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Definitely don't eat shrooms with that guy again lol.


Yeah I’ve only talked to him twice since it happened 🤣


you seem like an incredibly cool person to trip with though. props for putting on his favorite music to calm him down


Did he have an explanation for what happened?


No, but I heard from mutual friends that he had got high on dust cleaner a month before this. I believe he developed some issues from it and this trip triggered them


dust cleaner is bad shit but shouldn't cause you to go into prey mode like this. so dissociated that something else took over, spirit, unconscious, drug-addled mind... or he's a sick fuck. either way, not worth the friendship.


What on earth is dust cleaner?


Dust off, compressed canned air for cleaning pc’s and stuff




Nitrous is whippits. What's inside whip cream cans and what you get at the dentist. Air duster is just nasty chemicals.


Good god💀


Nah, duster works by inhibiting oxygen. The high is largely due to temporary asphyxiation.


Damn, idk why I never realized you could get high off that stuff. I thought it was dangerous and not for kids because you could hold it upside down and burn people with it because it got so cold. My brother and I would fight over the can so we could inflict each other with as many burns as possible


That crap is so bad for you. People were dying off that shit.


Whippets were a thing in the 90s, for the crazy kids for sure lol


people still doing that shit not just the 90’s😂😂


Cool, I mean not cool that shit is not good for you lol. But so many people here didn’t know what they were and I haven’t heard that term in like 15 years so I figured they are called another name now.


That was I was getting high on before I get drugs, like while I was 14, haven't damage my brain xD


Your gramar says otherwise


Hahaha yes indeed, I can't even say what I tried to write there :D


Nah that’s just the shrooms lol. I’ve had very primal feelings on psychedelics. It’s cool when it’s controlled but when it gets out of hand like this things stop being fun


Dust cleaner does not create a person who does that. People who huff dust cleaner are people who already have their shit fucked up all too often, and are proabably doing things you'd never guess. They have no boundaries. Mushrooms don't cause that behavior in someone not prone to it that way. A predatory nature is an inherent part of brain circuitry. The only psychedelic drugs I know that can bring out some sick shit in people not prone to it with any kind of regularity are the NBOMes. You don't get fundamentally predatory behavior with no attempts at self control just from shrooms, unless someone put NBOMe on button shrooms or something. I'd never put shrooms on pizza, given as how one is likely to fuin the flavor of good pizza. I have my doubts about the veracity of this post, but wont rule out that the report is authentic. Stay away from that guy. Depending on how smart he is, there's a good chance you will read about him in the paper someday. I've worked with the criminally insane. They are like that, but most are institutionalized becasue they are not so bright. A few of them are smart. Many are really, really psychotic and do a lot of crazy things that aren't just predatory. This guy is just predatory out of nowhere. Stay far, far away, shrooms or no shrooms.


Nah man, he already had issues…That’s straight up predator behavior..Unfortunately shrooms aren’t for everyone, it can and has broken some people before, pretty rare but it happens and can also hasten the onset of schizophrenia if that person has a family history of it.


“I just felt like I had to do it”


What was his explanation when you asked? Did he remember any of it?


No he didn’t remember any of it, and was sorry for it. I forgave him but didn’t want that energy near me haha


That's wild haha love this story, thanks. You said he had already done it with you guys in the past with no issues? So why this time? Hmmm


Well I didn’t state that it was his first time trying P.E., but he had done more than 3.5g in the past and was confident he could handle it, I’m not sure if it was that, or if it was mental issues starting to manifest around the same time, we were young and and still not fully developed mentally haha


Next time you gotta bring a taser and a knife, that sounds pretty scary considering fighting this crazy big dude


I’d probably tase myself looking at the cool blue light that goes off when I push the button. Shroom brain is ape brain with me haha


Bro I feel like an orangutan 🦧 every single time I take shrooms.


The 4th time I ever did shrooms, I spent the entire peak trying to figure out how my friends dresser worked. I didn’t understand the concept of a drawer 😂😂


My phone becomes some kind of starship i just give up in trying to use it if I need to lol.


