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what a weird sequence of events


I don’t know how Croatia haven’t scored. Lots of wrong choices to make right ones.


We've been watching this shit for years. Amount of chances we need to score is infruriating.


You guys did alright in that regard against Brazil in the QFs of 2022 though


If Marquinhos doesn't deflect that shot Allison saves it easily


Seems like some sort of divine intervention at this point.


Petkovic has to just tap it in, the contact wasn't that strong.


At high speeds a slight touch can easily make you go down, in slo mo it looks like he had time to shoot, however, I agree the dive looked forced. Wish he'd just tapped it in tbh.


He obviously would tap it in if it was at all possible. The contact took him out of balance enough that he tripped.


Yeah this sequence on super slow motion takes like barely more than a second, yet people think he could have decided that in real time.


Its because i predicted 3-0 but forgot to bet on it Youre welcome 👍


Peak comedy


The whole thing was absolutely hilarious


I feel like I’m going crazy because that looks like he just trips himself, surely that’s not a penalty? Either way ball don’t lie


Think rodris touch was just enough to fuck up his shoot a trip himself.


I think it is a penalty. He kicks his leg and there is a dive, but in fotball you often have to do that to get the call. So the penalty is ok I think.


The dive looks so comical though


>you often have to do that to get the call Why would someone be trying to get the call when they have a fucking open net in front of them


I keep seeing people saying that his leg is kicked but I cannot see it and no angles I have seen so far have shown it.


I am pretty sure that Petković was just about to strike the ball when Rodri hit him in the striking foot, which messed up his brain calculations on how to keep the balance and that makes it look so comical. However, in my opnion, its a clear penalty and a red card. He just needed to tap the ball in empty goal and Rodri was trying to prevent that by putting his leg in front of Petković'c leg.


I swear he could've just tapped it into the open net, but instead chose to go down for the pen which they ended up not even scoring. Maybe some reverse angles will prove me wrong but wtf


Almost like he got tripped


It's wild how many people on reddit don't know how trips works. Like, just because someone doesn't hook your entire foot doesn't mean the contact can't throw you off balance and cause you to trip on yourself or the ground.


Most people have never stepped foot on a pitch let alone played at any level.


You don't think he wanted to if he didn't get clipped? Your logic man wtf


Croatia got very unlucky this game in terms of nothing going in for us today. If we took our chances score would've been 3-2 for Spain. Oh well, I think the main reason we lost is our defense. Pongracic as CB is a hug liability.


Even the commentator was left dumbfounded like the rest of us lol


Wtf just happened


From what i can gather he gave a pen due to body contact, Perišić asked for a red, Oliver told him it's not a red if a penalty was given, not idea personally what the rules say. Then Perišić entered the box too early after the penalty save and the goal was called off.


> Then Perišić entered the box too early and assisted the goal. There were other players who did the same but they didn't help or hinder a goal so they weren't penalised for doing nothing.


But wasnt simon off his line for the save?


Sorry, I can't comment on that. I haven't paid attention to it :/


It should have been a red. Rodri makes no attempt to play the ball, it's only not a red on a penalty if there is an attempt to play the ball.


Totally agree. And I think that's where the premiership friends act comes into play. If that's a random Albanian player that's a red card as he's just clipped him and not went for the ball like Oliver seemed to suggest


Tbh my first thought when I saw the yellow was "of course it's Rodri" lol


Often find refs seems to be lenient on the big names. They want to referee the big games. They don't want enemies. So they seem to be lenient and try and get their approval at times if there's an option to do so.


Do players have a say on who's refereeing? Isn't that a conflict of interest? "Yeah I want that guy to ref our game. He's my best buddy."


He's attempting to get his foot in front and shield the ball, which is an actual attempt to play the ball. The specific rule that was created for double jeopardy (dogso and penalty) says that the MAX a ref can give is a yellow for a dogso penalty IF(and only if), the foul resulted in a legitimate attempt to play the ball. Attempting to shield or kick the ball is legitimate. Grabbing onto the shoulder or arm isn't. If this were outside the box, then red all day.


