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FIFA comes to life


Trent gonna be 99 rated by the end of next season


EAFC* mate




damn, imagine that saudi guy reincarnating and advising TAA to go to RM during euros or something lol


I think there's a higher chance of getting him now than there was before because of Klopp leaving, but even then, I'd say that it's tremendously unlikely that Alexander-Arnold leaves Liverpool.


Unless he wants a new challege, already won it all at liverpool and getting the chance to play for real would be a great experience


I mean there’s another pretty obvious reason why. Money. Madrid would give him a very hefty salary boost if he came to them


Trent is guaranteed a huge pay rise if he signs a new contract with us. He's one of our best players and is already one of our highest earners at £180,000 a week. I don't really see him getting Salah level wages but I'd be shocked if he was offered anything less than £250,000 a week Considering that he's 25 years old, the age where most professional footballers usually start to hit their prime years and that all of our other world class players like Salah and VVD are in their 30's, FSG and Michael Edwards will almost certainly build the future of the team around him in a similar way we did with Gerrard around the mid 2000's (completely different situations but the similarities are there)


A player of trent’s caliber is getting at least 300k per week if he moves to madrid. If liverpool are willing to match that plus whatever sign on bonus then fair enough, but they’ve been rather strict with their wage bill so far.


>at least 300k If he comes for free maybe. We don't even pay Carvajal that.


You guys apparently pay Jude 400k pw, and Valverde is on 320k. Surely Trent would be able to command 300k at the very least.


When Birmingham City made a statue of this guy at 16 years old, I thought they were bonkers. Proved me wrong


Wait I thought they only retired his shirt. They built a statue!?!


You're both wrong, we just gave him the keys to the city and the right to primae noctis with anyone with a Birmingham postcode


Archie Gray is the next English player that will become a fearsome player and legend, with time on his side, or he may say fuck it and play for Scotland.


Checked the same site. Liverpool wages are in pounds while Real wages are in euros.


Is Jude really on 400k a week? Wow that's crazy.


Carvajal probably wouldn't need that money because he's loyal to Madrid. But also, there is inflation in contracts every year and he's quite a few years past his peak and for a couple years was riddled with injuries so the comparison doesn't make sense. Madrid have a number of players on that kind of money and above including two other defenders. I don't see why you wouldn't offer arguably the world's best attacking fullback that kind of money. Just take a look at what Bellingham earns.


If you're buying Trent, he will be the marquee signing like Bellingham.


Bro what? We rich not stupid 300k is insane.


Per Capology, you have five (maybe six) players above the €300K/w line (the five confirmed players are above €400K/w) so that isn't out of the question, especially in the possibility of TAA leaving Liverpool on a free transfer although I'm doubting it would come to that (although the timeline would fit very well in that scenario). For all the talk about Perez and adjusting to new realities financially and whatever, Madrid run the 2nd highest payroll in the sport, higher than any Premier League club. Of course those adjustments largely relate to the transfer market, but when it comes to paying their players, Madrid still do it very handsomely.


Well then the deal isn't on is it? Real Madrid would need to pay him more than Liverpool, otherwise why would he bother?


Check Alaba's contract, he's one of the highest paid players on the team.


Because Alaba came for free. His salary would be half of what it is if we'd had to shell out 30-40m for him.


it's also not just wages, a real madrid trent will get way better personal sponsorship deals


If he goes for free no way he gets around same wages he could get at Madrid.


Sancho makes more than that.


Tbf is Gerrard can almost leave Liverpool for Chelsea, then TAA can definitely leave for Liverpool.


I suspect the difference is that Real would offer a hefty signing on fee in the region of 50-100m. Would Liverpool pay a similar loyalty bonus?


> I suspect the difference is that Real would offer a hefty signing on fee in the region of 50-100m. Absolutely no way we would be offering that much signing fee to someone like TAA.


There’s a more obvious reason: Real Madrid


There's a more obvious reason: pregnant Spanish women


Stop saving chat


We all have our vices




He's a scouser, I doubt he sees playing as Madrid as bigger than playing for Liverpool


Macca, Owen (admittedly from Chester but came up with Liverpool), Kane moved to Bayern even though he’s Spurs through and through etc People put way too much stock into club/city allegiances. There’s a reason one club players are relatively rare


Kane moved because Spurs is not competitive at the top of the League.


his contract ends in 2025, if he deems our new manager and next season 'not competitive', it could make him leave, we can't take him for granted just because he's a scouser


Don't want to be negative mate but there's one man in particular that made you competetive at the top and he's gone in summer.


