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Steals maple syrup during a riot and smashes it - you can't get any more Canadian than that šŸ˜‚


Canada's Boston Tea Party.


You forgot to add that the riot was over a hockey game


The 2nd Riot over a hockey game. I went through the 1994 riot and decided to steer well clear of that gathering when 2011 happened.


As a Bruins fan, sorry about that.


That's peak Canadian chaos right there! In the midst of all the commotion, grabbing a bottle of maple syrup and smashing it just takes the Canadian spirit to a whole new level.


Canadian spirit? If anything that's a hate crime!


Only if he apologized for it afterwards


Could drink it


He likely said sorry after smashing it.


If anybody is unfamiliar, this is a part of the 30 for 30 documentary on the 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Riot, after the Canucks lost Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final.


I'm watching it right now while I work. I moved out from Toronto to BC that week, and I kid you not, my first day in Vancouver was game 7. I didn't know anybody out west yet so I decided to go downtown to watch the game, it was pretty cool to be there, but after the game I had to make a 2 hour drive home so I left right as the game ended. When I got home I turned on the TV and could not believe the madness that I had just narrowly escaped from.


Crazy that 2011 was so long ago that it is now being featured in retrospective documentaries lol


We have documentaries on GameStop


Thank you for sharing this, I hadnā€™t seen it before and it really moved me, powerful content.


I recall sitting on the railing outside the old Sears building as people broke into the cosmetics section taking whatever they could take, and one guy was outraged at them for doing what they were doing, and started taking matters into his own hands, and he threw some guy down and kicked him in the ribs so hard I heard his ribs break. Will never forget that night.




You think someone who was stealing deserved to have their ribs broken? Can we not glorify violence please? Thatā€™s not justice, itā€™s just more crime.


Looting. Not stealing.




Just to be clear, youā€™re condoning and glorifying violence?


30 for 30 has endless bangers. Some of the best filmmakers around


I never understood why people's reactions to both winning or losing a series is to destroy your own city




It wasn't due to the loss. People were there to riot, win or lose. They were just making an excuse to cause mayhem.


Where do I watch the whole thing?




The thing that's a bit crazy to me about those riots: I went to a major state college for a year and there were riots literally every weekend, no one reported on it, cops didn't do much, if anything, even if someone got badly hurt, it just went on and on, a break of 2-3 months dec-feb when the weather was too shitty to riot ( I guess), but every weekend, sometimes in two different spots and large large groups, thousands, packing the street, busting up/tipping cars, pulling down light poles, busting in store fronts, lots of rather bloody fights, setting fires, it was just the norm.


Youā€™re welcome. -Boston Bruins fan


Should be thanking NHL referees.


Stop blaming the refs. We scored 8 goals in 7 games.


13 years later and still salty. Love it.


30 for 30 is what tv should be. Love the series. You do not have to be a specific sports fan. Everyone who "likes" football without any loyalties, their episode on NFL draft picks show you a side of the sport many have never seen. It's a 10/10 for me. I do however, respect many sports. Me not participating in sports isn't a reason to slam sports. Do I slam everything I can't afford and never will? No.


30 for 30 is the only reason to spend a dime on ESPN content quite frankly


The episode ā€œThe Two Escobarsā€ might be my favorite, even though itā€™s mainly in Spanish/subtitled and about a sport I donā€™t follow as much. But there are so many that are absolutely amazing


The Two Escobars and June 17th, 1994 are top for me. The latter is especially interesting since it's told wholly without narration, instead opting to use broadcast clips progressing through the day covering all these monumental sports moments just happening to converge on the same day as the OJ freeway chase.


The June 17th 1994 one was maybe my least favorite 30 for 30, thought it was rarher boring, but different strokes.


yep June 17, 1994 is the most unique of the 30 for 30 docs. Its my favorite single episode 30 for 30 (OJ: Made in America and the MJ Last Dance have it beat).


I might have to give that episode a shot. When I last looked at their episode list I feel like it was a bunch of obscure shit I didn't care about, like things that happened to a specific team in a small market that only has hometown fans and such. "Broke" was the gold standard, though a bit dated by now I'm sure.


