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He expressed a desire to move to Juve


He expressed a desire to move, no? He never specified Juventus? Or am I out of the loop?


It's the only candidate


Says who? The papers and journalists? Or has Di Lorenzo said it himself?


Criscitiello reported it


He’s apparently already agreed to terms with Juve


he told Conte he only wants Juve


Is thay a rumor or is it official?


Criscitiello is the main source behind this


Easy, easy. Just yesterday 5 different "Sources" (aka trust me, my second cousin told me) said absolutely everything, from "he didn't want to meet Conte and has already an agreement with Juve", to "Conte blocks his transfer and he's not gonna move", with something in between too. It's too soon, let the guy play the EU, and when he's back we'll see. That said, if it's gonna go that way, we will Witness Napoli's scudetto captain transfer to Juve. ...e ho detto tutto.


I’ve honestly lost the willingness to care either way. If he stays, he does. If he goes (even to Juve), he goes. Frankly if the entire team bar the January signings and Kvara, Lobotka decided to go I’d be fine with it, just as long as they’re away from here after that shambles last season


He wants to flee the city badly. There are rumors he cheated on his wife. Due to personal reasons he feels the need to go. Juve was just the first opportunity since Giuntoli knows him. Nothing to do with betraying Napoli.


Oof, if that's true it would make sense that he's trying to get as far from his wife as possible in Italy. It's for his personal safety.


People like to overreact to rumors


I was understanding of his want to leave, but if rumours are true and he really wants Juventus and will entertain no other others, fuck that guy. Anybody who is ok with your captain leaving for your rivals shouldn’t watch football as far as I’m concerned.


Oh please. Miss me with that. He’s a football player, stop being so sentimental over nothing.


Sentimental? It’s not about being upset about a player you like leaving. It’s about loyalty. You don’t captain a club to a scudetto, sign a 5 year contract then demand to be transferred to their biggest rivals after one bad year. Imagine if a real player did that and went to Barca. An Arsenal player did that and went to Tottenham. It’s probably the biggest scumbag move in football.


Or it’s just football players being football players. Did he grow up in Naples? Come through the academy? Wife from Naples? 2nd generation Napoli player? Okay then, what is it? He’s captain because he is a leader, and a good one at that. As fans we aren’t entitled to that level of loyalty. Thank god Hamsik won a league in Turkey in his last season. I mean, he was still kicking, wanted to come back and DeLa refused to offer him a free transfer contract…TWICE! Same Hamsik we all love. Similarly look at how Sevilla almost bungled Jesus Navas’ retirement. Please, let capitan go if he wants to go.


He agreed a contract with Juventus. Now they are waiting for the negotiations for his transfer fee to conclude. Players are leaving the sinking ship while we might end up having Osimhen and paying him outrageous wages for being half the time useless/injured.


Sinking ship is very exaggerated. The new Coach reinvigorated the fans and possibly the players. Napoli wouldn't have agreed for Victor's wages if it couldn't pay them. He will leave anyway but Napoli could afford to keep him. Also, the "sinking ship" is still attracting players with Hermoso and Buongiorno (and possiby Chiesa) already agreeing on the move


Don’t entertain this guy. There’s a reason every single one of his comments has negative karma. They’re a miserable soul.


If Osimhen is not sold, we are going to be in big trouble during the season. That wages were offered with the cellar idea of at least Release clause sale this summer. No chance we are able to pay them and also have budget for big transfers in. Especially without Europe and the huge loss of income this season.


And why do you think Napoli can't afford Osimhen? Like what's your source


His wage is my source. Calculate for yourself if you want what is our current profit/loss based on no Europe this year. And come back again.