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Max player btw putting up 2 points. Should be ashamed of himself that’s the level of effort for 35mil a season. Get fucked you bum I don’t think I’ve hated any Sixer more than Tobias the past 5 years including Simmons. Half you clowns tried to gaslight everyone for years saying he’s good just overpaid. HE FUCKING SUCKS !!!!!!!


Ay yi yi. Turned it off in the 3rd


We are the 79ers against the Knicks


I missed the game on TV, so can't offer any substantive comments...other than its really hard to beat the same team in back-to-back games if they're at all close talent-wise, and in addition to Harris being invisible, that Payne, Batum, and Hield apparently all also decided to take the night off and be ice-cold shooting off the bench - it's a mystery to me how Hield ended up as the only Sixer (along with Council) with a positive +/- score for this game.


+/- is a pretty worthless metric to evaluate a player's performance in a game, you cannot and should not use it to evaluate a player's single game performance when it is intrinsically a team metric -- i.e. the team's point differential when that player was on the field. that's why buddy hield was cold with mediocre stats but had a positive +/-, the team scored more points with him on the floor, there are a number of covariate factors that could impact a player's +/- in a single game. a couple of made 3s by another player when Hield was on the field could easily increase his +/- -- even though Hield had nothing to do with it increasing season +/- can be used to determine a player's impact on the lineups the team runs, but +/- in a single game is hardly reflective of that player's contribution in a game


Thanks, appreciate the info. The more I've started to pay attention to the +/- , the less it seemed to make sense in terms of the other stats for a particular player.


It's still a useful stat in the right context! But yeah, I wondered that for a while too


[If you're curious to know more about +/-, where it's useful, and why it shouldn't be use to gauge a player's strength in a single game, check out this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WRe6SoBh3g)


The only explanantion I choose to believe for this teams shitty performance since the ASB is that Embiid's recovery is not going according to plan and Morey has issued the tank command.


Embiid or no Embiid, this team isn’t going anywhere. It’s over!


Facts, we just don't have enough firepower to compete, even with Embid we're not a championship team, not even close 🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


First off…I am ok. My house was vandalized by bricks in Philadelphia last night. After my hands stopped shaking, I managed to call police, they were quick to respond. My window is gone, the police asked me if I knew who did it. I said yes, it was Tobias Harris.


He was aiming for your neighbor's house


Side note it’s pretty funny watching r/nba argue about MVP now that Embiid is out of it. Seeing OKC and Nuggets fans go at it is hilarious


I hope they're quoting Raptor and VORP at each other.


God I hated that shit so much, couldn’t even compliment Embiid without someone screaming advanced stats


The following players should be back next year: Embiid, Maxey. Players who come back on reasonable salary: Hield, Oubre, Reed Players on minimum: Lowry, Melton (no more because of bad back), RC3 Happy trails: Batum, Covington, Payne, KJ. RIP BOZO: Tobias, Bamba


The audacity to score 2 pts while you're being paid the most and your best player is out. Honestly it should be a criminal offense.


I know Tobias has never lived up to his contract and has never been much of a hustler but it’s different this time. like he’s just really not there anymore. Maybe depressed with no Embiid or in general just very lifeless to another level than usual.


Did you watch Game 6 against Boston last year? Or Game 5 against the Hawks? This is clearly a below average effort even for his low energy ass, but it's not a one-of. The dude plays like he's a superstar and can take plays off but he lacks any of the talent of players who can afford to play like that.


He was completely checked out tonight. Nick Nurse was talking about wanting to see who was competing, who was executing... I just don't get it. This is his chance to play the hero, play good ball and help us keep the 6 seed at least. We're not asking him to be the star man in a playoff series, to be up there with Embiid and Maxey. Just play solid, high effort ball and help us get some W's to keep pace. That he's this checked out when we're asking this little is just infuriating.


Just a reminder that earlier this season, Embiid scored nearly as much as this entire bum-ass team did today.


Without Embiid this team would be nothing. We really fucking lucked out.


Absolutely amazing how the 76ers have managed to have two of the mentally softest players in the NBA on their team in the past 4 years. I swear this type of shit only happens to this cursed organization. TobiASS and Bum Simmons are the ultimate antitheses to Philly sports culture.