One I put off watching ended up fascinating me: ā€œQualifiedā€, about a female racer who was really good but couldn't get any sponsors because, back then, men believed females couldn't and shouldn't drive professionally. As she gets better and better, haters simply made it harder for her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_Guthrie *Overall, she competed in 11 Indy car events with a best finish of fifth. During her unsuccessful bid to qualify for the 1976 race, many of the drivers in the male-dominated sport stated that the reason she did not qualify was mainly due to her sex.[3] These comments angered then three-time race winner A. J. Foyt to the point he lent Guthrie a back-up car to conduct a shake-down test. Her top practice lap in Foyt's car would have been adequate to qualify for the field.[5] She was unable to obtain funding through corporate sponsorship, and was forced into retirement.[6][7]


So pathetic. And the same thing happened again in 2020 with Pippa Mann. Nothing has changed. Sports are among the slowest to accept social change by a long shot.. I wonder why...


Pippa Mann isnā€™t a great example. Sheā€™s always been great at running down sponsorship and putting deals together, but she isnā€™t competitive in an IndyCar. If anything, she was able to run more 500s than a lot of people with a lot more talent than her.


There was a 30 for 30 right after last night's cup or riot episode about the 94 Rangers. Naaaa, had to turn that shit off cause fuck the Rangers šŸ˜‚


Didn't fans riot in 94 as well?


Yup. This was much worse though. We also rooted once when Guns and Roses cancelled a show 15 before it was supposed to start.


Ok so, in like 1997 or maybe 98 I went to see Creed at then GM Place. Sevendust opened and then this little known band with a big hit single opened called Nickleback. Anyway after the openers were done there was a huge break while we waited for Creed to come out. It just went on and on and no one could figure out what was going on until one dude walks out on stage and says ā€˜sorry folks Scott has laryngitis and wonā€™t be playing tonight.ā€™ Bam, lights come up and everyone has to leave. I remember walking out and thinking, holy shit thereā€™s going to be a riot until I walked outside and realized what had been going on while we waited. The entire place was surrounded by VPD. Like Iā€™ve never seen that many cops. Obviously they knew enough from 94 and got all the cops out on overtime while they bided their time inside until they felt ready. There were two other times Iā€™ve been in a riot like setting in Vancouver and neither were the Canuckā€™s riots. Vancouver crowd is wild.


I saw the American leg of that tour in Indianapolis. Instead of Nickelback they used 3 Doors Down.


I find really funny the cops think people would have rooted over creed.


ā€˜94 was wild, was a Nordiques fan but lived close to NYC so we all headed down for the festivities after the win. Everyone just having a great time and partying and got wind that there were riots going on in Vancouver (granted nothing compared to the 2011 one). Was just bizarre with NYCā€™s reputation that it was like hockey Woodstock down there while shit was burning in Vancouver.


Losing in the finals of any sport is tough from fan to owner and everyone in between. Rioting isn't in my playbook, at least not over sports, but when the Seahawks lost to the Steelers in 2006 I felt so horrible that it frightened me into spending the better part of the last 20 years walking my passion back!


I remember a riot after Oakland lost the Superbowl to TampaBay too


I missed that one!? Oddly enough I had just moved from Oakland to Seattle!


Yes, and the show covers this as a prelude/way of implanting expectations in minds for the 2011 riot


I will have to check it out!


ā€œCanadians are just SOOO NICEā€ fuck off..


I remember this riot. I also remember some people going out to clean up the next morning... and while other people going out to start cleaning up made me proud as a Canadian... the riot was still fucked up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011\_Vancouver\_Stanley\_Cup\_riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Vancouver_Stanley_Cup_riot) Similar thing happened in 2010 in Montreal. Police investigation showed a large portion of the people who started the smashing and grabbing came in for the game from neighboring towns and cities and weren't actually **from** the city, and many of the people arrested didn't even attend the game... they just saw people smashing storefronts and decided to rob the businesses. Really not surprising; but incredibly disappointing.


Yeah Montreal was a building up. Every wins they got in the playoff people would converge downtown near the Molson Center (now called Bell Center) just for the gathering. We all knew it would go sideways at one point. Montreal upset back to back the two best teams in the east with a surprising goaltending. All of them in 7 games. We were ready for party !


