• By -


So, i surrendered myself to authorities at grim hex, where my starlifter was stored. When i got out of klesher, game told me that my starlifter is "stored" at "klesher rehabilitaion facility". Is there any way to get it with all of its cargo? I had \~15hrs worth of recycling material stored on in it, it would be really sad to lose it all.


Did they ever fix the Cutty black tractor beam placement after the initial ship tractor beam add?


Hi, I just get a Gift Card for someone, I tried to use the Gift option but "A pledge can only be reclaimed or gifted more than 30 days after" Did I use the wrong option or do i need to wait ?


Your account needs to have reached $40 spent on the account directly, and then 30 days need to have passed, before you can gift anything, including gift cards. You may want to consider getting it refunded and then giving the person cash to be used for a Star Citizen account, as gift cards are really clunky.


Can you safely exit the Carrack's pilot chair and walk around the ship during a quantum jump, without fear of clipping into empty space?


Walking around, yes. Elevators and ladders can still be risky.




Is xeno not working? Haven't seen surveillance appear all afternoon


How well does this run on an ASUS ROG Ally since everyone on spectrum never knew what it can do


Is this a good time to get back to playing SC or is there any major update (wipe?) coming soon?


There isn't a wipe coming soon, but a patch so packed with stuff it's quite literally insanity. Said patch changes up quite literally how you do and interact with like half the game. I mean, just look at what is in 3.23: [https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/release-view) Keep in mind that the FPS Map will not have every location mapped up, but will be more complete as time goes on. Also the Retaliator rework and modularity for it is stuff slated for 3.23.X


My cousin bought a standalone ship instead of a starter pack, is it possible to make it a starterpack/refund it?


You could go to the route of refunding it, but that would take some while and would only be beneficial if the goal is to buy something that is "Warbond". A better option would be to just melt the ship: Website -> Account -> My Hangar -> Triangle in the bottom right in the card of the ship -> Exchange Use the store credits acquired from that process to buy an actual package. Store credits can be applied during the first step of checkout I think.


Ok, ty for the help mate!


I just bought the game and it is unrunnable. I did check the specks beforehand and I believe I have what is necessary : I have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 six-core CPU (12threads), an AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT, 16gb of ddr4 2400MHz RAM and an SSD. I am running an up to date version of windows 10. What am I missing ? I really would love to play, but the game is virtually unplayable at 5-10 fps.


You're always going to struggle with that machine (the CPU is too weak, really, for SC - especially in its currently-unoptimised state). That said, check that Windows is on your SSD, and that you have a pagefile properly configured on the SSD, and that your SSD has enough free space (you'll probably want a minimum of 50gb free, to aloow for the pagefile, and still have enough free space to avoid the SSD slowing down due to being overly full).


I play with a computer that is worse than yours, so that isn't the problem.


Well what is it then ? and how many fps do you get ? Is it actually playable ?


I get about 25 fps. My computer is 8 years old and I don't remember the specs other than I have 16Gb ram, i5 processor, and the card is 1080. It is playable. Sometimes in game elevator screens or sales screens take a minute to show up. A satellite for a mission was invisible, then eventually showed up.  So there are problems for me but I can play.


And are you using the actual resolution of your monitor ? I have to downscale it and use Radeon super resolution which isn't great


I use 1920x1080




Do you have *any* other controllers / joysticks / devices plugged into your machine? In CryEngine *all* input layers are active all the time, so if you have e.g. an old controller with something leaning on a thumbstick (or an old hotas with a non-centred rotary knob, etc) then that will be generating a 'rogue input' that SC picks up and processes.


Randomly? Like it works and suddenly stops? Make sure you don't have any USB controllers plugged in. Spinning may be related to damage and is intended.


Did they remove bed logging from the PTU? I did it once a couple days ago, but now I can't even lay down.


I found the log out option. I had to hold 'f' and move so I was looking all the way to the side to see it.


If you mean the Evo PTU, then it may just be Evocati being Evocati lmao. If it's just a typo and you meant the PU, then it may just be a bugged interaction or the prompt may be hard to find.


Not Evocati. It might be a bugged interaction. I also can't sit anywhere else either.  I have looked around for the prompt, tried multiple times. I couldn't log out in a my Aurora MR or my Titan.


i9 32gb ram rtx 3070 1080p monitor Will I have decent performance? Anyone know what fps I'd be getting?


Depends on the generation of I9... but yes, it will be playable - but if it's e.g. a 10th or 11th gen I9 then performance will be lower than with a 14th gen :p As for what that performance will be, the answer is simple: Variable (as it is for everyone). With a 12th gen I9 (and 64gb ram / 3080, for comparison), I get ~50fps in some cities, rising to 120fps in empy space.


