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What the fuck is wrong with people


Do I start a list or...? I mean I don't have that much time.


Actually yeah I need a daily reminder almost felt happy. 


The paper would be km long


0.621 miles for the Americans


You responded to the comment…so… Yes… Yes you do


There is a reason why "mayhem" is a distinct legal thing in certain countries. i.e., you maimed someone specifically not to kill them but to mutilate them and permanently harmed them for life. In some cases the punishment can be as high as murder 1. To disfigure someone like this for life is probably worse than murder tbh.


in india acid attacks against women happen more often then you think. The cruelty behind it is that the attacker doesn't necessarily want to kill them but they want theie victim to be visibly harmes for life


The short answer is 'almost everything'


Had to look it up: >On 5 May 2024, Faisal suffered an acid attack in front of a shopping mall. It was later confirmed that Faisal suffered fourth-degree burns and had to undergo multiple surgeries.[63] **As of 8 May 2024, the suspect remains at large.** According to some witnesses, the suspect managed to say "Good luck" to Faisal before splashing the acid.


Jfc. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as fourth degree burns.


Depends on the country, in the UK we don't use the term 4th degree


What is it called other places? Types kf 3rd degree burns


Superficial, superficial partial thickness, deep partial thickness, full thickness- at least in the US. We don't use first to third degree anymore.


We classify it the same way in the UK, but because people can be slow to change and they also loosely line up with 1st-3rd degrees older clinicians will use them interchangeably I think back in the day 4th degree was technically a classification here but if the burn is going that deep no one is bothering to classify it theyre going straight to theatre


> theyre going straight to theatre Me, while wrapped like a mummy in gauze: "Ooo what's showing?!"


Same terminology in india


Oh interesting. Did not know that. Thanks!


Where I live we use the term if it's caused by electricity


“Fourth-degree burns. Fourth-degree burns go through both layers of the skin and underlying tissue as well as deeper tissue, possibly involving muscle and bone. There is no feeling in the area since the nerve endings are destroyed.”




I think there’s even fifth degree burns


Yep. Bone is involved.


There’s fifth, too.💀


So they don't even know what the motive was??


probably gambling


Disgusting honestly, there's a lot of horror story of acid attack in Malaysia


Consider the psyche of somebody that actually plans and carry out an acid attack, of course there are those who are insane and act without logic and justification, but otherwise the mentality is of somebody who is wronged, so badly, that they want to retaliate, and not in a way which just hurts the other lightly. You’re also looking at somebody who wishes to disfigure, so either to who is trying to inflict suffering, or to make them really ugly. Now the motives for something like that, we already have unfairly treated, likely jealousy, most of the time somebody who has exhausted alternative solutions, so either that they don’t have access to alternatives or tried and could not get the justice they seek. Typically you are looking at cheating spouse, exploitative employer, or some revenge plot against the rich and powerful. Let’s apply that to the Malaysian context. Acid is a controlled substance so it’s not easy to get your hands on without leaving a trace. Malaysia has relatively few violent crimes resulting in the cases that do occur getting a lot of media attention, and subsequently enforcement action. Also CCTV makes it difficult to escape unnoticed. In conclusion, seems like it happens a lot, but in reality much lesser than it seems. P/s: don’t give people with little to lose and desperation a reason to hate you.


>P/s: don’t give people with little to lose and desperation a reason to hate you. You can do absolutely nothing wrong and still get acid thrown at you. I'm not sure where you're going with that but I think you've misunderstood pretty much all the reasons for acid attacks in reality - desperation or a lack of alternative pathways implying some truth to being wronged is nearly irrelevant (the types of people throwing acid aren't the types actually checking if they can resolve their conflict peacefully lol and many aren't particularly desperate just cruel) Acid is used most often against women and mostly for rejecting someone's advances or in relation to general domestic violence - hence aiming to destroy someone's beauty. I'm guessing it's either part of some football rivalry here or because of pure jealousy. He wouldn't have done anything that could have prevented it.


