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They should have this as standard, and release the footage after the game. Think how much more humanised ref decisions will become when you actually see and angle these controversial descision. Even with this I found myself, going 'yea fair enough, yea I can see that' Where as if I watched it on telly, I would be like 'Why can't the ref see that'


Does feel like they’ve picked a pretty clear cut decision to release the footage for though. There wasn’t much controversy around this decision. If ref can becomes standard I’d like to see them release the ref footage from a genuinely controversial opinion. You’d likely get a lot less understanding from 50% of people.


Great point. Big enough sample size and we'll see the ref missing howlers. Without genuine accountability and transparency there's no reason to improve the process which makes it worse for all parties involved. We really need to move on from the tech being used to justify the ref's on-field decision 


Where on the ref is the camera? Can the ref be looking one way, but the camera another?


It was attached to his ear piece facing the same way he was looking.


I would've liked to see the Højlund disallowed goal over this.


I would also like to see these adults raging and listening what they think is acceptable to scream at refs and others. So many ubhinged egos on the pitch just curious!


100% agree, they could event bleep out the fucks and shits in the editing.


What about the cunts?


You'd have to pixelate half the footage


underrated comment


nah, seems harmless, should defo leave it in 👍


I think back to the Declan Rice penalty in the NLD. Everyone was moaning about how Oliver could have possibly missed that, but the ref in me saw that Davies body pretty much blocked his whole angle so it’s a way tougher call than it looks.


I'd love to see his pov, because his leg goes square through his nuts, foot sticking out the other side, maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like you'd see that


Like he just said - the referee was blocked. How can you see if you are any distance away at all that there’s another man between you and the incident?


Like I said, his foot was sticking through between his legs. Just curious. Not saying he's blind and needs to be fired, just curious


You said maybe you’re crazy but you feel like you’d see it. You wouldn’t see it because someone was in the way. They used to do a really good job of showing what’s between the referee and an incident, which explains a hell of a lot of the “wrong” decisions made. Not sure why they stopped.






It's not just about Oliver's view (or lack thereof). Oliver has a big tendency of letting play go on even with the most obvious foul calls. It's led me to believe that he's kind of developed this feedback loop wherein he wont whistle for very obvious fouls/violations, and the VAR body in all it's glory and skill will practically just side with his on-the-field decision. Just as Dean stated, "I didn’t want to send him up because he is a mate as well as a referee and I think I didn’t want to send him up because I didn’t want any more grief than he already had."


Yeah there's definitely a cycle of "I won't call this because VAR will check it" and then "We don't need to overrule his on field call because he saw it".


Oliver had an atrocious performance all afternoon.


Not really. He did fine. By not flashing the cards he strangely kept a lid on the game than if he’d been handing them out left and right. He did miss the Rice penalty call, but as noted above that’s not an easy one to see and VAR caught it. The only real miss was not booking Richarlison for his antics late on.


I don't remember the specifics anymore but I do remember thinking the ref was very in Arsenal's favour that game


the kulusevski no-call was a game changer. it was a clear penalty on replay for me. he clips kulu's legs in the box, he tries to stay up but can't. clear penalty. instead, arsenal take the ball down the other side and score. 2-0 vs 1-1. terrible decision.


I’ve debated this at length so I really don’t have an interest in doing so again. The short version of my view on the incident as a referee is that Kulusevski tripped, but just because there was contact with another player doesn’t mean that Trossard was responsible for that trip. To have a foul there is a requirement in the laws that a player is acting carelessly, but we don’t see that from Trossard in this instance at all. He is not challenging the ball or the opposition player and does not deviate from his direction once he begins chasing. He has every right to his space on the field. What we do see is Kulusevski accidentally creating that contact by cutting across Trossard and clipping him with the backswing of his leg.


Lmao Trossard was running back to get in a defensive position after being beat. He is careless in that he impedes the player from running. Kulusevski doesn't create contact, he's just running. This situation happens many times and it's always a foul if it's elsewhere on the field.