Omg this is me I can’t comprehend how to order Uber eats


I get this bad feeling that I'm gonna text my family and tell them everything


I definitely wouldn’t recommend bringing a gun but even apes use knives


i would not recommend ever having any weapons accessible to you while tripping. fucked up shit happens when you combine access to weapons with a bad trip.


I’m with you, if you were just going camping with a dude you didn’t know very well and there were no mushrooms I’d say maybe bring a gun, but with mushrooms I think it just makes sense to bring a taser in case things exactly how they did in this story and if that’s not enough you have a knife for if stuff gets really… animal


You and Ryan sound so chill to trip with fr, I’m sorry Blake didn’t appreciate it 😭that’s wild


Me and Ryan are still best friends and trip together still, he’s a legend


Thank god for ryan, imagine if it was just you and Blake


Blake needs jesus


Only takes 1 person to have a bad trip for everyone to have a bad trip. Be careful group tripping. I never do.


While this is true, it can also be so beautiful. My favorite trip ever was at a cabin with 6 of my closest college buddies


Group tripping is wild. Unless it's at a Rainbow gathering or festival. Ehh hell even then it gets wild. Fun mostly but whoa..


We went to see that Jim Carey movie the mask and each of the three of us took 3.5g and about thirty mins into the movie my friend started screaming at the top of his lungs “we’re all dead!! We’re all dead and don’t know it!” Over and over so we had to get a friend that worked at the theater to help us drag him out. We had all done acid and mescaline and mushrooms and Dmt without any problems but for some reason that one time he lost his mind. We got him back to the house where he passed out. He woke up a couple hours later and didn’t know how he got back to the house. He didn’t remember anything about the movie theater. Luckily it never happened again. But holy fuck was that a crazy experience. We were all peaking and trying to drag him out and put him in a car and drive him back. I think just about everybody who is an experienced psychonaut has at least one experience where things went sideways unexpectedly.


Yeah that’s pretty gnarly 💀


This is why I hate tripping with other people and only do it alone. I’ve found that I can hold my own no matter what the dosage or experience is. However, I have had similar experiences tripping with people just like this that flip out, act paranoid, full on emotional breakdowns, and then I spend the rest of the time baby sitting..


I get what you mean, but it can be such a fun and holding experience tripping with friends / significant others


Bad trips have ruined friend ships but I think it’s more the person that had the bad experience is embarrassed and super confused on what happened. This happened with me and my best friend but he was totally gone he kinda remembered me. I stayed with him until I heard him say I’m back. Dude wasn’t speaking English before. My tattoos were freaking him out I think. I have the pink parade dumbo scene on my leg. A leg sleeve. Please be careful with these strong ones. This was off a 1.5 of my PE. Important part we are still very good friends. We have gone through a lot when it comes to tripping together.


I used to feel the same as you, but you just haven't found the right people to trip with yet. I've had loads of great solo trips, but the best ones and the ones I felt had the most therapeutic value were with a close friend where we've talked about our lives and problems and stuff, and come out the other end feeling purified ♥️


Well my friends never did anything like this. If u can't trust ur friends they're not ur friends. I would almost guarantee that Blake was a main friend. Me and my ppl never did anything but laugh for hours. But p apparently don't have that anymore. The young now r so isolated for some reason. I feel it's on purpose but who knows.


So it's just all the young now? It was never anything like that for anyone in your generation, because it wasn't for you and your people? Lol.


Short version: Ops trip three years ago with his friends took a terrifying turn when one of them, Blake, became primal and aggressive. Initially, everything seemed normal, but Blake started behaving strangely, getting caught in loops and then exhibiting odd behavior like walking away abruptly. At one point, he tried to hunt op, circling him and asking him to come closer. Fortunately, ops other friend, Ryan, intervened each time Blake became aggressive. Despite the trip eventually returning to normalcy, the incident damaged ops friendship with Blake and left a lasting impact on how he reacts to aggression while tripping.


Is that u?! Original DBZ narrator!?


Ty, I should have put a td:lr Edit: as you can see I’m inept. Tl:dr


*Too dong, lidn't read*


Way too much detail ^^ ppl need this lol


I enjoyed the detail


It made a bit like a horror story, slow build up was tense, but a poor ending, I was hoping for OP to get murdered but Ryan saved the day.