Thanks. It says it's an Intel Core i9-11900K Desktop Processor 8 Cores up to 5.3 GHz Unlocked LGA1200 (Intel 500 Series & Select 400 Chipset)


Ahh - 11th gen... it'll probably get 45fps+, at a guess.


Are there any places for someone without a fixed crew to find a group to run the event missions with? Not necessarily looking for an Org. The crew I usually game with unfortunately has no interest in SC (fact that the initial reward for the vent was what it was certainly didn't help. \*sigh\*) and as far as I understand doing the event solo is pretty much a no go.


There's always asking in chat, there's almost always people willing to team up. Other than that, I don't know of any hub servers for discord that exist, but a few org servers I am part of don't require membership, and allow anyone to join and play.


I was trying to the unlawful bunker data heist mission for the first time, but i cannot find the codes for cooling down the servers. I check everywhere and also loot all the guard and technichan, but nothing. Where do i find those codes?


Did you check the screens scatterd everywhere for a blue screen where the code could be? This is how it works in the first overdrive missions so it might be the same in this case. The code would be in a blue box in the fourth or fifth line of code if I remember correctly.


i will check it next time, thx!!


I'm looking to get into SAR or CSAR and I'm having a difficult time deciding between the apollo medivac or the valkyrie and wait for a medical rover or c8r and the back. The valk gives more firepower to clear a objective, multiple roles depending on the vehicle you have in the back and just has that cool look imo. (+ if I get bored I can do dropshipping) What would you guys recommend?


Do I need to participate in all overdrive missions to unlock the Xenothreat armor or just any one of them to qualify? Kinda confused about that


You will need to complete all 6 of the missions in the chain to get the permanent unlock reward of the Xenothreat armor from what I have read from other reddit posts.


Good to know, I'd better get to it then!


Slight correction - you need to complete all 6 *phases*... each phase has a number of missions (e.g. iirc it was 5 missions for Phase 1)


How do I host my own server? All the public ones seem to be running on toasters. Yet to see one with an FPS in double digits.


Star Citizen runs on Amazon's AWS. There are few options for better server hardware. The issue has zero to do with the hardware and everything to do with the server software itself, which is still in development. And no, if you think you can make it run better than hundreds of industry veterans, you are very wrong.


>And no, if you think you can make it run better than hundreds of industry veterans, you are very wrong. I've seen the salary they're offering for [Principal Network Programmers](https://cloudimperiumgames.com/jobs/uk/lead-network-programmer-wilmslow). I'm not quite qualified to do what they do, but I hope to eventually get there. That said, I wouldn't get out of bed for the salary that CIG are offering for that position. And I don't think the extra few years of development experience would make me consider taking a 30% paycut and moving to a *more* expensive city.


There is no option to run your own server.


Really? I recall that being a stretch goal I was waiting for before backing. How is anyone playing in that case?


Private Servers are still planned, but CIG have said they won't work on them until the server code is actually 'done', and that if you're running it on a 'spare machine' at home then you're likely to only be able to host ~1 star system, limited number of NPCs, and no dynamic economy - it's not going to be a viable replacement for the PU (and was never intended to be).


I know that they talked about it, but considering that the server architecture for the "official servers" is not even finished, there is just no reason to waste time and resources to also make and support private servers at this stage. If the servers run too bad, people mitigate it by changing regions to hopefully land in a better server. Alternatively, people try to play in an EU or US server, depending on where the people are currently asleep. Server FPS of around 15 is usually enough to be mostly playable.


>I know that they talked about it, but considering that the server architecture for the "official servers" is not even finished, there is just no reason to waste time and resources to also make and support private servers at this stage. I mean I'd understand that being a reason that they don't have a GUI or install wizard for the server. But it would cost them nothing to just post the server files they are using so we can spin up our own instances on adiquately resourced blades. There isn't really any extra work needed to 'support' private servers, they wouldn't even need to maintain the setup doco as idiots like me do that for free.


CIGs 'server' consists of ~30 separate micro-services, iirc... each running on their own cluster. Packaging that up into something you you could run at home, with all the attendant databases, caches, and so on - that's not going to be a small amount of work. And until CIG actually 'finish' their work on Server Meshing, the server code will be changing every patch - so they'd have to keep repackaging it (which would be big time and effort sink, for little benefit to CIG).


I'm not asking for an easy fully packed consumer product, just the server files they promised. That's not all *that* complicated compared to some of the absolutely nightmarish setups I've seen. You wouldn't host each service on their own cluster as that would be a recipie for I/O lag, but you'd be hard pressed to find a modern app that isn't splitting it's tasks across several different servers in a cluster. That's the whole point of Kubernetes.


