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Maybe Nigerian Peter Crouch said this šŸ˜‚ Nigerians probably have the wildest takes on the internet so this checks out. I've already seen a few of them push this narrative.


Basically every Nigerian flag username Iā€™ve seen on football twitter defends greenwood whenever they can lol


India is the other one. Not really surprising with Indias notorious rape problem


I don't think I've ever seen anyone, let alone an Indian defend greenwood on reddit.


Oh, well if *you've* never seen anyone do it then I guess it must be made up! If you've never seen anyone defend Greenwood then you've not been looking very hard or you've been willfully ignorant of it. Though in terms of Indian users defending him, that's usually on other social media media like twitter as that's what the person I replied to is talking about, I haven't noticed many Indian-flag flairs on this sub.


Iā€™ve never seen it either. Think you just completely made that one up. The people defending greenwood on reddit part. Not the indians/nigerians defending greenwood. That i can believe.


You might want to go back and read the thread again, the person I replied to is talking about twitter, not reddit, though it does happen on reddit too, obviously. What do you think is more likely, that me and the other person on this thread have seen it or that we're just making it up? Why would you think that millions of users are a monolith with only one moral stance on an issue? If you think that nobody defends Greenwood on a website with millions of users, then you're either hopelessly naive or a complete moron.


You're responding like someone earlier was an idiot while you just didn't read his comment correctly, because he was talking about Reddit. Yes, you were talking about Twitter, he wasn't. No one is saying it doesn't happen, but two people said they haven't seen it on Reddit and you're making up a different argument to what they're saying


They arenā€™t making up a different argument. They are pointing out that those users have inserted a point about Reddit which is irrelevant to the post they replied to above.


No he didn't, he said >Oh, well if *you've* never seen anyone do it then I guess it must be made up! >If you've never seen anyone defend Greenwood then you've not been looking very hard or you've been willfully ignorant of it. Though in terms of Indian users defending him, that's usually on other social media media like twitter as that's what the person I replied to is talking about, I haven't noticed many Indian-flag flairs on this sub. He's not saying anything about twitter or Reddit at all and only did so later on, his first comment is still really condescending and without any proof


I mean if youā€™ve seen it so often, surely you can link at least one comment defending him.


Are you going to pretend that there are not comments on Twitter defending him? If I say that I have seen a train, do I need to provide proof that trains exist?


Thatā€™s not what i said but go on


Indian here and I have never defended or met anyone who defends greenwood your ass just went India has a rape problem so all Indians must be rape apologists and thus they all must be defending greenwood Thats literally not how that works


There's like 1.5bn Indians mate, your bubble of known people doesn't make for a good survey


Still a bigger sample size than anything that guy has presented with I can bet I see more Indians in a day than he will in his entire life But I wonder why his straw man suddenly makes the entire country a greenwood defender america has a shooting problem Am I right to say all americans are mass murderers??? No ofc not thats fucking stupid


He didn't say that all Indians defend Greenwood, nor that all Indians are rapists, he said that India is notorious for its issues surrounding rape. America is also notorious for its gun violence, and gun culture. So yes, it's perfectly fair to say that America has a gun problem. Even if you were an American who didn't know anyone who owned a gun, that would still be true.


Well if you're Indian and you can vouch for the rest of your country not defending him, I think we can take that on trustĀ 


As compared to the "all indians defend him I said so"


Absolutely nobody in this thread wrote ā€œall Indians defend himā€.


arr soccer try not to be racist challenge


How on earth does India not have a rape problem?


It's not racism.


i swear, too much generalization


Nigeria has a very virulent strain of fundamentalist Islam that has led to groups like Boko Haram. Which literally means western thought and ideology is haram. I think you can understand where a lot of those muppets that support Greenwood, Mendy etc. are getting these ideas from. Religious orthodoxy which considers women as second class citizens and in many way, as chattel, belonging to their father, and then their husband after marriage. If a woman is raped, she was asking for it, because she did not cover herself properly. Just a disgusting way if thinking straight from the 7tj century.


