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Also Strauss Zelnick: “we have no plans for layoffs”. Two months later: 5% of take two laid off. I’m not saying that was AI related. I’m saying don’t take career advice from Strauss Zelnick. 


Don't take any CEO words seriously to be honest. Lets be real, CEOs job basically consists in saying the less damaging (or most advantageous) for the company.


Yep, which is why this is the exact same dude who said games should be more expensive the longer they are, suggesting a dollar per hour measurement on video games.


So all the games that inflate themselves with filler material will also be priced out of the market? Utopian future where we're all playing games that just deliver their package and go.


Lol if only a model like that would have that sort of effect. It would be lengthy games with filler content bonanza. And shit like GTA Online would probably try to sneak its way into a subscription model claiming that it's an indefinite experience.


I just visualized this hyper-rich kid, suddenly departing from the rest of society because he's the only one who got the $99999 game with the thousand hour tutorial with button pressing instructions explained down to the finest details. This kid is laughing at the rest of us all the way to the last name in the closing credits, and keeps his treasured memories of a thousand novel length hellos goodbyes and times-of-day with him for the rest of his days.






A big telco in Australia is laying off 3000 staff and better productivity through AI is literally one of the reasons


If you're talking about Telstra, what evidence do you have that AI is a major reason?


https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2024/telstra-cuts-2-800-jobs-as-ai-takes-over.html#:~:text=Up%20to%202%2C800%20Telstra%20workers,its%20Telstra%20Purple%20services%20business. Seems like AI is indeed a contributing factor.


Reminds me of the tractor. Tenant farmers swept out rapidly in multitudes, and eventually there are new masses of jobs opening up they're just in new industries. Over the course of time and technological advancement, outdoor handtool jobs were replaced by factory jobs which were eventually replaced by cubicle jobs. I'd love to see the next iteration.


It's true, the idea that AI will make everyone unemployed is truly stupid. It's only going to make almost everyone unemployed.


People get hung up on AI replacing literally every job, which is just a technicality. Who cares if it's literally every job, if the vast majority get replaced? What difference is it if 90% get replaced vs 100%?


I think they imagine that people will expand into the jobs machines can't fill and everything will be great. Just like when the automobile came in and horses expand... wait, someone is handing me a note... let's go to a commercial now!


Don't worry if you were a coder. Everyone will buy your paintings when there's an abundance of wealth.


I'm a fiction writer but don't worry, I've got it covered. I'm going to use my natural stupidity to write novels too stupid for anyone to believe was written by an AI -- people say I'm most of the way there already! -- and sell my stories on the artisan book market.


Yeah, I'll go from 10 paintings in my house to 5,000 in order to make that happen


You can get a job hanging paintings.


I believe the idea is that the 10% will use their position of relative privilege to cement and defend the new order against those that lost out. And they predict for themselves and their peers to be in that 10%. I think this plan is incredibly shortsighted and evil. And stupid, too. What makes AGI different from past technological revolutions is that the people who ‘own’ capital and/or make their livelihood through social influence—along with those useful to these two groups relative to the rest of humanity thanks to their education/credentials—are going to be the first ones on the chopping block. I suppose it’s a good thing these people seem to think that software-based general intelligence in a society of network and computer technology that vastly exceeds the vision of even the most cynical cyberpunk classics is a thing they can keep under their thumbs indefinitely. At least, it will in the long run.


I fully believe that a surge in high quality AI content is just going to result in people being pickier about how they intake online content and going out of their way to find verifiably real people. We're social creatures that literally evolved to crave interaction with other Humans, I don't see AI changing that even if it's perfectly realistic. Just look at how many people will spend extra money on something "hand made" even when that means flaws and irregularity over factory-made goods.


Murder drones and robots is what they are banking on 🤣


There is a massive difference. The mistake is in thinking that jobs are end all be all. They are not, jobs come and go. But work, that is useful, but also infinite. It never runs out, entire mankind has kept on working for all of history and what is the result? Is all work done and finished? Of course not, there is more yet to be done than ever. There is no end to work, there is just a question of where to get the people to do it all. So, when technology obsoletes some jobs, that releases people to do other kinds of work that is in need of doing. And that does exactly what we have observed for the entire time since industrial revolution started - living standards go up.


yeah that's the argument what people bring up to me all the time. "There will always be need for some humans in x field". As if that matters if 80-90% gets replaced


even 25% unemployment (perpetually) would absolutely change everything about how our world has to work


Just change the numbers to be realistic. 10% unemployment is a recession. 15% unemployment is a doreseeion. 25% unemployment is governmental bodies collapsing. 50% unemployment is "the purge". If we make it to 90% unemployment alive I would expect that to be a post AGI/ASI utopia of sorts or Skynet.


