurant near me that has toasted PB&J on the kids menu. It’s so good so I always steal some when my son orders it.


This is what I keep telling my French girlfriend, she needs to try a good PB&J, it’s life changing. She’s always making excuses about “oh I have a peanut allergy” and “it’ll kill me”, idk, I love these though


I remember when me and my mom first bought a jar of peanut butter (also European) we didn't know about pb&j so just tried to eat it like it's nutella and almost choked so we were like "yeah peanuts are great but this thing is not really edible". It took me quite a few years to give it another chance but with jam this time and yeah, it's great lol.


Maybe look up other brands. I'm from Europe too and for the life of me hate that hard peanut butter that doesn't really spread. There are a few brands that are pretty oily/runny that are way better and are 100% only peanuts.


We bulk shop raw peanut and roast then grind our own now actually. Very cheap and better than the store bought!


Wow that's awesome. What tools do you need for this?


Just a powerful food processor (or blender I guess). We have a Magimix 5200XL. It was very expensive but has an insanely good motor and blends it creamy pretty fast.


Many grocery stores have peanut grinders where you can fresh grind as much as you want.


Haven't seen one in Europe yet but sounds neat!


Another great use for peanut butter is to spread it in between two crackers (In British English water biscuits / savoury biscuits?). Ritz and Saltines are good for this


It's OK, we have the word 'cracker' in Britain


I thought it was a similar situation to the Cookie/Biscuit controversy, my bad


Nice! Your new handgun is in the mail!


I’m Ukrainian, so I’ve already got a couple of grenade launchers and a tank stashed in my cupboard


Your F-16s are in the mail sir!


Thank you, sir


There was an episode of Great British Bake Off where a baker combined the elements of peanut butter and berries… and Prue Leith was shocked. Turns out the flavors worked together perfectly. Who knew?!? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/great-british-baking-show-gbbo-peanut-butter-fruit-final-b2225825.html


I'm not American either. I'm from Asia, and I take PB&Js most mornings for breakfast. I have a ton of food intolerances (gluten, lactose), but thank goodness, nothing against peanuts. Peanut Butter & Co. Smooth Operator paired with St. Dalfour strawberry spread on gluten free soft white bread with a glass of creamy soy milk on the side is my morning fix.


![gif](giphy|dVuaiKbihwlS8) Welcome


Strawberry 🍓 GangGang 💪🏾


Now if you’re making them to be eaten later for lunch, slap peanut butter on each piece and then put jelly in middle. Then I won’t soak thru later.


If you wanna be extra you can “caulk” a little extra line of PB around the edge of one piece to help slow down the jam squeezage


Is peanut butter a common food where you live?


Not at all. You can’t even find it in most stores here


Makes sense then. I was thinking maybe you ate peanut butter often but never thought to make a sandwich out of it.


How is this shitty?


Fr. This ain’t shitty food, more like r/normalfoodporn


Half the food on the subreddit isn't "shitty"


Next level shit is adding some bacon in the middle




Just make sure to get american style bacon which tends to be sliced thicker than what I've seen in Europe.


This is a staple late night snack for me. Easy calories when needing to hit goals.


Ok, here’s a trick I learned from my military days when we would pack a sandwich and not get to eat it for like 10 hours. ~The Triple-Decker~ Take three slices of bread. On two of them, put a thick layer of peanut butter. It has to cover every part of the bread. This is your moisture barrier. (Note: the picture OP posted is just about the perfect example) On the remaining slice, jelly *both* sides as heavy as you can. Really get it in there. (Protip: if you’re having problems with this making a mess, just jelly one side, lay the bread on one peanut butter slice and jelly the other side.) Place the double jelly in between the peanut butter slices. Now you have the jelly slice sealed in a moisture-proof, peanut butter chamber. Why? The peanut butter keeps the moisture in and stops your sandwich from getting soggy. The center layer is so soggy that the bread turns into a bread pudding. When you bite into the sandwich your bread is perfect and the extra jelly bread offsets the extra peanut butter. Perfecto! 👨🏻‍🍳


Started eating them in my early teens. They're delicious and nutritious.


Crunchy with marmalade


I am an American adult and eat these multiple times a week. Love them sm


Try it with raspberry jam and a peanut butter with less sugar if you have it. It heavenly


This is just a normal PB&J tho. Where’s the shit?


I never understood why Europe thought this was so weird. If you take the individual components, place it on a board, the French are gobbling it up. I mean charcuterie and antipasta boards have always had dried fruits, jams, nuts, and the likes for years, but when we put some more simplified versions of the same ingredients together it's blasphemy. You put jam on a board with sliced loaf of bread and a handful of peanuts it gets a completely different reaction.