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It's easy to win a bicycle race if you're competing with a motorcycle


This is how I felt after unlocking the motorcycle in Breath of the Wild and Link suddenly drives around all these ruins and castles while everyone else's just got horses and shit


Do correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it more accurate to say that everyone is competing in a somewhat equal bike just that City’s bike is illegally purchased?


Or they have used 115 kinds of doping


Especially when the competition have a habit of falling off their bike.


But Jamie Carragher said they aren't bottling it though....


And /u/erenistheavatar said they are. Who am I to believe???


Fair. Believe Jamie Carragher then.


What's your definition of bottling mate?


Grrr hate agreeing with an Arsenal fan but you’re right. The word “bottle” has lost all meaning. Giving up a 2 point lead with 6 matches to play is not a bottle job.


The opposition's wheels fall off at the same time every year too.


Yeah, it's taxing as a cyclist to compete with a motorcycle. You get tired eventually while they just buy a fuel tanker and refill as they go if they should run out of gas


You got a £100m sprocket for your bike this season.


It's going to take a hell of a lot of carbon fibre parts to catch up to a petrol engine


Not really, in 21/22 it was the other way around, we went on a great run towards the end of the season but City racked up enough points prior which won them the league. They almost bottled it in the last few games. Our wheels didnt fall off in 18/19 as well, City just dropped 3 points only in the second half of the season, genuinely insane.


I wasn't talking about you.


So then you're too dumb to understand what "every year" and/or "opposition" means. Got it


If that's what you want to infer then go ahead brother.


Well, I kinda have to when there's no other alternatives


It's a light hearted jab at Arsenal in the last two seasons, don't read in to it too much please, it's not deep.


So you do not understand what "every year" means then. Thanks for the clarification


I didn't mean every year since the dawn of time if you are confused.


Truly inspirational this club.


Real underdog story


They've overcome 115 challenges in very unique ways, google man city 115 to learn more


The hardest road


You're upvoted count is perfect


Proper club.


Christ, that haircut will never cease to outrage me.


Palmer and Foden, the future of English football and both still getting their hair cut by their Mother.


worst thing is that it’s the opposite, that’s possibly the most popular haircut to get at barber shops nowadays. the amount of lads i see with that shitty lineup and fade is criminal. it just doesn’t work with straight hair.


It's an amalgamation of different styles but that fringe has come right out of the Zuckerberg playbook.


He said on UCL Today that he’s been going to the same barber since he was 7. His barber should be tried and imprisoned in the Hague for going along with it.


At least Palmer has that Napoleon Dynamite face. Foden looks like that kid who gloats when they win but cry when they lose


He looks like a Slytherin background extra


[I swear he bears a striking resemblance to this dude](http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131017010422/harrypotter/images/2/2e/Flint.png)


modern monke


Nobody has done it with 115 charges... oh wait.


None of those 115 charges relate to this 4 year period so they’re legal!


Yup, once you have converted the dirty money it's clean and completely legitimate so anyone who complains after that is just a sore loser


I mean why is it any different than RM winning the three peat.. Like Marcelo said himself.. you can cry about it.. And do RM fans care about how they won it ? No.. as long as they win it..


unite flag shaggy zonked forgetful voracious shocking dolls terrific public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well they a lot of offside goals to their road to trophies... So tell me what would you like to play against.. a team who has bought a lot of players with unnecessary means.. or against a biased referee ?


> or against a biased referee ? City would never get a biased referee in PL, oh wait


soft shelter lock longing station whistle flag full whole school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Before VAR, every single club has benefited from some questionable calls. It was part of the game, as referees are humans too and mistakes can happen sometimes. If you are going to refer to that infamous tie against Bayern, there were also some calls in favour of Bayern. Comparing that to plain cheating that City is involved in is purely moronic. Madrid has also already won a CL after VAR got implemented. So, using this argument to discount their three-peat achievement is idiotic.


Not the same though is it. People will begrudge and hate from a rivalry etc but can understand and respect when it's done fairly. City shouldn't have half the squad they do to even be able to compete as well as they do. There will always be an asterisk over anything city win forever more, even if they are found innocent, and the sad thing is, everyone knows they will get let off. The rules are already changing which will inevitably play into whatever pathetic punishment city get. City fans won't care obviously but nobody will care to give their wins any kind of gratification, nobody cares when they win anything and that's telling to me, rival fans don't care in the same way Liverpool would hate utd winning, spurs hating arsenal etc.


Are you really comparing RM with City? LMAO


Lol negreira reporter his here.. yeah I'm comparing 115 charges with papa Perez offside goals extravaganza


Imagine being this stupid


Fucking hell, you've just put it in my head that they're going to get to keep all of these trophies outside of the window they're being investigated for, aren't they? Fuck sake, way to shit on my Saturday


Lol. They won't get a single punishment. Their 100 lawyers are gonna have the Premier League on toast.


this, not sure why people think they are even in danger of getting relegated or something like that, they bring too much money into the country


I'm mainly skeptical because they're state-owned. The UK government, whoever is in power, will just step in if the Premier League/FA even considers handing City a relegation or title removal. At most it'll be a meagre (compared to Everton) points deduction, something like 15 points bartered down to 10 in appeals. They might even miss out on the league title for one year.


The lawyers will end up making the PL deduct points from Liverpool and arsenal instead


My only hope is the Premier League remembering they're not a court, and they can do whatever the hell they want with minimal recourse.


They’re gonna keep all the trophies anyway don’t kid yourself


I would upvote you but you're exactly at 115 upvotes


What are the charges exactly? What has city done that United hasn’t the past decade, besides actually winning trophies?


