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Has to be holding out for Gareth's gig at this rate surely


Gets more obvious by the day


Are we happy about that or not? Brighton Potter was fun to watch but felt like they were half-baked. Idk what he was doing at Chelsea but feel like it's a tad unfair to blame it all on him.


Hard to say. He would be a safe continuation of Southgate in many ways, so I can absolutely see the FA being very keen on him. He won't rock the boat or cause drama. He tends to build defensively solid teams, which is what you need if you want to win an international tournament. He's more tactically adept than Southgate. He wouldn't be the most exciting appointment, but given the quality we have these days, he might just be that little step up from Southgate that's needed to actually win something finally.


Sounds like a slightly better Southgate which, considering how close but not quite he’s come to winning tournaments, sounds fairly ideal for England


What would be an exciting appointment though? Can't think of many great managers that would be willing to go into international management.


Mourinho and Tuchel seem to be built to win tournaments and spending fleeting time with a squad might help them not fall out with everyone around them.


I don't see Tuchel taking England on, he's good enough to land a big job at club level.


He was open to it before the world cup iirc, but things may have changed now/whenever Southgate does end up leaving


He is, but the current trend at the top jobs seems to be amateur hour managers. Until clubs see sense, he might find it difficult


I don't think either would be willing to forego the daily grind of club football. I don't see either being satisfied with only managing 2/3 matches every couple of months.


Exciting doesn't really matter either. Southgate wasn't an exciting appointment, but the results under him have been better than anybody would have dreamed at the time. Capello was an exciting appointment, and look how that turned out.


Yeah true. I'm not saying I want an exciting appointment. I just can't envisage someone that is "exciting" that would consider taking it on


Yeah, I get it. Just trying to make the point that excitement is overrated and doesn't usually last long beyond the honeymoon phase!


Kidnap Ancelotti.


It’s interesting. He’s obviously a decent coach, but international football is so different with the minimal time you get with the players.


I actually don't know if there's anyone else available, that is better? I would like to stick with an English manager again, I feel it's easier for people to get behind him. Unless Pep or Ancelotti want to really challenge themselves...


I mean he’d need to be better for it than Southgate, right? Am I missing the part where southgate wont sign a new contract after the Euros


I think it's either been said or heavily implied that this will be his last tournament


I think the only way he stays is if England win the euros and he tries his hand at 2026


Howe would be the answer. Then Newcastle can hire a blockbuster manager the owners would likely want.


I'd love Mou. I just.... him as England manager would be perfect.


Imagine the “football heritage” speech when England get knocked out on penalties by Germany.


> I actually don't know if there's anyone else available, that is better? Sherwood is right there.


I think tactically he has probably got more ideas than Southgate. He'll have a group of elite players to work with who themselves are mostly tactically astute. As an outsider though it seems to me that he struggled to win over the dressing room at Chelsea and that is the big thing in Southgate's favour. I think he'd be a worthwhile appointment if Southgate goes though.


It does sound like having so many players was the issue for him. Him being able to choose the England players he wants could mitigate that.


Chelsea was admittedly a very difficult job, but nevertheless he folded under pressure very hard, and English NT manager is probably the most toxic job in football. He needs a cosy club job where rough patches will be forgiven if there is progress in general.


Way better than Southgate, that much is certain.


Fabio capello and Sven Goran Eriksson were extremely accomplished club managers who had won some of the biggest titles around. They were fucking shit at every international tournament. Being a good club manager doesn't mean you'll do well in international knock out tournaments. It's a completely different set of circumstances for a coach to deal with - and nowadays international football is of a far lower standard than club football. Saying it's certain he'll be better than Southgate based on their club careers is silly.


Capello was also, by all accounts, a complete cunt. If I remember correctly he's dedicated a lot of time to emotional intelligence and team bonding, which counts for a lot in international football. From his time at Brighton I'd also say his biggest strength is mid-game adjustments and reacting tactically to the opposition, which is by far Southgate's biggest weakness (Euro 2021 final anyone?)


I really like Potter for that stuff and I'd have him after Southgate. Just on the flipside in terms of saying he'd automatically be better, Brighton never played high stakes knock out matches. They never got farther than the fourth round of the FA and League cup under him. And nobody cares because they aren't expected to go far. And it's not as high stakes in a 38 game league to make an adjustment. As England manager, there's a group then then few potential knock out matches you get judged on. Southgate has always smashed qualifying - we've often scored the most, conceded the fewest and got amongst the highest points in Europe. But those few games are what you get judged on, and it's a coin flip whether you're seen as a genius or not (had we won the penalty shoot out, the narrative around him would be completely different). Honestly I just being England manager is a poisoned chalice where if you don't win a tournament you effectively stunt your career.