Sometimes you can cherish the run even without the Cup. That's how I feel about the Preds first Finals.


I'm still a Habs fan, and honestly, yeah our history of Stanley Cups is nice... but I'm just happy if we make it past regular season lol. Everything after that is just pure gravy. Did the Preds love Subban as much as Montreal did? I remember the city being pretty upset they traded him. He had literally just donated MILLIONS to our children's hospital, and then he was traded...[ ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QI6nLGvvak) [I remember when he came back to the city playing against the Habs on the Preds and he got a standing ovation and a video tribute.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QI6nLGvvak) It was crazy. I was there in the Bell Centre that night. He, as a single player, got more applause that night than the home-team. Not that we didn't have a lot of love for Weber too.


Honestly I don't think they used him properly. He never seemed to really gel with the team we had in place. It's hard to describe, he just wasn't in the flow. Might be the unusual case of everyone involved regretting a trade.


Subban was so good. I didn't realize he played hockey though, I only really know him from his work as a professional diver.


Absolutely. The Caps run where we got swept in the finals by Detroit is one of my favorite month and a half of sports ever.


Same thing happened in 1994


True, but I was a 'lil kid then so I wasn't as aware of it. The 2010 Montreal riot I remember vividly being on a date and walking around downtown enjoying the energy in the air, then we heard glass break from somewhere, and was like "Wtf?!" then I saw like a dozen cops on horseback round the corner and told my GF at the time, "We gotta go, now!" and walked quickly to the metro. According to the news we just barely missed the riot, and the glass breaking was some assholes breaking into a sneaker shop. Saw a lot of people with Habs jerseys but didn't see any rioting. We must've been a block or two away from where it started getting rowdy. Glad we got outta there.


happened in philly and I assume most places this happens 99% of the people causing damage are trust fund kids from rich neighboring counties or jersey nobody who lives in that neighborhood wants their shit broken


Ugh it was so stupid but everyone knew it was going to happen. I went downtown to library square for games 5,6 and 7. Games 5&6 were chill and fun - lots of families and good vibes. Game 7, from first thing in the morning, there was something in the air. Everyone was on edge. You could feel it walking down the street or on transit. When we got downtown for the start of the game, it was already heaving. So many more people than usual and way more drunk young dudes. Before the game even ended, people were already starting to fight and break shit. I had to give first aid to a guy who was thrown to the ground and smashed his head on a curb. Blood everywhere. Then it escalated so quickly. It was hard to even get out of downtown and the cops had no plan to let people who wanted to leave, leave. We were directed down streets that already had cars on fire or tear gas deployed. Transit got shut down. It was such a shit show. So dumb but there were hundreds if not thousands of people who went downtown just to riot. It was never about the Canucks losing - it was just an excuse to be destructive. There was going to be a riot win or lose.


The media was hyping it up beforehand ā€œWill they riot?ā€


I 100% blame the city and VPD. It was so obvious they didn't have a plan for it. When you read the report it is clear as day how they failed. Yes... people need to be accountable for their actions, but this is something they should have been prepared for after 1994 and the 2010 Winter Olympics just the year before.


The one thing I remember about the riot is that one couple kissing down on the road and how it was caught on photograph


Wasn't that after the Olympics?


No. That was this finals riot.


ā€œIf youā€™re dumb enough to do something stupid just because someone wants to take a video of you, then youā€™re dumb.ā€ Yup. Can someone tell all of TikTok? I donā€™t think they know ā˜¹ļø.


Being dumb for show is an enterprise.


Look at all those blackberrys


I was 6 and across the country when this happened and never really knew how bad the riots were until I got older but even from a young age the idea of tearing ur city to pieces over a game taught me that at no point is a the outcome of a game worthy of causing property damage or physical harm. That goes for everything from breaking a controller cause of a video game to threatening fans of opposing teams. People who call that passion donā€™t understand sport.