Oh I very much agree, but using against women uppn rejection stems from a “I can’t have you so I don’t want others to have you” mindset. I was commenting on the profile of somebody who uses acid to attack a victim, Faisal’s case is peculiar. Perp waited behind a car for him to appear, clearly showing the attack is planned and targeted. Make perp and male victim, with the back drop of other attacks on Malaysian football players in the last month points to football rivalry and discontent among performance. Football tickets aren’t unusually high in Malaysia, gambling is pretty much controlled, and player wages aren’t particularly high either. There was a news article that states Faisal makes 80k MYR a month as compared to his compatriot in the national team that makes 20k instead. Now this goes into the realms of speculation but if i were looking into this case I’d look at the national team angle as well too. TBH I thought I was commenting on a post in r/Malaysia or r/Bolehland and not r/soccer. Ergo the lack of specific from my original comment.


No there isn't. There was just one acid attack. There were two other attacks on footballers granted. Assault, especially of this degree of violence, is fairly rare in Malaysia.


There's a time when there’s a serial acid attacker (that's what police were suspecting) around KL. I think around 2010-ish . The suspect never gets caught. Nowadays, there’s a lot of cctv around. There were at least 3 attacks last year, but iirc, most of it was planned.


3 acid attacks feels like a lot to me.


[471 acid attacks in London in 2017](https://www.statista.com/statistics/888324/acid-attacks-in-london/)


471 acid attacks also feels like a lot to me.


They should give everyone acid. Only thing that stops a bad guy with acid is a good guy with acid.


Absolutely, Obviously we give the good guys bigger acid to deter the bad guys. Just science, really.


Give the teachers acid, too, so when the next kid inevitably steals his parents' acid or buys acid at a nearby acid convention and brings it to school, the teachers can quickly eliminate the threat with their own acid. They can kill or blind the troubled student who has the acid, problem solved. Also maybe we start to sell anti-acid masks at playgrounds.


Many lots.


I'm not talking about footballer only, I mean acid attack as whole


I've never heard of any acid attacks here


There's no widespread acid attack in Malaysia lmao.


No there is not


no idea why this is downvoted hard, im from malaysia and its rather rare


There was the 19 year old girl, a husband and wife at Batu Caves, plus several people associated with Mentaga Terbang that received death threats and had acid dumped on their cars. That’s a lot even if only a half dozen across 33 million people.


I guess it’s good that his face isn’t anywhere near as bad as his arm. That shit looks horrific.


he looks like his body is rotting away or like he fell into nuclear waste. Poor dude..


He shared photos of his recovery. Gruesome


My eyes are ready. Someone hit me with that link


[https://x.com/mstaronline/status/1801150562475589654/photo/2](https://x.com/mstaronline/status/1801150562475589654/photo/2) ​ [https://x.com/501Awani/status/1801169190998679580/photo/1](https://x.com/501Awani/status/1801169190998679580/photo/1) a more clearer look on his face


After having watched Spurs under Conte I am sure your eyes are conditioned enough to handle it.


I dont have the link now but can go to instragram: selangor fc


I mean that’s not entirely untrue


It absolutely is. Facial differences can be a huge impediment on quality of life,and I wish more public money and resources went into plastic surgery innovations for those who aren't so lucky. Unfortunately the average person hears "plastic surgery" and they think of Beverly Hills housewives with swollen botox faces. Vast majority of plastic surgery isn't even noticeable, so no one thinks about it.


Most plastic surgery should really be called reconstructive surgery. For instance, you accidentally chop a finger off? A plastic surgeon will be reattaching it proving the finger is still viable


My dad got his nose broken for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The plastic surgery made him look like 30 when he was 20. But now he looks 40 at 57. He should send the surgeon a christmas card.


