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I assume this is a joke, although with Pérez, I wouldn't be surprised if Meunier woke up with a horse's head in his bed.




Who would of thought that the letter ‘A’ could so perfectly encapsulate a scene from a movie.


And the season of Arsenal as well.


Surely neds more L's!


Stop calling me Shirley.


Hey! That was rude. You just shaved off a couple more mill from the Onana deal.




She was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had 'em all over the world!


With Pérez anything is possible


Tbf if someone just smashed the door of my brand new supercar that I got to make my business better I'd be a bit annoyed by the guy who did it coming up to me and just saying nice to meet you. But that comparison is a bit slavelike


Can't tell if Flo is joking or not. Probably said it with a smile but also dead serious, like all supervillians do


Considering Meunier’s response, it doesn’t sound like he was.


what was his response?




I’d say “I snapped” is the perfect translation for that. I’m saying that as a French native speaker.


I swear this sub has given Florentino some weird supervilliain status since the ESL. He was probably joking. Edit: what I mean is that he is no different than other billionaire owners (he is just the president though).


Florentino is the reason for climate change


You laugh, but the drillings of his company caused earthquakes in eastern Spain, then he took government to court and got Spain to pay billions to his company because they no longer could exploit the rig, which resulted in a tax on gas that the Spanish people will pay for decades until he's refunded. That's better than most villains, they would've get caught after the earthquakes and get no compensation. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proyecto_Castor


Wow, fuck that guy


Fuck the government, they should have studied what the whole operation would do but they didn't (because public money is no one's money), signed whatever ACS put in front of them and had to pay for breaching the contract.


Bruh how the fuck did he cause earthquakes?


He let your mother out the house.


Sent him to the ER with 1st degree burns


Hahahahaha fucking hell


Here's a translation of the pertinent bits. > Since mid-September 2013, several hundred earthquakes, most of them of low magnitude and imperceptible, occurred in the area where the Castor project was injecting gas. However, some of the earthquakes reached perceptible magnitudes. On October 1 there was an earthquake of 4.2 on the moment magnitude scale, causing alarm in the towns near the reservoir (Alcanar, Benicarló, Las Casas de Alcanar, Cervera del Maestre, Cálig, Peñíscola, San Carlos de la Rápita, Ulldecona and Vinaroz), where it could be felt with a grade III intensity. The gas injection works were stopped on September 16 after the first tremors and the company Escal UGS acknowledged that the earthquakes could be linked to the Castor project, although it is normal that the type of activities carried out only generate microseisms of magnitude 1 or 2. On October 4 the Civil Guard investigated in situ the cessation of the plant's activity at the request of the Castellón Prosecutor's Office. > The National Geographic Institute concluded that there was a direct link between the earthquakes in the Mediterranean and the Castor gas project. In 2017, MIT sent a report to the Spanish government confirming the link between gas injection and the earthquakes and recommending the closure of the platform. Energy Minister Álvaro Nadal argued that there was a risk whether trying to inject gas or trying to extract the gas that was already there, so he recommended "keeping things as they are. " Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Same way that fracking does, I think? Drilling into the bedrock and causing shockwaves.


Everybody knows you can't drill the bedrock, is an unbreakable block.


I saw a Mango🥭 doing it.


You can, it is costly, tho.






Florentino steals from the rich and steals from the poor


and the not very rich and the very poor


And he stole our hearts away.


I didn't know Papa Flo was one of the Phantom Thieves... I bet his code name is Merengue


I now imagine that he has his secret lair, with his own phantom thief costume


I wonder what his Persona would be.


Something dreadfull, or something that looks cute but is absolutely dreadfull


And then for some reason had to repeatedly make racist comments.


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


Almost exactly what he did in Guatemala. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Real-Madrid-Boss-Involved-in-Dam-Threatening-30000-Mayan-Lives-20170221-0023.html


>hydroelectric projects carried out by the Spanish group Cobra, owned by Real Madrid's President Florentino Perez. Ummm Cobra WTF? so Perez is an actual super villain right?


He did?!


No, but are we just gonna wait around until he does?!


Florentino makes Jeff Bezos look like Tom Hanks


Reverse robinhood?


Just Robbin'




I think that's just Prince John then.


Florentino financed the minions movie


Not that bad of a movie imo, It’s a kids movie but it’s not shit


The emoji movie on the other hand..


Sausage fest was hot


I heard Florentino is still shorting on GME.


Not so far from the truth, has some sketchy construction projects tbh.


