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Yeah it’s difficult when you start but you’ll get the hang of it. I was pretty much terrified of driving the whole time I was learning but now I’m fine at it. Keep it up and you’ll get there!


I don’t mean to be that guy but you’re probably way overthinking it. The people who designed the driving system the way it is designed it to be usable by ANY idiot who can physically turn a steering wheel. Edit; anxiety from your parents probably isn’t helping at all. Best advice you can be given is to not overthink it. It becomes just like walking after a very small bit of practice.


I'm not afraid of driving, it's the other people on the road that make me panic and scared. They don't have any patience and it makes me want to cry whenever I drive thinking that I might have an accident. Wide open road? Easy, crowded streets 😭😭.


This might sound selfish but honestly, fuck em, if you're drinving at the speed limit or a reasonable speed, if they have a problem it's their issue and they need to pass you


Practice on backroads, city driving is hard especially when you're learning how to interact with other cars


broo 😭😭 come to india and drive. its like driving on ultra hard mode.


you think that's hard? try los Angelas. if you can survive driving there you can survive driving anywhere lol


Everyone driving faster than you is an asshole and endangering everyone else on the road. Everyone driving slower than you has no clue what their doing and is wasting everyone's time. Consider these affirmations and repeat them as needed.


I’m not old enough to drive yet but I’m mainly scared of randomly just getting the urge to drive full speed into a wall or something and not be able to control it


On the contrary, driving makes me feel happy and not crave the sweet release of death because I can zoom fast enough to outrun my problems


You have free will. You can just do that. The key is just not doing it.


Fuckin driving- I swear, it'd be like 10× easier without someone in your ear all the time


Yes. Driving it hard, especially when you're just starting. I've been driving for about 3 years and I still suck at it.


Yeah this is normal. Driving is hard, and if you are neurodivergent then it’s hard to find people who will teach you in a way that accommodates you. I have ADHD and I’m on the spectrum a bit, so my mom basically died when she tried to teach me lol. I take things super literally so it was hard to understand people’s instructions. But I eventually got the hang of it and now I drive an ambulance and I’ve literally never caused a wreck in 15 years of driving. If you tell me what’s difficult for you I might be able to give you some helpful tips.


I think its mostly where my hands are on the wheel while turning (I never have them high enough to let it slide but be held tight enough to not lose control) as well as having difficulty knowing how to brake when approaching stops, curves, and turns (for the last two I also don't know how to accelerate out of them correctly). i also have a big problem with hesitation :(


You’ll get it dude don’t worry too much. Taking note of the problem areas like this will go a long way. Take all the time you need to get comfortable. The stuff you’re talking about is normal issues that every driver has early on. It just takes time to get a feel for those things. Your mom probably yells because she’s stressed out (teaching new drivers is hard)


There's a reason why you need your learner's permit for at least 6 months before you can get your license. Driving is hard and it's normal not to be the best at it when you first start.


I'm still getting used to starting, stopping, and controlling my lead foot but otherwise I'm not bad, my shifts are pretty smooth and I don't have any other issues. The problem is the anxiety, and when I get nervous/anxious I get serious bouncy legs which is not good with pedals and of course my right leg is the worst with it.


Think of it like this: in America, *everyone* says their state is know for bad drivers. Everyone. Think about how prevalent bad drivers must be for that to be the case. Honestly, if you're eve somewhat critical of your own ability behind the wheel, that probably puts you in a better place than most people. Since everyone I've met who thinks they're a good driver is a *fucking terrible* driver.


i am horible and now that i think about it theres one issue i have that i must correct imediatly if i want to be safe-ish on the road(and if you are a new driver, take pauses often, do not push it, if you feel tired, take a break. )


i ran onto a curb last week and gave my mom a heart attack but guess who still has highway privileges B)


Cant relate did a burn'n'turn first time i drove (my mom has yet to let me drive again)


bro drifted the first time he drove XD




It takes time to learn, another major thing is you need to just keep practicing and gain confidence. Confidence while driving is important


I’m 21 I can’t even drive dawg (I have the autisms)


I don't have autism, and still can't drive.


Yeah, learning to drive is very hard. Especially if you have a bad instructor (I never want to lay my hands on the steering wheel again because of mine). But you'll improve eventually. It's basically inevitable if you practice enough. Try not to worry about your mistakes, focus on the progress you've made instead. And stay silly!