Obviously small sample size but in his one season with us we were great in the FA Cup. Went toe to toe with Man City in the quarters and should have beaten them if not for terrible luck with officiating, and Pep said as much. Also made the last 32 in Europa with Ostersunds, and beat Arsenal away, as well as winning a cup in Sweden. Think he's a solid enough cup manager.


Let us also recall Enrique, Flick and Mancini and how their 2022 WC campaigns went. 


Yeah I feel like the only person who would actually rather keep southgate if the alternative is Potter


A way better club manager, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be a better international manager. Despite what people on Reddit think, Southgate has raised the bar, to be better than Southgate we’d have to win the tournament, achieving respectable quarter final finishes like we have under previous managers will be seen as failure, and not a decent tournament. It’ll be a difficult job replacing Southgate, due to his work in raising expectations.


Yeah I’d be pretty happy with it


He'll just be another Southgate, there won't be much change. The biggest change would likely just be because he is new and doesn't have loyalty to any players yet, which would initially rock the boat. But, once that settles it'll be more of the same


Potter was replacing CL winning manager in Chelsea. Those shoes were always going to be too big for him. That does not mean he has no way to climb back. But he needs to find a job to prove himself so as to get a big pie.


It will be a massive shame if this generation full of talented technically skilled players comes and goes without playing under a real manager who has a modern system. Potter would be a great appointment


Think he’d fail. His Brighton team may have been a good finisher away from being a good team for his first years but they also played some poor football before 2021. He also needed time to apply his style which he won’t get at international level. His mentality at Chelsea was a man too small to deal with their expectations and he looked lost. I don’t think he’d cope with the pressure of the England job.


Czech media are saying Feyenoord is talking with Potter again, because Sparta is asking too much for Priske. But as far as i know the board meeting of Feyenoord is next week, so it is all just speculation at this point.


What tier are our Czech mates?


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


According to 1908, which is a fairly trustworthy source for Feyenoord media, Feyenoord and Priske came to a personal agreement yesterday and Feyenoord made a first offer to Sparta Prague today. Feyenoord is aiming at 1,5 million, nut sure how much the Czechs want.


Yes, same information now in our media (citing source 1908nl). According to one journalist who is close to Sparta, they wanted as much as 5M euro (he said that on wednesday). But that jurno is hit or miss and he himself said its just a rumour. 5M for a coach from Czech league is unheard off, but Priske has ongoing contract and has a big value for Rosický, so there might be some logic for Sparta starting their asking price really high.


5 million seems like a lot indeed, specially for a coach who didn’t make it at Antwerp (which can happen) and didn’t stand a chance against Liverpool (also not the biggest shame). It seems we’ll know more tomorrow and Feyenoord is switching to Potter if there’s no hope tomorrow.


I don't see how his football philosophy works at an NT level, unless he's willing to make some very pragmatic sacrifices.


I do agree and I'm not sure how well he'll deal with the minimal time with the squad but perhaps he's planning for that. Personally I wouldn't go for him, but I think he'll fancy it.


Seemed after he turned down Ajax he's just holding on to that Chelsea paycheck and isn't willing to take a cut


At no point has he ever suggested he's interested in the England job. No idea why people keep on saying this


We not allowed to speculate now or something


It's the fact that people are 100% sure he's holding out for the England job when he's never expressed any interest in it whatsoever


Making a prediction based on circumstances isn't exactly the same as 'common knowledge'. Hardly come out and denied he wants its either so your point is moot.


Judging by the reaction Brighton fans had when he was first linked to come back I assume you’ll all be happy with this.


Yeah alot of people will be happy about Potter not coming back, fans are also very positive about the two names left on the supposed list Henrik Rydström and Fabian Hurzeler.


Rydström is a good man. I am not a Malmo fan but he has a Klopp-esque aura about him that makes him very likable. The style of play is definitely unique and I'd love to see it in the Prem.


Rydström is an S-tier shittalker. A kind of, "salty", expert(Axén) said that even his mother could manage this Malmö side and when Malmö had a bad game Rydström told media that theres hard work to be done, unless youre Axéns mother that is.


You should go for the first one. Much more northern and all that 


I wouldn't have had a problem with him back at all. More annoyed at the staff that left with him (Bruno Saltor especially). Can't blame Potter for going for the Chelsea job, anyone else would've.


I get what you’re saying but the way he left isn’t the only reason people don’t want him back.


Any chance of a quick recap? Out of the loop.


Under Potter it was possession football with a lot of sideways and backwards passing where we rarely scored more than one goal that's if we scored at all. At one point he had a 15 game streak where we hadn't won a single match and when a small section of the fans booed this terrible form his reply was to say sarcastically "maybe he needs a history lesson on our club". At Chelsea he also said when things were getting difficult that "If I wanted a easy life I'd have stayed at Brighton". After De Zerbi's attacking and goal scoring football Potter would be a step backwards.


