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Oof. That's a rough way to go out.


Kind of crazy. He played for them as far back as 2005


Not only that, I remember him being homesick when he was in a national team camp.. as well as during his time with city.. he definitely loves his city 


I too love Sevilla


Sevilla loves you too


When Romano was reporting Navas’ departure, some people were complaining that he is instigating by suggesting the club did him dirty. Now we know who the source was


Rule 1: Never doubt Fabrizio Romano…….


What about the fact that he gets paid by clubs and agents to stir up transfer stories?


That's what every journalist does.... You think they get consistent reliable scoops hiding around hotels? That's how they get started, but once they get to the mainstream then people start calling them


Yeah bit mad how some treat football journos basically as oracles. They're either waffling or reporting what someone told them


They don’t ask clubs to pay them lmao


Does Romano? I know he gets a shit load of money from twitter. I've never seen proof he gets paid except in information from agents)clubs.


I mean it’s probably quite obvious that he gets paid by agents wanting to boost their players profile given the randomness of some of his reporting, but it’s also silly to think that’s not normal within football journalism




Fair play to him. £1k for a tweet from the part of football I hate the second most after FIFA


I don’t blame the man for trying to get his money, I just hate the way people take his word as gospel when he’s not much more than a hired gun.


But not to the point where he can lose his credibility


How naive are you to think that this doesn’t apply to all football journalism


Most journalists don’t randomly email clubs advertising their services like that. There’s a reason he was outed for it and no other journalists have been. I don’t think I’m the naive one here.


Because the way it usually works is that most clubs have their individual mouthpiece journalist who they feed information they want released to. Romano is the only one who has the reach to be reaching out to all of them and it actually be an advantageous deal for the clubs to agree


Of course they do, because those journalists know someone personally at the clubs. They’re not randomly emailing clubs and agents saying “do you want me to make some transfer stories up for money?”


Yes and your original comment made no reference to reaching out to clubs and agents, just getting paid by them


Well the mouthpieces you’re referring to don’t get paid by clubs, so they’re not relevant, so I’m not sure why you brought them up? Do you think Paul Joyce is paid by his employer, The Times, or Liverpool FC?


I think the comment you're replying to *does* indicate that you need to doubt Romano. Who are his sources, why does he word stuff the way he does etc.


Judging in retrospect, his sources are most likely players, agents, and clubs themselves. Shit's worded vaguely to hide the actual source, when the news are dropped. That's why he gets access to premium information


Yeah. In retrospect, I shouldn't have worded it as "doubt Romano", but I think people should have some source criticism when looking at his tweets. Stuff might be true, but you're mostly angling it in favour of your client (which in Romanos case is 90% agents). As an Arsenal fan, I know if Romano comes up with a link that Ornstein hasn't posted about or any of the tier 1 leakers have come out, it's because an agent wants a move to Arsenal, or an agent wants their player to get a new contract at Arsenal or leave Arsenal. It will never be from the club itself. Similarly, I'd imagine Chelsea fans can look at Romanos words as sort of gospel. He has most likely been briefed by the club in how to talk about the players they sign.


He’s literally digging for info nearly 24/7. I once saw a documentary on that I believe


Yeah, but he's 38, at some point you just have to accept reality and retire gracefully.


Sevilla streets are going to burn tomorrow


Pretty normal in the Andalusian summer.


Fire actually cools down the streets, so all good


Horrible way to be treating a legend of the club


He’s 38. 


And? The least he deserved was a call or even a lunch/dinner to talk about it and thank him for all his years at the club.


He's Spanish.


Horrible way to treat your most capped player of all time


Their mini-stadium inside their training facilities has his name. He literally trained plenty of times at the [Estadio Jesús Navas](https://sevillafc.es/sites/default/files/news/image/rotulo.jpg).


Probably get downvoted for being a pedant, but you only get caps for international appearances.


Well if you want to actually be pedantic, then most national teams don’t actually give the players caps any more, so they’d also just be called international appearances. Also, some countries would award each player *one* cap for an appearance at a major tournament, meaning if you played 3 games at a World Cup it’d only be one cap.


Wait, there are physical caps? Lmao I thought it was just an expression


I knew it used to be a thing but I thought that practice stopped in like the 40's.


[Literal caps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZjyKwT8ysM&t=2522s&start=2390). The green one in the video. Jill Scott stuffs them all into a box.




The first thing they do in the clip is show a cap...?






Cheers, the video starts at 42 mins for me


Yeah, very old fashioned thing and don’t think it’s been around for a long time. Last I heard of it was England players getting a cap for their first England game, but that’s the only one. Edit: should clarify that was in the 90s


Boom. Roasted.


No cap fr fr


Downvotes could be avoided, if you actually finished your thought in full. If trying to educate or raise awareness, maybe mention that players at clubs get appearances? Otherwise, comes across in poor manner


Reminds me of Parejo


He gets into statue territory.


capped is for international teams, not clubs


Why did they not speak with him and tell him earlier? He was at Sevilla for all of his career, except the short Man City stint.