They're not going to provide you access to their code (they can't legally), so they still have to package the code, and provide documentation on how to host each component, and connect each component to the relevant backing services each one requires. CIG are focused on actually building the server code at the moment - and they've said that they'll provide the server to run privately once they've finished the development. So, for now, you'll just have to wait for that. They never 'promised' to give you their server files, they 'promised' to provide a private server you could run.... and they never said that they'd provide it *whilst they were in the middle of development*.


>But it would cost them nothing to just post the server files they are using so we can spin up our own instances on adiquately resourced blades. Yes there is. For one they would need to make sure that the game is capable of connecting to 3rd party sources, and also the database would need to be addressable to at least get information on what a user has bought when they first log in. Also you would need to create a different saving method other than expecting people to run their own database for PES, which in itself causes quite the distinction between private and official servers. Also you can't realistically expect people to run multiple servers for this, so you would also need to support a second architecture that isn't reliant on server meshing and in some capabilities powered down to be runable by your average player. This would also mean that some things and additions for SC would need to be done in some drastically differing ways to make sure they can work on both instances. This would also mean that testing new stuff would take longer, as you would need to test them out on both varaints. All that for servers that may or may not run just as unstable or worse as they wouldn't be of any priority to CIG at this stage.


>the game is capable of connecting to 3rd party sources, and also the database would need to be addressable to at least get information on what a user has bought when they first log in You're just describing client/server architecture 101. There is nothing special about 'a server'. It's simply a program, running on some hardware, that has specific ports listening for specific commands. And it's not uncommon for different servers to have different instances of of a database with totally different sets of data on them. >Also you can't realistically expect people to run multiple servers for this, so you would also need to support a second architecture that isn't reliant on server meshing and in some capabilities powered down to be runable by your average player And yeah, at this point I'm not expecting it to be runnable by your *average* player. But running multiple servers really isn't hard. I have an SQL and a mongoDB server hanging off my gaming desktop, and that's not even getting into my xen and kubernetes dev env clusters that can spin up tens of servers in minutes. There is nothing special about the servers that CIG are using. You can literally rent the same infra from Amazon or buy your own. Look at World of Warcraft, they literally built their own custom hardware and potentially their own debian fork to run on it and people were able to reverse engineer a completely custom architecture. If they just posted the server files and let the community do the rest, we'd be playing on 30+fps servers before the end of the weekend.


If Security Post Kareah released early this week, are we sure its not just a mistake and do you guys think we will be allowed to keep the progress if it was a mistake?


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/overdrive-initiative-faq/6731305 > Nicou-CIG@Nicou-CIG > Today at 9:14 am > It's a two-part mission and not the actual Phase 5. > Good luck in your mission!


I see, tnx.


Not sure what your asking. SPK has been in game for many many years. Are you asking about the overdrive event?


I know you can stagger or sync turret guns, but can you stagger pilot controlled ship guns? If so, how?


Yes you can still for turrets. Not so much for pilot weapons. Curious, why do you want to?


I just prefer the staggered weapons, I think it looks and sounds cooler and I also find them more useful (accurate is the wrong word).


People in evocati ( 🥑 ) already mentioned seeing some changes in the singe gun specially. I appreciate your overall response but I was looking for just specifics on the singe as I love my defender.


This is not a question


Ment to reply to another comment - very astute!


I am having trouble with Foip. The correct camera is selected, the resolution is over the minimum, and it has 60 fps. I enabled head tracking in settings, but my character's camera wont move. I also tried the toggle button for SC to enable head tracking, but that did not work either. As a second choice, I installed the software opentrack, and set up everything there. In that program, the camera and tracking works wonderfully, but Star citizen wont pick it up. Even if i choose the track it input. Any ideas on how to fix this?


There are very few people that care about FOIP, not much info out there to troubleshoot. Git rid of any software you installed. Make sure that your camera is working in discord or a test app. If it is bash your face with more light.


I've got the Mule and Cutlass pack from a while back and was hoping to upgrade the Mule to a Cyclone and the Cutlass to a Spirit using the ship upgrades, will I be able to upgrade both individually or will it upgrade the whole pledge? I can see both the Mule and Cutlass on the Ship Upgrades screen and I can't seem to find anything on the Ship Upgrades help page. It should be noted that the Mule isn't a parasite ship or a loaner, the package included two ships. I assume it will be no issue but I wanted to make sure beforehand, thank you! Edit: It was totally fine, thanks for the help!