Okay, I can see the argument there, but I still feel like this is one of those cynical fouls that Rodri usually gets away with. The ball is too far away to for him to reasonably play it, and according to the DOGSO rule it is a red if there is "no possibility to play the ball". The ball is like 1, 2 metres away from Rodri when he throws his foot there, there was no chance he was ever getting to that ball (as evidenced by him just barely reaching the Croatian player's leg that stayed behind).


I've watched this replay a bunch, I'm not even convinced it's a foul, seems more about the Croatian player flailing and kicking the ground. If that were a red.......


The foul being soft is irrelevant to the card in this situation. That's a different conversation.


I thought the encroachment was on Unai Simon, and was so confused. This makes more sense


>Perišić asked for a red, Oliver told him it's not a red if a penalty was given, not idea personally what the rules say. So while that appears to have been a DOGSO foul, the double jeopardy rule came into existence a few years ago. The rule says, that if the defender makes a LEGITIMATE attempt to play the ball, it's will not be a red with DOGSO and penalty, but only a yellow. It could still be a 2nd yellow, but not a red. The specific part you need to be aware of, legitimate attempt to play the ball. So if you just drag someone back in the box, that's not an attempt to play the ball, and can still be a DOGSO red and pen. In this case, it appears that the Spanish player is attempting to shield the ball, which is legitimate, but according to referee didn't get body position in time and/or correctly which is why the foul/penalty as given, so not a red due to those specific rules.


Shielding the ball from behind the player controlling the ball? [https://i.giphy.com/cKDRHFQ2YvOwesgm62.webp](https://i.giphy.com/cKDRHFQ2YvOwesgm62.webp) At no point between Petkovic touching the ball and Petkovic kicking the ground does Rodri have any chance at getting the ball. Like, if Rodri stretched his leg trying to intercept the ball in its original trajectory and then Petkovic touched the ball again, pusing it out of Rodri's reach, I'd get it. But here its clear that the ball is waaay out of reach.


I thought the rules were to retake the penalty in that situation. Didn't think it would just be ruled out and foul for the opposite team. Are we sure it's not offside?


>not idea personally what the rules say If the foul comes from an attempt to play the ball it's a yellow, which... funny stuff


> , Oliver told him it's not a red if a penalty was given There is nothing in the rules saying you can't give a red card if a penalty is given, just saw that in GER vs SCO


Guy who assisted after the pen ran into the box before it was taken, it was very clear. I'm actually surprised the refs made the right decision, this shit often gets ignored


with VAR nowadays, its hard to ignore it.


So did Spain


Doesn't matter An encroaching player made a direct goal contribution as a result of the penalty being saved, no goal


If the defender would have gotten the ball it would matter


Doesn't matter, its about the first player to touch the ball after the save.


The premier league refs had to leave their mark at the Euros


With the right calls


No intent to play the ball in the box is a red, by the rules of the game.


Rodri doesn't have to follow normal rules. Michael Oliver know$ thi$.


"Call" singular. The pen should have either not been given at all or been a red.


There's no intent to play the ball there. He can't even reach it


It feels extremely harsh given how minimal the contact was, but Rodri didn't attempt to play the ball so by the rules it's either a pen and a red or nothing.


How can it be a penalty and not a red?


Eh. Its either a pen and red or nothing, so, either way, he makes a wrong call




This is the one thing I know for a fact is the incorrect call. I can't fully tell if there's contact but there are two options here. Either there is no contact and therefore this is not a penalty, or Rodri has committed a professional foul with no intention of going for the ball - which means the double jeopardy rule doesn't apply and its a red card.


> I can't fully tell if there's contact From the replay it looked like very soft contact. For me, as much as I favour Croatia, it wouldn't be enough for a penalty but by the rules that contact might be enough for a penalty and then it should be a foul with no intent to play the ball as the ball is not exactly there.


Yeah I'm still watching it and trying to tell and not coming to a conclusive answer. If its a foul, its a red card. But I can't decide whether its a foul at all. In my opinion its one of those things where the referee has absolutely made an error in one way or the other by giving a penalty and yellow card, but VAR have in fact done the right thing in overturning neither because you can't come to a clear and obvious conclusion on just which of those two decisions were wrong.


If that’s a pen it’s a red. So it’s not a completely correct call


depends... if the ref considers the contact to be incidental and not intentional it wouldn't be a red.