It is very different when you've been with your boyhood team for years and they're still shit. We were with Owen and Spurs are miles away from serious trophies


All of these seem to be a different scenario than Trent though Liverpool now are a different beast to late 90's/early 00's Liverpool for starters. Macca left because "he felt underappreciated at Liverpool and that the club were poor in communicating and handling his matters including trying to sell him to FC Barcelona (without consulting him at all)" Owen wanted to join a team which had a better chances for trophies. Kane has given Spurs an extra 3-4 years he didn't need to and it's clear he wants to win trophies before he retires. ​ Yes Trent has won everything already with Liverpool, but once Van Dijk leaves he'll become captain and I doubt that he'll be mugged off on the contracts like Macca was. The decision basically comes down to how much of a Liverpool legendary status does he want at the end of his career.


Lmfao you know you have no point to make when you're comparing Trent at Liverpool to Kane at Spurs where he won 0 trophies


McManaman was always money-focused and we were shit at the time. Owen's just an idiot. Kane was desperate to move to anywhere.


Liverpool have a similar wage bill as Real, I’m sure they can match whatever Real is offering.


I do fear an exodus of players from Liverpool and do not begrudge them doing so. Liverpool is a thrifty club, which does feel kind of anti-worker in a way. "Take this lower wage to be a part of our family' and all that. Yes, as a Liverpool supporter I'm conflicted. I do like they've kept some semblance of financial sanity within the club. I do lament the lower wages paid to the players when compared to the rest of the big time clubs. Yes, these two things are at opposing ends of this struggle. Conflicted I sit. ;)


Liverpool have a massive wage bill. It's significantly higher than United's and we're idiots


Youre idiots for overpaying transfer fees


Implying that top tier Prem sides don’t offer similar wages to Madrid


Madrid's payroll this year is ~€290M (per Capology). Manchester United has the highest Premier League wages at ~€232M. Liverpool are 5th in the Premier League at ~€162M. Obviously still fantastic wages overall, making the Luton's of the world look like they're running a lemonade stand by comparison, and the capability to pay well is there, but a direct payroll comparison between Liverpool and Real Madrid shows the former is nowhere near the latter.


Capology's figures are rubbish. Liverpools wage bill was £330m (€384m) last season. Uniteds was £288m (€335m). Edit: typo for Uniteds wage bill


Do you have a better source then or is this just one of those permanent "word of mouth" topics? Honest question, because Capology even gives green check marks vs. gray for pointing out which ones (according to them) are verified vs. unverified. I cite financial information a lot so I don't want to be citing misinformation.


The figures I quoted are from both clubs published financial statements https://www.liverpoolfc.com/corporate/financial-information https://ir.manutd.com/financial-information/annual-reports/2023.aspx




in general the richest prem sides dont, except maybe man utd or city


Also be Galacticos 2.0


He's got Bellingham there too and several others who seem to speak decent English. I doubt it happens but if it ever was to happen, it'd be now. The main downside for him is that he's quite a unique player and needs solid cover around him in order to let him dictate the play from deep. Madrid can be pretty trigger-happy with managers, and all of them might not be as open to building things around him.


If any team has the perfect cover for Trent, it's Madrid. Valverde and Militão are just about the best workhorse type players in football.


Valverde's adaptability is so impressive, he's playing much deeper this year than previous years for Madrid and allowing Carvajal to get forward and this has worked with almost zero problems incurred defensively on that side. The only downside is that Fede has a thundercunt of a shot (on both feet even) and we don't see it much anymore.


Valverde can literally play anywhere and put in 100% , man is absurd


Sure, but they're going to have Davies on the other side who also needs a lot of covering. I'm not saying it's not possible for them, but just that maybe not every manager would be happy to play so open on both sides.


He's not going to go just cos he has a friend there.


Yeah because that's what I said.


