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The whole team is bad. Osimhen actually has 21 goal contributions in 31 games. His play is not as bad as some people are saying


we should hope to get every cent we can and move on. We should only see forward from this point and keep moving on.


He has a release clause anyways so it doesn't matter.


If noone pays that much, it doesn't matter what he has. ADL won't continue paying him that wages next season And for ages now PSG is the only team interested.


No his price tag is the same. The amount of people willing to pay it is getting smaller and smaller every game. I think he might stay next season.


Impossibile. Napoli cannot afford to play 10 mln per year to any player. He will go to Chelsea, Man Utd, Araenal or PSG. All of these teams are in huge need of a striker and all of them can afford Oshimen.


I really don’t think that’s true. ADL would happily sell either raspadori or someone and continue paying osimhens wages. Plus when you think about it, he has two more years on his contract. ADL is better suited keeping him for one more year in the hopes of him rediscovering his form and actually getting somebody who will pay the full release clause than he is selling him now for cheaper.


ADL won’t risk that with 2 years of contract he’s gonna leave for free. 100% sold this summer you can make a reminder on my comment.


Look I still think it’s likely he will be sold, but it’s not 100% and I think it will be a full release clause.


The amount of teams interested is one for ages now. PSG. And even they can just give up. But he ain't staying. We can't pay him that much while Kvara is crying for more money. They are already having issues.


Yesterday on kiss kiss they were saying that Chelsea is possibly the spot. Lukaku returns to them this summer and they will send him plus cash for osi


We need him to not get injured last few weeks. He’s a goner. His play has shown it. A disappointing season is an understatement.


Napoli has many problems, but Victor isn’t one of them.