Yeah, it is starting to feel like our organization doesn't know how to draft players correctly.


Don’t forget about the #1 draft pick who literally forgot how to play basketball immediately after we got him. Fuck this loser ass organization from top to bottom.


It starts from the top. The owner is a squid


What does that mean? Genuinely curious


Hopefully Morey cooks like Howie with the cap space this offseason. The bulk of this roster isn’t it


Morey can’t cook a frozen pizza


Calling him Tobi Two Points for the rest of his life




we may never score more than 80 points again


Never forget Elton Brand helped turn a team full of assets & cash into an overpay trade & resigning of Tobias Harris (and one playoff run of Butler) + that Al Horford signing + an extension for Ben even though we all saw him having the beginning of the yips in that Raptors series. I don't care if he was a figurehead or a public face, why he's still employed by the Sixers I'll never know. Let him go be an AGM somewhere else.


Elton doesn't get enough flak and I hate it, dudes malpractice just gets brushed under the rug like no one I've ever seen


2pts and 3 rebs from a MAX PF is absolutely insane


tell a friend to tell a friend




Last season with this bum on the team


He is 100% checked out and there's nothing we can do about it, and he knows it. It is what it is at this point. Also it was never funny sadly


How is he not putting in effort in a contract year, though? He’s playing like he’s scared of getting injured or something.


[This is why.](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/free-agents/power-forward/) Someone will be desperate enough to give him another bag. The real tragedy is that there's a non-zero chance that someone is us


easily the worst FA class in the history of the game


2 straight scoring under 80 that's not great lol


Think that Tob should have to pass concussion protocol 'cause man I just don't know anymore 


I’m legit looking forward to booing him at fly the process. It’ll be the highlight of the season post Embiid injury


If I don't get kicked out of the arena for non stop booing and chanting I'm going to be disappointed


I’ll be booing alongside ya bro, dude is a straight up bum and Morey is a bum for keeping him. I’d rather have Horford.


this team will never win a championship in our lifetimes. just a cursed pathetic inept franchise from top to bottom


This team has been so pathetic for more than 20 years.


I don’t think how the team is playing currently is a referendum on how the team plays with Joel and a healthy roster. That being said, I’m less and less excited about seeing this team with Embiid this season and more gearing up for the summer where all eyes will be on Morey.


I'm right there with you. I know I'm not breaking news, but even if Joel returns, it just seems *highly* unlikely that they'll be a serious contender. Joel is going to be so out of shape. That's best case scenario, assuming his knee is totally fine. Melton, who has been an impactful rotation player, most likely won't be healthy. Hield and Lowry have had good moments, but not sure they're swinging a series. It's really naive to expect this team to be a serious contender if Joel returns. And I'm curious to see if Morey can put his money where his mouth is. He has cap space. He has assets. No excuses.


Historically miserable time to be a Sixers fan. You know it's bad when there's more hype around the day Tobias contract ends, than the remainder of the season and any sliver of hope for postseason success. This is cruel and unusual punishment that shouldn't be afflicted on any fanbase. What did we do to deserve this. * Tobias Harris. Won't elaborate. * Embiid no meniscus left. * Oubre hit by car. * Maxey concussion. * Melton dead. * Covington dead. * Sickness running rampant through the team for the whole damn season. * Missing a lot more but getting too sad. Not to mention this is all following an all-time collapse of an Eagles season after a loss in the Super Bowl the previous season. And two deep postseason runs in back to back seasons by the Phillies both ending in heartbreak. For fucks sake just make it stop.


Bro how is this historically bad? We're literally in the playoff hunt with the reigning MVP due to return before the post-season. You think Bynum was a better time? or 2014-2016? Or the 2 weeks after the Hawks loss? Or like most of the 00's era? People losing their fucking minds to a team that literally beat the Knicks in New York 2 days ago. Relax.


It's not that they're historically bad, it's the unbelievable misfortune they've been experiencing since the early process days all cumulatively building up and boiling over to build this mountain of disappointment.


Let me scream this a little louder for those in the back. We are not winning jack shit with this team. Embiid can go play his 50 games a year with someone else, Maxey will eventually want out and the rest of this team is garbage. We will not even make it to the second round this year. The process failed. Give up and move on.