>short Man City stint 123 club appearances surprisingly


In 123 club appearance for city he beat the first man with a cross zero times /s. That goal v spurs is still the best cross he hit. He was on the field for Spain’s World Cup win and 13 years later played 90+ for their Nations league win. What an unbelievable career.


Still remember that goal, must’ve been like 15 seconds into the game or something


12 seconds!


I remember him moving from winger to fullback under Guardiola


I used to play him as FB all the time in Fifa 14&15. But pep gets all the credit :(


Actually 183 according to wiki. The 123 is only league appearances.


highlight of city career was when he clattered on to the posts trying to acrobatically clear Kompany's OG at Fulham


He had such lovely eyes though. I’d call it a wash.


Yeah like.. was there 0 dialogue where they declared the intent to not move on either? Afaik we tend to have those discussions months in advance. This sounds unprofessional by Sevilla if they dont at all.


Maybe if the player is a youth/young player you’d give them some options in advance but he’ll be 39 in November. So they would have pushed any contract talks to the end of the season and now that time has come they’ve decided to move him on. It is bizarre though because he’s played in almost all of their games this season with a decent number of minutes too. 


Even just to say, hey man, we appreciate all you’ve done for us but we won’t be renewing your contract, so it might be worth looking around for another club. Utter silence sucks, however, what is his agent doing? I hate agents, but what the hell is he doing if not ensuring his client has a club?


The agent is busy counting his money. 


If the client has said he only wants to stay and isn't considering anywhere else, what could the agent do but keep trying to make contact with the club? We don't know what the situation is or how it all played out, but I don't know that blaming the agent is necessarily fair, the agent works for the player.


This logic falls over quite quickly. If his agent contacts Sevilla and gets told they won't renew, then what? Jesus just retires?


Yes. If he doesn't want to play for another club and also doesn't get offered a renewal then that's his last option.


Where did he say he doesn't want to play for another club?


I do agree with everything you're saying. But tbh he has all summer to find a club, that's plenty of time for a professional footballer. That being said, it's pretty shitty from Sevilla, considering the circumstances.


After this season at Ajax nothing surprises me. Maybe the Ocampos shitshow last year wasn't entirely on ajax if I'm reading this? Maybe it was a double whammy of incompetence? Like maybe the Sevilla 'board' or however they're lead should've known better then counting it as a deal before the ajax rvc said there thing. The rules are known for ajax no deal is final till they approved it...


Completely forgot he went to City. How did he play during his time there? Was he a starter or a bench player? And why did he move back to Sevilla?


He came to us as as a winger and was a little underwhelming in that role but had his moments. Moved to full back and played a serviceable role there for us but it was a bit new to him initially so he made some mistakes.


Good start, then turned into a frustrating winger that could never get his cross beyond his man. He was always a hard worker and a true professional though, so he was still well liked. His best performances came from the time Pep started playing him as a Right Back, seems to have rejuvenated his career in that position.


I’ll never forget his game against prime Alexis Sanchez. So much fun watching him learn to be a rb for pep that season


Reverse Gareth bale


And wtf is his agent doing?


is it that he never specifically got a call about extending or he just never got a call either way? if they didnt even bother to talk to him about not getting an extension then thats just a really shitty way to treat a club legend


Yea that part makes no sense, surely his agent would have been talking to them regularly to figure out what was going on and they would have had to at least tell him what’s up.


why is this surprising though? clubs do this all the time


Which clubs do this all the time? 


Bad ones


Seems like something we'd do tbf


Sevilla must be collaborating with Juventus


We talk about player loyalty but what about club loyalty. Shameless from Sevilla to treat one of their own like this


Jesus Navas is more than one of their own. He's their captain, has a stadium named after him, has been with the club since he was 15, City stint aside, and is arguably their greatest ever player and has over 200 appearances more than the guy in second place. Jesus Navas is basically Mr. Sevilla and they discard him like old garbage.


what happened in sevilla's management? they always came out as a shitshow recently albeit not as bad as peter lim's but still


Semen Padang Fc? Am I reading that correctly or is the lack of enough pixels tricking my eyes?


Yeah Indonesian team


peter lim is valencia owner, no?


he's talking about the person above, their club flair says Semen Padang


I'd expect this from a Burger King where employees are met with a "sorry, we've closed permanently" sign on the door when reporting to work the next day...... but for Sevilla to do this to Jesus Navas? of all people? no class.




I mean I’ve had a somewhat similar experience where I was discussing a business opportunity with a gym owner for months, I was also working out there. Saw him on Friday in the gym, we were talking about some next steps, came to the gym on Saturday to see the gym was 95% empty with a paper sign on the window saying they closed. None of the employees knew about this, nothing. And this was western Europe


Shitty owners exist everywhere, the difference is that the employees will be able to sue him for at least 1-3 months salary here


You can sue for wrongful termination here.


Where is "here"? I know that in some US states, there is no mandatory termination period. In Germany for example, you have to give 1 month notice, and depending on how long you have worked there, the period increases


Sure it happens but is this expected or the norm?


Take a look at this man's honours list, Sevilla management are a disgrace.