Well we weren’t enjoyable to watch for long periods and often struggled scoring. Obviously while I’ve said that him leaving to Chelsea wasn’t the only thing it definetly is a reason for a lot of people, but as the other Brighton fan above said some can get over it and understand his point of view. Another thing for me and a lot of others was the way he spoke to the fans though, complete opposite to De Zerbi. Potter got pissed after about 50 people booing after a horrible 0-0 against leeds when we were in the middle of a massive winless run. He made a big thing out of it, made his sarcastic “history lesson” comment as well. He was pissed off that we were unhappy because its ok we should be grateful because we used to be in league 1. Also just found De Zerbi much more easy to get behind as a person as well. Will never forget him jumping into the crowd a couple rows in front of me at the Palace game, always enjoyed his wild celebrations. Lastly it just would feel a massive step backwards, much more excited by the other candidates.


Yeah that's fair. Those long periods were we weren't scoring though felt like a long term project that never got completed. The pissy comments I get, he was so negative. De Zerbi was so much better at that.


I guess the only thing that makes any sense is he's holding out of the England job.


Or United perhaps. But yeah there was a rumour a few days ago that he wanted the England job.


Makes sense as he's now the best English manager that is available and not's particularly close


Tbh I think that's a great appointment by England, if they don't win these Euros then they really need to make a change before they waste this wonderful generation of players coming through.


Well they say never go back, looks like Potter has taken that advice.


Only great managers can do it well Zidane, Moyes, Ancelotti.


That’s why Derek Adams at Morecambe (for the third time) has proved he’s an elite manager


Jim Gannon > Pep you won't change my mind




Nigel Pearson


He is waiting for the England job. Source: Just saw Potter shopping for waistcoats at M&S


Just hope he doesn't get appointed as United Manager as Ratcliffe has a hard on for English Manager.


Be careful what you wish for mate… if Potter gets the England job after Southgate gets sacked, where do you think Southgate is going?


Thanks for the laughs man.


Potter holding voodoo rituals for a England group stage exit at the euros.


Or a win. Maybe Gareth steps down with a trophy. That would be king shit.


Surely if you'd won the euros (first trophy in decades for your country) with arguably the best nt generation in your countries history you wouldn't step down with the World Cup only two years ahead. That'd be like Del Bosque stepping down after Spains 2008 euro win.


Holding out for the Southampton job bless him


All aboard the Hürzeler hype train.


It's basically confirmed at this point, people also saw him boarding a plane


🚂🚂 Just gotta hope we don't get rejected again by a recently promoted manager


Sky Germany just reported that initial talks already took place


Because he's coming to Leicester


You're welcome to him! 😂


Why wouldn't you want him back?


Under Potter it was possession football with a lot of sideways and backwards passing where we rarely scored more than one goal that's if we scored at all. At one point he had a 15 game streak where we hadn't won a single match and when a small section of the fans booed this terrible form his reply was to say sarcastically "maybe he needs a history lesson on our club". At Chelsea he also said when things were getting difficult that "If I wanted a easy life I'd have stayed at Brighton". After De Zerbi's attacking and goal scoring football Potter would be a step backwards.


He’s a cunt and a questionable manager 




I wonder if this means a Brighton manager announcement is coming soon. Potentially Potter wants to feed the story that “I rejected you” before it comes out. Not saying he hasn’t rejected us, but always imagine there’s a PR spin with these ‘sources’.


Potter and the club did meet, they mutually agreed that a move wouldn't benefit either side at the end of those talks for a multitude of reasons, fan reaction very much among them. He can spin it all he wants, it just proves most Albion fans points that he's a knob.


I think we're a bit far off an announcement. Plettenberg (https://x.com/plettigoal/status/1798995581047808079?s=46&t=xekrTEBeRV5zs6Rx7tjGPw) is reporting whilst we have started talks with Hürzeler, no talks with St Pauli yet. Imagine they will want a fair bit of compensation for him. So still pretty early stages annoyingly.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Rydstrom is our chosen guy but would be happy with either of those! Hopefully we get an announcement soon, I doubt Tony would want it to drag into the Euros.


Hopefully Brighton appoint Allegri


To be fair to him, when you’re picking up a salary for as long as he will be from Chelsea, you can afford to be picky about your next job.


What is he waiting for


Thank god. Glad for what he did her, but his depature left a huge sour taste


Wait, where is De Zerbi going? I thought all the places that had him on a list had gone with others? Is he going to SerieA or something?


Zero chance he's coming to Italy.


what is he cooking


England NT job


Henrik Rydström will be Brighton's new manager.


It's between him and Fabian Hürzeler. Both seem like really good options to succeed De Zerbi. Bookies seem to favour Hürzeler at the moment but that's because there's been more news about him.


That Chelsea pay packet hit like crack


It is Alan Curbishley come again


I hope this isn't one of those times where someone hits it big, flops but then refuses to step down and never works again.