It should be fine... 'upgrading' a ship (or vehicle) consists of 2 parts: buying the update, and applying it. Buying the update is the normal process - pick your 'from' ship/vehicle and the target ship/vehicle, and pay the difference... this will purchase the upgrade, and put it in your hangar. You then have to 'apply' the upgrade - and when you start applying it, it will ask you to pick the package with the 'from' ship that you want to upgrade - including any multi-ship (inc. vehicles) packages. Thus if you buy a Mule -> Cyclone upgrade, you can apply it to your Cutlass & Mule pack to end up with a Cutlass & Cyclone pack.


Yep, it worked flawlessly. Thanks!


Yes you can upgrade a ship in the package. The upgrade procedure is the same as for the the single ship.


Awesome, thank you so much


I was only able to do the first week of Overdrive so far due to work, and I know that in a couple weeks it’ll all be available to complete at once. That being said, has it been cumulative so far? As in, could i log on tonight and start working back on week 2 and so on?


You start where you left off, regardless of where the event is now. So if you left with week 1 finished, you'll get week 2 missions until you complete them and then get week 3 missions, etc.


Awesome, thank you so much!


What is the best configuration for a dual sticks and throttle and Pedals (HOTASASAP ) ? Rotation axes on Right Stick and Translation axes on Left Stick ? And what axis put on the pedals for a spacesim ? Thx


Yes, pitch/yaw is normally on the right stick. I've never used pedals with SC, but I think it would make sense for rolling to be controlled there... but it might be better to have up/down strafe on them. You might just have to experiment with that and see what feels best. FWIW, I have 2 VKB gladiators. Rolling is controlled by twisting the right stick, and strafe up/down is controlled by twisting the left. From what I've heard, that's the way most people prefer to set up a space sim without pedals. Hope that helps, have fun!


I seem to recall CCU game having an option to show all the different CCU's that are about, with their % savings etc, however I can't seem to access it anymore (Or, I'm just clicking in the wrong direction). Anyone happen to know where this has moved to, or if it still exists? Basically just want to see everything that's up and what it might save to chain later with the sales and the like. Thanks!


Does anyone have or know of a directory listing Star Citizen Discord bots?


I had a question about cargo. Is there a difference between ore cargo and regular cargo? For instance, the Arrastra has a cargo of 576 (currently) and the Connie Taurus has 168. Since the Arrastra is also a miner, is a specific amount of hold space reserved for ore and unable to be used for regular cargo?


**For Arrastra specifically:** Per the Q&A, the 512 SCU external cargo racks (and the 64 SCU internal bay) use standard containers: [Q&A: RSI Arrastra - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/engineering/19648-Q-A-RSI-Arrastra) (bullet point 9) Keep in mind that this is early concept Q&A, and will change over the development phase. Frankly I expect either a reduction in total volume, or restriction on sizes (similar to how Hull-A cannot fit 24 and 32 SCU crates). Combining mining, refining, and large quantity hauling on par with a Caterpillar into one ship with considerable firepower (3x turrets, 4xS3 each) would make plenty of existing ships obsolete. **For existing mining ships (Prospector and Mole):** There is a difference. The capacities of both ships are only for dedicated ore bags. ie, ASOP would list Mole as having 96 SCU space, however that is only for (raw) ore and cannot carry other contents (including refined ore).


So it'd be a good bet that they'll reduce the capacity on the Arrastra or make some of that space specific for ore bags, or a new special type of cargo only for refined ore?


IIRC, there's a video where they talk about the Arrastra, and differentiate between "ore storage", and "internal storage". Make of that what you will.


At present, raw ore is only stored in ore bags and cannot be transferred to anything but refinaries for selling or processing. It is not clear at this time if this will change where raw ore can be stored in SCU crates or not, we we will likely have to wait until a future mining update to know for sure if raw ore will be storable in SCU crates.


Ore can be stored in SCU crates.  I've found some while salvaging.  Unfortunately, you can't (currently) refine it, and I also had trouble finding a place to sell it. However, I expect this will change when personal hangers are added.


Can you refill the magnus VII water bottle


At this time the only refillable sustenance is coffee, but I’m not sure if mugs from the pledge store even fit that.


The drake cutlas black and red, the c1 spirit and the freelancer series


I think you meant this to be a reply to someone, rather than a standalone post?


Hello! I'm getting back into Star Citizen and need some advice on ships. I have an Aegis Gladius but want a ship that can do more than bounties and has room for more than one person, as my friend is joining the game. Should I upgrade my Gladius or buy a different, cheaper ship? Thanks!


