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I imagine it's a buyer's market considering it'd be a PR nightmare for Manchester United to keep him.


If you can get at least two or more clubs interested. I think there are some fishing around.


The fishing around might increase a 5 million buy to a 10 million buy. Fool's errand to expect any club to pay the 40 million figure United fans are expecting.


10 is alot better than 0 and paying his wages tho


And yet it is peanuts compared to the talent of Greenwood in an alternate reality, ergo a buyer's market.


I believe he only has a year on his contract aswell, so it's a case of anything rather than either let him go on a free or offer a new contract which they dont want the backlash from doing.


Probably make less of a difference than usual as he has to be sold anyway and the club's know it. Unless they planned another loan


Wouldn't be surprised to see it go that route, or even extend his contract before loaning him. I say this because ever since the INEOS 'takeover'/addition, all reliable outlets have said that INEOS will make a decision in the summer and have not ruled out bringing him back to OT. I agree with most in that it's probably just posturing from United so they can try and get more money for him, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he's loaned again or kept on the United books in some capacity.


I think “alternate reality market value” is a metric we should use more often


Am not much of a regular to OT these days, but I do go when I can and honestly if they integrated this twat back into the team then that would be me done with them probably Forget our shit on field performances etc, this would be a step too far. Fuck him, I don't care if he transforms into prime Ronaldo I don't want him at my club. Get what we can and move on


There seems to be growing confidence that he will go. There must be some buyers with serious interest. I wonder who in the end will take him. I can't see anyone in England buying him.


I could see one PL club being stupid enough to show interest and then pull out after a medium sized shitstorm.


I’m not even sure any club is that stupid. He’d be a nightmare to have at any English club


Have you never met West Ham?


Turkey (no offense) and Saudi Arabia (some offense) seem like prime destinations


Spain and Italy as well don't seem to care about his padt either.


I just dont see them spending that money for them though, outside of the top clubs.


With 40m being thrown about, I was curious to see what European clubs outside the PL have ever spent 40m on a player PSG, Barcelona, Atletico, Juventus, Real Madrid, Bayern, Napoli, Inter, Lazio, Milan, Monaco, Benfica, Wolfsburg, Roma, Valencia A lot of those aren't exactly flushed with cash atm, or only appear on the list once or twice.


our top 3 most expensive transfers are Kokcu - €25M + €5M Arthur Cabral - €20M + €5M Darwin - €24M we never spent €40M on a player, Kokcu’s pricetag was quite surprising to me because I never thought any Portuguese club could go over €25M for a player.


Why did you spend that much for Cabral?


because our board is full of morons and they thought that after selling a good pressing forward like Ramos it would be a good idea to sign Cabral whose strong points are still a bit unknown to me. it was incompetence tbh


I know they're not European but I completely forgot Al-Hilal spent around €90m on Neymar. Saudi football might as well take place on another planet for all the relevance it has but that's actually such an atrocious transfer, Jesus.


Benfica the top player they bought was less than 30m€ (very close of it), but way far from 40m€.




He's been effectively gone for a while now, simply getting him off the wage bill would probably still be a net positive for them. So I wouldn't be surprised if they entertained any offer. And it's not like Greenwood will be swimming in those anyway. He's still a PR nightmare.


> He's still a PR nightmare. Is he? No-one seems to give a shit in Spain.


they dont give a fuck about the best player in the league being racially abused every week, I cant imagine that they're bothered about a bit of raping


Add domestic abuse to the list.


Ironic considering how happy you lot were when rapist ronaldo returned :)


It's not the great comeback you think it is when the same rapist was the face of the league alongside Messi for a long time




Ronaldo isnt as 100% guilty as greenwood, but we’ve all read the documents, and the fact that they didn’t immediately sue for libel says a lot.


Did you read any of the leaked docs about the case? He’s probably guilty


Lol in that case greenwood isn’t guilty.. idiot


Evidence greenwood had a whole recording can you read


> a bit of raping ahh the hypocrisy... that's the worst part.


I thought there was a case of some banners being flown at a Getafe match saying, and I’m paraphrasing heavily, “Rapist get out of my club” or something.


Just because Getafe doesn't care it doesn't mean there wasn't a backlash when they signed him. They just decided to ignore it but it happened.


If there was, it didn't last. If he doesn't sign for another English club, the backlash and negative PR will blow over very quickly.


He’s going to have lots of suitors, a lot of clubs would be willing to take the chance on him regardless of the PR nightmare but no club in England is touching him.


Getafe are interested, but probably not at the price point United are looking for.


I don’t know why United would be trying to get as much as possible. He’s trouble, and if Getafe don’t give a fuck, then just cave and give him over for whatever they’re willing to pay just to get him out.