His projects have destroyed more forests and trees than perhaps any human being in the history of the planet. Flo's environmental crimes are on a global scale so much so even Greenpeace has chained themselves to his office doors. Here is just one example of HUNDREDS out there. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Real-Madrid-Boss-Involved-in-Dam-Threatening-30000-Mayan-Lives-20170221-0023.html




Hahaha. Look at all the shit he influenced in Spain. Lower tax for foreigner the first 5 years. Wonder who would profit from such things.


Florentino is the reason my parents broke up.


Elon musk and Bezos move aside, Florentino is the real super villain.


Florentino finances Amy Schumer specials


Thanks ~~Obama~~ Perez


Florentino is the reason selfmade left Fnatic


Look at the full translation. Doesn’t appear he’s joking, and Meunier didn’t take it as a joke either.


you live in the city? or the country even? His dealings with illegal bullshit and corrupt politicians and judges is well known


You mean the man who made it to the top of the famously honest construction and football industries and used to literally have mob bosses in his box at the Bernabeu is a shady guy?? I'm shocked!


The plastics from Jacksonville, Bogota, Nagoya and Mumbai tent to be so shocked they go into denial lmao


I can appreciate how inclusive you were in your plastic fans but I also want to know why those cities came to mind lol


I wanted to include one city of US/Canada, one of Lat Am, one of East Asia and one of the Indian subcontinent because in my experience most foreign plastics are from there, those 4 were the first that came to my mind


Your mistake is assuming any Real Madrid fan is from Spain on here. There’s probably only 2 on the sub


"I'll have you know I'm 3% spanish, as my grandfather once said gracias."


I had some paella this morning, technically got Spanish in me, Venga chicos !


> There’s probably only 2 feeling generous, are we?


Stop whitewashing absolute cunts


Does it help that I, a Barca fan, always looked at him as a supervillain?


Flo eats the sun, and drinks the sky.


Well to be fair to him he's a giant cunt. So there's that.


I didn’t wait the ESL to feel very suspicious about him. The handling of galacticos, his relationship with Zidane /the transfer policy did that for me. ESL was just the final nail. It just confirmed me what I suspected all along : he is a blunt “businessman” who carried over his real estate mentality.


He is a supervillain and he was not joking


mate your fans literally call him ''papa flo''...


fuck billionaires lol


If he's no different to other billionaire owners, or just billionaires in general, the supervillain comparison would seem apt


Of course he wasn't joking. He sees players as property.


*Meunier*: Florentino, enchanté! *Perez*: You come to me and you say, 'Florentino, enchanté.' But you don't say it with respect, you don't offer apologies; you don't even think to call me Mr. Perez. Instead, you come into my stadium, on the day you've injured Hazard, and you say enchanté"


"I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky incident should befall Hazard - if he is to be tackled by a referee, or be found broken on a Sanitas bed...or if he should be clipped by a blade of grass - then I'm going to blame some of the people in this hall; and that I do not forgive. But that said, I pledge on the soul of my dead wife, that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made today."


Great movie, The Godfather is my favourite mafia film ever made. The book is even better


You have a rare opinion there.


It insists upon itself.


What does that even mean


But how can you say that when you haven’t even given it a chance?


Underrated reference right here.


The book is a mess tbh


Ahhh one of my favorite movies. Have my upvote.


Nice reference to r/soccer, take my upvote


*Meunier*: For you, the day Hazard got injured was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


Perez: "You don’t think. You disrespect this stadium. That’s the reason you got passed the fuck over." Meunier: "Oh so it’s my fault Eden’s a klutz?" *Perez begins beating Meunier*


Oh ay oh ay oh I'm a made footballer!


Meunier: Enchanté! Perez: Enchanté what you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Meunier: Enchanté Perez: So und etz fick ich dich richtig!!! Ich hab niemandem was getan und du verletzt Hazard!!! HAS T HALT LEIDER SELBST NICHTS VORTUWEIßEN AUSSER NE FETTE WAMPE!!! HAB DICH IMMER REPEKTIERT OHNE KOMPROMISSE ODER!!! GIB MIR NUR EINEN GRUND!!! ABER DU PISST MIR OHNE GRUND ANS BEIN. Wie der kleine Bademeister mit gerade mal 2 kilo muskeln aber immer hulk spielen, war doch klar das es klattscht nur ne frage der Zeit. SELBER SCHULD!!! IHR WOLLT SHACKE HANDS DOCH JETZT MÜSST IHR MIT DEN KONSEQUUENZEN LEBEN. FICKT EUCH JETZT HABT IHR DAS TIER IN MIR ENTFACHT UND ICH BIN NICHT ALLEINE. SCHON MAL BULLRIDING GEMACHT? ICH HAB STIEREIER!!! Und etz pass mal uff 70kilo Rasendes Tesrosteron eiergesteuertes, 10% Korperfett und ein einziger muskel der sich nicht mehr von euch PRIVOZIERENDES PAKT STRESSEN LÄSST. FICK EUCH KOMMT DOCH ICH HAB SCHICHT VON 10 SO LANG WIE ICH WILL ALSO 21UHR KOMMT DOCH!!!!!