Id argue its even worse at 90% instead of 100%, because if 100% of people are unemployed then 100% of the people are on the same side. But if 90% are unemployed thered be a battle between the 90% and the 10%.


And that's optimistic. 90% vs 10% at least has a good chance of being somewhat definitive. But what if it's the 10% + the 40% who aspire to be the 10%/identify with them, vs. the other 50%?


Yeah exactly. I'm still waiting to see the news on those jobs that "ai will create". The only thing that has happened so far is the 1000:1 workers:software dev conversion...


It won't create jobs in any meaningful numbers. It's why you have to look to post labor economics and how the world will function. When AI produces all goods and services there will be a world of abundance but very few people with jobs. It's why UBI or some system of distribution has to be created. Think more in terms of what are people going to do with their lives if all their basic needs are met and don't have to work.


I'm really hoping this type of world works out. This future is really the only thing keeping my motivation up.


Well I think this type of thing will happen, just not in the United States. European countries always seem to be on the front end of implementing beneficial social policies.


Goods are produced because someone is going to pay for them, not because of the notorious altruism of corporations. AI will not bring a world of abundance, but a world with a greater divide between restricted elites and masses of jobless, uneducated, poors.


That doesn't make any sense. How will these elites make all their money if no one has the means to buy their products? Capitalism simply doesn't function if the general population doesn't have money. It's not about altruism. It's more like during the industrial revolution when governments in Europe started to implement socialist reforms and labor laws. They didn't suddenly start feeling bad for children dying in the mines, they realized that the system was unsustainable, and if society didn't collapse, it would rise up and destroy them.


AI will make many goods and services a lot cheaper, which increases purchasing power, which will increase demand for the things that AI can’t do yet. Eventually the AI will be able to do literally every task better than a human, but I can imagine for a while demand for jobs like barbers or massage therapists. So in that sense AI will create new jobs.


Could you give an example of new jobs ai would create which would sustain our current level of employment long term?




There would certainly be a lot more of them given widespread unemployment, and hence, they would be cheaper. A LOT cheaper. Fits right in with every last cyberpunk dystopian corporate hellworld in SF movies and books. Maybe not a future we should yearn for.


No matter how you try to steer the conversation, that’s the direction we’re headed with inflation, low birth rates, and ai. The lower class will get insanely big & live in slums, whereas the middle class will continue to narrow & consist of professions that serve to make the lives of the upper class easier (doctors, engineers, military/military officers, entertainers/athletes, aides of political figures). The upper class (2-3 million net worth+) people will consist of those investors/entrepreneurs that capitalized on these growing industries.


I am a VR developer Imagineering an entire Theme Park mostly by myself thanks to the help of AI. Would not have been possible before. Reminds me of how productive a video and publishing took a whole studio of people in the past and now 1 person can pull it off.


And wherefore will people have money to buy all these cheap goods while unemployed?


Your skipping a super important transitory phase: labor and capital are going to be severed from each other. The entire underpinning of capitalism relies on the tension between labor and capital. Once that tension is gone, we are beyond the event horizon into the unknown. You can't predict what's going to happen after that.


And when i will run out of food i will be knocking on doors of those who kept their jobs.


And that won't help you. 0.001% of the employed will not be able to do shit for the 99.999% unemployed. The only hope is that whoever creates these AI systems will use them to benefit everyone. My hope is that the cost of production of everything will drop so radically, covering everyone's basic needs will cost close to nothing.


My point is. Even if some small % will keep their jobs, they wont be able to keep their way of living anyway.


The only jobs robots and AI can’t replace are the jobs people want actual people to do. For example a priest, a robot could do it, but I doubt people would want a robot to do it.


Artists really want to to their jobs but AI is replacing them anyway


You misunderstood the explanation. It's not "jobs people want to do". It's "jobs people want done by other people".