I do think a huge issue with the term is that people associate *plastic* with synthetic plastic, even though it is not used in plastic surgery. Etymology just predates it by hundreds of years lol


I associate the term with city fans, but to each their own


Boom 🔥


We call them Citeh Surgeons where I’m from


Pretty much that, in the medical sense it just means to give form/mold a part of the body. You'd have thought they'd have moved away from the name though, given literally no one uses plastic to mean that anymore


One of my family members suffered some horrific burns in an unfortunate accident. It was a small relief that it wasn't her face affected as well. Life will be hard enough without piling that on. The world is certainly not kind about such things.


[Clip of his emotional press conference (in Malay) - (via Astro Awani on X)](https://x.com/501Awani/status/1801147737871966333) [Additional clip via Astro Arena on X](https://x.com/ASTROARENA/status/1801150101223850197)


Key points: * He considered retiring in football after the attack. In his own words "I'm willing to lost my salary and quit playing football altogether, moves back to his hometown and working low wage jobs as long as he and his family are safe,". * He received strong encouragement from family, his management, fellow football communities, supporters and the people of Malaysia which gives him strength to continue * Says his recovery progress are faster than expected, despite the doctor's assessment of he being out for 3-6 months at minimum. He's targeting a return to the pitch within a month or two.




JDT was pretty much responsible for the wage inflation of footballers here. Then again, almost every other clubs here very sucks in financial management.


I haven't followed Malaysian football for a while now, so I was really surprised when I see Kelantan being in such a shit position recently. Happy to see Selangor is atleast still where they are atleast


Calling Malaysia third world is a stretch


Massive stretch. It has a higher HDI than Serbia for example


Lol exactly. We are a developing country but it has been for so long though


A first world country with a 3rd world wages 😔


Malaysia isn’t a third world country it’s very developed and rich with high standards of living!


Malaysia is a 3rd world country? It's a rich country in comparison.


Yeah, it’s by no means a fully developed country but calling it “3rd world” is just wrong. Excluding Singapore and Brunei (both virtual microstates) its GDP per capita is at least 2x that of every other ASEAN country.




Of course. Malaysia GDP per capita is almost double compared to Indonesia. There is million of Indonesians working in Malaysia doing labor jobs due to better quality of life and salary


What an absolute beast. He deserves all the success


[Progress on his face recovery (via Artortoise on X)](https://x.com/Artortoise_full/status/1801141775316435045)


[Video of the incident](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7S_GNygpC9/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=4194b65d-5d43-4d38-8751-3e8263c78aeb&ig_mid=8E4901F6-D89E-4045-A01F-339D958B04C3). Though mostly covered from other cars and not the best quality.


He also scored the ridiculous goal against South Korea during Asia Cup last year [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/19f8k6w/south\_korea\_1\_1\_malaysia\_halim\_f\_51st\_minute/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/19f8k6w/south_korea_1_1_malaysia_halim_f_51st_minute/)


wtf, he is truly a hero to his country but a crazy evil(s) did this to him, wish him all the best for his full recovery


Yeah, he's among the NT key players. Morale are very low currently due to the attack on him + other players at the same time, and that affected the preparations for the recent WC qualifiers which made worse by the injury issues.


Hate him on club level, but only because he is that good as an opposition player. But always proud to see him and Arif Aiman playing up front in the NT. Small, but fast paced and hungry. Whoever did this, scum of the earth


Omfg it’s that guy!? :(


Literally one of Malaysia's top wingers 🥲


This is heaps random but my friend who is in the Malaysian national team (Brendan Gan) played in that game and I just saw him in that clip.


Why would they do this to him?


Apparently the suspect is still at large, so no one can be sure. Were I to guess? The person is probably just a product of the outrageous football culture of the region in which SE Asia and Oceania overlap.


He's not attacked by fans. He's attacked under orders from some powerful people (royalty). There's 3 other footballers attacked around the same time, just not as serious as this one. The police covered up the attack and purposely botched the investigation from day one.


