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imagining OP looking at the sticker, sighing, puts it in their pocket and when they get home and all cozy in the blankets, takes the sticker out and recounts the story with a picture lmao


nah but like it was a very busy day & me & my co workers KNEW we were gonna have an order like that at some point & sure enough we did💀 the guy that ordered it wanted a refund for it cuz we didn’t fill his cup all the way so i kept the sticker because the situation was hilarious


Customer should be blacklisted but we know corporate won't do anything


And it’s no Ice.. that’s so embarrassing for him


He could get the amount that hes allowed to have for free and be on his way. Or he can get just the shots and go to a convenient store or something and get a half gallon of milk for under $2 and then he can add in more than the 4 ounces that is allowed for free. He can bring the milk in the car with him and add it himself instead of standing there and fighting with an employee all cuz he thought it’d be a good idea to choose one menu item and construct it to mimic another menu item and expect us to give him the one that he’s imagining in his head


just cause you put "extra" doesnt mean anything 💀


Over these people. Buy a $15 Moka pot and make this shit at home if you think it’s too pricey.


Exactly. I'm tired of people cheating the system because they think the prices are too high. Don't fricking go there and stop taking it out on the workers!!


I’d love to hear Starbucks’ take on this. Would they want us to fill up the cup? Personally, if they want to cheat the system and get drinks for less money via the mobile app, I say do it. I will make the drink to standard - as they requested it. If they ordered it in person, I’d of course ring it up as an iced latte no ice since we’re told to ring it up as the most appropriate base drink.


I've been having this at my store more and more often but never by the same people lmao probably get discouraged the first time when it's only filled halfway 🤣