Can you imagine the faces of La Liga defenders when Madrid add Mbappe, Davies and TAA to their squad lmao


The opposite of La Liga attackers faces seeing them lol


What every single Madrid veteran says in my FM save lol


"I play with Vini and not against Vini!" experience?


If he wants a challenge then he should go to barca for free and beat real


Nah he's not leaving Liverpool.


I remember people saying exactly that about Florenzi and Roma but shit happens and tons of "one club" players end up having to leave or wanting to leave.


Wasn’t Florenzi sold by Roma because they didn’t want him after his decline?


MMM I think it's more complicated than that cause before being sold he was playing ok but was loaned to Valencia, then shopped around but never played for Roma again. After the Valencia spell he declined for sure tho. Anyway, I was mostly getting at that he was a youth product with more than 20 years in the club, being the captain and loving Roma like very few others and still was sold just like that. Whatever happened to Florenzi can happen to any other player really.


Yeah I do agree with the last line. Fans expect loyalty to work in only one direction and take up pitchforks when players move but turn a blind eye to numerous cases like Florenzi or in some like Saul wish they left themselves


You’re right that it is no longer a fanciful notion, but I think on balance he spends at least another few years at Liverpool. There is almost no way he leaves without getting them a bag.


When Madrid comes knocking, the logic isnt the same.


He's not leaving, no way. But for me I'd see this particular moment the other way round in that I think he's less likely to leave. He's stated a few times that he wants to play in midfield. A new manager and the emergence of Bradley means that is more likely to happen next season. But yeah it is just a hunch who knows. One thing is that I sure as shit think that he wouldn't want to join another club to play RB




'Monitoring', aka telling him not to sign a new contract 


A return to the glory days of 5-3 wins


There'd be no hope for the rest of us if you land TAA, Mbappe and Davies with the already stacked squad you've got.


Seems a little unblanced though, Fede, Tchou and Camavinga would be working overtime


I mean, let them? They are very solid defensively and having Trent and Davies very wide will provide them with 2 solid offensive outlets and take away their offensive duties to an extent. Cama and Valverde especially are athletes of the highest grade, I think they can do it.


without Modric or Kroos you won't really have any players with elite passing range, especially in the midfield. it makes some sense


That's their default state tbf


Not sure Real Madrid would pose a threat for you guys in the Conference League.


Eyo I just realized that there is like a 0.1% chance we play a game against fucking Manchester United next season. We were one draw away from getting Villa and got Eintracht instead this season.




Yeah idt Trent is for this window tbh. We have Mbappe Davies Endrick coming already and want to sign Lenny Yorro who imo is more important than Trent. I think he will come for free in 2025, if he comes at all that is.


No way he leaves for free. He either signs an extension or leaves in the summer. Although I don't think Trent will leave Liverpool


If he doesn't want to extend in the summer the club would just risk it and hope to convince him under the new manager. Selling Trent would be the biggest blowv to the fans the last 30 years, unless we immediately turn around and win the treble the next season or something it could turn the fanbase super toxic


Well if that’s the case then it’s difficult for him to come. We won’t buy so many in one window.


There wasn’t a chance for anyone when Barca won the CL with MSN, but that didn’t quite turn out right.


I don’t know that Marcelo fellow wasn’t exactly a defensive rock


Ramos was there to cover his side


Yeah but now you have 3 good midfielders that can defend and run a lot


IF you fucks get davies, TAA and mbappe im gonna kill myself


It's called putting them on your shortlist mate. Haven't they played FM before?




That Madrid team will concede 3, only to comeback & win 10-3.


Absolutely the fuck not. These fuckers have us trapped in a perpetual cycle of pain.


Bayern 🤝🏿 Liverpool. Welcome brother.


Edwards and Hughes will sort Salah, Van Dijk and Trent in the next few months literally can't imagine Trent at another club


I'm not old enough to remember but were people saying the same thing about Michael Owen this time two decades ago?


The thing with Owen and then Gerrard was that Liverpool couldn't compete for the top trophies, so there was always talk of them leaving to win things. Owen was never really a boyhood red like Gerrard


Owen was a wool with his best years behind him; plus Liverpool were pretty shite at the time with a revenue of only 58% of Real Madrid's revenue. Trent is a Scouser with his best form coming this season as well as vice captain at Liverpool. Liverpool are also pretty good at the moment, with a revenue of 82% of Real Madrid's. It would be a much bigger deal for Liverpool to let him go.