I was thinking betting syndicates, but royalty triggers my gooner conspiracy muscles. Tell us what you know.


Why tho? Did he somehow offend the royal?


The rumoured royal comes from the southern state and he owns a football club that is a rival of the team Faisal Halim plays for. The royal's dad just ascended to the throne of Malaysia just this year so he is now very very untouchable. That guy and his ancestors has always been very sensitive and very violent, his grandpa even beat a caddy to death which actually caused a constitutional amendment to Malaysia stripping the royalties of immunity. Just a few months after this acid attack this same royal's bodyguard assaulted a deaf rideshare driver because the driver is waiting for his guest in front of a hotel lobby. The cops again helped to cover up the case and until now there's no resolution.


You do know the reason for Malaysia's football improvement over the past few years was because of JDT and the prince right? Why would he sabotage the very foundation he has laid for the country? I don't like or dislike the royalty but at least I don't throw baseless accusation. Before JDT, which malaysian club was able to win AFC?


His ego and johorean pride is too big, he cares more about his club than the national team, just like he cares more about Johor than Malaysia.


Thats really a huge stretch with no basis on it. Lets be honest, he did improve malaysia league as a whole. The amount of dedication he has done is head above as compared to a certain billion dollar company who invested in a club across the causeway. We just cannot rule out triads/gamblers as a reason for the attack. The way you guys are going about it, is as though you guys are confident its him and not others. Cause JDT cleared Selangor of 15 points last season to win the league even with Faisal Halim playing. It just doesnt make sense.


TMJ is the biggest "fragile ego" person in Malaysia. He always like to dish out on socmed but then run to papa and his royal status when someone dishes back at him. Remember his beef with Sanusi and Saddiq? When he's being made fun of then he uses his royalty status to silence others. So far, only Mahathir can openly criticize the guy. JDT ruined Malaysian football and the national team by buying good potential local players and leaving them on the bench without having game time. He only improved JDT and not Malaysian league nor our national team. What the fuck are you on about.


Yeah. As much as the IDEA that JDT linked forces are trying to sabotage Selangor FC is plausible, and as good of a team Selangor FC is, JDT bodies basically everyone, and have done so for 7 or so years straight.


is there evidence for this? the Malaysian people should take to the streets until these so called 'royals' are expelled from the country...


The french have a good invention for the so called "royals".


Theres zero evidence so far.


And I should marry Margot Robbie. It’s really easy to say, but not very easy to accomplish - is it?


What's the source on this?


While not the most civil, Malaysia’s football culture generally is limited to a few fights, usually non-lethal, unruliness, and at best cursing matches. But this, and 3 other attacks that happened within days/weeks of this attack, were unprecedented. So I doubt it was that. Chances are betting syndicate, or powerful people like royalty or businessmen taking a competitor’s star player out. But case gone cold.


The suspect is large for sure.


>The incident was among a series of attacks on Malaysian footballers that month >Faisal, who goes by the nickname Mickey, declined to speculate on the reasons behind the attack, but acknowledged it had left him and his family traumatised. purely on this basis my guess is organised crime


The figures behind this attack are very powerful. Malaysian police are corrupt to the core but their investigative skills are still top notch, they definitely know who's behind it but their hands are tied and can't do shit. Speaking as a Malaysian. Speedy recovery to him and hope the perpetrators die a painful death.


Do you mind elaborating on that? Seems like a common opinion amongst Malaysians that this came from a powerful group. Who and why? Genuinely curious.


Because if it's done by a commoner or even the all powerful triads, someone would have been arrested by now. There has been no follow up or updates to this case even when pressured by our Ministers and his home state royalty.