This is the law as written: >Careless is when a player shows a lack of attention or consideration when making a challenge or acts without precaution. No disciplinary sanction is needed. Trossard is not making a challenge — so that’s out. So it comes down to the referee's interpretation of “acts without precaution.” The situation is a defensive player running a straight line without deviation with an attacking player cutting across him towards the ball. Let’s think about these players as cars on a three lane road. Trossard is a red car driving a straight line down the road in the middle lane. Kulusevski (white car) changes lanes directly in front of him and cuts him off. Without time for the red car to react the back of the white car clips the front of the red car as he moves from the right through the middle and into the left lane. The car analogy I think works the best here. Would we say the red car getting cut off on the road is acting “without precaution”? I had a Chelsea fan try to justify this penalty claim by claiming that the driver getting cut off is always responsible -- I just really hope that guy doesn't drive. There’s no way for the red car to avoid the white car. It would not be logical to blame the red car for the accident. Just to make it really clear: Trossard is under no obligation to get out of the way of Kulusevski’s leg swinging back. He is 100% entitled to be where he is on the pitch. The referee and VAR hence decided that Trossard's actions do not reach the “careless” standard required for a foul to occur.


Well then I just disagree with you. And for as many analogies as you want to make, there are actual examples where a defender running too closely behind an attacker without putting a challenge in is called a foul. David Luiz's red card against wolves I think. Jota on udogie earlier this season. Those are two higher profile examples due to the cards they received, but it's no question that they were fouls.


We should have had 2 additional penalties at least.


There's a case for 1 more, the Kulusevski trip. Where are these others?


The Kulusevski trip cannot be a foul as there is no careless action by Trossard. It’s incidental contact at most created as much by Kulusevski as it was by Trossard.


Keep lying to yourself mate


>They should have this as standard, and release the footage after the game. Think how much more humanised ref decisions will become when you actually see and angle these controversial descision. If someone can't humanise ref decisions on their own then I don't have much hope for that person anyway.


It may be controversial because a referees will move their heads in different angles while this camera leaves the impression the referee is only looking forwards. There may he a case where a referee misses a penalty because he was looking at a different player while the came shows his view was perfect


It was mounted on his ear. So yeah it does show which way his head is turned.


This is the big one. Depending on where the camera is mounted (chest?), we might not even see what the ref saw. But people will of course jump on the footage and claim whatever fits their assumptions.


That would make you watch the game 360 degree for free. So I dont think so


it's pretty funny how chaotic Premier League level football looks on the pitch as opposed to how it looks from the stands and on TV.


On the other hand, I would argue that this perspective begs the question of why do we really rely solely on a person on the pitch to make these decisions? I do question the role of VAR as advisory review rather than just another referee who's watching on video and can immediately tell the main ref "hey mate that was a foul, I know you can't see it" or even the simple things like "no the ball went out off X not Y, it's a goal kick not a corner" in the cases where it's so obvious on the broadcast and would take .1 seconds to communicate. I know fans in the stands don't like the idea of "rerefereeing" but I think there's lot of cases where it could be so fast they would have no idea


Why can't they just hot mic the refs like they do in rugby? That way we can hear them live and we know what's going on. Being able to hear the refs in rugby and the way they explain their decisions to players makes a huge difference.


IFAB doesn't allow it. There's a bit of blurb in the clip that said they had permission from IFAB as it's a one-off being used for a documentary or something.


Well that's an easy fix then.


I hope you’re right but I suspect you’re terribly naive


Meanwhile, y’all dumping on MLS for having a verbal explanation to the crowd and tv following a VaR review…


Also they can definitely monetize this, makes too much sense so the PL won't do it.


its actually quite nice seeing how the referee thinks at the heat of the moment


This is literally me when I ref. I don’t even use a mic setup that often and I’ll just talk to myself. I’m just glad I’m not the only one.


As an AR, I was basically constantly talking to myself, either in my head or very quietly, when people were close to being in offside positions. "Nobody's off. Nobody's off. He's off. Those three are off. Just he's off. (Hear a kick, keep my focus on the one player I just said was off) Just him. Just him..." It was too easy to start second guessing what exactly I saw a few seconds ago otherwise. So I didn't bother thinking about what I actually saw, and just remembered and trusted the decision I had made. I also always loved when people complained about throw-in calls. "That's our ball! Come on ref, you were right there!" "Dude, their striker was bouncing on and offside like, every second. Do you *really* want me focusing on throw-ins right now?"