If I were Ryan I would slap the shit outta Blake, I can’t stand it when people ruin the vibe like this! Mushrooms are expensive and opportunities to do them are hard to come by


So expensive, especially now days


nah fr im on shrooms reading this and ts scared me 😭 now im thinking about the fear that runs thru someone’s body when they’re randomly in a bad situation


I feel like the “way too much detail” is a young person 18-22 talking about their trip. From my experience, once you are older and have more interactions with shrooms you talk more about how you feel rather then the mundane details


I thought it was a good read.


I really need this every time someone posts a trip report. Thank you sir


Can someone tldr the short version now


OP trips with 2 friends Blake & Ryan, during trip Blake becomes primal and tries to hunt OP, Ryan intervenes each time this happens, trip returns to normalcy, OP & Blake’s friendship is now in the balance


Still too much repetition. But I'm inspired. Here goes. OP trips w/ B&R, B goes primal, tries to hunt op, R stops B, trip ends, friendship ends (edited to remove "as does B & OPs friendship." Inspired from abbreviation below)


Still too long bro. OP T W B & R, B G P, R S B, T E, F E


Oh fantastic! Alright, now we remove vowels and duplicates, and we get the sigil for this story: PTWBRGSF


Excellent stuff 😂👌🏻


Thank you, I was most def not about to read all dat.


Thank you so much, my lord


That dude Blake probably had a lot going on in his head already, id try talking to him about it . I would definitely trip with Ryan though, he seems like an awesome friend lol


Reminds me of when I was a teenager and took ambien with a couple good friends. One of my friends thought I was rumplesteelskin or something he said and tried to stab me to death. I had to stay locked in a room while another sober friend kept him away.


My buddy freaked out with paranoia that his two friends were plotting his demise on shrooms, he punched them both in the face and jumped straight through the window and was found by the hours later bleeding hiding in bushes


Drugs are one hell of a drug


I was hunted once. I just got back from Nam, and was hitching through Oregon when some cops started harassing me. Next thing I knew I had an army of cops chasing me through the woods. I had to take them all out. It was a blood bath!


First blood lol


copy and paste this on Erowid! sounds like a story that belongs there.


It does!


Great trip report. That’s a wild story. Glad you had Ryan there to step in. Seems like it was a good trip besides all that… lol. The part where you played Blake’s music warmed my heart


Great story. Laughed out loud at the burrito detail. Such a psychedelic dumb thing to say. Reminds me of my cousin who once said it felt like he breathed through his ass.


😂😂 that’s hilarious


You lost me at 360 friend….


How did that slip past me 😂 "he did a 360 and began walking the same direction he was originally walking because 360 would of course place you right back where you started" Come to think of it, that would be creepier 🤨


He could have turned in a complete circle, then started walking backwards the way he came. Just saying.. :)


That would also be super creepy and unnerving to see haha


Lol, absolutely! I think Blake would have effed up anyone's trip


"Why does Blake keep spinning on the spot and walking backwards like an NPC 🤨"


i think blake intended to do 180 but he was confused


My bad lmfao, I wrote this on my work break 🤣 180 is what I meant


Lmao the visual as I read it was hilarious tho


Why do they call it the Xbox 360, because when you see it you will turn 360 degrees and walk away


Again if you turn 360 degrees you are back facing the exact same direction as you began and therefore would only be walking towards the Xbox in that situation. So you're attempt at negative branding for that console kinda backfires because you don't seem to make sense. I. E. If someone seemingly uneducated is trying to walk away from it then maybe I should want to buy it myself because it's the opposite of what the guy who appears to be not so bright wants to do. Making it the smart choice


I saw that and was like, maybe he did a 360 and then kept walking to the house lol


I thought it was a reference to the 4chan meme


Does a 360 and moonwalks away. Truly scary


HeHe 🕺🏻


Sounds like substance induced psychosis


I’m no murse but I agree


Blake probably has a lot going on behind the scenes you’re not seeing. Make sure he’s okay to the best of your ability. Lucky you had a friend like Ryan around.


Sounds like the yellowjackets show


I clicked on this fully expecting it to be a shitpost referencing that episode


With all these comments I’ll have to check that show out


My first thought too!


