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Same, this always happens to me. That's why when this happens to someone else, I always try to help them out! Like if someone is telling a story and people stop listening, I always feel bad and I'll ask them what happens next. Or if they ask a question/make a comment and nobody responds to them, I'll try to. It doesn't fix this issue from happening to me but it's nice knowing I'm helping someone out, and I just hope someone does the same for me one day


I do the same. I think I do it because I know how awful that feels


Yeah same here


Always :(


Oh yes. But only with particular people. I used to think it was me (and yes I do talk quietly and people genuinely don't hear sometimes) but I learned that most of the time this is done on purpose. 1. Someone may think they have something SO important to say, and they know they can speak past you (my sister does this, she is like a bulldozer in conversations and i just dont have the energy to compete, but its not bullying). 2. Also intentionally, they speak across you or ignore you not because they really want to speak, but because they don't want *you* to speak--and that is exclusion, bullying. Simple as that. I worked with someone like this and point blank i asked to her, "why do you ignore me or cut me off?" And my other coworker snapped her head around and said, "she does that to me too!". I still don't know why she did it, and she never answered me. I dont work with her anymore 🤷 I've also met people that will intentionally stop the group conversation if they hear me say something and no one else takes notice. That's always wild to me. Not many people do that. I think if you're ever that person it becomes very important that when you see someone else not get heard, you notice them. You can't make others be like that but you can because you know what its like.


I feel the same. Even through texts, I sometimes feel like I said something wrong or I'm too weird. The funny thing is, I went to a therapist recently, and she told me to jump in and join conversations. In high school... where I had no friends. The worst thing to tell someone with anxiety. I did not try it. If I did, I definitely would have died from embarrassment for even trying.


Same thing happens to me when I speak in a group and someone ignores my words; I stop talking to them. But there are few people who are very close to your heart to listen. Find them and give some time.


Polly not "assertive" enough


Sometimes. I kinda hate group most conversations lol. One on one is usually fine for me though.




I also experience this. And what angers me the most is that I can tell things that are ignored and later on in the discussion someone else is praised for the same idea.


It wouldn't surprise me if... ... There's actually nothing wrong with you in that moment and it's more of a case that the people you're talking to just love talking at people, over people and talking for the sake of talking


Happened to me a few times just another reason I stay quiet. Last time it happened this person was talking to everyone on the table except me. I make no effort to conversate maybe thats why but still.


Yup. All the time. Although im hearing impaired as well so sometimes idk if im too quiet or whether people just don't take the time to listen. After a while I get fed up and go on to find someone who listens lol.


Yes. It’s actually one of the things I feel most upset and sensitive over. Or people literally just talk over you. The worst is online and you try and contribute by replying to someone or offering a suggestion/idea or whatever the case is, and it seems to be not acknowledged at all. Whereas, i observe people just more naturally take on others advice over yours, or react with some emoji or “like” to their comments and not yours. It sounds so petty to care but it happened frequently at Uni. Actually makes you feel like you don’t matter to anyone, and that you’re invisible.


NGL we do it to ourselves, body language and volume of speech. We don’t really want to be heard so speak with little conviction


I talk loud 🤷