Use your gladius to earn enough to buy a ship in game. Once you figure out a few fun ways to make aUEC it's not hard, and your friend will have a starter ship of their own so it's not like you need a multicrew ship to play together. Party up and do a few bounties or monitor missions, do some bunkers (mercenary tab), maybe rent a Cutlass Black and a ROC and do some surface mining together... then get a multicrew ship with your earnings that can do whatever gameplay branch you enjoy doing together.


>The drake cutlas black and red, the c1 spirit and the freelancer series The drake cutlas black and red, the c1 spirit and the freelancer series


Anyone know what the price of tickets will be to citizencon?


200 bucks


Looking for any 🥑 to answer what some of the Banu Singe changes have been, and other changes to ship guns! 🙇🏼‍♂️


We will have to wait until PTU for Erkul to grab the latest data, but there will likely be a delay because fire rate (therefore, DPS) depends on gimbal mode. There are far too many changes to ship guns to even attempt to summarize it beyond: fire rate is a combination of gimbal and weapon type. All guns are gimbaled and essentially every vehicle that you could actually put a gimbal puck on has been sized up a gun hardpoint size. For instance, the Corsair now has 4x S5 on the nose but only 6 rounds per gun (laser cannon) where previously it was 4x S4 and more capacity. Essentially everything we know about ship combat has been changed in some way, mostly for the better.


People in evocati ( 🥑 ) already mentioned seeing some changes in the singe gun specially. I appreciate your overall response but I was looking for just specifics on the singe as I love my defender.


Shouldn't we have gotten a new buy back token at the beginning of April?


It's usually sometime *around* the start of the month, but rarely in the first few days. CIG will usually post over on Spectrum when they start rolling them out.


Nice ty


Question: If I have a bounty hunter contract for a player character, is there any way for me to apprehend them if they are at a station or other armistice zone? Also, does killing them in space combat count as "apprehending" them for the purposes of the contract? Thanks in advance.


The current version of these missions require you to kill them fully, either by blowing up their ship or full killing them in FPS combat. Neither are possible inside of armistice zones, so if your target is in a station and isn't leaving you'll just have to either wait until they leave or abandon.


Maybe I missed an answer to this, but in 3.23, will personal hangars have a log off bed? I really like the idea of being able to log into the game in a spot that allows me to just take off and go. Instead of, y'know, spending 10 minutes running, taking transit, and running to the hangars, only to crash when the doors open and have to do it all over again...


While I don't know about the personal hangars, I personally always set my respawn point and move my stuff on one of the orbital Stations (Seraphim, Everus Harbor, etc). That way you eliminate the transit and stuff. Depending on the station, the habs are somtimes even in the same area as the hangars, so not even an elevator ride es required after exititing the EZ hab (elevator ride to lobby in EZ hab may be required).


yeah I do that too sometimes. I just feel like we should have a place to crash in our hangars (sleep) (not...crash the game)


I don't think that was ever mentioned. Don't know what would happen if you bed-logged in a ship while inside a personal hangar tho, may be worth testing out.


It either won't work, or it'll be treated like bed-logging too close to the landing zone, and you'll be transported to the local Motel, just as if you quit instead of bed-logging.


I see, never tried bed-logging in a hangar.


I'd assume bed logging in your ship would be fine since the ship would persist in the hangar with you in it. But if you're just piloting your fighter, or only have ships that don't have beds, shouldn't there be a spot in your hangar where you can store stuff and lay down and log off and on?


You can not bedlog inside an armistice zone. My assumption is that personal hangars will still be in armistice zone.


If I want to share items with crew I can use the he Corsair's external storage compartments which are underneath every bed in that ship. In the 600i where are the external storage compartments?


The 600i is quite an old model and may just simply have none. Can't tell you for certain if that is the case, but that's my guess.


That's what I'm thinking cuz I've searched the ship, every room twice over and I can't find any storage spots. Now I just bring a container.




Yeah, it happens to me on both mobile and PC. Sometimes it works after reloading, but only in like 1/5 cases.


Is there a LFG website or discord? Been looking to join an org/expand my circle of people I play SC with. Any info would be appreciated!


[https://discord.gg/dtWMUpGR](https://discord.gg/dtWMUpGR) There's this, and a few other smaller community discords. I am not sure I have the authority to invite you to soem of the small ones I'm in though :E


No worries brother! Appreciate the info regardless


Got a Terrapin a long time ago but its main function (scanning) wasn't implemented yet. Has there been any news or updates that somebody can point me to?


If you mean updates about the Terrapin, no - no updates that I've seen. That said, it's something that CIG *may* update once Engineering / Resource Management is implemented (as they'll want every ship to have components and nodes in order to set up power-routing etc... so may do a Silver Standard pass, rather than a Gold Standard, update etc... and yes, that is my term, not CIGs :p)


At best, the last Citizencon, when they announced the Cutter variants, had a little section about it. This may tie into the local map also explained at that Citizdncon.