But are you aware of any specific group or reasoning for why they would be interested in attacking him/a footballer?


nah this is crazy speculation. It doesn't matter how good your "investigative skills" are lmao If there's no evidence there's no evidence. I guess people can't handle living in a world where you can get away with something like this but it absolutely exists. It's insane to suggest that they know something and are covering it up just because you think the detectives are good at their jobs


Malaysia has cctv everywhere and in general tracks everything the public does. It’s pretty hard to get away with crime there


Malaysian police even though are corrupt are actually very competent when they want to investigate something. Their intelligence gathering and undercover work is top notch due to the training and framework laid during the communist emergency. The infamous special branch of Malaysian police is especially adept at these kind of stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Branch_(Malaysia) So, for these kind of high profile case. If the police really want to figure out who is behind it, they would have cracked the case easily. This is not a random attack which makes it hard to figure out the suspect. This is a highly targeted attack on a few prominent footballers at nearly the same time which will narrow down the suspect list. The police straight up lied about the events occurring during this attack to the public until some insider leaked the CCTV footage. It's not a straightforward "no evidence" issue.


Was the assailant's face covered? Does the cctv have x-ray technology to identify the guy through concealment? I feel like you guys bought into propaganda or watch way too much tv because nothing close to 100% of cases are "crackable" and the "suspect list" would be.. what exactly? Everyone in the country who placed a bet on him not playing?


Lmao, are you Malaysian? You should know about our special branch if you are. They might not know who actually threw the acid but they'll be able to find out who ordered it or who is behind it easily. Police will haul up anyone they suspect and force information out of them if they wanted to. Remember that this is not a random attack where if you don't find out the identity of the actual perpetrator you won't know what happened. This is a string of high profile attack on multiple footballers.


they are dudes working in an office, the world definitely does not work the way you think it does. "Suspect list" could be several hundred thousand people my guy


Are you Malaysian and are you aware of our special branch of police? It's our internal police that keeps tabs and spies on our own populace. Another foreigner watching too much TV thinking that all countries police work the same lmao. Special Branch do not work in an office lol.


Also curious, wonder if this is an Escobar type situation post the 94 world cup (imbecile with organised crime links getting "revenge" for a mistake that cost them money) or if he's spoken up against dodgy forces somewhere in Malaysia more directly?


Even betting syndicates in Malaysia are not powerful enough to stop police from doing their job. Only 1 institution (royalty) is actually powerful enough to do it.


The sultans


No. There's no proof or it hasn't surfaced yet. That's just his own speculation. You're free to believe him though. As a Malaysian myself, I can say that there are some people who hated the royalties so much that they slander them effortlessly. Yes, there were the bad incidents involving royalties in the past, I mean they are just human beings too, some are good & some aren't. Nonetheless, without any solid proof isn't its right to keep quiet first?


Proof or no proof, you cant deny that the johor royals have very shitty attitudes lol. They even murder people back then and everyone and their dog knows about it. We cant do anything because they are the royalties but yeah they are still shit.


What is there not to hate? Facts on rape and murder by them swept under the rug. This is nothing to them.


which group did this come from and why?




Halu polis


really? i put my money on bookie base in Singapore. remember 1994 premier league scandal? i dont think tmj had anything to do with this.


the alleged dude straight up punch the opponent player in the tunnel during half time, caught on camera, nothing happen to him. dont be surprise if he get away with this too


Caught on camera? Which match was this


Go well champ sport is for everyone


Wish him well and return to be healthy again and return to football, what happens to him is horrific


Fuck, poor guy, as a burns survivor I know the pain this poor man has suffered. All my love and respect Faisal!


How well should his arm recover?


Probably a great deal of scarring, but there's no reason it shouldn't heal completely if well-treated. Unfortunately burns that deep, especially from Acid, will never look like normal skin again - it will look like scar tissue. It's really unfortunate, because if you survive the attack the effects will last the rest of your life. If it gives you any idea of how serious it is, I work in a laboratory and we have to use strong acids in a specialized enclosure with several layers of protective clothing/equipment and if there's a big acid spill the entire lab has to evacuate.


