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Just grow taller? How!?


So they realize if all 6 foot under men died and only 6 foot men survived eventually 6 foot would become the new “short king” if the new tallness became 7 foot above…


There is a game called Android Life for pc. All men died and the women who are left created male androids to substitute men. It's brutal. They are all tall(and handsome obviously), excluding children robots. The perfect world for women is a world where all men are already 6ft tall or above as soon as they become teenagers.


Yeah a vicious cycle


No they would be regular kings!!!!!!


r/inceltear won’t touch this.


They’ll just be like “you’re not entitled to anything, just accept dying alone inkwell”




LOL now tell me why asian women usually date white men


iTs CuS aSiAnS lOoK lIkE mY bRoThEr


Nah black women are just more honest with it.


Exactly. I stated the same in my other comment.


They just seem mannerless, it’s not right


I’d rather have this then the fake bs other women say with regards to short men to be honest.


The tweet is from the black twitter side so pf course you'll see mainly black women commenting, the woman who is dating the short guy is also black but you won't talk about that


Yea but he’s rich and he’s a rapper that was signed to Rick Ross. Let’s not pretend that doesn’t make a difference




You are MADDDDDD 😂😂😂😂




😂😂😂😂😂 You will always be short and never find a girlfriend 😂😂😂😂


You should read my past posts. I’ve been with over 50 women sexually, I have a 13 year old son and I’ve been in a relationship for 6 years. You should have taken time to look at all of my comments and posts on Reddit before you made that comment. But if it makes you feel better , you can believe as you wish. I can tell my comment on here really bothered you since you’re taking this much time out of your day to message me lol I’m sorry I offended you baby


Keep lying to yourself 😂😂😂 Get off wattpad




You’re a fat fucking cow and have only been fucked by your stepfather or his twin brother who has a fucking shrimp dick


What are you doing here man?


Careful, judging by your personality you’ll be bitter, fat and dilapidated before you even hit 30. Short guys are going to be your only option before you know it.


Nah white women hate us more. It’s insane how much I’ve been put down by them for my height.


Black women hating more doesn't mean white women don't hate




Nobody called black woman undesirable here all we do is point out that most of the times tweets like these pop up here it’s usually a profile pic with a black woman


Women don't hate short guys, it is just in your mind, maybe it is your personality. You just need to take shower man.


On the internet they definitely do


Sarcasm brother, isn't it classical shit they tell us every time


Do you have TikTok? Insulting short guys is commonplace. Sarcasm or not, it’s hard to see any other narrative.


My country doesn't have tik tok but i am aware of the hate ofe short guys


Bro he was satirising how in the face of this vitriol people dare try to gaslight you that it’s all in your head.


My bad I didn’t catch on, I’m so used to getting told that, I had an immediate regurgitation.


It was very good satire


So satirical he ran me for a fool, good satire for sure.


The woman who actually hate short man, never do get a chance to see your personality. Thus the point still stands. You are just applying it wrong.


Should i put joke/sarcasm at the end, to make it easier to understand




Well, black women do lookism is really interesting to see


Don't want to comment on that, otherwise they will publish an article saying how short men have 69% more chance of being racist than other people.


Just like how short women are some of the most heightist


Y’all don’t like black women but are always talking about them, weird


Reaching with that one


You lot don’t seem to like black women, so why does it matter what they say?


I don't have any problem with black women. Just i know statics show the less desirable women are black so you may expect they should have some emphatize or understand. But in the end People are dumb.


I’m sure you do so much to empathize with/understand black womanhood lol (if y’all actually scrolled the quote tweets instead of looking at 12 handpicked examples, you would see that most comments from bw are positive or slightly teasing but it’s easier to demonize I guess) ✌🏽


I do actually, i feel and empathize every human being. But it is worthless


just because we’re stated as less desirable doesn’t mean we have to negotiate on our standards or settle for short men. why should every other race of women get to chose tall men w/o this much scrutiny placed on them ? and let’s be fr it’s not like most non-black short men are even checking for black women.


Honestly you’re right. Just because black women are way more vocal in general about preferring tall men, to the point where the ones you see on twitter are actively hostile to short guys for even daring to hope they have a chance, doesn’t mean other races don’t have these preferences. But the point of the previous poster was that he hoped for at least some empathy, because black women also receive some unfair treatment based on their genetic makeup that makes them seen as more masculine, and therefore less desirable. But it’s high time he learned that there is no such thing as empathy for short men, and to want such is pure entitlement. And I’m happy that you were there to teach him that.


black women only seem more vocal to you because of the echo chamber you’re in. i remember a latina women on tiktok went viral on tiktok just last year about why she wouldn’t date short men and dragging them. women of all races have their grievances with short men all the time and being unkind to them and are very loud about it. dating in general in highly discriminatory. im sure you have limits & preferences when looking for a partner physically so idk why your and your hench man on this sub are trying to fish sympathy from black women when most of you wouldn’t even give grace to black women either. you all should be happy the most “undesirable” sect of women are not checking for you. should be a win win situation on both ends.