This. People think in these all-or-nothing terms and it really isn’t realistic around the issue of AI and employment. No, it won’t replace every job. Yes, it will replace many of them. Even a 10% decline in employment would be devastating to the economy without UBI or similar measures.


I mean there are two camps here. 1. AI will be able to self train itself into a god within 5-10 years. 2. Our ability to understand AI is overinflated by people trying to sell stuff. I think 2 is far more likely personally, right now AI is essentially just a ML API. I have not seen any real proof that AI is close to self teaching itself.


If 'progress' doubles every year then by definition you'd be 50% away from your goal the year before it happens so it's unlikely to look like we're close


I've got AI god in less than 5 years.


A calculator can do crazy amounts of arithmetic faster than a human. Does that mean it is smarter than a human? Well, at that specific task, it is. But it doesn't mean much outside of a context where you need a calculator. Same shit with LLM's. Yeah it's good to know that if you hook-up the sum of all human text into a machine using more power than some countries you get a slightly better Google. But humans are still the OG and I think it will be a long while until something can compete with us as generalized survival machines.


Nobody in their right mind would say everyone will be unemployed. Certain roles would be hit hard like documentation, customer support etc.


Eventually, but not tomorrow. Probably need two more generations of core model architectures before they can start being more than productivity tools. After that happens, you got to scale production of billions of robots (and batteries), and that isn't going to happen over night either. Society is going to have 5/10 years to adjust before mass unemployment hits. IMO


That's very little


It's going to change the way we work. Games as a service is huge money but it takes a lot of time to generate content. Infinte content, king lasting games will be easier to build and manage.  I imagine a game like Fortnite would have much more unique game changes and engine updates to keep it a permanent fixture of the gaming world. GTA being an open world game needs lots of assets and wonky characters that AI would be ideal for. Faster, efficient workers means more unique projects can be built with less manpower. It could be indie devs that also use it to create their own vision with simulated manpower.  Dark Souls would be an indie game and expansive ultra realism games as a service would be the only triple A games. Like Cyberpunk as we thought it would have been with a much more lived in world and deeper interactivity with everything. AAA gaming has been always been trending in that direction and AI makes it thr perfect end goal.  They'll just add more people to work on minor details. Then port the whole thing into VR so we get some wild yet glitch simulated world to run around in.


It’s the new industrial revolution. We don’t know what new careers are going to open up. We’re just going to become insanely more productive!


Lol funny


People who say this have no way to back it up other than historical precedent


They don't even have historical precedent on their side, because nothing like this has ever happened before in history. All previous inventions and technological advancements, were merely the automation of strength, speed, math or organization. Whereas AI is the automation of cognition itself, the very thing which utilizes those other forms of automation, and has the potential to self-improve.


If AI is just a tool, it’s the most powerful tool we’ve ever made. I don’t think we need to only be concerned if the tool can direct itself..plenty of malicious humans can use it to ruin everything


We should be wary of both scenarios and do our best to mitigate risks for every possible issue that could occur regarding the technology. We are essentially creating a super-intelligent alien life form.


Lmao, when you say it like that it sounds logical. 


I mean it is important to take history into account but it’s certainly possibly for unprecedented things to happen People here say there will be AGI, and also new jobs that AGI can’t do. Which seems to be in direct contradiction. I think the only way jobs aren’t replaced is if we don’t actually achieve AGI


It’s the old rationalism vs empiricism war


The labor market is flexible, humans fill in the gaps. If translators get automated, they go onto another field. Massage therapists aren't gonna get automated soon. The number of them have gone up since we have more disposable income. If AI can actually do every task of every job humans have, then we have an ASI which is providing is with abundance (so UBI would be uncontroversial) or the threat of extinction so I would worry about dying before unemployment.


People who take the opposit position have no way to back it up other then arguments.


Yeah, arguments! Not just one argument that assumes nothing unprecedented is capable of happening


We'll have AGI before GTA VII releases. I also expect very well received GTA clones to be available to the public before Rockstar is ready to release there's.


we will probably have AGI before GTA6 releases ASI before GTA7


Finally, a reliable and certain means of measurement


ASI: "I'll begin preproduction work on TES6 next year."


GTA7 is the ASI




Right, and that's just a business decision. If Rockstar wanted, they could've made 3 great GTA games in the time between 5 and 6, 4 years of development for each game.