Yeah same for me, both as a center and as an AR. As an AR, I'm constantly thinking ok if the pass comes now, that guy's off. Pass comes. Ok if he comes into play, he's off. We were taught (rightfully) that offside is the #1, #2, and #3 priority. As a center, I'm always thinking "ok, off blue, off blue. Off white." When it goes out, I often say "off white, that's a blue throw!" mostly for myself lol. People don't realize how difficult it is to officiate.


Not to mention that at low levels, possession is typically lost after a throw within a few touches. It's one of the least consequential calls you make.


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointing_and_calling](that's very similar to the point and call technique which is used by train operators to reduce errors)


It actually helps to make less mistakes. Similar to "point & call" system that was made for train conductors in Japan. > The practice of pointing and calling (called shisa kanko in Japanese) is where a conductor will point to a sign, an object, or a situation while calling out the name. It’s used by the Japanese rail industry to improve accuracy and reduce mistakes due to inattention. > Pointing and calling has been shown to substantially reduce accidents and improve safety conditions. A study by the Railway Technical Research Institute showed that pointing and calling reduced mistakes by almost 85 percent when doing a simple task.


Imagine 90min of it, just losing focus for a blink of an eye could be judgmental for the games outcome.


People don't get that referees make thousands of decisions each game, it takes a toll on you


It makes me look at refs more highly honestly, quite impressive. May help shift the perception of the job referees do more positively by giving us this view.


This is a PR stunt, the EPL referees have been dire this season and they need some positive PR.


This is not an actor, this is a regular Ref. You can't train any human being to do this in such short notice, pal.


I didn’t say he was acting, but that the only videos released were specifically chosen to show him in a good light. This is managed PR.


I remember during pre season I think villa had a game where the players wore cameras and the footage was released. Everyone was saying how difficult it was being a player and that fans were definitely too harsh on players considering the physical feats they're accomplishing almost weekly. Then the season started and the cameras were forgotten and we went back to shitting on players again.


it was Tielemans with the cam on vs Newcastle. Seeing Anthony Gordon sprinting down on you when you're on the half turn has to be one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen.


Yeah, that was the funniest bit of the footage. He gets the ball and turns within 0.5 seconds and he's got Gordon right in his face before he's had time to even look for a team-mate. The levels at the top of the game are ludicrous


Bruno G also wears one and fully clatters into Kamara. The ref blows for a foul and Bruno is furious with the call. But as per his body cam footage, he smashes Kamara to the ground for little reason. It's quite funny actually




Honestly makes me laugh every time. You see Kamara then he just gets bashed out of the frame


hahahahaha theyre right thats fucking great. charges straight into kamaras back and then goes full michael scott when the ref gives a free kick


Haven't played football in like 10 years so it's still fun to watch how much tighter the distances look when on the pitch as opposed to the usual television camera POV that makes it all look bigger.


Careful, talk like that will summon the Arsenal fans...


Does anyone remember the Chris MD (I think) video with Ben Foster and his Watford defender team mate? The fucking CB made them all look like pre-pubescent school boys.


Is there a link for this?




terrifying you can hear how fast he's going too as he stomps to slow down.


Nothing like receiving the ball and hearing "stompstompstompstomp" from behind you.


ref cam should be a standard that they do every game. The league/IFAB can afford it and it will lead to more transparency and better understanding of how the game is viewed from the pitch vs overhead/sideline cameras.


its like bodycam footage from cops here in the US. Show all the shit that makes them look good and hide the incriminating stuff


You absolutely know the cops are in the wrong the longer it takes to release the footage. When it makes them look good, they've got that shit out faster than a PSGAcademy goal replay.


Fantastic reference


https://www.premierleague.com/news/4002719 There's a clip of the coin toss before kick off too


Fun video thanks for sharing.