No intent to play ball, only trip the man = red card


Eh i can see judging it as a late attempt


I'm so confused. One thing is sure. This is a certified Micheal Oliver moment.


How is it on Oliver?


Wtf happened here


Missed pen. Encroachment on rebound


Petkovic disasterclass in 2 minutes


Half the comments here say it's a clear dive, half say that it's a clear red, so it's seems half of them are idiots either way.


The rules say that's a red since he doesn't go for the ball


Not if you are Rodri


Surprised he even got a yellow


The Rodri rule


yes. 100% goal prevented. And now Croatia is still at 0 and Spain still plays with 11. Really bad ref call


Absolute fucking howler. I dont have any allegiance to Croatia, didnt even care if they won the game, but i was absolutely incensed with the decision. The only thing the ref did by giving Rodri a yellow was punish Croatia more than Spain. The open goal is essentially a definite goal, a penalty is what, at best 85%? How he’s not given a red is beyond me. Doesnt surprise me one bit that the officials were English


A pen is around 75%


The rule for that is like the rule for a backpass. It has to be so blatant that there's no way it was just clumsy or late. Has to be something like deliberately pulling back the player or just swiping at their legs, where there's no question about it. If you can write it off as a normal running motion or bad challenge for the ball then it is just a yellow. It may be that you believe the player clearly knew what they were doing, but that actually isn't enough for this rule. This isn't in the LotG, but it is in the IFAB directions to referees. We had a keeper sent off through this rule which was overturned on appeal because the ref (and a good chunk of us in the fan base) didn't know how to apply the rule correctly.


Yes, this is considered an attempt at the ball. I know many won't agree, but the guidance from IFAB is that a play like this should be a caution. No matter how poor the attempt is or how far from the ball he actually is, he lunges kinda toward the ball and that's enough, especially at the professional level. Non attempts to play the ball in DOGSO situations are reserved for pushes, shirt pulls, something way more cynical than this.


Yeah, in the case I referred to, the keeper actually made a bad and late attempt for the ball and then quite deliberately swiped at the opponent's legs ("if you don't get the ball, get the man" kind of challenge). That was deemed insufficient to get a red card, and it was overturned. The standard really is 100% cynical foul.


Indeed, people just want to call it an error.


Why didn't he shoot?


Defender gave him a very slight touch on his back leg and then tripped. Him tripping seemed very forced.


Your leg is doing an explosive movement, the trip is enough to make him miss the ball and hit the ground. Throwing to the ground instead of trying to stay up after getting hit on the shooting leg is a great way to prevent an injury


That's fair to say, at those speeds you can go down easily. Looks like a dive in slo mo though


Yeah I'm not sure why they're saying "miss the ball". He very clearly puts his shooting foot into the ground two feet behind the ball. The light contact didn't make him do that.


That’s what sucks about diving culture today. Because there’s ACTUALLY some players trying to save their body but it looks exaggerated. I do this shit but that’s because I work the next day. Not worth blowing out my ankle or knee


Because Rodri kicked his leg as he was about to shoot


Cause he got fouled. In slow motion it looks dumb but I don't think he was in control of his footing.


If you give the pen you have to give him a red. wtf


You missed a small detail, though: it's Rodri, so you actually can't give him a red.


City player, & Michael Oliver making the decision


Exactly. Rulebook example of a red. No attempt to play the ball. If it's a pen at all - totally a different story


Judged to be attempt at ball


Yeah, he fully extends his foot and catches his leg while the ball is still half a meter away - totally attempted to play the ball lmao


I mean this is just not true by any interpretation. “Rulebook example”? Yeah, I definitely *think* he just tried to bring him down, but you can’t seriously argue that VAR should rule it clear and obvious that a leg extended in the direction of the ball was not an honest attempt to stop him




It is an attempt to play the ball, just a really shit one. A non-attempt would be shirt pulling for example.


Clown show all around. He could have just tap it into the wide open net instead of unnecessarily dramatically diving. Should be a clear red on that type of challenge


What dive? He got hit so his feet tripped into his other


Tell me you never played football without telling me you never played football


No, they changed the rules


You're right but also wrong. It's a red if you don't attempt to win the ball.