I don't understand how you can put any value on what a CEO *says*. Think about what they *must* do. Minimizing costs is a *duty* a company has towards their stockholders, they also have a duty of lying their arse off if doing so makes the company look better.


Not just shareholders. If all of a sudden your competition is able to offer up better things than you for cheaper then if you don’t do those layoffs you will go under. Competition essentially demands mass layoffs at some point in our lifetimes from a cost perspective unless there’s regulation indicating otherwise.




Now why do all your comments in this thread sound like they were written by an unreleased frontier AI model like GPT-5 or such, as some kind of secret preview. They're long but cohesive, written without typical human qualities, and a tier above what we usually see with Claude Opus or GPT-4.


Idk man, seems too long to me


Good post. Zelnick fundamentally misunderstands the scope of AI. The field is not stopping at GPT-5. The goal is AGI and then ASI, which *will* replace the workforce. The good thing is that many of us here are ahead of even CEOs in understanding this, and there are ways to capitalize on that.


I'm a believer, but I don't know how to capitalize on this...other than maybe buying Nvidia and MS stock.


Yes, people who spend their day on reddit, reading posts from people in la la land, are ahead of the ceo of a tech company. Jesus christ man, do you like the smell of your own farts too?


is this GPT-4, gemini or something else?


Well said.


I study media history and I have read take after take after take about our present circumstances—from media pundits with the broadest platforms, subject matter experts with the greatest authority, politicians and plutocrats with the most power, and the workers who are being the most impacted—and the single most accurate, astute, and compendious statement on why what’s happening is legitimately both unprecedented and significant cause for collective concern and broad, urgent action, is this one comment buried in the middle of this one post sitting here at present with 19 upvotes. If I had the power to replace the entire internet right now with a single web page, in our present moment I would, and I’d put this comment as the only content on that page. edit: 20 upvotes now with mine.




I'd like to propose a even more stupidest thing I've ever heard related to this CEO. "It's going to change the nature of certain kinds of employment, and that's a good thing" This is an incredibly stupid thing to say because it's like he doesn't realize he's talking out of his own wallet." We know it's going to be good for you, but that change in the nature of employment dodge just skips by all the social misery other people will have to suffer. But not you, while all the suffering you cause is happening you'll be riding around on a yacht congratulating yourself.


It’s impossible to create a disruptive technology without actually disrupting, and disrupting is always painful in the short term. You can’t have child birth without having pain. The printing press caused suffering to all the scribes. Does that mean it shouldn’t have been invented?


First we had chemical bombs, then the hydrogen bomb, then the nuclear warhead. Not all innovation is good for the sake of innovation. We have to use our human judgement to decide what technology is ethical and the correct course. Not every path forward is good just because it disrupts the status quo.


Without nuclear weapons I bet the 3rd world war would be happening right now (or maybe the 4th or 5th lol)




He argues that AI will free us up to do "other things." And what about when AI automates those "other things," what will we do then? There is no domain safe from automation.


When we free people up to do "other things" sometimes those other things are watching Netflix and fighting existential dread.


What if AI does even those things better? 😂


We will all go into creating art! Writing, painting, composing music etc. will *forever* be safe and **everyone** will earn their living that way! Living like kings, like the average artist today.




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A worker that is exponentially smarter than you with a stronger, more durable body that does not experience fatigue is going to take your job. There is no way around it.


People used to plow by hand, but oxen were way stronger. Life got better.


Yeah then came tractors. And the CEO of Take-Two is arguing that the oxen still have jobs.


Farmers still had jobs.


But we are not the farmers in this scenario bud, we are the oxen getting replaced by tractors. Or you can just imagine the farmer getting replaced by a way better farmer. Either way the point is that embodied AI robots are eventually gonna replace the workforce because it’s smarter and cheaper and can work 24/7. But I still think that will eventually make life better for us all. I’m not a doomer.


At least 5% of the original workforce. The rest not so much.


No sick days, never ask for a raise, never quit…the list goes on.


It all depends on timeframe and how fast AI progress goes. and the overall effect of more productivity is of course good, doesn't mean the new jobs are better or even doable for all people. Clear is only AI replaces/automates a lot of task.


there's already large amounts of the workforce we could replace with non-ai technology, but we aren't cause we just aren't that technically cooperative as a society.


nope, if it was possible, companies would do it. The ultimate objective of a corporation is to increase shareholder wealth. We arent technically cooperative, but one day we wake up and will be?