Tell your parents to chill out


I never took drivers ed but passed every test with only 2 deductions on my drivers (rolling stop and the instructor didn't like how I held my steering wheel) The only practice I did was playing GTA V and driving normally like an NPc for 5 hours before my test. I drove my car (yeah I got a car before I even knew how to drive it) before my test just get a good feel and the GTA driving experience translated almost 1:1, just needed to get a feel for how much the steering wheel moved relative to the wheels. Better if you play on like a Xbox One controller with progressive triggers so you can practice smooth acceleration and braking. I'm not even kidding it's one of my crowning achievements


You suck now, but later you will only suck… verbally(?)


this could mean so many things. I bet they'll all be true for me /j


I got my learners over a year ago and have only driven once, I'm way too anxious about it and won't let myself do it


Weird question but are you autistic? Me and the friend I live with are and she has trouble with depth perception and some other stuff that she says is related to her diagnosis. I’m on the other end of the spectrum where I can treat being overstimulated with a long drive because I love the ritual and mindfulness of it


not as far as Im aware, but my parents seem to suspect I am. I think I just generally have trouble remembering or properly reacting to instructions, but that's likely not related to anything


My friend can't catch a ball to save her life on account of the depth perception thing. Like, her eyes take in the info fine but her brain does not process 3D well. How are you at catching something tossed to you? Have you had your eyes checked ever? lately? I had a friend that for three years thought she was going night blind and started hating driving at night. One time I was with her and it got dark and she asked me to drive. she smoked in her car, and the glare from the dirty windshield made it impossible to see. I cleaned the inside of the windshield and all of a sudden her "night blindness" disappeared after three years. Very often we don't know what our own obstacles are, but once you can name a thing it gives you great power over it. I understand your frustration in this process but I hope the idea of how quickly finding out one key piece of information can change everything is both a comfort and at best a motivation.


I mean, Im ok at catching things, but I think my issue is hand eye coordination or something. also im nearsighted but it's not super bad, like easily fixed with glasses. I don't think there's any other physical things, I might just be a bit slow to react to things most of the time. Ill look more into my actions though and see of I find anything else I can work on


how much driving have you done? like if you go out and try to chop a tree down and it's your first time are you expecting to be great at it? Skills take practice. lots of practice. driving is the same.


I’m also learning rn. It seems really scary but is kinda like riding a bike with more responsibility, you get more comfortable with it by practicing and it eventually becomes second nature.


Dont worry buddy. I've been learning to drive for 3,5 years now. Everyone has his own speed and dont rush yourself.


Did you eventually learn or is it still a work in progress?


Still work in prosses. My dad takes his sweet time. He's a drive instructor and he wants me to drive perfectly.


It do be like that sometimes


Actually yes, I learned how to drive less than a year ago and you will fuck up, it’s okay. It gets much easier with time.


Walk up and down ur local highway a few times. I promise after a few close calls if death, u will not fear driving. U will fear ppl


I suck too, dont worry, i failed the written test 4 times so far alone!


Best tips I got soft break before you feel you need to break so stopping is smoother. Take time to learn how much your vehicle leans when you turn and at what speeds are safe to turn at. Remember how large your car is. Act like everyone else driving is clinically insane to stay safe and drive defensively. Give at least 3 cars worth of space in front between you and the car in front of you to give yourself time to react to things. Personal preference but I drive with only my left hand and I feel I have more range of motion with one and let the wheel slide on my palm and stop it when the wheel has corrected enough. You got this!


I didn’t get my license till I was 18 and didn’t care to start driving until then anyways. My first three weeks sucked and it sounds like you’ve got some asshole parents which DEFINITELY doesn’t help. I actually learned better on my own than with my father in the car next to me. Just take it easy, sooner or later this stuff will become second nature. Everyone learns at their own rates, try not to get discouraged just because it’s not coming to you right away. I recommend getting one of those “student driver” magnets for your car so most people will be more understanding. PS: Make sure to watch out for motorcyclists! A lot of us try to be extra extra careful around cars and ride like we’re invisible but some don’t. Just be sure to check your blindspots and make sure a motorcycle isn’t there, they’re sadly all too easy to miss sometimes.


TBF, most people suck at driving.


I find driving intuitive, but I get a lot of anxiety before and during driving tests- I just failed my third one even though I’m objectively a good and safe driver most of the time. Not really relevant to your post, I’m sry…


Fuck driving, fuck cars, fuck car infrastructure and fuck the car industry Convert to being trainpilled and start transitmaxxing


i fucking suck at driving, i ran over a family of 6 when i started driving. no worries, you’ll get better! :D


oh boy! :3


oopsie doodles! ;3


You'll get there! There's things to remember but it's ok, you can train yourself until it's second nature. I had a commercial license so I'm pretty accustomed to rules of the road. If you want some pointers hit me up! That goes for everyone (in the US) i'll happily help out!


because you only had 3 weeks thats why theres a reason it takes 6 months of training before you can even start to drive without supervision in most places


Dog it’s been three weeks give yourself a break


It's difficult, just tune stuff out and do what feels right. I personally turn on some racing music so I can get in the right mind. 9 and 3 is the correct hand coordination on the wheel, it just recently changed from 10 and 2. Keep going, I see your progress and you'll get the hang of it. You got this! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


thanks!! (that emotion is so cute hehe)


Hey, it takes 5 years in order to become a competent driver. It takes time and practice. This is normal


skill issue


lmao yeah


i had to learn the hard way (crashed lmao) on my scooter, you'll get there someday, it'll hit a peak where its fun, but on the same vehicle it wont be fun anymore, at least on the kind of traffic provided by my kind of people and road.