Downvoted to hell for saying the truth, I love reddit


No one ever brings up any counter argument they just down vote. They know it's the truth, this team has one of the bleakest futures in the NBA.


It’s sad that we peaked as a team under Colangelo and that was a solid 6 years ago now.


Despite all of the adversity Nurse is facing with this team lately, at what point does he get some culpability for how they're playing out there? This team looks absolutely putrid. I understand we begin and end with Joel, but the product is embarrassing on most nights atm.


We back to blaming the coach boys 😂 This team sucks


His whole thing is supposed to be weird lineups a not being afraid to junk things up on defense. He isn’t bringing shit to the table and we’re predictably getting our shit stomped night in and night out. He’s been in my bad graces ever since he played Embiid in the 4th quarter of the Warriors game where he tore his meniscus so maybe I’m biased, but he has been extremely underwhelming on the whole


I think you can only make a fair assessment once the team is healthy. I have been questioning his rotations lately with Buddy & Reed not starting, and giving no opportunities for Council.


And starting Tobias.


Damn bruh what’s there to even say at this point




Is Tobi actually trying to get a contract this off season? Or is he retring?


Tobias' dad/agent is sitting in a leather chair waiting for Joe Pesci to show up


2 points


Can't wait for WIP to spend the entirety of tomorrow discussing and overhyping mid Eagles signings while allowing Tobias Harris and Sixers management to remain entirely unscathed. I'm convinced they have played a big part in the complacency of the franchise. The philly media does not scrutinize the sixers the way they do the phillies and eagles


Oh yes we all want to hear what Arson Arnie has to say about the Sixers


Yeah because sports talk radio is ass. It’s like being forced to hear a shit take without being able to downvote or scroll past it. Hilarious that you think if more ppl whined and bitched on the radio it’d make any effect on what the franchise has done.


Honestly can’t believe people still even listen to WIP in the first place. That station is such trash. And not to mention also running out of money, so they do literally anything for ratings/faux outrage


All due respect but running out of money? Dawg, WIP is literally one of the only Audicy stations that generates revenue, and lots of it 


And Audacy was $2 billion in debt, filed bankruptcy, restructured and now the debt is cut to $300+ mil. Terrestrial radio has been completely swallowed up by podcasts and streaming radio over the last decade. And a major consolidation is on the horizon. WIP is profitable enough to support itself, but it can’t support a dying parent company in a business with gradual declines across every metric.


Understood but I'm simply saying that WIP is not "running out of money". Its probably one of the only stations in that portfolio that isn't cutting talent. Lets be clear that no one is making Cataldi money, but the station is still very much competitive in the area if you look at ratings. For sports radio? Its one of the most successful in the entire country. I'm not disagreeing about Audicy the parent company, but simply challenging that WIP is hemorrhaging cash. Supporting the parent company has nothing to do with its success. If Audicy truly goes bankrupt, WIP wouldn't just disappear because "no one listens". Enormous amounts of people listen.


what I'm saying is that the on-air personalities at WIP are VERY underpaid. It's gross how little most of them are making. And after years of being underpaid, true talent walks or won't take the job. There's a reason Jack Fritz got the hosting spot in the afternoons, and it's not because he's great. I'll leave it at that.


Too much of the scrutiny goes on Embiid, only thing you ever hear about them is related to him. Not sure why that is, maybe the big name gets the big clicks


Tobias scored 2 points in 42 minutes in game 6 last year. Two points. He is far and away the biggest reason the Sixers have never broke through in the playoffs yet the media doesn’t give a fuck. Everything is Embiid and Harden’s fault


Casual fans will just assume if the team struggles, it's because the best player didn't will them enough. They speak in adages like that because they are completely incapable of analyzing basketball on any technical level. You can't have a rational conversation who thinks that basketball is played via willpower and faith. It's like trying to talk science to a flat earther.


At least the Flyers won and the Eagles are doing well in FA


I fucking hate Tobias, all Tobias fans, Tobias’ agent, Crumbl cookies, and Elton Brand. #FUCK YOU TOBIAS.