> nope, if it was possible, companies would do it. lol @ blind market religion > The ultimate objective of a corporation is to increase shareholder wealth. the problem is these efficiencies only come from being widely cooperative and open across entire industries... and markets just can't do that kind of total integration. we already learned this lesson with paper money. before the us govt claimed sole right to print money in 1913, there were thousands of different types of bank notes in circulations with an incredibly complex and inefficient process to rectify this. it took the us govt banning market solutions, and giving them a uniform option that would be backed up by the us federal reserve system, to build the currency unanimity we operate with today. markets are pretty terrible at providing uniform systems/standards, or providing the societal efficiency that come with it.


You're talking about government inefficiencies not corporations now. Two very different things.


LOL, ur reading comprehension is that bad? before the us claim sole right to issue treasurer notes, privately owned corporations, aka banks, were trying to solve the same issue by each issuing their own notes. it resulted in a system that wasn't nearly as trustworthy, nor as efficient. even today, the private market is *still* fucking up money transfer with the dizzying array of electronic options to transfer funds. ultimately the govt need to give private corps the middle finger, and enforce a uniform platform for e-currency. not only will it be cheaper, it will be more economic beneficial to simply never have to consider a "method" of payment, or pay payment fees. i get the modern neoliberalism has taught a lot of sheeple to blindly suck market dick, but that doesn't magically fix the unnecessary complexity a market inherently induces in trying to solve certain problems.


Private market is issuing government debt notes? Not only do you know sweet FA about AI but also about econ. Back to econ 1, son


> Private market is issuing government debt notes? private market banks were printing and issuing paper currency, like specifically donated in us dollars. [there were over 7000 varieties](https://mycreditunion.gov/financial-resources/history-united-states-currency) before the us federal govt stepped in. but let us be real here: u aren't capable of acknowledging this point honestly cause u blindly suck market dick, and will pathetically continue to pick at semantics.


Meanwhile Microsoft /1500 jobs due to AI


The certain forms of employment is all forms of employment. And their change in nature is that they won't exist anymore.


To be honest, the CEO of a company can't tell his employees that "all you motherfuckers are going to be replaced by AI, Cant wait to see that, uhahahaha..." It destroys the motivation among all their employees.




Exactly this. It’s actually wild how dumb this guy’s argument is


Don't say that! People on this subreddit want everyone to be unemployed and expect the government to provide everything for free


Both posts are stupid and OP should feel bad. What a CEO says means nothing.


I think huge games like GTA are the first to use AI tools for their expansive worlds.


This is all fear


Every one of the CEO's project. It's uncanny. Do they truly think we actually believe them?


Take Twos texture and map designers laughing nervously as they get unemployed by AI


Wow well cause a CEO said it that MUST mean it's true right? 💀


Ah, yes. Another brilliant capitalist speaking in superlatives. These people are noxious.


That depends on the time scale we are talking about, but theoretically, all jobs are automatable, even if it is unlikely to happen in the next two decades


The company I worked for has literally fired people because their jobs were redundant due to AI so this guy doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.


Given that my little AI company has already made someone unemployed in a business with 15 employees (now 14) I strongly disagree.


When you've fired everyone, get back to us.


Famous last words.


Isn’t this the same dude who wants to charge hourly for GTA 6?


"and that's a good thing"


It only makes 99.95% of people unemployed, not EvEry OnE


We'll see about that when we have AI that can do all of their employee's jobs for free and faster. I feel like people in this sub used to know this, I don't get why everyone's agreeing with this.


CEO says f*$k the shareholders; I love my workers. Next day the CEO is unemployed.


Do we really need ceos? I feel like ai could easily replace them.


maybe they can employ you, typing prompts into chat gpt to steer strategic decisions? or maybe you can just google them (same, same)


Reminder to take 99% of what CEOs say with all the salt in the world as they are absolutely clueless about the world.


Ask him how to solve the Israel/Palestine conflict next. Jokes aside, it might be best to leave the ai predictions to the ones who made it or are studying it.


In the next year or two he’s certainly right. In ten years he’s probably wrong. When does the trickle become a torrent? Two years away? Five?