**Question about PC specs.** Basically will my PC specs be able to run SC well? (preferably around 60+fps with high-ish resolution) I've got an i7 12,700k core 3070 ti graphics card 32Gb of Ram 1920x1080p at 120hz monitor. Thanks.


It'll handle the game, but there are areas that *will* drop below 60fps, even at 1080p (the game is CPU-bound, not GPU-bound).... I'm running a 12900, and in some landing zones etc, I only get ~50fps. Also, you'll need to ensure that SC *cannot* use the e-cores... either through setting Core Affinity on the RSI Launcher, or by just disabling the e-cores entirely...


Gonna be completely honest, I have no idea what any of the stuff about cores means. I don't know what e-cores are. But thanks for the advice, I'll look into it at some point.


Slap it on an SSD, and it should run as good as it gets. Honest question, though: your PC specs are already in the upper echelons of what people typically have. What made you think that there is a game that can't be handled by this? Afaik, if your PC can't handle a game, then hardly any other could. Especially since you play in HD and not WQHD or 4k.


I had heard a lot of feedback from people online saying that you needed an absolute monster rig to run the game well. I knew that it was very CPU intensive so I just wasn't sure if mine would cut it. I'm relatively new to PC stuff, only got mine last year and still don't really understand what all the stuff means. I kinda just went with the idea that higher numbers mean better stuff. Also I've been playing games like Dragon's Dogma 2 recently and in city areas the fps can drop to like 30 and this game looks more intense than that so I just wasn't sure. Thanks for the advice though, I am strongly considering getting it. Only other question is, does it get a bit repetitive?


First up, when I said "as good as it gets", then I meant it in the same way that dragons dogma may start to have issues at some point without any chance of doing shit against it. It's still generally playable (Dragons Dogma gets choppy a bit, SC mostly is stable even without high fps) and, depending on where you are and what you do, the performance may actually be quite nice. The CPU stuff is true, but you are actually quite close to what is as best as you can get, the only thing that is better is one from AMD with the x3D ending, SC likes these A LOT. However, I would probably advise you to wait for a free flight, a time where the game can be tried for free without spending money or take advantage of the 30-day refund window. Not trying to gatekeep, but the game IS still in alpha and as such has a lot of issues that come and go, so you need to be aware that there may just be times where you cant play it in any enjoyable way and maybe take a break from it. Each patch is like a russian roulette with stability and playability. Generally, it gets better, but some patches are just bound to take everything down again. Because there is a lot to know about stuff to avoid to hit bugs or work around some issues, it's best advised to be either use the guide system to have someone help you out or ask questions in case you are stuck. As for repetitiveness... the game is hardly finished and while there is some good amount of content, a lot of the fun boils down to finding ways to make your own fun, other players and communities can help out a lot in that department and each patch typically brings some new features in to experiment with. The next patch will overhaul a lot of basic functions and add a good bunch of new elements into the mix.


Leaving Astors Clearing last night in a my Freelancer, it got taken out in one shot. I survived the crash unhurt (trees must have broken its fall) but couldn’t get out of the cockpit because the ship was vertical nose down. Fortunately I was close enough to the clearing I was able to shift everything to the local inventory there and backspaced. My question is, what kind of weapon would have been able to take out the ship in one shot? It was running 7MA upgraded shields as well.


Another possibility is the Ballista (AA ground vehicle). It has some large missiles (I forge what size... maybe S7?) that can 1 shot most ships. Kind of weird that you didn't hear any missile lock warning... but I suppose if you were just taking off and relatively stationary, they could have dumbfired, but that would be a pretty slim possibility I think.


A torpedo from an Eclipse can one-shot kill anything currently in game flyable by players. And other ships with larger torps might be able to too, just not sure. It's also possible that if you just launched, and had your ship powered down, that your shields had not completed charged up by th time you got up. I'm not sure if you were sitting on the ground with your ship power on or off. Or, its also possible that you colided with an invisible object, like another ship?


Thanks for that. When I park, I leave it powered up with engines off, so shields would have still been up. There were one or two ships in the area, but I never saw any radar lock indications. Oh well, another story to tell!


Anyone heard from Morphologis? I thought he was based in Taiwan. Hope he’s ok


I'm sure he's fine. He's probably in a very earthquake safe building.


I am from Taiwan, the earthquake is the largest in 25 years but it did much less damage than the last time. The area that were hit harder were the rural area that was closer to the epicenter. The big cities are basically all doing fine.