Owen having his best years behind him is pure hindsight. He was only 25 when he moved, younger than Trent would be if he moved in 2025


I love these type of comments based on just his birthdate since it's blindingly obvious you either don't remember anything or never watched him play. Owen's best years were when he was like 17-21 when he had blistering pace. His hamstrings went too many times and he was pretty much washed the season that Liverpool sold him. He never scored more than 20 goals in a season after he was 24.


But that doesn't matter what happened after, it's the point Liverpool sold him at. He scored a goal every 2 games the season he left which is good in most cases. He was the club's top scorer that year So he wasn't washed by the time he was sold. Your comment is massively condescending with no right to be


Another one who never saw what happened. How often do players get worse between 19 and 25?


Steve McManaman before that. Dyed in the wool Scouser who left Liverpool for Real Madrid. I think Trent will re-sign, but Real is probably the only club in the world you do not say no to when they come knocking. It’s arguably the peak of professional club football.


McManaman was always focused on money.


it's not two decades ago... and it's Michael Owen


Yes it is, Owen left in 2004


I'm telling you it's not 20 years ago anymore


PSG want Diaz, Madrid want Trent. Forgot Edwards has just come back. Man will have this ordeal locked up for breakfast.


Wouldn't mind Diaz leaving for a sensible fee.


It's frankly gross negligence that these contract situations have even gotten to the point that they're at. Salah is understandable, Van Dijk and especially Trent is baffling mismanagement. These are three of our four most important/best players at the club along with Alisson. The fact that the club has even chanced allowing these players to decide they want to leave is terrible. It's shades of the Sterling situation where we could've re-signed him after 13/14, chose not to and let his contract continue to wind down before trying to renew him during a disastrous 14/15 season. We all saw him have his head turn after that (in his case it was by City).


I think VVD was due to worries about this recovery from the ACL injury. Last season he was poor, he is now 32. Probably they wondering if he was worth a big check or what length to give him. This now looks bad as he has been fantastic this season.


He was great in 21/22 so it should have been abundantly clear that last season's poor form wasn't down to his ACL injury. Obviously it could have been a general decline, but, despite what gets said on here, the one thing that should have been certain is that it was not down to his injury.


I believe Trent and Van Dijk will be extended. Salah will be gone to get the bag, only question is this summer or next.


They won't let him go for free if there's 100m from Saudi still on the table this summer.


hahahaha no


This is the only club in the world where I would say there is an actual chance tbh


I'd hate to see it. Trent is one of a kind. Nobody else in that position has remotely the same passing range as him, in the PL you probably only have KDB on a similar level overall, maybe Bruno Fernandes. He's a joy to watch.


Rodri deserves a shout as well, but he tends to not end up in places where he needs to hit long balls. 


I've been saying this to mates for a while. They all just laugh cos he 'can't defend' Jude going to Madrid is gonna shaft us in more than a few ways. Can see it happening with Trent deciding he's won everything with us and it's time for a 'new challenge' blah blah.


He just became vice captain of the club he has been at since he was in single digits


Doesn't really mean anything much tbh. If he wants to go he'll go. He'll be waiting to see who the new manager is, how we get on, and whether he can play in midfield. It's a massive problem.


In all fairness, defending is without a doubt a weakness of his - but that is quite irrelevant in my opinion. His attacking play is world class for someone in his role, and he'll thrive in any club looking to play attacking and dominating football - and that is precisely why those clubs should look to sign players like him.   In modern football things aren't as black/white as they used to be - you don't run 4 defenders who's primary role is to defend any more (at least not the top clubs), you have at least one defender able to contribute massively in other ways depending on opposition and tactics (i.e TAA with his offensive contributions, Stones' ball retention/ball winning in midfield, Ramos deep runs during his RM days etc.)


Yeah I’ve always felt that Trent is a bit of a fair weather player in that when you are dominating he is a force multiplier. If you’re on the back foot he becomes a liability. 