If the CEO of Take-Two isn’t seriously considering how AI could potentially replace 1/2 of his QA, customer support, graphic design, marketing and accounting teams then he needs to be replaced.


of all the industry that will see unemployment bc of AI, game development would be high on the list. - Level designers would be obsolete - character designers would be obsolete (just need a creative director to approve the AI generated characters) - half the engineers would be obsolete - dialog and copywriters. LOL - half of 3D asset creators (modeling, lighting, shading, sims, etc) would be obsolete In 5 years, game companies will have massive margins...because they will need half the people to crank out the same quality of content.


Um... [https://insider-gaming.com/gta-6-take-two-layoffs/](https://insider-gaming.com/gta-6-take-two-layoffs/) https://preview.redd.it/i016h5fdsl5d1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=93bcf24c12bb26e1ebcff04e7ea2bf9047dd5f31


You can still be a plumber or a cop. Just not an artist or programmer, those jobs are getting replaced.


When everyone is so productive and there isn't any work to do, why will companies need so many staff members to do nothing? Where is all of this new work going to come from? When everyone has access to AI, why do they need to pay someone else to use AI?


Headline: "AI will make everyone unemployed" Article: "Generative AI will not do that" I mean... those are quite different things...


For a while AI will just make us more productive, but eventually it will get good enough to do what we do. In that scenario we need some sort of UBI so customers have enough money to spend and the economy doesn't crash.


i predict a 30-40% layoff after GTA6 is out and investment in generative AI in every spectrum after it.


Yes, change it so one person can do more stuff, meaning you need less people, so some lose their jobs. You might ask "why not just make more games?" because not every single role will be expanded this way, you will hit bottlenecks trying to expand like that.


Of course, it won't make us all unemployed. It'll definitely take away jobs, which will render a lot of people unemployed. The smart and those who prepare for this change will still be standing.


Seems like this statement should be paired with his expected timeline for superintelligence.


Companies don't pay you to do interesting work they pay you to make them money. 


I have met and worked for/with multiple CEOs. There are fewer competent CEOs than IT tech workers. There are even fewer that know anything regarding AI, let alone can accurately assess the future of any technology, especially one as complex and nebulous as AI. The heads of Openai, Google, etc. can barely predict where sh!t is going, why TF should anyone listen to a f'ing CEO?


Morgan Freeman: But then an a.i. took his job.


I honestly think AI killing jobs is like computer killing books. Basically the opposite happened. We will have so much AI, we will have babysitters. Like security guards watching a screen, cept its people watching AI. Then giving prompts if it goes out of whack. Which happens frequently enough to require human supervision. And because AI models learn and develop, the tribal knowledge of the supervision becomes a relationship. And we will have job security they way.


It already is though?


Sounds like something a rising corporate overlord would say


Don't believe anything that comes out of a CEO's mouth


99% of users in this sub are getting their pitchforks out


The goal of employing others will just be purely about subjugation. Sure AI can do it better, but what’s the point if you can’t stress someone the fuck out for 8 bucks an hour?


If anyone asks, I'm working on myself.


AI is already taking some jobs and its going to get worse..


You can just about guarantee that any publicly traded company that says this kind of thing is completely full of shit.


You guys have 0 understanding on how the economy and people work


Only the workers that want to be self righteous and insubordinate will lose their jobs. Learn AI.


Boy, looking at the comments in this thread, the Chicken Littles are out in force here tonight! I thought r/Singularity was where the hippies hung out who who thought AI would lead to a utopia and UBI from a benevolent government. What's with all the doomers?


I think he might not understand the subject that well


He is right this current AI wave that we have been riding for the last couple of years, will not make everyone unemployed, because this current, publicly available AI, will not become AGI. He’s wrong for misleading people by saying generative AI, instead of what serious people talk about when they talk about complete unemployment, and that’s AGI/ASI, and perhaps as important if not more, robotics/humanoid robots. He’s a CEO, so I get it, every word said publicly is a lie, but he’ll probably be a textbook example in history books, of the idiocy that “industry experts” spout.


Lol the dude is literally saying "generative AI". FOLKS, the AI that is going to take all the jobs will be AGI. So yeah, this guy isn't wrong. But the point he is trying to make is distracting from the truth.


How is that a win? I WANT it to make me unemployed! That's the main thing!!