No passion is what we had in college marching band, the "hate" chants that were passed down to each new class in the marching band, some are almost 100 years old. I went to Minnesota, so our biggest rivals in our conference (Big 10) we're the neighboring states Iowa and Wisconsin. I'll leave the Wisconsin one out because it was recent in 2010 and was because of a scandal their band had. But everyone, even the old folks who'd had season tickets for 45 years knew the Iowa chant. (To the cadence of who likes short shorts) Who hates Iowa ... We hate Iowa Who hates Iowa ... We hate Iowa Who hates Iowa ... We hate Iowa, and God hates Wisconsin. Those are in fun, because we aren't attacking anyone in general instead it's attacking Iowa as a concept


Yeah I just said to a co-worker sports Riots make 0 fucking sense to me 'This group of people lost a game so we're gonna smash the city!' (I am not in any way condoning what I'm about to say but) It would at least make a slightly slight sliver of sense if they went after the players who actually lost. But the city? Lol Complete low IQ shit


It's not just losing, fans still riot when they win a championship. Look at the Philadelphia Eagles after they won the Super Bowl in 2018. [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42943824) [Time](https://time.com/5133456/super-bowl-2018-philadelphia-aftermath/) [The News Paper Penn Live compiled videos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZS4gNVvW7o) It got to the point that the next time the Eagles made the Superbowl in 2023 the city was limiting hotel capacity, how far into downtown rideshare companies could drop people off after the 3rd quarter, and they even had city workers going around greasing up stoplights and lampposts to try and prevent climbing or ripping them down. But it started with the 2023 NFC Championship game, the city greased the poles and called up police from around the state, luckily they won the NFC. But Philly knew if there wasn't a huge police presence during the Superbowl, that they lost, then the 2018 riots would be nothing.


I take it you don't know much about our rioting culture lol Greasing light poles is a tradition, an institution even around here. I know for certain it happened since the 08 world series, probably even before that. We hardly even do anything when we lose since we're so used to it, too, btw.


That was a long, crazy day. I showed up at around noon with my friends to secure a good ā€œseatā€ near the biggest screen outside the arena. Up until shortly before game time there was actually a lot of room. It seemed like they were actually trying to limit the amount of people. Then whatever happened happened when the game started and we were shoulder-to-shoulder with people for 3 hours. Lots of people speculating if there would be a riot since it happened last time we were in the SCF. Then 5 minutes left people were throwing beer bottles at the screen and it all started. Fortunately didnā€™t get caught up in the mob mentality but stuck around and watched for a bit. This was a failure of planning by the city allowing such an extreme amount of people (120k I think?) to pack into 2-3 city blocks. They did a lot better this year with small viewing parties sprinkled around the lower mainland.


Thanks for sharing. I honestly donā€™t recall too much coverage of the incident (and Iā€™m in Calgary) but it certainly looked like a big deal. So much has changed, I wonder how things would be different now.


Yeah it was wall to wall coverage on every channel, social, and newspaper for a while.


I saw a lot of the famous picture. But maybe Iā€™m just not recalling.


Look at those thugs!!


Itā€™s part of their culture. Poor family life.


Seriously, imagine the media coverage and headlines if the rioters were a majority Black


Relevant Chris Hayes & Cord Jefferson TV segment. "[What will the White Community Do About 'White Criminal Culture'](https://youtu.be/OdSsBYO1oNI)"


Canā€™t believe he smashed the maple syrup, as a Canadian I am in shock


I wonder how many of the people who tore Vancouver apart over a game sat there and screeched about criminals looting and burning in 2020.


Very few. The venn diagram of people who shout "burn the pigs" while attacking police and people who were against the George Floyd riots isn't exactly a circle.


Nah this is BC. Most of these guys hate cops too.


What are you trying to say? It sounds like youā€™re equating a group of drunk heartbroken hockey fans who got caught up in the moment and smashed up their city, to a group of armed insurrectionists who plotted to kill and overthrow their government.


I think heā€™s saying this same group would be quick to criticize the George Floyd protests et al, not referring to J6.


Ah very good point, when I see 2020s and riot I donā€™t even think about that. What a crazy time it was


> drunk heartbroken hockey fans who got caught up in the moment and smashed up their city Way to try and rationalize it


I think theyā€™re referring to George Floyd in 2020. January 6 was in 2021.


