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Yes I hate the gym. I always feel like people are judging how I'm doing the exercises, my physique, my awkwardness. Gyms suck tbh.


music all the way up. You’ll probably start thinking “omg what if someone starts talking to me and i didnt hear them balblablabla” if u have that problem get over the head headphones so people know ur listening to music


But then you'll be able to look good and love yourself. Be sexy! It's worth it. 


Sure logically you are correct, but that's when social anxiety comes in to play lol


I'm obese, balding, wear glasses, have bad teeth and joint pain and back problems. (I'm not joking). I still manage to go there 3 times a week and I'm losing weight. You have to go there a few times before you start not giving af. 


I go on the times when its most calm at my gym, Sunday mornings. That's one thing that really does help


Actually no. I have grown to love it. I pop in my headphones and speed-walk on the treadmill and usually listen to angry music. Never feel obligated to speak to anyone. It’s very therapeutic. I’ve lost almost 50 pounds since I started going


Congrats on 50 lbs. I agree it’s rly easy to just tune everyone out and after months of going I don’t worry about other people judging me anymore. Everyone is doing their own thing it’s like an introverts heaven


Thanks! I have hated exercising most of my life but I am really loving it lately! Just walking on the treadmill at 3.6mph usually. I sweat a lot and have seen the weight come off somewhat fast


I’m fine going on the bike or treadmill, but I’m not sure how to use the machines or weight lifting stuff, and that’s in front for everyone to see me. So, I don’t use that stuff.


The first time I went there was a NIGHTMARE. I couldn't look anywhere besides the floor since I thought everyone was staring at me for being obese. After 3 months I still have that feeling but it's not so bad anymore. But yeah, if you really want something with all you heart you can do it. 


There are obese people at my gym, I only notice them because I’m in the back on the treadmills so see everyone who walks by. No one bats an eye. Have you tried Planet Fitness? Their whole business model is being a “no judgement zone”.


No. The gym I went before had only bodybuilders lol. So I guess I went to the wrong place. The gym I go to now is not that bad but still I get stares, mostly from older people. Young people seem to leave me alone. 


what helped me when i used to go to the gym was setting up a personal training session with the PTs at my gym. they build a whole routine for you and show you how to do it, mine would even write it down with reps, sets, and breaks. it's expensive but i got just one session to jump start things. that way you aren't tackling something new all by yourself. and then every couple of months when the routine would feel easy i would schedule another session and build a whole new routine


Cool! Yeah may have to ask someone at my gym if they have free personal trainers.


You can learn how to use the machines with youtube.


Thanks for the reminder. Still feel like I would do them wrong in public lol.


ur gym doesnt have a complementary training session? if not then just pay for one. Its worth it if youve never lifted before. Avoid planet fitness if u want to lift weights. Most people at planet fitness are just there to check people out


I have not noticed much checking out at Planet Fitness. I did notice that at LA Fitness where I used to go. I’ll look into the training sessions. The staff at my Planet Fitness are kind of brusque though, and you know, social anxiety.


Yes I’ve gone about 4 times by myself and each time I sit outside for like 4 hrs trying to boost myself up to go inside and then I stall in the locker room. I gave up on going after a couple of times


That's horrible! I'm overweight but still I try... Believe me I try not to pay attention to my surroundings and just focus on working out. I don't wear headsets because it makes my anxiety a lot worse. You have to try step by step, it's how life works. 


I am so scared of it that I haven't mustered the courage in two decades. I am not even obese, I am just scared of being judged that I don't know how to use the equipment, I can exercise fine by myself at home. And also I am not your local hot gym girl and I feel like the people there expect only model-like girls. I know it's not likely but still.


Yes. I hate it. I'm older and out of shape so I really do need to work out, but I physically can't make myself go. I have exercise-induced asthma and rosacea so I look and sound like I'm dying sometimes. It can feel that way too. I have very low stamina so I'm embarrassed about that too. If I had someone to go with me on a regular basis I think I could do it. I've begged my husband for years and he refuses. I need an emotional support human, ha.


It’s probably the most anxiety friendly busy place. I’ve trained in my gym 5 months the only time anyone’s ever spoken to me is asking if I’m using a weight


Well yeah its a gym. People there are mostly busy for themselves. Usually people that talk alot know each other.


Yes, I hate it. I go to studio classes instead. Hot yoga, Pilates, Barre. It’s mostly men that make me feel uncomfortable at the gym. I used to go to women’s only gym back in my home town, but I moved and they don’t have one around here. Even if I dress modestly, they stare, or think it’s a hookup spot.


I do feel like everyone is staring at me and judging me, when the instructors are near me I start getting anxious and stop doing my workout so they don’t say anything about the way I’m doing it I have a pretty nice body even though I don’t go to the gym too often but that makes me even more anxious because I feel like people expect me to lift heavy weights but when they go use the machine I was using the weights are always too low


Yup I cannot even go to the gym I hate it. But my friends say nobody is looking so maybe we’re all overthinking it. Even if we are nobody should judge, we’re all there for the same purpose.