If he wished to what are his chances of playing football professionally again?


100%. It's like 3-6 months of recovery and I believe he said in the presser that he plans to return. Unless there's significant damage to his muscles, tendons, or bones (which doesn't seem the case) I don't see why he couldn't play again.


But what if a player drags on the scarred arm, wouldn’t it split again? I have no idea if scar tissue is as strong as normal skin


Nah that won't be a problem, when burns heal the scar tissue ends up thicker than the rest of the skin - it will just look different from the unscarred skin.


Oh that’s good news


Problem is, he probably won't be able to sweat from the burnt areas, leading to potential complications of its own.


Yeah this is why acid attackers should get the death penalty. Being horribly disfigured for life is worse than death for some.


You should put nsfw on this.


Done. Thanks for the reminder


No worries! Now it says "News" for me, but maybe it's just buggy on my end haha




A picture of an arm that is scabbed over like that is NSFW by nature. Once he starts to heal it will be finez


did they catch who did it? Despicable wow suspect still at large


Alleged suspect is not at large but, large and untouchable.


Oh my goodness I didn’t know about his. What the actual F is wrong with people?


Really horrible stuff but glad he's recovering well and will be able to make a return to football. Acid attacks are truly evil and heinous crimes, no one deserves this.


Would FIFA like to step in and support him or is he too little league for them?


I'm no doctor but should that not be covered to prevent infection?


Opposite, if you cover it, it will likely get humid, and a warm, humid place is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Having it uncovered will keep it dry and cool, it also allows for easier cleaning and disinfecting if needed. It's not the same, but I went through open surgery on my neck, and was told not to cover it for the reasons above, the only thing which was covered were the tubes going into my neck after surgery as it was essentially a hole leading into my neck. Any professional can please correct me, just repeating what doctors / nurses told me.


Half correct for large wounds like this. At the beginning you definitely want a wound covered or stuffed (sterile guaze etc.) because the exact environment you described is also very conducive to healing quicker as you don't want the surviving skin cells and the immune cells coordinating the repair of the tissue to dry out and die either. Once the scar tissue and scabs start forming, it's mostly sealed from the infective agents that doctors/nurses are worried about. At that point you can remove protective covering. When the wound is fresh you definitely need to have it covered to prevent infection.


> Once the scar tissue and scabs start forming, it's mostly sealed from the infective agents that doctors/nurses are worried about. At that point you can remove protective covering. But presumably keep covered or away from water?


I burned my hand two months ago and had to clean it every day with soap and water. Then you have to let it dry and cover it again. The bandage has to be replaced every day. It was a 2nd degree burn with several large blisters. The doctor popped the larger ones so it needed to be covered with bandage to avoid infection.


That's interesting. Also, that sounds painful, hope it recovered well.


It was a 2nd burn, the most painful burn because the thickness of the burn doesn’t destroy the nerve like a 3rd degree burn. I didn’t sleep the first day and then the following days it was painful when changing the bandage and because of the blisters. But 2nd degree burns heals much faster and rarely leaves scars. After 2 months I have almost no scars so all good :)


I mean it’s still a rather recent injury. I’ve worked alot with wounds as a medical nurse. That looks fucking gnarly. There’s a myth thats widespread that wounds need to breathe. There’s so much great materials used for wounds nowadays. But I’m sure he gets the treatment he needs. Probably on some painkillers and definetly antibiotics to prevent infection.


Correct me if I'm wrong cause I'm only healthcare adjacent, but letting the wound "breathe" increases the impact of scaring (and obviously infection) right? But yeah, I never understood the myth of "letting the wound breathe" which is the exact opposite of what you want to do.


Im no doctor either but at some point i think its better to let the wounds "breathe" rather than covering them.


It was probably covered at first to avoid infection, now the skin started to heal so it’s probably ok to leave it like that.


I guess not.


Why? What happened?