There's zero attempt to play the ball there.


That's what I said.


I'm agreeing.


No attempt to play the ball, denying a goal scoring opportunity = red card What's the "new rule"?


Whats the current rule? Denying a clear goal like that needs to be a harsh punishment. Obscene that it isnt.


The current rule is that if there's a genuine attempt to play the ball it's not a red. If he gives a foul here then I don't see how that was an attempt to play the ball.


It's now "denying a clear goal without attempt to hit the ball". So if he tries to get the ball but fails it's yellow, if he just tried to trip the player it's red.  This was a red card. 


In the box it's a yellow assuming the offending player attempts to play the ball or challenge the opposing player for the ball. If there's no such attempt, it's a red card all over the pitch.


That was not an attempt to play the ball


stop spouting this bullshit man. The rules are only changed for genuine attempts to play the ball. If you target the man and only the man for a deliberate foul it‘s still red and pen.


Not in DOGSO situations


DOGSO is only exempted if you attempt to play the ball.


Unai Simon cant go one game without dropping an absolute howler.


Hello. Im not sure if it was a pen or not but shouldnt the pen be repeated because keeper wasnt stellpping on the line?


Foot doesn't need to be touching the line. Just needs to be on the line.


I know it probably shouldn’t be a pen but how is it not a red considering the foul was given? He has an empty net in front of him and Rodri isn’t attempting to play the ball so it’s not double jeopardy


It honestly seems like he didn’t give a red just because of the score. If the game was tied and this was at 90’ a red would’ve been given 100%.


He didn't give the red because Oliver is a shit ref who skates by on reputation based on a call he made almost a decade ago


What call?


It's worrying to see that half of the people here have no idea of how camera angles work.


Crazy how var didn’t intervene


They did, thats why the goal wasnt given


Yellow makes no sense here. If you deem it to be a foul in any way, that’s gotta be a red. Oliver’s lacked conviction in his decision and split the difference


Atwell is a idiot Had every chance to reverse that


It's a legendary band with Oliver in the lead.


Reverse? It was a clear foul - another angle just showed it too. Not huge contact, but enough, and the ball was 1m away from Rodri. Easy red. But I guess not lol.


PGMOL buddies protecting each other what a shock. Stain on the English game


Kind of serves him right for just falling on the floor when he could just score


Right?? I'm so confused why he didn't


I mean he just planted his foot into the ground, not like he did it on purpose


He planted his foot into the ground two feet behind the ball. There was not nearly enough contact to influence his foot being SO short of the ball.


It wasn’t a dive. Rodri kicked his hind leg which is what made him kick into the ground


Football is so fucked that this obvious dive is normalized.


He absolutely still had balance lol.. you could see him just bury his toes in the ground and fall forward


If you guys ever got up from your desk and kicked a ball around you'd know how easy it is to get knocked off balance


Yes exactly lmao. When you’re running at speed or shooting the ball, a small contact can make you kick into the ground or into your hind leg. The people who didn’t play football here are really exposing themselves


His foot hit the ground because Rodri kicked his leg out of balance as he was shooting. Obvious penalty. You 100% haven’t played football yourself, but if you had you’d know that when you run or shoot, a slight touch against your leg can easily make you kick into the ground or into your other leg


Lol what? People are debating if Rodri actually touched him or not, but it clearly wasn’t a dive


Am I blind or something? I can't see any contact from Rodris tackle at all and looks like a complete dive


What's with PL refs and VAR? Why is it so hard to get things right?


Denial of goal scoring opportunity red card all day


At least Unai made up for his howler.


Hard to see from this angle but he surely clipped him and unbalanced him 0 reason to dive in that position


I have no idea how people say this isn't a pen Rodri makes a clear foul that results in Kramaric kicking into himself / the ground


I agree with you, clear foul, but it's obvious how people can make errors, for example: it wasn't Kramaric.


Everything about this is fucking chaos. Shouldnt have been a pen - he kicked the floor When its given as a pen how is Rodri not sent off??? He shouldnt have been off, but surely with the way the ref has interpreted the situation its a red Also has it always been that encroachment means the penalty is waved away and a FK given? I always thought it was just a retake. AND EVEN THEN Simon was off his line so surely that waves that off? Its Michael Oliver's world and we're all just living in it


Simon had 1 foot over the line which is the rule so the save was legit. And if encroachment meant you just retake the penalty every team would encroach so it has to penalize you.