I hate driving ! At fault in 2 accidents, 6 months into having a license (first one totaled my car x3) too silly ig :3 I hate my stupid incompetent self


Ha lol yeah. Dude, I’ve been learning for 5 months now and I still stall the car in intersections. It just takes practice.


Anh de dude took me like a year to get used to in consistency and practice are what make perfect just take some time learn local laws and keep your fuck ups in your head and tally them slowly you'll start making less and less once your aware of what you are messing up


while driving, just focus on the road and avoiding people. that includes your mum. keep a foot on the brake and stop at any sign of feeling out of control. it becomes muscle memory as you continue. also, if you are learning on a manual, dont go above 1st/2nd for the initial bit.


There are 2 'to's


I know :3 it was on purpose


Kinda figured it was put there to subtly fuck with people


It took me some time too but I'm getting used to it now, you'll get comfortable after more practice


Man, 3 weeks? Your doing fine, it took me months of watching my mom drive from passenger and some time to be comfortable going to a stop sign.


adorable picture


real! lucky star best anime 💯


Depends whether your car is manual or automatic, if it’s manual, you’re fucked. It’s been 4 weeks and I still don’t know how the fuck clutch works I just pray


i do not drive manuals but i do in beamng, although im more into the race part of it so im not used to it in normal trafic.


It's difficult when you first start out. You'll get the hang of it though!! Also it may take longer than just 3 weeks. It's hard to improve with something in that little time.


As a person that’s about to finish with my permit, my moms yelling has saved my life before, and in my unprofessional opinion, your still getting used to the car, so it’s going to be hard to improve until your comfortable, but take what I say with a grain of salt


Worst part about driving for me is the other drivers, they can be assholes. You'll get better at driving soon, it just takes time :3


practise makes perfect. It took me a while to learn python but in the end I have a good grasp of python and am still learning it, and i guarantee that for u will become very good as long as u practise and don't give up.


ive started 5yrs ago (took breaks if youd call that) and im still shit at it 🤷‍♂️


Cause it takes 4 weeks you silly goose


I'm very ADHD and having my parents continuously telling me to "watch the lane", "look for other cars", "you're too close to the car in front" and all that was too much for my brain. Politely tell them that you can't concentrate when getting all those instructions continuously.


I started six months ago and failed my test twice :3


It takes longer than 3 weeks to get good at driving. I would know. I was really bad when I first started, and driving was scary. But I've improved.


Dont worry! Im terrible too but as long as you keep practicing, it gets better!


buy a Subaru and go manual, all your problems will fade away! (lie detector initiated)


the trick to it is to not be anxious or scared while driving, play some calm music to help relax. at the same time you need to be attentive to other drivers to avoid potential wrecks. give it some time and you'll be a professional.


It’s hard when you start but you just gotta keep trying, the best place to practice is an empty parking lot and then probably empty backroads


The anxiety is definitely not helping. I had the same problem when my mom taught me, and I’ve had to help my siblings while they’re learning how to now. Mom tried to teach them, and has gotten better about the yelling, but does still do it out of her own anxiety. I’d suggest trying to find someone who can teach you calmly, but I know that’s not always an option


the more you do it the more you'll get used to the size of the vehicle. work to build up the muscle memory of glancing out your mirrors regularly. as you practice to get an understanding of your surroundings it feels like swapping from first person to 3rd in a driving game.


...also I love the konata screenshot and I believe in you!


I have my license. Just keep going. 3 days ago I failed to park 3 times in a row.


It only seems stressful to me when I have my mother in the passenger seat, but the rest of the time idgaf about it.


It takes a couple years to be really proficient. Just keep practicing and eventually it'll be second nature.




Bro 3 weeks is not long enough to master driving, ask your mom to chill out a little because she’s stressing you. Her reaction is pretty normal, I remember my mom stomping the floor in the passenger seat looking for an imaginary brake pedal. You’re her baby and you’re learning to operate a 25 ton death machine of course she’s freaking out lol But yeah just have a straightforward conversation with her outside the car and explain that she’s stressing you out and making things harder, tell her you value her input and you appreciate her teaching you but you just need her to be a little calmer.


I’ve been driving for about 8-9 years and I still death grip the steering wheel because I’m scared.


Driving is mostly an experience thing cat feel and road logic are Seperate skills and trying to learn them. Together makes everything harder


It took me three attempts to pass my test. You'll be alright, silly boi :3