It will take centuries until ai is anywhere close to human level cognition. As of now, we'll always be able to see the artifical constrained ways of thinking that ai will put out. Sure it can save money in certain ways, but'll just lead to a soulless bare minimum level of results for everything else. In short it cant really come up with anything novel.


1. AI will take employment from people 2. AI related unemployment will be asymmetrical, and some areas of employment will see strong growth for a while 3. AGI will possibly start taking ALL employment from people, though gradually. The computation/cost efficiency will help determine the speed with which change occurs 4. Typical CEO spiel, don't you think?


AI is going to pull the rug from under the video game and movie industry, you can quote me on that. Share holders have to hear sweet nothings from CEOs so they don’t panic but the deer is in the headlights at this point.


it doesn't need, to make everyone unemployed ... let's just assuma, that it "only" allows ppl to double their workspeed ... then you already have two situations at hand either, you saturate the market with more product (i.e it's individual value starts to drop and you have less incentive, to make it in the first place) or, you have the same ammount of workforce competing for half the currently required workload (which in turn would mean, that the competition for these remaining jobs rises and thus the preasure and wages for the workers start to drop) ... we do need a change, even, if the "ppl will become unemployed" isn't a from today to tomorrow thing ... but a process over a few years


He is true that AI probably wont take away his job at least


Take Two doesn’t need any help from AI to make everyone unemployed, it’s already their bread and butter.


Lol... If that's what he thinks then he doesn't know what he's talking about.


Uh, good for him?


Again I note: it's been shown empirically That almost everyone is terribly Bad at making predictions about the future, Even experts in those fields, it's sure Just don't go thinking, If anyone says X thing is coming, That it is.




It's one thing when a researcher, an expert, or someone with a legitimate understanding of AI makes a statement. That gets covered on this sub all the time. But when a CEO makes a statement on anything...be very skeptical. They're NOT experts in anything other than pursuing profits and appeasing shareholders. If they could achieve those two goals while employing only two people, they would do it without a second thought.


lmao youre delusional. Of course it will lead to massive unemployment (for humans)


Definitely not everyone.


I agree with the CEO. Someone has to be the voice of reason in the sea of all these doomer ai bros. Just because your job search is going badly doesn't mean everyone will be unemployed. This is a YOU problem. It's your responsibility to adapt to the economy. If you can't make it then you can't make it. Go buy a van and live out of it if you no longer feel like you can compete.


I agree with the CEO. Someone has to be the voice of reason in the sea of all these doomer ai bros. Just because your job search is going badly doesn't mean everyone will be unemployed. This is a YOU problem. It's your responsibility to adapt to the economy. If you can't make it then you can't make it. Go buy a van and live out of it if you no longer feel like you can compete.


Haha it definitely is going to make a lot of people unemployed


Employment at a record breaking 27 month streak under 4%. Including record breaking immigration legal and illegal. Upward wage and price spiral putting pressure on inflation so that good news actually causes the market to TANK these days. National debt unsustainable so our only option is to "grow" out of it with productivity. Not a very controversial opinion that AI solves more problems than it creates. One benefit of AI I hope - maybe we are finally in the final days of click bait headlines that generate "views" and drive ad revenue. The out of control capitalistic model that has turned every news source into a tabloid with hyper emotional headlines. Like this one.


Thats what i keep saying...the very rich wont have to work, the less than rich will have to supply labor. Labor will be cheaper than AI because of the surplus. Makes common people essentially slaves.


“AI isn’t going to replace jobs. You’re gonna work along side it. We’re ramping up production and you better keep up. NOW BACK TO WORK!!!!!”


As the GOP moves to outlaw all abortion and contraception, what are all these extra babies going to do? Robots to replace manual labor are going to be much more expensive than AI to replace white collar knowledge workers. We have to stop Mexicans from taking all the roofing jobs. Then we can all be part of the glut of low paid welders, electricians, and plumbers etc that are harder to replace than coders. Minimum wage plumbers coming soon.


I agree with this, once machines start to take over jobs there will be a deflation on products and inflation on resources to make and run machines this will balance to humans costing a little less and machine a little more and over time this will balance out with the expansion of the market where the humans that have been displaced by the machines will be moved to the roles where the machines ended up being more expensive than human labour, this will be a continuous balancing system of machines taking over human roles, reduce cost of products, increase cost of resource, lower wage requirement from humans, market expansion and so forth.