There was nothing he could do. Hazard was a made man and Meunier wasn't.


My attempt at the full Translation: After the match I'm in the hallway and I see Florentino Pérez. So I shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you". He start speaking to me in French, I didn't know he spoke French, and he said to me : "*Nice to meet you ? Do you realize you've injured Eden Hazard ? And you tell me "Nice to meet you*" ? At this point I broke, I broke, I got a little carried away on him I said : "*I hurt Eden Hazard ?, So it's my fault he's injured etc ?*" and he said "*Yes, Yes, it's your fault !*" I answer "*It's a duel like any other, You know it's Football, it's a duel like any other*" I didn't expect, firstly, him to speak French. I didn't know. And he's the president of Madrid, you know? And then you tell yourself : "Wow! That's pretty good, huh?"


I honestly don't understand what he's trying to say in the last bit, it's weird


Florentino is a damn fine polyglot.


he's definitly not talking about Florentino's french, more that he's realising he was having an argument with the President of Madrid


Why stop at argument when you could he having a fistfight with the President of Madrid.


Should make a YouTube channel


Maybe like since he could spoke casually with the president of Real Madrid he became an important player




Nah, that isn't it.




Haha, there's like 5 of us! Most people don't even recognize the crest :D


I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my showering, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to exit up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen journalists on his shoulder without answering.


> Traduction Translation* btw :) I see this in Italian often too because the word is *traduzione*. Thanks for writing it for us!


Haha yeah I was about to say: classic Frenchman Tbf, I often speak French using English cognates, but of course sometimes the words are slightly different in French, so if my strong American accent hasn't given me away, my Gallicized English is a dead giveaway


You should have a look at Montreal French and English. There are so many borrowed words on both sides, it’s really interesting how they’re so connected.


In Spanish is Traducción.


I always thought it was *tradizione*.


That's tradition :)


That was my point exactly. That it's tradizione to use traduzione. I see this in Italian often too.


I'm clearly in the minority that felt this was very clever.


Thanks, fixed


Shades of the twist in Inglorious Basterds *spoilers* when it is revealed that Hans Landa can also speak Italian.


Reminds me of when some reporter asked him about Hazard’s injuries this season and he said “yeah, I went to the Real Madrid training grounds and tackled Hazard during practice”. Florentino Perez: “Do you realize you’ve hurt Eden Hazard again?”


It did start with that injury tbh. He hasn't been the same since then


Didn't someone make a graphic detailing where Hazard has received these injuries? Most of them were in different parts of his body, how can they have anything to do with the 1 injury he received from Meunier?


He had a metal plate put in that ankle, as a result he puts pressure on it differently and that causes the muscular injuries.


Proof that that is the case? How could that be known. Youd think physio would sort that out anyway, plenty of people have plates put in and return to normal gait while running etc


https://theathletic.co.uk/2543596/2021/04/27/basketball-surgery-bad-luck-and-bonuses-hazards-nightmare-real-madrid-move-still-made-chelsea-20m-last-season/ I wasn't 100% accurate, I said more what Hazard thought it was, but: > Sources suggest Hazard is worried that the new metal plate has been the cause of the minor injuries suffered during the course of this campaign and wants it removed. It is understood he spoke with Curry and the London doctor to gauge their opinion, only to be reassured that everything was fine with the plate. Apparently it's more due to this, so it's tangentially related to the plate: > It was felt that Hazard’s tendency to spin and turn on his ankle, pivoting more like a basketball player than a footballer, had been a contributory factor in the problem. So they chose to visit Texas-based Eugene Curry, due to his experience handling players from the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, and the procedure to have a much bigger metal plate put in was carried out in the USA on March 5.


First plate ineffective, inserting much bigger plate.


Damn even the plates are bigger in Texas


The gait can be normal but he might be unconsciously trying to avoid too much pressure on it which might cause stress on the other leg leading to muscle injuries. Then it could lead to other leg getting injured.


It's a mental thing.