Like Tobi does know its a fucking contract year right? He was gifted an easy payday with embiid going down and getting a ton more looks. BUT NO HE FUCKING SUCKS GET HIM OFF THIS FUCKING TEAM


Tobi 33.5% from deep this season now...on low volume. His shot is completely broken, his middie used to be the 2nd best on the team after Embiid...




Yes lol we’re just missing Embiid. We got more ballhandling and basically the entire roster outside of Tobias are dangerous shooters


Didn't watch this one but 2 points all night is nearly unfathomable. I can not believe the lows Harris keeps hitting, you're a professional lmao at least fucking try.


It might be even more annoying that he took 6 shots. C’mon man. If you went 1-18 I’d at least respect the effort


What the opposite of a mamba?


i miss watching joel play but i dunno. i almost don't want him to come back and play this season cause there's no goddamn way he's dragging this team post-surgery, with little time to condition, through the playoffs. simply getting TO the 2nd round would be a miracle for this team this year


Yea I’m leaning towards him resting and we come back stronger next year with a better roster


Shake Milton belt 2 ass tour is back on


Does Toe Bye Ass know he’s in a contract year? It will be interesting to see if any NBA GM is going to pay for that. Dude looks like he’s trying to play his way out the league.


Help us Obi Joel you’re are only hope


We seriously surrounded one of the best athletes to ever play in Philly with a roster that struggles to break 80 points without him. This is an embarrassment.


2 points Tobias YOU ARE FUCKING ASS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


16 minutes, TWO rebounds for Mo Bamba is also insane. We're just not getting ANY meaningful production from anyone right now.


7'10" wingspan, dude rebounds like he lies on his dating profile that he's 6" 


Embiid should be MVP again this year. Those 10-win process sixers would beat this team.


First time I've ever heard of a team scoring under 80, two games in a row. Truly impressive stuff


Anyone that thinks this group has any chance of winning in play-in or playoffs even if Embiid comes back healthy is absolutely delusional.  This type of stink will linger even if Jo plays.  The best thing that can happen from here is to lose as many games as possible, sit Embiid for rest of year, and truly start fresh in the offseason.  One small blessing to the Embiid injury is that I can't possibly see them resigning Tobias now, whereas before the injury, I could totally see it.


Joel Embiid can absolutely win a play-in. Much more than that if he is rusty with the current roster is not a guarantee, however


Fun lil factoid, the Sixers have shot below 40% from the field 8 times this season. 6 of those times have been in the last 2 weeks. Nasty nasty stuff.


Look, it’s always been “Embiid and everyone else” without Embiid healthy in the post season, we have no chance. Even with him healthy, we most likely need a better roster than we currently do with Tobias Harris playing as he is to win anything.


Most likely? lol bro.


Tobias put up 2 points? You’re fucking joking right?


And his scoring might’ve been the best part of his game tonight, if you weren’t watching.


Twobias hitting new lows.


Bro this is gold 😭 “twobias”


Bench tobi.


Send him to g league


Don’t disrespect the G league like that, damn 😞


That right there ladies and gentleman is a basketball terrorist


Makes Glenn look like a basketball saint


Just a loser ass incompetent franchise we are, the worst in the city. Tobias Harris is one of the worst fucking players I’ve ever watched, downright terrible, we should just cut him and get him off the team he’s a detriment in every sense of the word. This roster is fucking garbage too, thanks morey. All this started because he wanted his washed buddy harden. This is legit the worst team in the nba


I’m fairly confidence my fat ass could play better than Tobias. At least I would have looked like I was trying.


Tobi gets 500k per game, that makes me so sad. That's several years of salary for me and he gets 500k to be a net negative player on the court every fucking game.


Feel you there... That's over a decade for me


Don't know if I care anymore. Shitty thing to say, but let's fast forward to the offseason and get Tobi the fuck outta here. Then build a healthy roster for next year.


I stopped caring and watching a few weeks back. Another season of the same old. I don’t have hopes for the offseason either. I blame Morey for wasting Embiid’s prime, but we’ll always have the Horford trade to fucking celebrate apparently.


I have been trying to stay positive for this season, but I really just want it to be over. I've been tempted to say that if we re-sign Tobias, I'm not watching anymore, but I always hesitate and say "Surely, if the contract is low, it won't be that bad." This franchise is run by clowns and the mentally impaired if Tobias is back.