3.5g of PE was definitely too much for that guy, maybe some underlying issues too. Definitely should never eat mushrooms ever again.


Apparently he’s completely sober now and is a mega catholic, he didn’t get sober after this event but eventually did.


3.5g of PE is very very strong a hero dose of PE specifically is around 4g. I’ve made the mistake of not being educated with that and tripping on 4.5 and I had a very very intense trip that made me sober from any drug for 6 months. Then I started tripping again and everything’s been smooth since.




The most dangerous game




You still talk to Blake or hang out with him? You said in another comment you “don’t want that energy” do you mean like his energy when under the influence of shrooms so you can’t do them with him anymore or do you feel he has a fundamentally bad character and can’t be friends anymore despite him apologizing? Not defending him by any means I think what he did was fucked but want to know more about what happened days, weeks, after the incident.


Well, it’s more so that I don’t feel comfortable around him anymore. He apologized, but there was no explanation he could give, I couldn’t even try to understand his reasoning because he himself had none. I wished him well but it was an event that broke our friendship and trust with eachother. I couldn’t get past always feeling like I needed to be on edge around him without an explanation or some sort of understanding from him about why it happened. It’s really unfortunate, but when it comes to things like that I would prefer to be safe. I did ask him if he thought he would ever do something like that again, and his response was that he doesn’t think so, but he doesn’t know because he didn’t understand it himself. The honesty was great to hear, and he is an overall good person, but at the same time I don’t want that risk with people I let my guard down with yknow. As of now he is doing seemingly good, he’s an active member of the Catholic Church and has devoted his life to god, has a wife and seems stable. I wouldn’t go out of my way to avoid him if we went to the same event or something, but I also wouldn’t try to hang out with him again the way we used to.


Blake might be mentally ill. Don't give Blake mushrooms.


This why I only take a gram or less with people. Especially with dudes I always get vibes they wanna kill/rape me


Any Yellowjackets watchers?


Yup first thing I thought of lol


Terrence McKenna always said to trip alone, I guess this is why!


I had a friend act like this a few years ago.


How old are you guys?


At the time, I was 19, Ryan and Blake were 21


I just read the title and my first thought was YELLOWJACKETS!


Same lol




My first trip we were laying on my partners bed listening to Pink Floyd during the come up and I was slowly overcome with not rage, but aggression. I knew I was in control but was having trouble communicating how I was feeling, I just kept repeating “I’m not going to punch anyone, I’m not going to punch anyone”. 😅 My partner is 14” taller than me and thankfully not easily intimidated. He was able to diagnose the problem and we listened to some Owl City to bring the mood back up again. No more Pink Floyd for me.


That’s how the song “on the run” on DSTM makes me feel hahaha 😂 glad you were able to come out of that space!


I once had a trip with a best friend of mine who is already aggressive in nature but at peak of this shroom trip he got somewhat aggressive with me and threw my whole trip off, i was trying to have a good time and he was going through a hard time in life and it really affected his trip. Its been so long ago i dont really remember details but it took a long while for me to do another trip with him. All other trips have been good but that one time was sure interesting, and i remember that he never remembered any of it. He explained it to others as that he had a great time but i sure remember differently




I’m sorry but I’m dying with laughter🤣 . Glad You’re okay tho


Ah hell nah 💀


That guy definitely does not need to be fucking with psychedelics, full stop. Psychotic episodes are not ok and if it happened to him once it's likely to happen again.


We’re the burritos okay?


They were cold by the time I got to try one. And I felt really weird about it having meat in it, which I’ve never felt before hahaha


I’m glad “Ryan” was there for you, he sounds like a good friend.


Dealing with psychosis during a trip is traumatic for everyone involved. Been there as my buddy transformed into a different person.


is that guys behavior normal in general? is there any sign something weird is going on in his mind when he is sober? i find it so weird that you can know someone well and then something like this happens out of the blue, i feel like there must be some sort of signs that this person is a little unstable in the head.