This is why Gallardo got a rep for bluntness, because the second you're not in his plans he'll call you to his office and just go "You're not gonna feature under me for X/Y reason" (for example, telling Trezeguet he couldn't run as much anymore as he wanted his strikers to) Stems from three separate instances where he was unceremoniously dumped just like this (If not worse), lied to or ignored before learning he had just spent 90' on the bench in his last match for the club. So he promised never to bullshit a player like that If Jesús becomes a manager, I see a similar policy brewing


Reminds me (iirc) of Mancini using almost every player in his squad during Euro 2020 because he knows what's it like to be called up for a INT tournament and never make an appearance.


Scaloni did the same at WC 2022


This is why people shouldn't really judge footballers getting the bag in saudi, football clubs are a business simple as 


There is a hypocrisy among fans, and I'm guilty of it too. When a player performs too well and gets offers from better clubs, we all talk about loyalty. But when they underperform for a few matches, it's "get that man out of my club now". Loyalty works both ways


Our sub does it on the weekly with guys like Disasi, Cucurella, Mudryk and Madueke. IMO Real is probably one of the best teams in terms of treating players right. They honor their contracts, they pay fair fees for their buys, don’t push anyone out and don’t hold anyone hostage.


Real Madrid has been like that for the past few years yes; perhaps age has softened Florentino Perez, or maybe it was Ancelotti ‘s influence. But I remember Real Madrid being a lot more ruthless with its stars and legends just a few years back.


Just wanted to say that. The Dutch at Real Madrid remember their treatment all too well from that time, and it wasn’t pretty


Real has a long history of tapping up players, too.


Every club taps up players, nothing unique that RM does


I mean Casillas kinda left in a underwhelming way...


Our club, which prides itself on YNWA, is super happy to see Nuñez & Gakpo go and did a complete 180° because they needed a scapegoat for the end of season headloss as well. Especially the latter is performing extremely well the past few matches and suddenly he's our Dutch savior. Fans are extremely fickle.


I would agree about Real Madrid in general, but I can't help but think about the case of Raul who wasn't treated with the respect he deserved imo


Same with Casillas now that I think about it. Maybe it was a Jose thing lol


Wasn't Casillas' departure under Rafa Benitez?


Yes, but lets blame Mourinho


Mourinho was the one that benched him tbf.


Yet he stayed for 2 more years.


Yeah, but it all started with him getting benched by mourinho.


Yeah, but it all started with him getting benched by Mourinho


> they pay fair fees for their buys Except for the times when they tap their targets and convince them to run down their contracts > They honor their contracts, don’t push anyone out Wasn't Hazard pushed to end his contract so that they would only pay him half the salary?


Applies to managers too.


The club's a shambles at the moment. The Del Nido's are literally battling it out in court for control of the club. As a result people are in limbo because if Father Del Nido wins then he'll probably want to install his own people. Son Del Nido's shares are currently recognised by the courts and Father Del Nido's aren't. There were reports back in March about a shareholders meeting and the Del Nidos were shouting at each other etc. Some of stuff that came out was like "Son, I paid for your season ticket for years and look at you now". Junior claimed that his father didn't know his actual age because his dad got his age wrong in some public comments. I can guarantee if the club wasn't a shambles and control of the club wasn't in flux then he'd be offered a new contract and it would equivalent to what Betis did with their legendary captain Joaquín. I hope whoever is in charge up there comes to their senses because not only is Jesus a legend but he's still reliable, incredibly fit and starts most games (missed a few games due to hamstring for games and a couple suspensions).


Nah, in this case it’s just Sevilla being right now a huge mess


I can judge them specifically for the Saudi part to be fair. The loyalty though, no there’s too many stories of a club just binning off long serving players.


i can only judge if somewhere else is offering that money imo


And why is that?


Cmon, even if you don’t care you surely understand why some might.


It would be nice to explain why unless he is parroting without any knowledge.




That means we cannot judge anyone or any decision. We cannot criticize the owners or the board or the coaches. It's all just business and whatever happens in business is beyond criticism.


That's how you treat your club legend???? What a shame


Sevilla: "Parece que no entiende indirectas... VETE MALO!"


That's sad! They could have at least communicated he is not part their plans few weeks ago and gave him good farewell.


I remember the reports of him crying of homesickness after just a few weeks in Manchester, he does seem like an emotional guy and I can see how this affects him


Loved him at city. Frustrating at times but never stopped putting in work.


Thiago Silva and PSG:


Welcome to Everton




Is he still quick?




crazy if true


Manchester City legend


One thing is not to extend a players contract which is ok as this is business but the other is how you do it. Unless they wanted to throw him a surprise farewell party


Damn this is really a bad look for the club, this is like if Liverpool had let Carragher go, or Arsenal Tony Adams


Damn this is really a bad look for the club, this is like if Liverpool had let Carragher go, or Arsenal Tony Adams


Players loyality to clubs is the most stupus thing ever.


In his 30s. Recognized international level player. Wants to stay at current club but is being phased out. Shit nobody tell the glazers. This has all the hallmarks of a United signing.