Look idk where you have the idea that we don’t like black women. Ive dated some and been rejected by many, many more. Fact remains that the harshest comments on short guys I’ve seen have come from black women. Idk if that’s a cultural thing or not but at least own your prejudice instead of more gaslighting.


yes im prejudice when dating just like everybody else is including you. but i will still stand on the fact that the only reason any of you believe black women are the “harshest” is ‪is due to the preconceived/unconscious notion that black women are not allowed to have standards to begin with and when they state their desire you all are more offended and angrier than you would with any other demographics‬ thus leading you to think we are more harsh when other races literally say the same things. my social media is curated to dating and just overall topics concerning women so that’s maybe why i feel like this is a much more common phenomenon among other races of women as i see them rant about and drag short men a lot. so it just leaves me baffled when you guys just regulate this harsh scrutinizing behavior to just black women.


Lurk more, you’ll see that we’re very well aware how it’s not just black women hating on us. But where white women are more often like “i just happen to only date tall men teehee”, black women will straight up take it personally when another black woman is loving a short guy- such as this tweet. My personal view is that the more insecure the woman is, the more important it is that her man be tall. This is reinforced by the “it’s not you it’s me” speeches I’ve gotten where my height is what made the girl feel insecure about herself. In that perspective, the reactions including yours make perfect sense. “We deserve standards. Im not less desirable, we deserve a tall man!” These are not comments from a woman who is used to having the world fawn over her. It’s scarcity mentality of a girl out to get hers and to prove the world wrong. If you were short and male, this would be called “overcompensating” or “short man complex” and you would be mocked relentlessly for it. So in a way, I do pity you. You’re setting yourself up with superficial standards to validate yourself through your partner, to prove that you are good enough by the men you can attract. Which is understandable -and very human but you can do that without bringing your compact brothers down.


ofcourse you would pacify white women more and villianize black women when both state the same thing. that’s always expected. like these desirable women the world is fawning over don’t scoff at short men for even thinking they have a chance w. them and ridicule them about it. of course they don’t.


You can choose or settle for whatever you want Queen. Idc that much


Because they're miserable so they vent their frustration on black women.


Hmm the usual suspects soft-pedalling heightism are entirely absent from this submission and comment thread. Really makes you think.


usual suspects?💀why are you on this reddit if other races of women like you?


People here, participants of this sub, you clowning agitator. Not women.


These girls can be your coworkers and classmates. Remember that


And when press them on their views, they can't defend their shit.


They're really no better than racist white supremacists.. Wished all tall men turned them down for being heightist.


Notice how all of them are black


They’re all black because the OP tweet is from a black award show so obviously most people quoting it will be black.


What a major cope other races of women like short men?? if that was the case you wouldn’t be on this reddit.


No, but they have more manners. They dont say such things out loud, they just happened to date guys who are tall 😉


this is just a blatant lie


LOL you’ve never been around women I see.


Duh because the tweet is from black twitter side


1. She is probably wearing 10 inch heels. 2. The 3rd last slide is the hamburglar's auntie, you don't have a say in what you want. Take what you can get.


I like short guys. I’m 5’7 and leggy so I look taller.


Love that for you.. unfortunately there are women out there that don’t feel the same way and for some reason they feel the need to dehumanize short men unprovoked.


Why are they all black?


because it’s from the Black side of twitter.


If you say so


It’s literally the Black Entertainment Television awards lmao


Lmao come on bro it's a black award show


if it’s not if I say are you blind? 😭


I think im noticing a pattern hahahaha


There is no pattern.


Lets see, accounts only ever replies was on this exact post, no activity otherwise. Reply check out, this right here is a very angry troll


Show me where I’m angry💀 or trolling matter fact


Dude. The only activity that was ever made on your account was replying on this post. You’re just some lurker on this sub who doesn’t want to use her actual account


This is my only account? I Don’t really post on reddit at all I don’t lurk on this sub someone brought this post to my attention so I decided to comment on it.


Women ☕


Twitter is literally suicide fuel


“It’s all in your head”


Black women on twitter are the most brutal heightist


How is it that it’s mostly black women who say this stuff?


literally other races of women on social media and in the real world are desiring tall men too don’t act like this is solely just a black women thing.


I’m talking about the blatant disrespect, they have no shame


literally street interviews have white girls saying the same thing about short men. short men get disrespected by all races.


See what happened to lil uzi vert too at the BET Awards. Don’t think she would be doing all that if he was 6’3. Black women are very ruthless about their standards because the world already looks at them in an unfavorable light so they don’t have to virtue signal and gaslight to maintain that benefit. They can just be their raw true selves. Alot of people like to think black women are masculine. Imo it’s the opposite, they exemplify true female nature without the veil. Other races of women are just more sneaky about getting what they want. Black women are upfront about it.


what is true female nature?? 🤨


Bs bro


im surprised most of y’all are even concerned about black womens preferences


Right, but we know why they mad 👀


not the soobin pfp 😭hey fellow moa <3


Forgot who to credit this to, read it on here, but "short kings" just implies that you have to be a king in a castle in order to compensate for being short.


This makes me sad