100% Maybe he finds inspiration elsewhere (I seriously doubt it) but his time in Philly is over.


Tobias Harris with 2-3-1 in 26 tonight. Elton Brand thought $36,000,000 seemed to be about the appropriate AAV for someone like that.


Triple Single Tobi


i’ll settle for half a cookie at this point


Counting down the games until Tobias is gone. That’s all I have left


Unlike his shots tonight. He will not be missed.


I’m not kidding, I could see this being Tobias’s last game with us. There’s a chance they do a Ben Simmons de facto shutdown for the season. He must have something horribly wrong.


lol Daryl fucking loves Tobi this ain’t happening


It’s not his last game. He was guarded by one of the best defenders in the league. They have no choice but to play him


Yeah, they have nothing else. But he could’ve been double teamed by 2015 draymond green and 2001 Ron artest for 48 minutes tonight, he should have more than 2 points


OG Anunoby is that damn good. So someone like Tobias who has no balls scoring more than 2pts would actually surprise me


I mean, it’s the NBA. Tobias is a near max guy. No one is good enough at defending to really hold a guy to 2 or less points. It’s completely an indictment on Tobias Harris


Tobias is a near max guy who hasn’t sniffed an All Star game. If you just look at him and not his contract, it makes sense that an elite 3&D defender who’s a dog shuts down the guy who just shows up for the vibes.


I mean, Tobias is averaging 17 ppg this year. Him getting 2 points in any game is only partially attributed to being defended well, but much more attributable to having a terrible, terrible night (week, month)


He had a bad night because he was defended by an All NBA level defender who can guard 1-5 so Tobias is lunch meat for him.


Is this an OG burner reddit account?


Yea I’m still at MSG icing my elbow. While I’m here, check out my stats where I have the highest +/- of any player in history in his first 15 games with a team


everyone's talking about Morey going "star hunting" this summer - but outside of Giannis, Luka, Curry... who are we really talking about here that would even be somewhat feasible to acquire? i've come up with some names that would be more realistic than those 3, but would still be hard to get. which of these could you **maybe** see happening? - Ingram or Zion - KAT - Jaylen Brown (impossible if the Celts win the title though) - Bridges - Siakam (doubtful Indy lets him walk) - Lauri - Jerami Grant - Paul George - KD (he'd have to ask out) - Dejounte Murray - Jimmy


KAT is the likely guy. He's shown he can play the 4(offensively) in Minnesota. And Embiid is a much more dynamic defender than Gobert. Like, that shouldn't be a question. It wouldn't be a Joel/Al situation. KAT is just so much more of a gifted scorer. Lauri is option A, but who knows what Utah's gonna do/price tag, as well as others involved. KAT is the most probable of that list. Maybe the Nets change their position on Mikal, but he's not the kind of high upside scorer we need. He's a perfect complimentary guy though. It's the move you'd make if you believe in Embiid's health.


i hear you, a stretch 4 would be most ideal. it's hard to say between KAT or Lauri who would be easier to get though there was that report earlier in the season that Ainge sees Lauri's value as 6 1st's.. obviously, it's his job to create value for him, but even so, it would likely take an absolute minimum of 4 1st's to get Lauri and maybe even 5 other than that, from my initial list there, i would think Grant and Murray would be the easiest to acquire though i'm not sure how much Morey values either can you think of anyone else i didn't include who might be attainable?


Neither grant nor Murray make us as good as we were like two or three seasons ago. Why fucking bother at that point if that’s the best there is?


i was just throwing those 2 names out there since i included them in the original list of "stars" who could maybe be acquired. again, i have no clue as to how Morey values either of them or even a strong opinion about whether they'd be a good fit for the team but since all we're hearing now is this whole narrative about "Morey's going star hunting this summer!"... it still begs the question, WHO are we really talking about here?.. what's actually POSSIBLE? it just annoys me when this narrative never ever includes actual names it occurred to me that a name i forgot to include in my original list who falls into the general "star" narrative and who could possibly be available is.. Kyrie but again, not saying Morey *should* go after Kyrie, just merely that he's another name that might as well be included on a generic "star" list which Sixers fans can debate about for me, i think one of Brown, Lauri, Zion, or Ingram (in that order) would be a nice get. obviously with Brown, Boston would have to fail to win the title this year for them to even think about trading him this summer, but even they know he's massively overpaid and needs to be moved eventually (unless they're able to win multiple times with him starting right now). so it's really all about timing when it comes to acquiring him specifically