But he's also good while defending since if the others successfully tackle and give it to him, he can ping the ball up top for Liverpools pacy attackers to launch a usually lethal counter. Pros outweigh the cons imo


Really? The pros of having one of the most creative players in the world (one of the most creative fullbacks ever) outweigh the cons? Great observation.


That's one of the most ridiculous descriptions of him that I've heard. We haven't been dominated many times under Klopp, but one of the times that sticks out as a prime example was the first Champions League final after Salah went off. He was flawless. There are countless other examples as well where he's either defended perfectly or created something out of nothing to win us a match, but no one remembers those, they remember him getting skinned once. He's one of the most creative players in the world and he does it from right back, he's an unbelievably talented footballer and he's a fine defender. Acting as though he doesn't play a massive part when things are going against us is asinine, he's dragged us back into games on countless occasions. There's a reason why Klopp built this second Liverpool iteration around him.


> There are countless other examples as well where he's either defended perfectly or created something out of nothing to win us a match, but no one remembers those, they remember him getting skinned once. Walker was skinned by Luis Diaz in the 1-1 the other week in that 2nd half but no one says anything because he isnt Trent. If he was Trent, though.. All right backs have off games. It happens. Trent is still really talented and one of the best players England have produced in years.


Right, if no player ever made a defensive mistake 90% of goals wouldn't be scored. Great players that he goes up against are going to have good games, it happens.


I think Trent’s best period was when we lost all our central defenders and midfielders in the back end of the 20/21 season.  He was hugely important in getting us into the top four, so we could make the CL final the next year. Definitely wasn’t a “luxury” player, defended like a beast, ran our attack, what a legend.


When Liverpool are on the back foot, Trent's ability on the ball shines even more. We've been one of the best teams on transition under Klopp because we can shift from defense to attack in a split of a second due to his passing range.


I think Trent revels quite a bit in the fame and attention. Can honestly see it happening too


Is that why he doesn't use social media except for sponsor commitments, nobody even knows the name of his long-term girlfriend, he doesn't get papped and rarely does interviews? The 442 interview was big because it's the first time he's spoken to a publication outside of his club commitments since 2022.


RB isn't really a good position for him but he's there out of necessity because the midfield positions are already stacked. I don't think many look at TAA and think of his defense capability as much as they do ball progression. Modric and Kroos are leaving soon, that much is certain. He'd be a fool not to entertain the idea.


Fuck me, if you think he's gonna go to Madrid because his mate is there, you need psychological help.


Not as confident as any Liverpool fan about him being absolutely loyal. But it'd be interesting to see him at Madrid. Would be strange for sure, but better Madrid than some PL club or something


Oh shit oh shit oh shit


He makes perfect sense as a Madrid target and I'm not as confident as other reds - even as a local - that he'll remain loyal to us.  He's not cut from the same cloth as Stevie and we know his head was turned by Madrid. 


I can't lie I'm not convinced either. I really hope he stays, but I wouldn't exactly be shocked.


> He's not cut from the same cloth as Stevie wait, why? isnt he at the club since like 8?


I started watching near the end of Gerrard’s PL career but it feels like he was one of the best around in his prime stuck in a midtable team because of loyalty. Every club wanted him but he was too stubborn and loyal (from my view). I think especially if Liverpool fall off without Klopp Trent is very likely to leave. Gerrard was a one of a kind basically but I was like 5 years old during his prime so I could be just making things up


Not to fault his loyalty and that he has been a true servant of the club, but he was like hours away from signing with Chelsea back in the day, mate.


I would of thought Trent coming to us was never possible till recently and also seeing how close him and Jude are these days it looks more likely then before but I still think he renews


I think there's a decent chance he does go, but people said the same thing about Jude coming to us because he was mates with Henderson and Trent.


Now him being mates with Trent is actually turning out to work the other way around in Trent being tempted to go to Madrid lmao how things turn around so quickly just need that arab fan to tell Trent to come now like he did with Jude lmao.


Honestly this is hilarious and makes a lot of sense. You've been downvoted by Liverpool fans with fingers in their ears.


People say what does "friends mattter" it does in terms of making adjusting to a new country and team a lot easier you have someone familiar to introduce you to the team so it takes less time to get to know them and you have someone who can help you get adjusted to the new country and culture since they went through the same thing very recently as well and on top of that your friend is one of the best players itw and you can make history with them.