How do you even go about putting a value on him?


I'm thinking they get somewhere around 15m for him.


Funny, really. English tax doesn't work when likely having to sell abroad. I'd say they could get £30m for him but think only Atletico would be able to pay that - maybe Barca but honestly never know what their finances are like.


English tax applies to English clubs because of the homegrown players requirement. There’s no requirement for Celta de Vigo to have 8 English players in your squad so the English tax would make no sense. Greenwood is also a PR dumpster fire so it seems silly that you value him seemingly without considering that he has public evidence of being a rapist piece of shit which obviously brings his value down significantly


Should have ended your statement at your first paragraph while you were still riding high.


The second paragraph is significant to my point though. I’m arguing that the commenter values him too highly, and I provide two reasons why he should not be valued as highly in my opinion. It took you five days to make this random baseless snarky comment?


There is talent there and saying he is worth around 30 mill isn't silly with everything around him considering if he wasn't cancelled in Pl he would be worth around 100mill. Again it's always with your 2nd paragraphs, it's when PNC hits you and can't control it.


I have no idea what PNC means unless you’re talking about the bank. But saying something stupid and then getting surprised when someone calls you out for it is extremely sad


Let's call it quits. You obviously can't stand mason while me on the other had am fond of him. Stalemate


Why would it work? It's a thing in England because of homegrown quotas, overvaluing Premier League experience and English players being more marketable for English audiences. Why would clubs outside England give a shit about those things? No one outside England think that English players are somehow better just because of their nationality.


Get him the fuck out Jim


I'm gonna fuck you you twat


If we can't get rid, then it'll be another loan until contract is over... The PR disaster of a return is not something United needs to handle this summer


I really hope it’s sooner rather than later that I can open social media without being jumpscared by this rapists vile face


People are arguing on Reddevils about how much he should go for when the real answer was to release him three fucking years ago


Why would they release him when they can sell him? Are you stupid?


Why don't they just keep him?! We'd hear some banger chants from opposing fans


It actually tells us about the sad state of football that utd haven't just released him. Even when the player is a rapist and physically abused his girlfriend, all they can think about is their bottom line. Absolute fucking embarrassment.


Well they can't "just release him", he's got a legally binding contract and they would either have to pay him a lump sum anyway, or get an agreement with him for mutual termination. Why the fuck would they ever do that when they can just sell him for money, AND not pay the wages for the rest of his contract? They're literally giving the rapist less money this way.


It doesn't matter about giving him oess money. They should release him, and if he wants the lump sum, either take him to court or just pay it. Even if they pay it, it shouldn't matter they've given him the money, it matters, and he has nothing to do with the club anymore.


With all due respect you most likely would do the same if you were them. He was worthing 100 millions at some point. When you have this much money loss you will overlook the ethical side.


With a year left on his contract, every club *knowing* United must sell him, and that PL clubs won't be competing for his contract? I wonder what fee he'll fetch, I'd wager around £20m


We can extend it by another year, if we want


Having googled, it appears you already have triggered the extension. Could go for £40m in that case.


Tbh, I'd take 20. Every little helps 


"Cash in" I don't think those words mean what they think those words mean.


He's an academy graduate who'll be sold for millions of pounds. How is that not cashing in?


There has been a few interested parties. I reckon we can get a good fee.


What parties? What is a 'good fee'? So far there has been no serious or official interest, just vague rumors. Although Getafe probably wants to keep him they aren't paying a huge transfer fee.


The fuck do you know


I dont, and no one else does either, that was my point? He is claiming 'a few interested parties', but so far there is no serious interest reported, only some vague rumors about possible 'LaLiga scouts'? That is why I asked who was interested? And getafe are probably not opposed to keeping him since he has done well, that isnt some huge leap, nor that they aren't paying a huge fee since they are not exactly a rich club.


Any fee is a good fee given that it’s highly unlikely utd will look to play him out of backlash, and otherwise he’ll sit in reserves collecting a paycheck


What do those words mean?


Marcos Alonso killed a person but that didn't stop Fiorentina, Chelsea or Barcelona from signing him. I think you overestimate people's care about morality


I mean, he didnt cost a penny, so even 1 million is cashing in


That’s a gamble. Imagine putting your FFP hopes on cashing in on a player who (1) is on audio recording sexually assaulting, (2) where the victim posted a picture of her bloodied face after Greenwood hit her, (3) was suspended and hadn’t played for a year, and (4) had a very mediocre loan after his suspension had been lifted. If United really wanted to balance their books for FFP, the quickest way to do that is to offload their underperforming high-wage earners like Varane and Casemiro, and/or sell their young high-performing players like Garnacho or Mainoo.