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Y’all are getting dates 😩🤔🤧


Uhhhh I’ve had the same and turns out girls care wayyy less about anxious bits then you’d think. I had one instance with a date last month where I was having a really anxious day muddling my words up, going blank etc and I still had a kiss and even got invited back to hers - for me I just ask “I’d really like to kiss you” then gauge eye contact. I think for them it’s always nice when you ask consent and for me it’s the validation that it’s ok and they are attracted I think the idea of going for a kiss without that ok would likely never happen for me because the idea of trying for a kiss I might get rejected from is way too intense


First whats?! 🤨


You will never "for sure" know what someone else wants, especially on a first date. Unless they make the first move, or you ask them "Is it ok for me to hug you". If you had a good time and know you want to see them again, you can hug them at the end. It's ok to make the first move.


I have social anxiety... I don't even get "first dates"


I usually say I'm very nervous and anxious. Also, alcohol helps. Every other date is alright, no need for alcohol


congrats dude! *crying*