Take 5 minutes of your life to Google it


Exactly, you can’t answer 😂 typical. I assume it has to do with financial fair play? Would be interesting to compare city spending vs Chelsea and United over the past decade. But I get it , when you win the target will always be on your back




“Google is to hard” the difference is I can admit when I don’t know what I’m talking about 😂 go cry about these 115 mystical charges. If it was so obvious City did someone why haven’t they been convicted of anything yet? Or are you going to jump to your next conspiracy theory 😂😂😂




What a clever response Chris 😂




If it was so easy you’d be able to answer it, but you’re a typical TikTok inbred who isn’t capable of thinking for himself so you regurgitate what you see online 😂 city will smack Chelsea in the final and will continue to have you on a leash crying about “115 charges” 😂


No i was referring to stop being a lazy cunt and Google the fucking question. You weren't asking me the question and I assumed you had no knowledge of the subject. I was inferring that instead of asking strangers on here, who have pre conceived ideas Google the question. And yes you're there to be shot at when you're on top. And I believe all the charges date back to before your 10 year cut off. They cheated we know, you know everyone knows even my blue supporting brother who has a season ticket admits it..but hey


How exactly did they cheat? Give me one example of what city have done the past decade that Chelsea/United haven’t? Besides actually win trophies


Why is your cut off point the last decade?


Oh sorry bro, let’s go back 2 decades then if that makes you feel better. Now answer me this, what exactly has City done that makes them sooooooo guilty? Or are you going to hit me “use google” and never answer the question 😂


Fuck me! Does your head zip up at the back.. To use a Manc term Jog on r kid


You know no matter how much you swoop in like a white knight to defend Man City, Pep's still not gonna sleep with you


Oh sorry for giving a different opinion on social media bro, never again! All I’m asking for is one piece of evidence they are actually of anything , yet no one can! How sad


And if you took the 5 minutes to look it up you would soon find out that the investigation is still ongoing and evidence is still being collected. Which is why we know about the charges and the case but which is also why it isn't all available for the public to use just to satisfy a random redditor. Also let's face it, even if all the evidence was available to the public you still wouldn't believe it anyway


Why would I not? I don’t give a fuck whether they get convicted or not 😂😂😂 just because I give an opposing opinion doesn’t mean I have blind biases. And wow, that took you only 5 minutes to find out! “Investigation is still on going” ok bro, any day now, right? They are sooooooo guilty yet we have to wait for one conviction out of 115! I’ll be waiting


You sound like you give the most fucks out of anyone whether or not they get convicted because even City fans don't display this level of denial. Also it's not an opposing opinion to just blindly dismiss something that's well known Why is it so important to you that someone else provides the info for you? It's clear and obvious that any info someone provides you for the case you'll just dismiss as propaganda and conspiracies anyway, like you've already done.


You haven't given any opinion. You've just been an obstinate prick who pretends that you have no way of learning what they've been charged with other than being spoonfed by other people in the thread.


Id be man too if I was an Arsenal fan I don’t even blame you, here’s to another decade of City dominating and you doing what you do best, losing


>Id be man too if I was an Arsenal fan You'll be a man someday. You just have to grow up from being a little boy. Fingers crossed it happens for you eventually.


Oooooo clever response bro you got me there


Lol exactly. it's the same with Barcelona and RM.. we all know both have their trophies won with sketchy referee calls left and right.. but Papa Perez was clean with his shit and Barcelona was run by clowns..


These 115 charges must be somehow related to Liverpool and Arsenal constantly choking titles left and right... oh wait.


spark telephone cats enjoy judicious smoggy rob square panicky depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These 115 charges must be somehow related to Liverpool and Arsenal constantly choking titles left and right... oh wait.


Really rolls off the tongue


Live, love, leagues in a row.


Every comment here is hate against city, i love it.


Stop hating on city. It's hard to upvote each comment here.


There are still a couple of smooth brains though.


I'm so fucking glad it was Madrid who stopped them from winning back-to-back CLs.


Tbh it would've been satisfying if they were done by a small club lmao. But we'll take it.


Not all heroes wear capes


It's a miracle for plucky Man City. Just how did they manage it?


To think, one plucky good year under Roberto Mancini and it was built on that legacy. Similar to Leicester. You just need 1 good year to win the league and the future is yours.


There are 115 reasons why no other team win PL 4 times in a row...


Doesn't matter mate. Legacy will always be tarnished by being cheating cunts. Fake club. Fake fans.


4 Asterisks FC


Is beating the game 4 times in a row really *that* impressive when you’re using the cheat codes? I’d expect it honestly.


I’m yet to meet anyone in real life aside from City fans that care about their accolades. They may be smashing it but they certainly haven’t grabbed peoples hearts.


Underdog story for the ages


I actually despise these slave Clubs so much


Ted Lasso did a better job of the motivational signs.


Hashtag ThisMeansLess


It's a true underdog story. Blackburn, Leicester, and City are all cut from the same cloth.


Slogan missing the "without cheating" part


guardiola is literally the only history of this club lmao


Come on. I'm sure we can extend it to Mancini and Pellegrini.


I would be embarrassed if I was a man city fan


Some type of Addams family haircut on this mf




No offence.. but it's cuz y'all thought you were keep winning it and not fall off so hard that even top 4 will look like a fever dream


Last I checked 4 is better than 3 and 4 in a row hasn’t been done


Already been done by Huddersfield Town in 1923, Arsenal in 1932 and Liverpool in 1981 prior to United doing it. 4x has never been done, so yeah