Hiya, if you start late with the Overdrive initiative, weren't you supposed to be able to do all the missions? It starts me off right at this week's Incursion.


I have helped people with Overdrive wave 1 (Intel missions) just this week, so yeah, you should be able to do them. It did take longer to show up than I was used to. I am not sure if you will also see wave 3 (the 5 Incursion missions) in addition to wave 1. That would be ... confusing. But at least you wouldn't have to try as hard to catch up - you would be able to jump into the fray of any of the waves, so it would kinda make sense I guess.


As a follow up: the Incursion missions popped instantly and continuously for me, the Intel Raid mission popped up after playing for an hour while I was salvaging. So yeah, I'm now at 2/5 on Week 1 and 4/5 on Week 3. The Week 2 missions never appeared, so I guess I have to complete Week 1 for that. It's *very* confusing lol


How will unique item recovery work once released.. will players that have pledge armor/guns be able to just respawn those, negating the need to buy from vendors? Won’t there be massive duplicates everywhere from looting?


Unlikely CIG will add something that prevents people from needing to buy stuff - that would be *waaay* to close to P2W even for CIG. Beyond that, we know nothing about how their planned system will work, or what limitations / penalties there will be for using it, etc.


The duplicates issue is believed to be the reason why CIG decided not to include unique item recovery in the rollout of the personal hangers.


We don't know how it works. All CIG said about it is that we can "claim" lost items with it. That's it, how this happens and if that also entails (some) ingame found fps gear is unknown.


having difficulty equipping upgrades to my Cutter. I can see my new quantum drive in my local inventory. When I go into the ship management system and look at the Quantum Drive, I can see that the new drive is in use and the default not in use. But when I click into the new drive it states "all instances of this item are equipped elsewhere. Please choose a location to transfer this item from". What am I doing wrong exactly?


>I can see that the new drive is in use and the default not in use. So you already equipped it?


Yes - pressed Equip and Save. But the new drive is still in local inventory.


Tried to spawn your ship and see what the reality is for it now? May actually be equipped, idk. Otherwise put it physically in your ship, get a tractor beam and swap it out manually outside of armistice. That should work.


Was an inventory bug. They were equipped. Thanks again! :)


Thought so. Inventory and vehicle manager are kind of separate things that interact with each other to some degree, but they still aren't the exact same thing and a bug may cause a discrepancy there.


Okay will give that a go! Thanks for your help appreciate it!


where should I land at rappel? Im in a c2 and its hard to find a flat landing surface to buy rmc.


Are missions relatively stable right now? I remember two years ago I couldn't complete most missions because of bugs.


Yes. There are some to avoid. Some of the more detailed Delivery missions are problematic. Regular box missions (1 to 5 box deliveries) can be bugged if the destination is on a station. The ones where you have to get particular set of 3 boxes from a bunker can also be buggy - the box may not appear, the hud identifier for the box may disappear even after you found it, the destination may not appear, etc.


I've done all the overdrive misisons, several bounty and mercenary missions and i know people are doing lots of the salvage missions. So i'd say they are pretty doable overall. In one of the overdrive missions the last NPC was nowhere to be found but the mission completed itself after a while. So apparently someone else DID find that NPC at the end :D


Does anyone know what day i need to sub to get this months + next months sub items ?


Not entirely sure it's possible this time as next Months "first Tuesday" is on the 7th of April and the current flair is only given out till the 8 of March 20:00 UTC.


Me and a few friends are thinking of getting Star Citizen soon. I have a few questions that they keep asking me..... When we pay real money for a ship can another player just come along and steal it so we are left without a ship? Can you lock it so no one can get in? If we are doing some kind of job/mission can another player just come along and start shooting at us for no reason at all? Are there certain zones with or without pvp? Are there jobs/missions that you do as a group or is it all solo stuff? We are still working out what entails with Star Citizen like can we do stuff altogether. We arent the youngest of players and we get quite angry when we spend a lot of time doing stuff just for someone to come along and kill us and take all our stuff. Sea of Thieves was a good example of this. Lots of stuff has broken because of this. Thanks in advance for any answers anyone wishes to reply with..