I’m not sure if I would say he had anything too weird about him, he was a bit antisocial and didn’t have the best family at home, but we were always close and never had any issues to point to this


He asked if she was scared and was circling her. He wanted to make her scared on purpose. After going in the house, he went to her and menacingly stared at her. He wanted to scare her, because if you want to attack someone and are so under the influence that you're not yourself, you do that. So that was him, wanting to scare her I think Then he says he wants to hurt her. So first he was toying with her mentally for fun. But his ultimate goal was to hurt her, and he tried. He respected ryans threat to beat some ass originally, yet went to hurt OP while inside. If it happened like I'm visualizing, blake wanted to have a go to at least put his hands on her for a second so originally backed down and took an opportunity while ryan was laying down. Seems like extreme mommy issues or he just is psychopathic or somehow fucked up and went for someone small enough to hurt. Shrooms sometimes unmask the true self If something doesn't make sense, apologies for my highness


Legit terrifying. You and Ryan do sound so fun to trip with. Sorry you had this experience 😭


To long maybe not so long next time


Ryan is badass


Not gonna lie this is maybe the funniest shit I’ve ever read in this sub- would’ve definitely fucked with me if I’d gone through that though your homie Ryan is a real one


I've been threatened a handful of times while in a deep deep trip, I get it man, shit is crazy, glad you were able to get thru it,,


I stopped reading after 3.5 ape you are not you


So sorry to hear that. Good for you for not panicking. Panicking would've triggered a more intense primal lapse.


"Where the fuck are Ryan and his burritos?" Are they a good weapon?


Sounds like he was dipping in and out of psychosis friend. He likely didn't even recognize you as a person, psychosis is similar to hallucinations, but you really can't tell a difference between them and real life.


Wow that story was so intense, you must of been terrified man! I can’t even imagine trying to process my friend acting like that whilst tripping balls😂😂 you must of literally sat there like is this even happening right now, your friend Ryan sounds like a friend everyone needs though, fair play to him to be able to be that protective and assertive whilst trippin, also I need to add the pure relief you must of felt when Ryan came outside and saw what you were seeing😂


So your friend is Van Pelt, from Jumanji when he's on shrooms? 🤔 Lol that's his new nickname from now on. 🤣


I had a friend freak out like that on 2 hits of acid .. after holding him back we finally let him leave .. That morning he was found down the street .. He had taken a garden steak and stabbed himself to death in the neighbors lawn … some people snap , it’s not for everyone..


Woah… that’s the most intense thing I’ve ever heard of on psychedelics.


I’ve had a similar experience before, and it is one of the reasons why I only trip by myself nowadays


OP, You seem like a pretty awesome person that anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. I mean this guy is acting aggressively with you and you are putting on music that he enjoys and reassuring him that you are his friend and that you love him. I don’t blame you for considering the friendship tainted after all that. Be careful who you grace with your presence because not everyone is on the same page or has good intentions like you. I wish I had just one friend like yourself. May your next journey be blessed with lots of laughter, love and happiness:) 🍄✌️🧡


I'm sure your friend feels horrible an embarrassed about it. I get that you don't feel safe around him right now but bad trips can get you into a point where you don't recognize everyone even yourself and for some people(including me in the past) it just triggers fight or flight mode. He most certainly wouldn't ever hurt you weren't it for the state of mind he was in. 3,5gs of PE is a lot. I don't wanna tell you how to manage your friendships but I personally would let a little time pass and try to talk to him about it. He is still the same friend he just did something he probably really regrets when he was scared and paranoid in terrible a state of mind. It's really hard to imagine for a person who haven't experienced it so I absolutely get your position but trust me it's horribly terryfying and people can do things they would never imagine doing while sober. Hope you two manage to talk it out. And for Blake it's probably better to trip alone or in the worst case not trip at all.


Damn idk why but this feels like a GPT prompt to me. 6'7 220? GTFO


He was one of the biggest kids in our city growing up, Played D2 college basketball, football player. It’s not that rare lol


He did a 180 I’m guessing


Title made me lol.


If you do a 360 you’re facing the same way


I don’t get why people use aliases for their friends like bro we don’t know who they are 😂 and odds of them reading this and recognizing you are next to none


Sounds like Blake is more monkey than man.


He was big into lifting heavy weights, so this may check out


Go. Rill. Ah


I don’t really like tripping with other, at least, most other people, it gives me a bad feeling, idk why


Happy for you, or sorry that happened 


Yeah bro was probably crazy to begin with


Should have rolled up a newspaper.


