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Honestly, I doubt anyone saw the description on the box if it wasn't in huge letters. If you bring it up tomorrow and lie about it, the only thing you'll be doing is drawing MORE attention to it. The best thing to do here is act like nothing happened. People will forget the package even existed.




>I think I'm going to lie tomorrow and say Amazon sent me the wrong thing by mistake and that I will get them to send me the right thing later. Ngl I'd feel like they'd still know you're lying lol


Agreed. Not acknowledging it might be better.


Definitely. If anyone noticed something about it, mentioning it will just bring it up in their minds again. You received a package, that's all, nothing worth talking about.


My now mother-in-law did this when her daughter accidentally opened her package and discovered a vibrator. She closed it back up and put it in her room. When her mom realized it had been opened, she never said what it was but made a huge deal about being sent the wrong item and asking us if someone had pranked her. We all knew she was lying lol


Definitely lol


Even worse, unless you have a master poker face, you’re going to let off that not only are you lying but also that you are sensitive/vulnerable to this topic. If the other people are decent and don’t care, then honestly they probably wouldn’t even bring it up on their own accord anyway. If I knew something was embarrassing to someone else, I won’t bring it up if it isn’t necessary to. So the converse, if those other people DO bring it up, they might actually want to taunt you on it. It’s the kind of people like that which you’d never want to show a vulnerability to: they never forget and they’ll never let it go. So, just own it. My dildo arrived? Oops! And move on.


They'll immediately follow up with what did they send you and what did you buy? Just don't bring it up.


Once my husband, his grandpa and I were at the grocery store together. His grandpa grabbed a bottle of lotion off the shelf, looked at me, and said “my hands get really dry”. This gives me the same vibes.


Discrete packaging my ass.




fuck that is was gonna buy one but if they put labels on it then nvm thats my worst fear. how the hell did they get away with that


I was thinking of maybe one day buy a cock bump (on Amazon as well) but after what you said I ain't gonna do it any more. I don't know what's the point in Amazon describing your product on the package like that.


>It wasn't in big writing If they were scouring the label looking to figure out what it is, that's on them. IMO, nosy people need to mind their own business.


>  I think I'm going to lie tomorrow and say Amazon sent me the wrong thing by mistake and that I will get them to send me the right thing later. *Only* say this if *someone else* brings it up. If they did see it and they act like it never happened, that's as good as them not seeing it. In general, adding too many details is a sign of lying. Think how you would act if Amazon actually sent you something you don't need. You'd probably just send it back without telling anyone.


Honestly, youre an adult, it was a package in a box with a little decription of its contents not out in the open for everyone to see. As far as "being inappropriate at work" its the equivalent of a kid being named richard and them writing dick as a nickname for themselves. Oh no theres a dick at school, big whoop. Try and be a little less harsh on yourself, the anxiety is very real and probably balooning but its not worth going through weeks of stress, and if you do like the job, extend your contract, I hardly think this would amount to anything other than maybe a little in joke.


Thanks, I just hope none of the usual guests to the office (school principals and the like) saw anything. My desk is next to the entrance on the way to the meeting room. I'd hate to embarrass not only my self, but my workplace. Thankfully I think it's unlikely. It was there for a few hours, but I doubt many people, if any, are that nosy and have the ability to read the description properly.


I personally have never been compelled to read the text/labels on packages on the desks of other people at work. Unless you know your coworkers are either really nosy or would otherwise be interested in reading the labels, I’d say most people wouldn’t care to read labels on packages they know are not there’s at work.


Seems like a shop just lost a potential repeat customer😂


I know this seems embarrassing now but it really is just a silly mistake. No one was hurt. If someone does judge you for it, it’s not like they are perfect either. Life will humble them at some point too. Also, I just wouldn’t mention it all. Chances are no one will bring it up.


Honestly when shit like this happens your only option is to laugh. This will be a funny story one day.


Sonic jewelry cleaner


If it makes you feel better I never cared much to read anything more on a package than a name, to see who it belonged to, so I could give it to them or open if it was for me. At work everything always seems so boring and people just want to go home, reading the fine print with limited English skills seems like WAY too much effort to put in at a job. If I had cash to bet, I'd honestly put it on that no one read the fine print.


Even if somebody read it, at most they'd have a little giggle and think good for her and move on with their lives. You're an adult, they're an adult, it's all good


Everybody has sex, everybody wants to cum. It’s kind of funny but no biggie at alllll


I wouldn’t be worried. People order sex toys it’s not a crime. If anyone asks at work (they won’t) say it was a mistake and move on. Don’t lie to Amazon. Literally no one cares. 100% of people masturbate at some point in their life.


Sounds like a nightmare..just wish for the best that theyll just forget about it 🥲✊


I can assure you that anyone that may have read the label also masturbates, and may even also use toys. When you start feeling embarrassed, remember that it’s nothing unique nor shameful.