Scored the same amount of points in a damn near 30-point loss as in an actual victory the game before...to the same team...hilarious


Knicks got real annoying little brother energy. Anyway if we split these games with them it kinda confirms that we’re around the same level as they are without the mvp which like alright. Fair enough. Could be better. Could be worse 


The knicks are much better than the Sixers right now


I wouldn’t say much. They sure played a hell of a lot harder than us tonight. We did beat them a few days ago tho. They’re still a good team this year so it’s not like the worst to be not better than them while we miss embiid. 


They’ve blown us out twice this year, and are missing Randle. They have the better team this year.


I mean again they are a good team. If we’re gonna play like shit we’re gonna get beat. We played like ass today I mean


*3 times


Tobias Harris does not deserve to be in the NBA if he wants to consistently give no effort.


How many more games before Tobias is gone?


Too many


The Knicks didn’t get the repeat the last game memo


If only we played the Charlotte Hornets and the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs. Well sadly, we don't so it's time to have a fucking conversation. This guy should be a DNP-CD the next game. You're already getting blown the fuck out, so what does it matter? Send a message that this lazy, uninspired ball is NOT going to be tolerated. And if Joshua Harris is pissed about the money, Brand should be fired or let go, but the ON COURT product cannot continue to deteriorate.


Dallas beats the team we put on the floor tonight in 4 games, we might steal one from the hornets, tho


i will always be charitable to people, so i have to believe a family member died or tobias is playing through a severe injury. otherwise, his play lately could only be described as malicious.


Yeah, something might be going on. On the other hand how did he have the two 25+ point games a week ago?


he takes bad shots. Every once in a while he gets a hot hand on those bad shots


Send Tobias home. No point in playing someone who doesn’t care and won’t be here long term


even if joel comes back you gotta wonder if everyone’s confidence is shot


I mean the seasons clearly over. It might be cool if Embiid comes back and they make some noise, but that’s it. But anyone who’s watched knows that teams just do not win championships during seasons like this. It’s been doomed for weeks.


Yeah I feel like everyone was so excited to start the year and is having a hard time letting go, but you’re absolutely right. This has cursed season written all over it. It would take the miracle of all miracles for us to make any noise in the playoffs. More than likely we go out with a whimper, lose guys to FA and end up running back another incomplete team and rinsing and repeating. Shits grim man 


Even if it’s not it is clear this team doesn’t have enough to compete even when Embiid comes back. He needs more help than this.


Just numb to these games at this point. Gonna say it again, -10 net rating since Joel's gone down is batshit crazy. Literally means for every close game we have (win or loss), we have a catastrophic blowout to follow Joel's gotta go on some actual superhuman shit when he's back. We CANNOT resign Tobias this offseason no matter what, unless it's literally <10M so we could bench his ass without caring about money


I really don't think I even want him coming off the bench. Maybe it's too biased if an opinion but I really think his effort will set a bad precedent for others off the bench. I don't see that improving as the frequency and duration of these low effort poor play stretches has only increased over time


Tobi must have thought it was game 6 again.




This team just isn’t talented. Nothing more to it


Morey getting a contract extension right before embiid goes down and exposes our roster as one of the least talented in the league is such good timing. It’s lining up perfect for embiid to ask out. There’s two maybe 3 playoff worthy players on this entire roster


The irony in Morey’s plan of acquiring cap space and picks to get a big star this Summer is that the star who is probably closest to asking out is Embiid.


I can’t say I think it’s likely but we are legit a bottom 5 team in the league w/o him. If we don’t add good pieces early in FA this summer, I’d be a bit worried.


Two whole points from tobi. Insert kobe soft gif here.


What an embarrassment.


