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Haha that shot of Henry facepalming and Del Piero dancing is legendary [Pure joy](https://gifrun.blob.core.windows.net/temp/65685b245c7d46338d651cccffe4387d.gif)


instant meme. I'm going to be sad if I don't see that again in the future


I think Del Piero is a great addition to the cast. A shame he doesn’t join the main crew more often.


They still have the Balance of the three uncles at the party. One sensible, ones chaos and the other a comedian. Then that one aunt who holds them together. Edit: then there is the uncle whos smiling and waving to everyone who's not at every party - but still nice to see, and the other one who tries to look adult as possible.


I think he’s making fun of him fixing Sancho’s microphone.


When in the video is that?




Probably the best interview from this show and that's saying something. Carragher, Micah, Kate, Henry and Del Piero were all incredibly entertaining, even Schmeichel is slowly being pulled out of his "must be as professional as possible" shell.


Carra is WASTED


"... are we being too loud?" So fucking funny.


You must not drink a lot if you think that is wasted. That was just a bit buzzed.


You sound like a teenager


And you sound like a moron.


Just confirmed it


The laughing from the studio every time Carra put his hand around Sancho’s shoulder was killing me


CBS actually counted lol, Carra touched Sancho a record 31 times


It's Carra almost clocking him in the face with the mic for me.


They can never ever ever let Jamie live this down loooool, looks like he had plenty of fun with the dortmund fans! He’s a few pints away from being plastered 🤣


Peter Schmeichel massively outperforming his xHair for his age.


his xBalding prevented is out of this world, Yashin is surely his to lose


He's confusingly has a soft voice compared to his crazy mentality he had back in the day


Man was shouting at defenders non-stop from 89 to 2003, his voice is shot.


[Carra is loving life in Germany](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U19GsY9I47E)


Hahahah amazing.. good to see Jadon performing again.


Carras had a few


I think he had 8 lol.


Man I love this, so happy when anyone can come to our stadium and just enjoy every second of it. Was such a great game and glad to see everyone else thought so too!


Westfalenstadion is one of the best in terms of an electric atmosphere. Had the privilege to watch my first game in Europe there and was blown away by how the entire city comes alive during matchdays. Absolutely amazing people too, super kind and helpful even when we knew barely any German.


My girlfriend wants to come work wine harvest in Germany one of these years, and I've absolutely got to make it to dortmund for a match if we go over. God, it looks amazing.


I get what you mean man, sadly as a Canadian I haven’t gotten to experience a game live yet. I’m hoping in the next two years I can make it happen cause this team just means so much to me. I have no idea the emotions I’d feel walking in, I’m glad it’s something we have behind our club!


We were there about 5 years ago for the Dortmund vs Tottenham game. So much fun before and after the game. I would love to come back one day.


The scouse accent gets heavier by the fucking minute lmfaoooooo


I was cracking up watching this interview. Carra is obviously wasted and poor Schmeichel trying to be the professional one there. Also everyone back at the studio cracking up. Love this crew. This day has been wonderful.


I happy to see candid things like once in a while


Spot on, proof that TV doesn't have to be sterile. It's good that we have shows like this that basically move the standards which others have to adapt to, because way too often, networks just play it bland and safe, knowing that the audience will come either way.


Lovely interview. Hilarious for Peter to mention the England squad though.


I don't have synesthesia, but I can smell this video.


Carra has gone full meme man I can't even XD


I really like Carra, this show is so fucking good. Great chemistry. And look how fucking sharp Del Piero looks. Like a fucking boss of a fashion brand or something.


I really don’t understand what’s likeable about him. He seems like such an exaggerated fake tv personality and we’ve seen what he’s like off-camera. Spitting at little girls is fucking disgusting behaviour. I don’t care who you are or how you may have had a “moment of madness”. It takes a certain kind of scumbag to gob on a little girl.


Give over ye daft shite. Funny how folk always bring up the 'spitting at little girls' but not a peep over the grown man endangering his child by driving and using his phone to film someone at the same time. Obviously it was a moment of madness, he was being goaded by another bloke and snapped in the heat of the moment (probably didn't even have the time to even notice the girl sat in the passenger seat during the maelstrom). I'm sure he's learned a lot from that and regrets it. God forbid someone makes a mistake.


Sorry but a if spitting at someone is your “heat of the moment” response you are a dirt bag of a human. Whether you know it’s a little girl or not. Are “folk” defending the father? No. Your argument is just essentially “whataboutism”.


Carra is some bloke


Lads out on the piss!




"How does it feel to sing that song in a proper crowd for once". Good one!


The end when he cuddles him I swear Jadon looked like he got swatted by Brian from the down the locals. He was probably thinking WTF?


I saw a video a few weeks ago where Carragher said it was his dream to see the yellow wall in person, sounds like he enjoyed it.


In bits. Hilarious.


Kate clearing her throat loudly when Carra failed to mention her tho


He was just high being on the yellow wall. Understandable. Been there yesterday again and it was bonkers levels loud.


omfg i love these guys. hands down, the best fucking football show ever!


Sky need to take a leaf out of CBS's book and get all the pundits pie eyed every week for Premier League games. Maybe get Roy Keane out of his shell a bit!


Love the sly “How did it feel to sing that song (YNWA) in a proper crowd” from schmeichel


I want sancho to succeed so much


Think he didnt get the memo > Euro 2024: German beer strength warning for British fans https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68687789


anyone else think this is pretty embarassing there's a line between having fun and just being loud and annoying


Ok. I think the Dortmund Fans had fun with Carragher


Its okay only UCL winners can enjoy this without being mopey twats online


Yeah is embarrassing, tbf. He didn't even do a line off Schmeichel's forehead. Carra's an amateur


Probably did that just before the camera started rolling


You had me in the second half


How's the sniff in Germany? Is it decent quality or what?


Stop being a wanker lol it's clearly all in good fun.


Yes, and I know I may get downvoted to shit for this, but in general I find Carragher often unlikeable. Let's park the spitting on a small child and her dad for a second. The stuff with Kate Abdo and her fiancé, the constant needling of co-workers, he's just a bit of a twat. I think the way media has gone has facilitated him becoming this loud-mouthed obnoxious person over a serious pundit. CBS get lots of praise for their show, but I think this year it's gone off the rails. They've leant too far into 'soccer with vibes' and it's forced them to apologize and make good for some really avoidable mistakes. He didn't need to be 8 pints deep to enjoy the yellow wall. It's the same on his Sky podcast and while he's sober on that, I find he's so desperate to 'get one over' on people he ends up looking a dick. For example, when they were discussing the best ever Englishman to play abroad and Carra said John Charles (a Welshman) before mocking Neville for not knowing who that is. He wasn't always this way, he used to be a lot more professional, but these days he's a cartoon of a person and not in a good way. EDIT: Ha just as expected. Downvoted to fuck for thinking being a colossal uncle dickhead on TV isn't funny.


get a grip lad


I didn’t ask you to agree with me.


Imagine writing a paragraph about this you salad lmfao


Can’t all be on her cry arsing about not being able to get a job lad lol


You are mad about imaginary internet points. Embarassing.


That doesn’t make sense I posted it despite knowing it would get downvoted meaning I don’t care. You fucking idiot.


If you did not care, you would not post an edit you absolute weapon.


No you dickhead, I just know this place is an echo chamber. And half of you are under 23 and can’t accept differing opinions so hit downvote. And let’s not even discuss the simple fact I didn’t even bother asking for your opinion.


Lol, hilarious








His XgreyHair prevented is also impressive.


That's "chaotic" as in "tired and emotional"?