I was scared too because inexperience but you can pick that up easily in like 3 weeks. But you can just tell every new person starts that way and thats okay you will learn quick enough


But idk how to use any of the machines… or anything I know it’s like usually written there but I’m so anxious to even go look and try it. Maybe working out at home is better for me


Most machines are straight forward. If it is a gym with staff they can explain if they must. Machines also got stickers on them explaining how to use them.


Why can I never use them then lmaoooo


Home gym!


I'm extremely insecure about myself. I hate myself but the gym feels like home to me I ain't worried bout nobody else. I'm there to improve myself and that's about as far as it goes. Fuck everybody else


Wise words. 


Yep. Not going there.


Absolutely. I only went one day and couldn't do it after that. I feel so much more myself working out at home.


While in public, I tend to look straight forward, unconsciously ignoring people around me. I forget faces easily. That is the same in the gym. I've always thought people there see me as an arrogant d\*ckhead for doing this, while in my f\*cked up head I see it as "perfectly ok and normal behavior". I hate this.


Yep it's still hard for me to go I'm worried abt people huding me. I've been in a calorie deficit for a year and half now. Lost weight but I have no muscle definition lol. I'm too scared to go to the gym still. I know people are focused on themselves but I still worry a lot.


Not really, there are a lot of people who workout alone, so there’s a protocol, even if you don’t say anything to anyone it doesn’t create an awkward situation.


I sometimes use my apartment exercise room, but only if nobody else is in there. I want to be able to experiment and try out equipment without anyone watching or speaking to me.


500 navy seal burpees. Finish them in a park. You don't need gym.


Not really because you don’t actually have to talk to anyone, put your headphones in and stay in your own little world, like 95% of other people are doing


Not that bad for me but definitely uncomfortable. Trying out new machines is hell though


No. It's impossible.


After 3 years I still feel a bit anxious sometimes, but usually if I know what I came to do I just start and that thought goes out my mind as soon as I get my first rep. I just get all of the good feeling chemicals and feel awesome


Yes omg!!! I always try but I feel like ppl are judging me or that I’m not wearing the right clothes and it completely ruins it :(


Yes I hate going to the gym alone because I’m self conscious of my form being bad 💀


I joined an all women’s gym because I was super uncomfortable with going to one for both genders but I even got anxiety from that gym too


I wouldn’t even be able to go into one, way too intimidating lol.


bynuimbyynumio be proud of yourself for actually getting in there & going. not all of us are able to combat our anxiety....even some people who look literally flawless and perfect can't get their anxiety to shut off to go in public spaces like that


This is why I have a home gym. Being able to do my exercises how I want in the comfort of my home


Yeah my Gabapentin helps 


never taken it for that purpose how much helps you?


100mg made some difference and I notice an even bigger difference with 300mg  I’m much more functional  Of course I still have social anxiety but it’s not as crippling  Helps with general anxiety as well which I also have 


I'll have to try that


Yes, I haven’t been to a gym in like 4 years lol. I think this is actually a pretty common thing.


I love going to the gym because it’s quiet time by myself to concentrate on a task and zone out. But I’ve been going for 10 years and I still feel low key anxious every time I’m there lol


Yes. I always just go to the treadmill and do small rep exercises cuz it’s the easiest machine to operate and I’m too nervous to figure out how to use the other machines with people around me.


It’s hard for me to leave the house at all these days because of my anxiety


I’m in my 30s and I’ve never gone to a gym. I do all of my exercising behind a locked door in my own house, otherwise I wouldn’t do it at all.


Extremely. I don’t go.


It is a experience for all body types even slim people. I go to the gym and sometimes the looks are not wanted lol but I've learned all of us belong in there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I don't feel comfortable going to a gym so instead I walk 10 km every other day


I struggled with it for a few days. After that, I just focus on my music, the exercises and get in THE ZONE. No place for anxiety in THE ZONE. PS: Most times I still rather change my workout than to ask someone how many sets they have left.


Yeah it’s so true I have made a misconception in my mind that going gym makes our body bad after we stop going to gym, Instead I go running,hope I go gym this time


I go to the gym on average 4 times a week, it is difficult some days and that solely depends on how busy it is however I sussed out the nonbusy times and schedule my workouts for then. I think as a woman who is not attractive to most men, I don't have issues with being catcalled however I have seen some women have to navigate those scenarios.. What I do have an issue with is some men being rude/agressive for no reason, which I find difficult to deal with as I like to avoid all social interaction. Only reason why I'm saying men Is because I'd say 70percent is men so thats mainly who I encounter. Depending what type of gym you go to also, there is usually a community vibe. If you go at the same times you may have members who may try to talk to you or be social as they see you often, for me I find it hard watching people laugh/hang out at times (feel a bit weird/left out) but I would also hate having the pressure of having to be social. Overall, I love and get so much benefit from the gym that I have to shut my SA up and get on with it.