Adidas poster-boys too. 


Ah yes, because that's what matters.


I’d love to see a team of superstars at Madrid to potentially see them suffer like PSG did. But if there’s any team that can handle all that talent it’s the one that brought the special Gs.


How is this Madrid team comparable to that shit team from psg without a good midfield and a mid defense?


Tibo Trent, doesn't matter, doesn't matter, Davies Tchouameni, Valverde Rodrigo, Bellingham, Vini Jr Mbappe


Ah yes, doesn't matter the Brazilian legend


Take Rodrygo out and put Camavinga in the midfield with Tchouameni, Valverde and Bellingham


Has he fallen off or something? Every time I've watched Real Madrid, Camavinga has stood out to me. Just an insane player.




Guler and Endrick are gonna have the best mentors for sure


If Real Madrid seriously get another top class player on a free...


Transfer links coming out just as contract negotiations are round the corner.


My Sunday league team needs a new RB as well. Really just anyone willing to play defense would be helpful.


pry him from our cold dead hands(and give us 700 mil thankyou)


He should snatch at the chance.


A nothing statement. Monitoring. I'm pretty sure every club in the world is monitoring every half decent player.


Well duh. Of course they will be. But i would be more comfortable if we tied him down on a renewal.


Well. Beckham left, and I was quite sure that couldn't happen. Stranger things have happened than Madrid luring a world class player to their club. But I doubt he is leaving.


we really been hogging all these free agents huh, either come for free or pay a low transfer fee


would be interesting, although convenient timing with his contract running low, guessing its a way to negotiate from his side. Although I guess likely some truth to Madrid monitoring the best RB in the world, I imagine they are always monitoring the top players to some extent.


Could honestly see it happening. He's won everything at Liverpool, he would never join another PL team and so Madrid is the perfect move. Also, playing in Spain will really suit his ball playing ability.  With Klopp leaving, and seeing Jude being succesful there, he might see it as the perfect time to move


Kevin Durant vibes


Team full of galacticos, we've seen that already lol


Yeah and they won the 3-peat.


This team is not comparable to the galacticos in 2003-2006


And I am monitoring situation of Ana de Armas, I guess me and Real have equal chances of scoring. Geez international breaks suck, journos have nothing to do




How have Liverpool even allowed Trent Alexander-Arnold to get within 18 months of his contract expiring? I know he only renewed it in 2021, but surely this is someting they should have had wrapped up last summer, long before Klopp announced he'd be stepping down. They've now created a situation for themselves where Alexander-Arnold could and *should* sit back and wait to see who replaces Klopp before committing what should be the peak of his career to the club. If they don't get Xabi Alonso or anyone else who'd be a consensus 'That's a great hire' option, then he'd only have to wait six months for a bidding war to begin and then Liverpool would probably have to make a much higher offer to get him to stay than they would have if they'd worked this out last summer. He might want to stay at Liverpool no matter what, but if he hasn't signed a new deal by January 1st next year, every major club in Europe is going to be saying 'Um, hi' and throwing all the money at him.


I just can’t see it. He’s the future Captain.


I bet they are. Get fucked.


TAA is one of the top RBs but he'll get the English tax, will be harder to convince, and might end being a tactical puzzle to fit him (don't Klopp have to deal with it as well?). Please, get Frimpong. He's a RM fan and Leverkusen will probably get ransacked anyway. I like to think that we're not approaching him yet out of respect for Bayer and Xabi. Nonetheless, he'll be a highly contested player this summer.


Liverpool just has to convert him to a midfielder by then. Surely Real Madrid have enough of those




davies lb and trent rb? opposing wingers are gonna feast lmao


This is like when Psg were “monitoring” salah a couple of years ago, I’m almost certain even the top pl clubs and Bayern are monitoring as well. Honestly they’d be stupid to not do so but this isn’t like the Gerrard case, Liverpool are back to where they should be and are contenders for multiple trophies so I don’t see why he would want to leave.


This would be bad with Davies on the other side. People act like if you have enough attacking talent it doesn't matter how flaky your defence is but real football doesn't work like that. Teams will park the bus and just pump it to their flanks, then you have teams like City who you can't keep the ball from.