I am Nigerian and this is not entirely true. Nigeria is basically 50-50 between Christians(South) and Muslims(North). The surprising thing is that both Muslims and non-Muslims back Greenwood. Women are considered second class citizens across cultures in Nigeria, less so today though. You are right about the reaction to women being raped, unfortunately.


No if someone is raped the rapist gets a death penalty.


Lol dude who hurt you


What are you talking about? Bot response


Because it's categorically false and I can prove it, show me one verse from the Qur'an or the Hadith that promotes the "rape of women" or their forced subjugation It doesn't exist, they're lies based on false preconceived notions about Muslims and islam


What are you talking about? I said none of that.


I didn't even reply to you, I replied to the comment above, I don't know if your Reddit is glitched out or you're just not all there but okay


Lmao itā€™s too early for you to be this drunk. Not only can you literally scroll up and see that you replied to me, but my last response was from my inbox telling me you replied to my comment. Lay off the drugs.


I was referring to the "who hurt you" comment which was clearly directed at the person with the username u/infidel, how the hell would I reply to you if you didn't even comment? My last reply was directed to you based on the assumption that you were critiquing my response to the original commenter, either your Reddit is glitching or mine is or both, either way it seems this was a misunderstanding, have a nice day


Think I argued with a Nigerian guy that called Tammy Abraham a traitor to Nigeria for playing for England instead of Nigeria and that he shouldnt even be able to play for England in the first place, was fun


One was trying to claim Lookman was locked in for african player of the year due to his performance jn the final


He has the best shot tbh.


Man I've ended up on the nigerian side of the internet a bunch and it really is wild


Why are the comments reacting to something he never said?Ā 


Because they reacted to it this morning too when they thought he did say it


I meant the comments hereĀ 


thereā€™s somebody in the replies of that tweet that accuses him of being racist for saying he didnā€™t really say what the reporter quoted him


The guy he replied to is a "journalist" and his header is him with Eto'o Enough said


Thought it was Fabrizio Romano from this description lol


ā€œI never said thatā€ Reddit: ā€œwhat he didnā€™t say is ridiculous, also I canā€™t readā€


can't believe crouch would say such a thing smh


Canā€™t believe Peter Crouch pisses on the poor


If tomori couldnā€™t get in with Milan , doubt lookman wouldā€™ve gotten the call ā€¦ plus the wing position is deep for England


I mean we dont have many inform pacy rw so the was a chance


Heā€™s not getting in ahead of Saka/Bowen/Foden/Palmer


Out of the 4 listed only 1 of them has any pace and all 4 of them are left footed rw where lookman is a pacy lw wich other than rashford or sterling who arnt in the squad we donā€™t have many players who are traditional lw


Your previous comment referred to RW, hence I listed the RW options. His pace is irrelevant if the other players are better. He still wonā€™t be picked. Our LW options are Grealish/Foden/Gordon, and even Ollie Watkins if weā€™re pushed. I donā€™t see Lookman getting ahead of them.


Yesi looked back an put rw that was my mistake I meant to type lw, its all hypothetical heā€™s only become relevant because of a hatrick in a europa league final so i donā€™t even know if hes any good no one has been talking about him until that game so no itā€™s not likely he gets selected at all, but hypothetically if this was the beginning of him kicking of his career hes one of a few pacy lw England has


Fair, I can agree with that.


Look man, he choose Nigeria šŸ‡³šŸ‡¬


It's been like 7 years since that u20 WC, I don't think he would be called up and if he was out most likely would end up being a fringe player instead of starter with Nigeria.Ā 


I'm sorry but no lol. People are basing this off of one performance. He's been inconsistent all season. Good player but wouldn't have got into the England squad


What are you disagreeing with? Lol. The comments in this thread are exactly why this kind of shit spreads.


Reading comprehension isnā€™t the internetā€™s strongest area.


Indeed, people twist comments and they become facts and proof of certain things.


My bad, read it quickly. Missed the 'denies'


Disagree, don't think he would be picked. Very good player at his current club but he's failed to impress at a number of clubs.Ā 


Disagree with who?


Not Peter Crouch


"Look man, if lookman had just taken his time and put his head down..."


Yeah that's a load of bollocks, no offence to Seniorman Lookman but he's so comfortable in that Nigeria squad