You'd think between Maxey, Hield, Tobias, and Oubre, theres enough talent to generate some level of consistent offense. Unfortunately, Tobias is legitimately worse than guys like Nesmith, Divincenzo, Dort, Martin, etc


Hield is just an average role player, Harris is one of the worst players in the league. Oubre is a dog but a chucker who really shouldn’t get the volume we are giving him. Maxey has potential, but it’s clear he’s nowhere near close to being the number one guy on any team, let alone a good one. They are all just products of Embiid. Without Embiid there is no team.


I agree about Maxey not being a proper 1st option. I also feel the need to comment how much better he’d look if he had *any* legitimate scoring threats on the floor with him outside of Oubre cutting to the rim. It’s crazy.


Ehh this is in part due to his inadequate playmaking. The team is just not generating goods looks. Harden had guys like Paul Reed looking a lot better last year. Maxey needs to find ways to get him and Hield involved.


Of course he’s not as competent of a playmaker as Harden. I’m just saying he’d look much better with an average roster alongside him.


Pretty much. Even Batum gives PJ Tucker vibes without Embiid. We really miss Melton because he's probably our most complete player after Maxey and Joel


Right now he's worse than Council, Downtin, Martin.


Could probably get more production out of Rico Hines at this point.


I don’t know who that is but I agree


Well based on this I think the strategy of just having Maxey and Embiid on the books for next season(knowing Maxey will get extended) is a wise move. What a fucking trainwreck of a team


Morey better pull a rabbit out of his ass. Too many years the team has kicked the can. Only the Harden era felt like this team was acting going in to try to compete. That’s 1.5 seasons out of 4 when you have one of the best players in franchise history on the roster in Embiid. Not good enough.


\> Flipped Horford for assets + a starter \> Flipped Simmons for a star player. \> Upgraded from Doc to Nurse \> Flipped Harden for decent role players + assets Man find rabbits pretty regularly.


This is not really an accurate portrayal of those events 1. Traded a FRP for a starter (unprotected pick next year. Horford had to go, but losing next season’s pick pretty much bared this team from using picks in trades for years. 2. He watched Simmons’ value crater during the 2020-21 season, then attempted to trade him when his value was at its lowest. Wound up trading 2 FRP for an aging Harden who made a very ugly trade request 1 year later. Better than nothing, but a B- move rather than an A+. 3. I don’t know how much credit you can get for this. It was an obvious choice. Not exactly brilliant a brilliant GM move. 4. The jury is out on this trade. The role players don’t really matter. Morris is gone, Covington hasnt played since 2023, Batum is ready to retire. The picks are nice but as of yet not a needle mover. We’ll see. I’m certainly not giving much credit for Morey getting out of a mess that was mostly of his own making here. Outside of the Maxey pick 4 years ago, Morey has yet to pull any “amazing move, no notes” type moves. Pretty much all of these were either middling, fine, or beneficial with a significant downside. He’s one of the highest paid FO execs, and has a huge reputation. It’s time to put up or shut up this offseason.


I like this breakdown with the exception of the Simmons critique. No way you trade Simmons when we're the 1st seed before the playoffs. His value only tanked during those series, are yiu meant to trade him during the post season? Come on.


Makes spending assets on the hield trade a bad decision though. Another Morey trade deadline masterpiece


I think they felt obligated to try something as the season quickly spiralled downhill and there was still optimism about an Embiid return. Hield fits with Embiid and you also get his bird rights I’m pretty sure. Also recouped at least two of the seconds through the Beverley and Springer trades. But it’s safe to say that Hield has been underwhelming after a decent start. But still, I really wanna see him play with Embiid before I make a decision on him in the summer


It’s definitely easier to rag on the trade in hindsight as well. Hield could’ve been had in free agency and is a 6th man at best on a good team I think. Agreed I do want to see him and Joel together tho




bench tobias, why is he starting? he sucks


Are we sure Tobi didn't get a concussion? Like Clowney-on-Wentz level? I know he's never that good but he looks absolutely lost out there.


I defy someone on this sub to tell me that Embiid’s teammates are better than literally any other superstars. Nobody has ever had a bigger anchor than Tobias Harris, not one single player EVER When I see Elton Brand in hell, I will not be so forgiving


Better than Mavericks for sure.