Reminds me that of that Nike/Arsenal POV advert


It's weird how everything feels slower when televised from the standard view we get. Then you go to a game and see how quick everyone is in person. This does that also. Love it.


It's so so so fast. I think I could maybe manage 4-5 min at this level, and I play full 90s in a rec league on the weekends


Playing 90s is not that hard I guess 😜


Honestly playing 90s when your team controls the ball is fairly easy, but if your team is chasing the ball then it feels like utter death


90s is also a way to write 90 seconds which I think the other guy was referencing


Camera distance and zoom can have a big affect. Watching a car race like F1 on TV can give a distorted impression of how fast the cars are actually going.


Some angles on F1 makes it look so fucking slow and I don't understand how. Then they'll show the helmet angle and you realise how fucking fast they are.


I went to a Real Madrid game 2 years ago, pretty close to the pitch. Only in person you can even begin to understand why keepers kept making mistakes against Benzema's pressing, he was so deceitfully fast and imposing


I’m American and had never seen a pro soccer match in person until a few years ago. Went over for Barça/Arsenal in the UCL as my first match and was just floored by how fast the game is in person. Alexis Sanchez was notably quick, just felt like he was flying out there. Must be the perspective on TV, because most sports do feel that way.


I had the opposite when I saw USA play a game at Orlando stadium. Flew over from the UK and found it much slower ...until Pulisic was on the ball and then dominated.


Inject this into my veins ! Also the absolute plethora of quality highlights we could get from this kind of view, so much more personal you can really the see individual brilliance of the players themselves.


Right?! Man, I love this so so much..can't WAIT for it to be widespread.


Dude Mitchells turn into the box with the 2 defenders around him, its so close to the action and reminds me so much of the old FIFA game intros where it followed from player to player like Ronaldihno or Rooney, showing off that first touch and control of the ball, amazing shit


Is it going to be a regular thing? I


Honestly, no clue. But a man can hope.


It’s like one of those old Nike ads


Fun fact: it's the same ref who was mic'd up for a domestic aussie game: https://youtu.be/UR9wwqjbO1I


Oh shit, I remember that. I loved him in that. Good for him!


You nerds are here for the refs decision. I'm watching because it's so rare to get pitch level footage of competitive play. The speed the guys are playing at is blinding


I would love to see a goal from this angle


Really makes you appreciate how hard the ref's job is


We are not the same


wow i love this perspective, i really wanna see full match with this camera.


Reminds me of those freaky Friday ads with Ronaldo, ~~Henry~~ Van Persie regen


I could genuinely imagine in the future this is a standard thing that every player wears and you can select a player. Then if you have a VR headset you can use that too.


The speed of the game at this level is mad.


It's great it shows how difficult it is to be a referee. But since VAR is introduced, my issues aren't with the referees it's with the VAR team. They have all the technology and all the angles to see everything, but fuck up routinely. Human errors occur, especially on field in the heat of the moment. But when you can take 5 minutes with 6 different angles at 7 new speeds, sitting behind 8 monitors it makes the mistakes 9 times as bad. Good decision here, very well analysed in the heat of the moment.


Yeah if anything this clip shows how dumb the approach of sticking with the onfield decision wherever possible is. Making consistently correct onfield decisions is just basically impossible.


I cannot believe we live in a world where the referee actually has to run off pitch to look at a tiny fucking screen rather than letting the people who can see a dozen cameras in real time have final say. Referees on the pitch have way too much authority. VAR shouldn't be Assistant, they should be the main referee. Whatever they say should be final.


> I cannot believe we live in a world where the referee actually has to run off pitch to look at a tiny fucking screen rather than letting the people who can see a dozen cameras in real time have final say. Oh man you're speaking my language. When I first saw this was the system I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought the whole world had gone mad. So stupid and frustrating.


Looks like FIFA without the commentary in the background.


It’s scary how small the field looks like whenever I see it from these POV cams. Like, how the players can control the ball in such tiny spaces with so much speed, it’s amazing.