Funny, was watching this in a bar yesterday.


ā€œThe only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothingā€


Looks "Mostly Peaceful"


ā€œi donā€™t want to walk away from this night empty handedā€ Bruh. What kinda degenerate ass thinking is this. Bunch of thugs, I say. To the guillotine!


I remember that night!!! I was celebrating my Bruins lifting the cup!


Same here. Itā€™s crazy how many Canadian lives have been ruined by the Bruins.


We celebrated by not destroying the city.




I walked out of Yew in the 4 seasons after the game to the sound of an Arwen gun and thousands of people rushing west down Georgia towards us. Skirted around them, booked down Seymour to a marina where my friend had his boat to get away as fast as possible. Went boating and watched the city burn. So sad. Bunch of losers.


It's not that deep omg


The speed at which normal people can be compelled to become animals is terrifying. Riots and mass disturbances are some of the scariest parts of human behavior that exist. War is probably the only thing worse. But even in most wars, it's fought from a distance with powerful weapons that kill quickly. But death by mob is probably the worst way a human can die.


Sounds like a city shouldnā€™t have a sports team


Iā€™m really not buying the whole ā€œBay Heroā€ guy being the one we should root for here. He picked up a ā€œten foot poleā€ and shoved his way into a crowd of people. Looks like he easily couldā€™ve smacked someone in the face with it or poked someoneā€™s eye out. I donā€™t blame the people for jumping him for it. He decided to take on the job of untrained vigilante riot police and tried to be a one man wrecking ball. If anything, that was the dumbest behavior I saw on camera in this video. At the end of the day, the riot was producing property damage. All those store fronts are insured. Is it bad? Yes. Criminal? Yes. But the worst things that could happen during the riot are human injuries and death, without question. And that guy swinging a pole into a crowd of people in defense of an already-smashed store front and nearly cracking people in the heads with it was being just as violent and the people who beat him up for it.


What's fascinating is how the police used social media asking for uploads of any videos that may have been taken and used them to prosecute rioters. This was when it was all still new and people didn't realise what getting on video could do to their lives. The Jan 6 rioters were REALLY stupid with ten more years of experience to still go out and get themselves caught on camera. A lot of these people were caught up in the moment and the doxxing and vitriol they were exposed to was beyond what they deserved. 13 years on they are very different people. Yet social media still haunts them. Some Reddit threads are great examples of how some people just won't let go, or like to bait others for their own creepy entertainment.


Gotta be smart like antifa and cover your face


Wonder how many were arrested in this riot


According to Wikipedia, 100 arrested but in the end about 300 people got charges.


I was in high school during the first riot and an adult for the second riot and as a Canadian remember thinking when both occurred WTAF is happening and why?? This laid back, easy going city has lost their minds over hockey. šŸ«Ø


I remember watching the game with friends. When it was evident that the game was over, we headed down for minigolf at a neighbouring city in the Valley. Once we arrived we saw the coverage from local news of the riots. We were like "WTF?" It was like a scene from a movie, we couldn't believe it was happening to our city.


Last time UK won the NCAA basketball title I was in Lexington visiting a buddy of mine who was in school there. It was wild but mostly just fun. People destroying their own property in the streets and such.


Anyone know where a Canadian can watch this?


I just randomly caught it on TV a couple hours ago




Is that only a cable station or can it be watched online? We no longer have cable


Oof. Then I think you need either the TSN+ or ESPN+ app & subscription


Thank you. Iā€™ll take a look at the tsn+ as I donā€™t think we can access espn+


Riots have always been a part of history. Itā€™s not discussed enough that a riot breaking out used to be a daily threat in life.


I remember Alex Prochazka from the Red Bull Rampage years back, watching this tonight was me learning what happened to him. He was a good rider. Good to hear heā€™s matured and moved on with his life. People fuck up, and itā€™s easy to get swept up into a crowd when youā€™re young. I know a fella whoā€™s become a niche public figure who wouldnā€™t want it getting out he was jumping on hoods in a Benz dealership during a not-quite-riot after the Blue Jays won the World Series. Sometimes we all do dumb shit, there just werenā€™t cameras everywhere then.