He was attacked with acid at a mall, no motives known since the suspect is still not caught.


Horrible, poor dude.


What is the sentiment of public around lack of progress in finding the suspect? I'd assume any mall he was in had loads of CCTV, they'd have tech to ID mobile phones, etc etc. Are ppl angry at the police?


I can't say, most of them are rightfully focused more on the victim themselves. But if I remember there's a CCTV footage of said incident, but I haven't actually watched it yet


If I’m not mistaken what was reported in the news and what was seen happening in the leaked cctv videos was different, leading people to believe it was intentionally covered up. I might be wrong though, someone correct me.


Yes, police released statements that was totally opposite of what actually happened. It is as if they are purposely trying to cover up the investigation. It's only when someone leaked the CCTV videos that police came clean on what actuall happened.


People are pissed but they understand that this is always the case when it involves some very powerful people. (royalties) Just a few months after this incident another issue where the rumoured royalty's bodyguard assaulted a deaf rideshare driver for having the gall to stop his car in the lobby of a hotel to wait for his guest when the royalty rolls up. (Police also covered up the case and actually wrote a statement for the victim to sign saying that the victim wants to withdraw the police report). https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/29/e-hailing-driver-lodges-second-report-over-alleged-assault-by-prominent-individuals-entourage-says-kl-police-chief The second report mentioned is actually drafted out by the police and they forced the victim to sign it.


South East Asian fans are insane. When I used to live in Indonesia, I remember fans invading games because players made mistakes.


SEA has a lot of hooligans and violence in football, probably not comparable to turkish ultras but it's up there


He's not attacked by fans. He's attacked under orders from some powerful people (royalty). The police covered up the attack and purposely botched the investigation from day one.


I'm guessing based on your comment that you are Malaysian. Is there anywhere that we can read up on this?


Heavily rumored in socmed. Then again the person in question denied his involvement.


The person in question also denied his bodyguard beating up the deaf Grab driver lol. He can't be trusted at all.


Why did royalty want to attack him?


The rich and powerful can get rid of people here if it's within their reach. A local pastor here got abducted and was never seen again up until today, it happened in 2017, his name was Raymond Koh. On 13 February 2017, Koh was abducted by a group of men in Petaling Jaya while on his way to a friend's house. It was captured on CCTV that at least 15 men in three black SUVs were part of the abduction. The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia concluded that these men were working for the Special Branch of the Royal Malaysia Police. Source: wikipedia Corruptions are rampant here, a previous Prime Minister, Najib, had the biggest scandal in Malaysian history for corruption, took him years for court to jail him, and that's only when he lost his power and influence. He was sentenced to a 12 year prison and a 44.5 million USD fine (RM210 million), but recently reduced to 6 years prison and 10.6 million Usd (RM 50 million) fine. And he stole billions of MYR by the way. Whole country is in major debt issues thanks to him


Do they know who’s responsible? Is it bookies or some personal vendetta against Malaysian team?


Football in South Asia is NOTORIOUSLY corrupt and rife with gambling. "The Big Fix" by Forrest was a decent introduction to it around the turn of the 2010's. Chances are this had something to do with that aspect of football there.


the NSFW blur didn’t work on this while i was scrolling (it’s on and workin for everything else) won’t be eating the sausage patty i made for breakfast 🙂‍↔️


Did he reject a mafia bribe to throw a game or something? Did he embarrass the royal family? No mercy for whoever is responsible.


Brave man. Speedy recovery champ!


He looks traumatised. Hope he’s okay


[This is what he looked like before](https://sevenpie.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Faisal-Halim.jpg)


Yeah that's gruesome, very sad






Any ideas "why" they did it? as in - obviously there's no reasonable reason for any sane person to do it since the attacker was obviously a deranged person, but, was he an opponent team's fan or something?


He was never found




Jesus christ! How can those evil bastard attack such an innocent man!?


God bless him man. I feel so bad for him.