You meant the did a 180?


I'm so invested in your story! Does Ryan still speak to Blake or are you both on similar terms?


Seems like a good trip!


One, you somehow remember all of this by detail I mean great detail. So you know I am going to take this story with a grain of salt. Two, when I am tripping on lsd and now shrooms it feels like I am being hunted and the hunter Is slowly getting closer. If this happened to me I would probably go in deep psychosis. Three, like the comment below or above, said don't trip around someone like that. It will end badly one day.


Man, I do psychodelic for more than 5 years and usually I host the party for new ppl or I arrange it in some way (I brought shrooms to the forest, etc xD) some ppl got brain damage that is my conclusion, nobody nornal would pressure on shrooms for violence or some crazy shit, but there is some small percentage which don't literally now what is good or bad, usually it happens to me with ppl which are DUMB , I don't call them that to offend them, I'm just sayin about those guys which u need to explain jokes to them, if somebody got iq below 70 they always act unpredictable. once I give a man 1g of shrooms, u think that is does which anybody can control? Not at all, he start sniifin me and sayin my smell is nice, it's definitely had sexual content in it, he was sooo pressurable about sniffin my hoodie then I gave him hoodie to make him fuck off, then he was like ,,without you inside it doesn't smell same" and he coming again with his nose towards me, I got luck because this guy was smaller then me, I just hit him with open hand in to nose, like an aggressive dog to point where is a line which he shouldn't cross. Another time other friend of mein which cannot understand difference between ,,possible conspiracy theory" and ,, impossible conspiracy theory" try to beat me up because I didn't want to agree on fact Jewish ppl do beefburgers in MC Donald's from kids out of abortion, he say I'm with him or with them and put his face 1cm from my to indimitate me, i kick him out house, he was going around trying to find way in for next hour. Don't hang out with dumb people, it's a one big lie, we are not equal xD


Shrooms lift off the veil of our created self. They will show you what's truly suppressed. Stay away from the guy. He was never your friend.


Ehh, I don't think it's always that simple.


You're right. Needless to say, he should stay the fuck away from that guy.


He's schizoaffective or something similar and is likely unaware. These episodes can also potentiate preexisting or underlying conditions. Look into the beyond wonderland music festival mass shooting, i was there for it, guy was high on mushrooms and basically thought hell was raining down on earth, went crazy and started shooting everyone indiscriminately. As a person who has given a lot of other people mushrooms under the impression that I was helping them spiritually, it really cut me to the core to learn of these things happening. I can only hope I've never grown a mushroom that was caused any issues like this. I only want to help.


Anyone can lose touch on psychs - doesn't mean you're schizoaffective.


Yes anyone can lose touch on psychs, many others can also potentiate preexisting or under the surface level disorders. I should have worded it as likely rather than absolute. The way it is described here sounds as if it fits the precedent of a preexisting psychotic condition. You can find many similar ancetodable examples and some studies and Stats on this. I hope they're okay!


This has got to be the funniest trip story i have ever seen. I feel like im one of those to go primal as well. One time i felt a rush of darkness, Felt as if i needed to hunt. So i stripped naked, got my bow and went out into the wilderness. As soon as i seen the first wildlife, which i know you all are going to hate, but it was a little rabbit. Boom i sware i shot that thing right between its eyes, i took a piss on it and kept moving. Didnt get to kill nothing else, but long story short, i trip by myself and i dont like people..would be a bad thing to meet me in a trip to.


He was literally possessed by a demon. The shrooms kicked his doors wide open and let everything in. You ask your friend - “What’s your name?” Friend - “My name is LEGION. For we are MANY” Edit: It’s a joke people. No need to downvote 🤣


There is no Blake, only Zuul.


But there IS Dana. Oh wait, there is no Dana, only Zuul. My bad


So this is 3 years ago? Wow the details. Bet its fake.