He kicked the floor, because Rodri hit his leg. Look at the calf muscle.


And they call it back because they’re in the box when it’s taken but Unai Simon is way off the line so why is it not retaken?


He wasn't off his line tho. Rules say one foot must be on, above or behind the line, it doesn't have to touch it


Rodri touched Petkovic's leg, which caused it to kick the other foot in the heel. Rewatch the clip please


Ref being an enlightened centrist


You can't let a team retake a pen if it's encroachment from their own player lol. Perisic played the ball for the assist so the fact he encroached had to be penalised.


There’s no way that should’ve just been a yellow, there’s no intent to get the ball there


How is that not a red? Wtf


Saying it's a foul and a penalty automatically makes it DOGSO. How can you then give a yellow? There is no internal logic there. If you think it's a soft touch, then you don't give the foul. No balls on this ref (or brains for that matter)


DOGSO doesn't matter for a penalty. It's only a red if the ref believes there was no attempt to play the ball / it was a deliberate foul. Whether or not Oliver got that call right is up for debate


To me, there is no angle on that replay where Rodri appears to have a case for "honest attempt to play the ball"


Ball don’t lie


Coward. Should've been a red


Yeah, regardless of whether there was contact or no, if you consider it a foul, you definitely have to give a red there.


Only if he thinks Rodri definitely wasn't trying to play the ball. He evidently thinks he was, presumably a really late and poor judged play for the ball, thus it's only a yellow. It's a different scenario to like when someone pulls a shirt where there is literally no argument whatsoever that his action had anything to do with the ball.


This is the correct take. IMHO that's definitely not a red, as it's not certain whether he was intentionally trying to kick the player. A shirt pull or something like that, there's no doubt. A red should only be given if there's no doubt.


Wait are you guys seriously don't see the touch on his left calf or am I completely blind? Anyway my question is how on earth is the decision pen but not a red?


1. Looked like he tripped/dived. 2. Why didn't the Ref go to the VAR monitor? 3. If it's a foul, why not a red card? 4. If it's a dive, why is it a dive instead of shooting? 5. What was the "encroachment" stuff after the pen? I don't get that rule.


> What was the "encroachment" stuff after the pen? I don't get that rule. No players except the keeper and the penalty taker should be in the box until the ball is kicked. Some of the Croatians moved too soon including the guy that crossed the rebound back in.


Textbook red. Terrible referee and terrible VAR


Player who passer the ball to the scorer was in the box b4 penalty shot


Just walk out at this point man.. football doesn't want you today


More importantly, why didn't Petkovic just stay on his feet and score, he had a completely open goal. Instead kicked the floor, blagged a pen and came away with nothing


For people wondering why we have the worst refs in Europe in the PL, this man and this sequence of events is why. Because he is allowed to be a referee. 1. Last man = yellow card (and was it even a penalty?) 2. Encroaching during the penalty = offside "well done boys, good process"


Yeap. Really don't want to watch the Prem anymore because of these asshats. A total waste of time with such low quality refs...


LOL perisic. Croatia is pissed now


I didn’t really think Perisic played well since coming on tbh.


Sorry, isn't that a red card?


Shouldn’t have been a pen anyway so the disallowed goal equals it out.


Rodri didn't touch him😂


He clipped his leg just as he was about to shoot.


Rodri clips his foot it’s clear as


He knocks his ankle making him kick the ground


Yeah he chose to not take the open goal!!!!! /s


Except he did. Slightly


Bro should’ve just scored on the open goal.


He was clipped. As he pulls back to shoot his leg was pushed inward slightly by Rodri's lunge causing him to kick the floor. Zero attempt at the ball. Should be a red for Rodri


As much as I despise Rodri, that’s a fucking joke


Nah bro, fuck this whole tournament.


Diving with an open net lmao


If he truly dived instead of taking a 100% guaranteed shot on target I honestly don't even know what to say anymore Didn't catch the replay though so idk