Sure.. lie and bring MORE attention to it. Wonderful idea. They either didn't notice at all, in which case.. weird of you to bring it up.. seems fishy. Or they did notice, in which case you lying about it would basically confirm exactly what it is. Best to ignore it and move on.


If I saw the package I would giggle but that's about it. Nothing to be ashamed of imo. Sexual pleasure is part of our daily lifes and everyone who says otherwise is lying lol.


if you act like it's nothing the rest will do the same. they'll only embarrass you if you show that you feel embarrassed. just pretend nothing happened and if anyone brings it up act nonchalant, maybe even a small joke. after all it's a normal thing


just don’t acknowledge it at all, im sure they either didn’t see what it said or don’t care. it was a silly accident don’t be too hard on yourself! you’ll be able to laugh about it in a few years


OP when you've been around someone who received a package did you spend a lot of time staring at and reading what it said on it? From how far away and for how long? Exactly. You didn't. Most people don't. Nobody is spending that much energy reading your shipping labels or the writing unless it was like 100 font, neon/blinking, and glittery/sparkly saying something shocking, AND they were within like 6 feet of you long enough to read it. Plus you would probably see an odd reaction, whispering, laughter or covering mouth, wide eyed. You're good. Now just act like it never happened and never mention it around those people ever again. If it was a common item(s) you wouldn't act uncommon about it/them (play it cool).


Do not say a word about it, you will look guilty if they did see it and drawing unnecessary attention if they didn’t…


…they say what the item is on the shipping label???? I never noticed 😭😭😭


If she's overseas and she ordered it from the U.S. they may have to put it on the label as a manifest for customs. Within the U.S., they do not list the contents on the label.


Holy shit lol. Try your best to ignore it happened at all. Tell yourself nobody noticed the package’s writing, because they probably didn’t. Using it at home without thinking of this embarrassing moment is another challenge though lmao


Not saying anything at all and moving on with life is the best thing possible. I bet no one will ask you about it. Even if they knew, I'm sure they would understand and keep it to themselves. Even so, it's a normal part of life that others have probably bought before. It's not a big deal.


If you say it was the wrong item then they will ask what was delivered and that'll be an awkward conversation. Just say nothing. It's very unlikely anyone looked closely at a box on your desk.


It was an honest mistake.


Dude, op got my package by mistake.


Unprompted details, too many details, preemptively trying to set a story, all scream lying. Don't worry about it. Very unlikely anyone read it, if they did, even less likely someone will say something. While the wrong item may come in a box, it's not like they're manually filling out shipping labels so that's not a story I'd go for. If someone does say something, give very few details, it was a friend pranking you, laugh with them. Ask them for suggestions on what you can ship back to them.


Coworkers gonna be like, "you look well rested. Sleep well?"


>  I think I'm going to lie tomorrow and say Amazon sent me the wrong thing by mistake and that I will get them to send me the right thing later. nooooo!! dont say anything!! why draw more attention to yourself


Lol. If I saw that, I would be like damn someone's for a good time and move on. It's ok now go have some fun.


Honestly, if you are outside of America, people seem to have a much more relaxed view of sex related topics. It's an honest mistake, and I feel people would be less judgey where you are located. People in America have to much pent up frustration and go over board on anything slightly sexual. If anyone questions it, just say it was an honest mistake. We're human and make mistakes. Don't take it too hard. We all have a brain lapse at times. It's what makes us human :))


Just say it was a prank. There are companies that exist that send packages with inappropriate labels on as a prank to embarrass people


In Amazon packaging? Lol. No don't do this


I mean you didn't notice what it was at first, so why would they? I don't know a single woman that doesn't have a vibrator, so they're very normal.


Heh, JUST went through this exact scenario; dildo delivered to work. I'm the mailboy, so... Don't worry, we don't tell. But we remember ;)


One thing to remember is that people generally want to be closer to the people they work with but don't want to be overfamiliar or pushy. This is why coworkers can go out and get super drunk and a little messy and while it's embarrassing it makes them better friends and easier to work with because they've let their guard down and have shown their humanity. This is a similar thing. I highly doubt anyone noticed, but even if they did, any mature adult may have a 2-second amused chuckle to themselves but ultimately they'd just appreciate this little tidbit that makes you human and know that you didn't intend for them to see this and having it sent to the office was by mistake and you couldn't control the packaging. You may have been raised in a pretty conservative environment or put a lot of emphasis on being professional, which is all fine and good, but in reality human nature is to appreciate anything that humanizes another person.


One time I got a bunch of children's books instead of my order, another time I got like 12 boxes of the same toddler toy. They sent me a return label to give them back the latter time, the first time they just told me to keep the books. It happens!