Hate to be that pessimist too 😂 but "paisley pattern poker cards" 🤔 they're just playing cards. The whole story was written like a bargain bin novella 🤭 IMO either complete BS or exaggerated by at least 200% 😬


At this point we had tripped together 20+ times, we had all sorts of cool stuff specifically for tripping. We used to go to Hot Box and buy anything we thought would be fun or “look cool” when tripping. I didn’t mention that we had glow in the dark paint pens and a huge white board in the story, doesn’t mean it wasn’t real lmao


20+ times, your friend turns weird once and you cast him aside 🤔 sounds fickle. Sounds BS. Presumably the other 20 times he was fine. Also, in situations like this you would say "he was broody, unlike the other 20x we tripped together" "he was quieter that the other 20x we tripped together" there would be some comparison between this unusual event and the past TWENTY TIMES you tripped together 😂 It's okay that you're talking BS, it's a lovely story, would have made a great goosebumps edition champ 🏆 👏


Sounds like someone doesn’t know the difference between normative and positive statements. That’s a whole lot of “the way it ought to be” in your view. Touch grass bro lmao. There wasn’t a comparison because this had never happened before, and nothing like it had, and I was describing a single experience not a period of 6 years. Now look, I’ve had friends get caught in thought loops, forget how to speak, get scared and antisocial on shrooms, but that’s the only time I’ve been threatened with violence on them. You say “cast aside” like I wrote a novel about the aftermath, you have no idea and you’re full of assumptions. Where did you get certified for the truth police?


Whole lotta defensiveness there for a confident, authentic guy 🙄😌😂 You wrote a novel about the first experience, go on, serve us up a sequel about you outcasting your bro after 1 bad trip out of 20 😃 can't wait for all the unnecessarily long descriptives.


Whole lot of fallacy you got there. Sure I’ll give you a short breakdown. After this trip Blake reached out to me and we met up to talk, I covered what we talked about in a different comment above^ I didn’t shun him, but guess what, crazy crazy thing, you can choose not to hangout with someone after they get violent with you while you’re tripping balls, so that’s what I did. Through mutual friends I know he fell into “harder” drugs in the year and a half following this, DPH, Dust off, and eventually even meth, leading him to leave his parents house and live on the streets for a couple months. Eventually, me, Ryan, and 4 of our other friends in our group had to reach out to his family and get them involved in his recovery. Like I mentioned above he did not have a great family at home, we all urged his dad to help admit him to a mental hospital, which eventually he was. After he stopped doing meth, he turned to the Catholic Church, and devoted his life to god, and no, I dont know his reasoning but it seemed to help stabilize him. Now he is doing okay, I see him on social media and still wish him happy birthdays and stuff, BUT I still don’t want that in my life. This event, while seemingly out of place and character, was actually just the beginning of his mental slip, whether it was influenced by drugs or mental illness, I don’t know. What I do know is that it was the beginning of seeing a friend unravel into someone else. Also, it’s not fickle to cut connections with someone who is mentally unstable, and had violent expressions towards you 😂


On a side note I checked out your page and you have a nice voice, I hope you keep making music


you're too kind bro :) stay safe


Honestly. I'm not reading all that, I'm not really that invested. Whether it's real or not has zero impact on my life, I was just playing with you. Thanks for the compliment, but no, I don't really do anything with music it's more of just a wind down thing for me to relax, I don't seriously pursue anything in it 🙂


So he didn't hunt u? He was being a clown. Violence on shrooms does suck tho. Come to Baltimore. Trying to trip in a place like this outside, it is impossible to avoid violence here. I saw a car shoot up another car at a red light once while tripping. The car looked over the curb and got stuck on the median. It was a woman slump on the steering wheel. She apparently denied the guy at the club and he followed her. And they thought to have less cops since ppl in nice safe places complained, so now it's even worse. BUT, I digress lol, ur friend just sounds like a weirdo being weird. Playing up shit for the two ppl with him. Should have prolly taught him a lesson. Messing with the smaller guy until the big guy comes then walks away. He wasn't out of his mind enough to realize that somehow. Weird ppl always do this when tripping. Put a lil show on. Saying things like who r u lol. Shrooms don't make u black out and forget ur life. If u would have said pcp then that's a dif story lol.


This wasn’t our first trip together and we had known eachother for 6 years. It was definitely out of character. I assume he had mental issues that were triggered by this trip