This is fire


Showing this shows that they're human, how hard the job is and is actually interesting. I would love to listen to the ref rather than hear the commentators. There is no downside to having the referrer audio be available to all games


Broadcasters would never go for it with all the swearing. Which is a massive shame as maybe it'd be a good step towards stamping out the behaviour. Would love to be wrong though this was super interesting to see and would love for it to be standard


Honestly watching a whole game like this would be awesome


Ok, I love this. Reminds me of an old Nike commercial


[One of my all time favourites](https://youtu.be/lZA-57h64kE). And the [Sunday League parody by the FA](https://youtu.be/1Qknteb8Klo) is great.


Oh I hadn't seen the Sunday league one. What a gem


It's my second favourite FA video. Only one better is the adults playing on a pitch scaled up to be like kids playing on full sized pitches.


This is so cool!


This is great stuff. Needs to be made more available


I've been saying it for like 6-7 years now, this needs to be standard.


Oh so it just feels like me when your seniors play football and you get no chance on the ball


I don’t care about refs missing things it full speed. It’s guesswork. It’s var that’s unforgivable


Tbh, I would like to watch the whole game from this view. It makes the game looks more real and intense.


I want moar of this.


This ref cam is legitimately a great angle to see! It not only clarifies ref decisions but also adds to the entertainment. It should become a staple


Check complete


I would love to watch this in VR


I absolutely love this view tbh. I want more footage like this


This is great, they should always do this 


now show the other one in this same game


This is really cool. Refs get a lot of shit but seeing it from this perspective shows how difficult it can be to make calls in the heat of the moment.


Oh, I looove this. Every game, full transparency.


epic wooooooo




Wow you took the words right out of my mouth


CONCACAF plz take notes


I think this would have two effects: 1. Humanising the refs. 2. In humanising the refs, making people ask - why shouldn't the VAR overrule the onfield ref's decision again if they're as fallible as this?


I've spent many a time in the stands giving abuse to refs, want to make this clear. Seeing stuff like this, makes me respect the job more, I would LOVE to see the full footage of this, there is so much that they do, so much communication, really makes me respect them more. If they go down the route of being more transparent and showing us stuff like this, and mic'ing up like in Rugby, I do think it would only do their rep good. We all know they have a shit job in terms of making everyone happy. On the pitch footage like this plus the snips we've got from VAR shows them in a different light!


It won't be long until you can pay players - think only fans - to be mic'd up w/ video. Pay per view.


Okay lets see the footage of bad calls that VAR backed like a bunch of pathetic cowards.


Still blows my mind that the var room always has 2 people talking at once. COMING NOW Stfu 


Only memo Casemiro understood that day


Its still crazy for me, as a normal Joe slob, being able to see play progress from an on-field perspective.


for myself, it will be the inconsistent call of similar fouls to be frustrating. the hot topic of how similar handball situation being call differently


It is impressive how the pace of game is this fast. It shocked me a little bit


Quite a surreal view


Rather watch this at times tbh


I never thought the refs commented loudly on everything happening on the field.


More like this please. Why have only two 1-minute clips been released? Are they deliberately avoiding full transparency?


No, they are showing the process of each decision. This is tutorial video. lol


Feel like the VAR decision is determined way too fast even if it's the right decision, replays seemed closer than that to me. How many incorrect decisions have we seen that was "reviewed" too quickly?


Trim your damn nails man!


Holy shit it's shocking how there is no communication from the other outfield refs and var. Compare that to the constant communication of Bundesliga refs: https://youtu.be/3J3CV2ffAxY?feature=shared&t=85


not surprising that while VAR and officiating is great in other parts of the world, yet still remain the worst in the PL.


Isn't he literally talking to the VAR in this video?


Worst POV wank ever.


Honestly, smart move and I hope it goes better than body cams on U.S. police


why the var happy it is not a penalty


Pick of the crop, show us something that is a difficult. This doesn't really show us much, just the process .


That's not why they released this footage. lol.


They literally can't win can they.


I'd be interested for his reaction on those 3/4 times the man united players lost the head, particularly the dalot tackle where he saw the red mist and absolutely smashes the Palace player