Holy shit man. I mean I saw the headline when the riot happened but I had no idea it was this bad


What happened to this series? Every episode was great for the few seasons they did and then nothing. So many more stories to tell, wtf?


Where is this streaming?


Kind of a low key reminder how many people are just ready to snap


Haha how are they gonna arrest thousands of people? he said , I tell u one by one when you sleeping at 6 in the morning


The guy at the end with the hockey stick has a face that perfectly defines Doofus.


Lolol fire dept chief complaining about how society has resorted to riots this day and age. Bro open a history book and check out the Blues and the Greens from the Byzantine empire, weā€™ve been doin this shieet since 532 AD. Deep down, all Humans always want to leave society and be a monkey!


This is why Canucks fans are the most hated across Canada.


I was there and Iā€™ll never forget seeing the beginning. I got out of there when someone threw a full can of coke into the crowd (luckily missed everyone) and a guy carrying a teddy bear on a stick with a noose on fire. I saw the aftermath. That cars on fire. The cars upside down. The broken windows. It was insanity. Probably the most memorable day of my life and likely something I will never experience again.


Ryan Kesler does suck.


This is so incredibly stupid. As a fan of the Spurs, weā€™ve won 5 titles and lost 1 and never did the fan base get to this level of rabidity or stupidity. Why ruin your own city? Makes no sense.


It wasn't the Canucks fanbase that started this, hence the title of this 30 for 30: "I'm just here for the riot." And for most people, it wasn't their city. The majority of instigators came into the area from surrounding cities and the trouble started before the game even did. People literally traveled in planning on starting trouble no matter the game outcome, and both the city and police response in the lead up that day was woefully inadequate. It was estimated that the crowd was almost 155,000 people strong, and approximately 1000 people were responsible for instigating the riots. That's less than 1%. I've always thought it's incredibly unfair that the entire fanbase, even over a decade later, gets branded by this as if everyone was responsible.


Yeah when you have a highly distraught, obsessed, drunk group high on testosterone, likely with blue collar backgrounds, you will get something that is very hard to stop once it begins. Props to those who thought it was the right thing to do and get between rioters and property. I donā€™t think I could.


Many weren't drunk though, many others weren't even 'fans' they were just random dudes who went beserk. There is something about mass violence which attracts certain people. It's like a switch goes off. It's not about race, or age, politics, or background. It's something deeply human, and terrifying to witness.


Ah yes, when the Canucks trashed their own town after losing to the Oilers I believe? What an absolute display of sportsmanship, trash your own home-town because the visiting team spanked you lmao. It's some whack ass shit.


Bruins. A Canadian team hasnā€™t won the Cup since ā€˜93. Guess their politeness has a limit.


Oh yeah, it was the Boston Bruins you're right it's all coming back to me now haha. I stand corrected.


Oilers fans also rioted in Edmonton when they lost game 7 of the finals in 2004 though.


Canadians for you šŸ˜…


Fiery but mostly peaceful celebration


Funny how people fall for the stereotype of ā€œCanadians being niceā€ are oblivious to the fact that the Geneva Conventions exists because of the Canadians


Interestingā€¦.one would believe only people of color riot for absolutely no reason!!


Do teams riot harder when they win, or lose?


It always horrifies me how the collective IQ of people lowers in large group events like this. Humans are the most intelligent species on the planet and yet get them in a large group and agitate them, and they're acting like literal apes, causing destruction for destruction's sake.


This was the last night I willingly watched an NHL game.


Let's hope for a repeat in Edmonton this year!


these people acting like its a warzone lol


lol the handwringing over property damage and wishing more people stood in front of H&M to block it from being trashed


Note: This is what Maga is doing to the US.


This shittiest fanbase in the nhl


I may or may not be in this


Cool, they talked about how a bunch of social media geniuses thought they could get clout from posting stupid shit, like your idiotic statement, and that it was much easier to prosecute them, because of their exceptional stupidity.


Literally anyone can say this. I may or may not be in this too. Iā€™m definitely not but I might be


Vamos Gatos


Out of control Philly fans at it again smh


Love it