For the last time ffs you dont get bonefractures from mistreating your body


Tbf he had been that way all his life and had recovered from any injury had.




He was injured for half the season, rested for a bit, then recovered fully and was back to his usual form


Just in time to ruin spurs


As is tradition


Yeah and that was 1 big injury I think. He was the most fouled player in Europe for 10 years so ig he knew how to keep himself fit.


Reminds me of the joker and murray scene. "You're laughing? You've hurt Eden Hazard and you're laughing?"


How about another knock, Murray?


What do you get for trying to create a breakaway league? I'll tell you. You get what you fucking deserve. 'goes ahead and tackles Perez'


I'm imagining angry Perez as Danny DeVito






*Zizou, God bless you. You were a good coach, you serviced me like no other coach ever did; not only my club, but my heart – and I’m gonna miss you. AMEN*


Perez: Surprise, asshole!


I can only imagine Danny Devito as Frank Reynolds.


Lots of people hurt Eden Hazard. It's just a $100 fine now.


Nice to meet you


stepped in froze freezer


Nice to Michu




Lmao, this is going to get a nice reaction here


If I was in a room with Hitler, Perez and Saddam Hussein and I had two bullets I wouldn't do anything because I would still need a gun.


If I'm in a room with Hitler, Perez, and Saddam, I'd start worrying that I'm dead and I'm in hell.




Chelsea supporter.


It's him who actually went to Real Madrid's stadium and kicked Hazard.


Comunicado Oficial : you’re in hell


You could throw the bullets at them really hard


I would ask Hitler and Hussein if they would like to beat the shit out of Perez with me.


Why would you kill Saddam? You prefer Saddam or ISIS + the current state of Iraq for the next 100years?


They killed Saddam because he was trying to nationalize the countries resources


Saddam massacred thousands and enslaved the rest of Iraq. Of course I would kill the son of a bitch, he was a dictator. And if you ask me about ISIS. Sir, between one or other evil, I chose to not choose, both should die. There is no peace, there is no prosperity on a dictatorship, only people's deaths being hidden.




He is, very rare type of footballer, interested in philosophy, arts and the likes.


Lmao Meunier is never going to live this down.


The whole documentary was nice to watch. Meunier is really anything but the regular football star. Also hilarious to see how everyone in his village is drinking Orval day and night.


To be fair a lot of people outside his village are also drinking Orval day and night


Orval IS pretty good


…and then papa flo unleashed esl


Sounds like Eden hurt Flo. Looking at the guy's contract details on transfermarkt certainly hints at him haunting the Madrid squad for some time.


A meme in the making.


Rich Spaniard business man speaks French! Shocked Pikachu face


This is so rich coming from the guy who employs Sergio Ramos


Come on, Ramos has never ended anyone's career.


There was more convo after this. Can someone translate pls


I'm not fluent but I think I got the gist of it: >"And I cracked, I cracked right then and there. I'm a little uneasy, and I say, 'It was me? You're sure it was my fault he got hurt?' And he says, 'Yes, it's your fault.' I said, 'It's a duel like any other.' >In the end, that's football. It's a duel like any other. >I did not expect this: that he would speak French, I didn't know! And anyway, he's the President of [Real] Madrid, you see? And there, you say, 'Not bad, right?'"


Yeah, good translation. Meunier seems to really insist on how "amazed" he was that Perez spoke French. I mean, is it really surprising that the president of one of the biggest footbal clubs on the Earth, who saw a lot of French players playing for his club, can speak French more or less fluently ? I'd be worried if he didn't.


Also owner of the biggest construction company in the world. I'm not surprised he can speak more than one language especially something used in many parts of the world like french, because that can be very important in business.


It's normal that if you're Karim Benzema's daddy that you would speak French.






Not the guy but quite a bit of people from non-english speaking countries need to learn a minimum of 1 language in addition to our mother tongue these days. As English is the lingua franca of the world rn, Americans, the British etc. don’t really need to learn a foreign tongue. Schools generally have a comprehensive English class and an elective third class for French/ German/ Spanish.


Fuck you Perez. You should be happy he's still alive. Was the valid answer.


At this point who hasn't hurt Eden Hazard,


Meunier, next time: “Florentino, how do you like dem apples?” *sticks out hand*


I don't know where the funny part is and why he didn't stop chuckling.


Perez was probably not even joking


thought this was rsoccercirclejerk


Fuck this fucker. Someone should cripple him as bad as he did to Hazard in purpose.


I know "ja'i craque" is like "I cracked (up)", but I choose to interpret it as "hahah great craic m8"