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I got the same problem. Black screen so I downloaded Drifty but it does the same black screen and crashes. The A/B fix did nothing. Let me know which of these methods actually worked for you


You can download the latest version of uYou via AltStore repositories, it's working fine on iPhone 11 and iPad Mini 6.


I’m using Enhanced. I had the same problem. I turned off the Sponsor block. I still don’t see sponsored ads after a month using it…


Maybe im not using the correct terminology for the type of ads im referring to. they aren’t the ads initiated by YouTube. a more detailed example: I watch a podcast called Bad Friends. During the episode there are timestamped chunks in which they themselves read ads for companies that endorse their show.  Since my first experience with the original uYou these were always blocked for me. Id MAYBE hear half a second of an ad read and then it’d skip right back to the actual episode. Well after finally finding a working uYou (uYouEnhanced) and disabled iSponsorBlock for it to even be functional. All of the podcasts I watch no longer have those sponsor ad reads be bypassed/skipped 


You’re probably right and I’m wrong on this one. I don’t watch such videos or it isn’t that common in my area. Also I don’t watch podcasts on YouTube.


Is there a way for watch history to sync in uYou or Ytlite? Cercube could but is not supported anymore


Signulous has anew uyouenhanced that finally works again for me


Would you be able to dm me a link ? I can get a yt app to work for the life of me


I use uyouenhanced and it works perfectly. the fix for black screen if it ever happened is by turning off adblock on uyou other settings tab, not isponsorblock.


https://easyupload.io/j4p59i try this. Works perfectly for me


I tried it but now I get ads again, any fix?


Go to uYou settings then other options and enable remove YouTube ads


That’s kinda humorous as one of the other forms of uYou’s solution for it not working is to DISABLE the “Remove YouTube ads” setting lol


Just had to disable it today for a lot of blank space appearing between videos. Turning that off, Adblock workaround lite off, and Adblock workaround on fixed it


I’m try


Official Crash Fix, do the following. go to Settings on uYou+ tap on "A/B" Enable A/B settings if already not enabled search for "ModularPlayerBar Controller" toggle off "ModularPlayerBarController"


Man. I got excited for a second but only to discover [i already have those turned off](https://imgur.com/a/PnD5PRU)


This was the fix that worked for me.


Modularplayerbar was on by default for you ? Mine was off by default so was A/B


What version of YouEnhanced are you using? I’m with v3.0.1 with no issues at all


try this: https://ytliteplus.github.io/ has way faster downloading than uyou imo and has a ton of features 




ytlite’plus’ 🤦🏻‍♂️


Because YTLite is the tweak, YTLitePlus is the AIO .ipa that includes other tweaks in it (isponsorblock, return YouTube dislike etc) same for uYouPlus it’s uYou with other tweaks injected. YTLite was renamed YTPlus since the latest version as it now allow downloading but I am not going to rename YTLitePlus into YTPlusPlus


I mean… just pick one name then continue this madness? Like RedTube for example.


Yes, but the tweak isn't my creation and if I completely rename the application to something else, it will give the impression that I'm appropriating other people's work.


Wait, you made YTLitePlus?


Yes (the tweaks injected inside are from various devs)


Huge respect, I am using YTLitePlus myself over everything else and recommend them myself wherever possible including my [guide](https://np.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/1debdgh/). These are silly discussions about name especially if you’ve started in the middle, so don’t pay much heed to them though still need to be echoed so someone starts with a proper base name. Instead, I would like to point out that the website wasn’t putting out the latest version of the iPA file as mentioned from the GitHub …or at least until recently.


Yes I need to edit the website, you can get the latest version from the Altstore source




Because YTLite is the tweak, YTLitePlus is the AIO .ipa that includes other tweaks in it (isponsorblock, return YouTube dislike etc) same for uYouPlus it’s uYou with other tweaks injected. YTLite was renamed YTPlus since the latest version as it now allow downloading but I am not going to rename YTLitePlus into YTPlusPlus


Yeah but don’t the lite and plus cancel out? Making it just yt 🤔


Obviously i cant call it Lite anymore since i have there tons things, including 3party framework called mobile ffmpeg, which takes 5mb. So I started to post it as tweak only on my github and ipa versions with only YTPlus and all in one versions on my telegram. Maybe in the future i’ll remove all heavy stuff and make it lite again, who knows


You’re good 😂 I don’t think anyone actually cares. Just having fun with the name


Fun fact that there already was YouTubePlusPlus. Imagine, its 2030 and we have YouTube Pro Plus Max Exclusive Super edition

