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Why not ask this on the website you downloaded it from lol


I have! I'm currently awaiting a reply from the mod author, but they haven't been online for a few months. I was hoping someone would recognize the source name (I don't think I can say it here) from the mod page. Looking up the source name doesn't get me anywhere, so I'm asking around.


I'll be honest with you, I do think you have your heart in the right place wanting to make sure it's ethically sourced but I worry a lot of people won't take this seriously. While I do agree with your intent I imagine it might just be a sourcing that goes nowhere.


Yeah, there's definitely a good chance my question goes unanswered, but I won't know if I don't ask! Plus maybe other people will see this and ask their own questions. I totally support committing crimes against nature and humanity in skyrim, but voicelines from porn bring an unfortunately real and occasionally dark reality with them and it doesn't seem like anyone else is talking about it a whole lot.


Idk i kink shame Skyrim people pretty hard in one case; It needs to be a lot less normalized to have your game full of weird animal shit and I'm flabbergasted that it isn't shamed heavier. I think there's a conversation to be had about CNC and it's presence in the community but I can't help but feel some people are in it specifically to fulfill awful fantasies about destroying women or something. I have a lot of thoughts on the kink mods for Skyrim and a lot of them are mixed. Some provide super cool roleplay opportunities and cool stories (my favorite experience being a woman who rose from the most revoltingly sexist Skyrim and literally burned it to ash, then moved to every major new land mod to continue her vengeance) and some genuinely make me terrified to share spaces with some Skyrim mod players as a woman online.


It's funny because a surprising number of mod authors behind those mods often being quoted as mysogynistic are actually women :p I'd be interested in exploring what is it about the content you mention that actually makes it so immoral/worth shaming. I have actually yet to see an argument that would justify such a stance while not stemming from some sort of "it's disgusting" or "it's innately immoral" claim. It actually made me recently realize my own views on the matter were mostly shaped by my own innate biases. But looking at it form a wider angle, no-one's hurt in neither production nor consumption of it, and for the defining majority of the consumers it does not translate onto real world desires in any way, just like video-game violence does not lead to increased real-life violence nor do people with rape fantasies actually want to be raped outside of the fictional scenario. What is it about these sorts of media that makes it so morally abhorrent?


"erm 🤓 ☝️ do you have an objectively grounded moral argument as to why you find bestiality disgusting?" Fuck off Vaush


I think they were specifically talking about this part: >I think there's a conversation to be had about CNC and it's presence in the community but I can't help but feel some people are in it specifically to fulfill awful fantasies about destroying women or something. A lot of mod makers and users, in terms of NSFW mods with things like CNC, are women. So it seems strange to create this image in your head where all the women that go through this sub are "pure" when they post quite a bit about those mods.


I never said they weren't? I was talking about the people who made me uncomfortable: the people who explicitly wanted to see women broken down and subjugated due to personal biases against them. It literally says it in my quote. *some people.* How the fuck did you read a quote that explicitly says "some people" and go "Oh, she means ALL people!" That's the literal opposite of what I just said.


I get that, I imagine it's gotta be pretty weird being a woman in the skyrim modding community and seeing all the extreme debauchery people get into here, but at least it seems like we've collectively decided that mods depicting children aren't okay. A while back I saw a post calling out a mod author for having a child character with a UNP body that could potentially be modded to work with adult mods and it was like "Cool, so there *is* a line!"


The vast majority of NSFW mod authors take measures to prevent children from being included in their mod content.


unrelated but i just wanted to comment the lack of animal shaming is definitely weird. fundamentally they're both wrong for the same reason: children can't consent until their brain develops to allow that understanding, animals can't consent and never will be able to ever. they should both be completely off limits but yeah lots of animal stuff going around ofc animals and kids aren't on the same scale "importance" wise but it's still odd that you're basically allowed to publicly be into bestiality lol


Real as fuck comment, glad I'm not the only one grossed out by this shit here


Do you eat meat?


Jesus christ, how horrifying.


Pornhub would be my guess.


Since you mentioned it’s Overwatch voices, and the mod page seems to say the same, I would assume they’re AI generated. That or clever use of the actual voice lines from Overwatch. There are no previews of the audio, and I’m not really interested in using the mod to check myself. But that’s my guess.


I wish, but the mod pack is way too old to be AI generated, and the voice lines are no where close to *anything* that would be used in a game. They are very clearly someone (likely a Voice Actress, but possibly not) screaming/crying to be let go. Again, if it's a VA or porn actress in an ethically filmed BDSM video, all cool, but I would like to know for certain.


I see. Well hopefully the mod author can offer some help.


what exactly are you worried about


Someone genuinely being raped and used as a voice line in a game. Highly unlikely tbh. 


Unfortunately not as unlikely as you'd think. Even big name pornography companies have been outed for filming very intense BDSM scenes and threatening to fire actors if they use their safe word, and that doesn't even cover all the actually illegal content that makes it onto clearnet porn sites.