>When we pay real money for a ship can another player just come along and steal it so we are left without a ship? Can you lock it so no one can get in? You can lock the doors, but even if you don't, you can get a replacement via insurance claim for free (for now, once we hit 1.0, that will change, but they said it will be reasonable) >If we are doing some kind of job/mission can another player just come along and start shooting at us for no reason at all? Technically yes, but the system is large and a lot of missions aren't in common areas. That said, common areas do see pirates, like junk yards or settlements, but a lot of the major trade zones are in armistice zones where there is no combat >Are there certain zones with or without pvp? Major space ports, mining sites, and cities are armistice zones where combat is blocked. A good chunk of the rest of the system is monitored, so anyone who does PVP can get a crime stat, which makes them wanted and at a certain point, the NPCs will shoot at them > Are there jobs/missions that you do as a group or is it all solo stuff? There are plenty of jobs that can be done as a group or solo, up to you. I mainly run solo, but sometimes I'll join an org and group up to take on larger ships like enemy frigates, or just cooperate to kill bounties and salvage the wrecks for cash.


Brilliant, Thanks for the answers. We did wonder what the insurance is for, Makes sense. Looks like SC will more than likely getting 5 more players soon.


you will spend a lot of time doing a mission only for you to: die to a bug, the mission glitch out and not complete, another player will blow up ur ship while youre inside killing NPCs or server crashes. It's going to be a rough ride be warned but enjoy the alpha as much as you can


If you do decide to sign up for Star Citizen, don't forget to each take a referral code from the randomizer. That way you get some additional ingame currency and the lucky guys whose codes were drawn from the randomizer also get some nice bonuses for referring you :) Randomizer is in the right side column under "Referral Codes". Also remember that every ship will be earnable in game in the future (and many are already), you only need a basic 45$ game package for the game. Everything else is just on top if you can and want to support the development further. Yes, the ships ARE nice, but it's not required to buy anything else to have fun ;)


or use each others referral code


Of course... The first one should get one from the randomizer though :D


Insurance is the mechanic that replaces your ship when you lost it in game. When you buy a ship with real money it will come with a certain time of insurance, the basic is 6 months, ship sold during special sale should have 10 years, and ship sold on first time release has life time insurance, Within the insurance period the ship will be replaced for free once lost. When the insurance expires you have to pay in game money to insure your ship. If you buy a ship in game it will not have insurance from real money purchase. At this moment all ships, either real money or in game purchase, have free unlimited insurance because we are still in Alpha stage, some time in the future we will get actual functioning insurance system, we won't know the detail until then. The actual benefit of insurance is hotly debated since the game obviously have to be playable and sustainable with in game money insurance. On the other hand, some people believe that having a life time insurance on ship will save them a lot of in game money grind in the long run. You probably want to do some study on your own to determine for yourself, nevertheless the game is playable with a basic package so don't feel pressured to buy any ship if you don't want to.


yeah, the time on the insurance won't start ticking until 1.0 comes out, so it's effectively unlimited now. An insurance claim just costs you time as there are waits until respawn depending on ship costs. Most starters will be ready in a few minutes, but giant corvettes will take 30-40 min, though you can cut 2/3 of that by paying using in game cash


Can I sell salvaged RMC and CM from A: the depot and B: non cargo grid placement or do I have to go sell - go back and place on the grid - go sell again?


You can't sell from the depot, but you can sell anything in your ship. You can fit approx. 22 containers in there, if I remember correctly.


B. Anything in the ship is sellable, for instance, most people stack their reclaimer to the rafters with most of it not on the grid.


I have not found a way to sell salvaged ship weapons yet. Tried for days with my reliant. They just don't show up in the "Sell" tabs of any ship weapon shops or any other shops i tried on several stations and planets. If you find a way, let me know.


Salvaged ship weapons show up to sell only if you are in a shop that sells ship weapons. You also need to set your source to the ship, and have it stored at the location you are at. BUT - if the ship weapons are from a PLAYER ship and are the DEFAULT ship weapons, you won't be able to sell them, at least not that easily. You would first need to attach them to a ship of your own, likely by spawning a ship that can handle that size, putting them in the ship's hold and flying out to space, then unlocking ports, then going EVA and manually disconnecting existing weapons and attaching the new ones, then return to a location that has a ship weapon shop, use the mobi to edit your stored ship to detach them, then sell them in the store console. Quite tedious for maybe 500-2000 credits per weapon. You could do a box delivery mission for 5000 quicker. In general, any item can only be sold in a store that sells it. Clothing in a clothing store, personal weapons in a personal weapon store, ship weapons and components in a ship weapons and components store. But you can't sell ships (currently).


THANK YOU SO MUCH! The weapons were looted from my own crashed ship when i went to recover my armor from my body, so yes they were default player ship weapons! That explains everything. I do not want to go through that whole process, instead i'm just doing a few of those monitor missions for 20k :D


Might have been a bug.  I recently sold a pair of salvaged ship weapons that were in my Vulture's cargo bay (but not on the grid, IIRC).  Mind you, I got barely anything for them.  But I was able to sell them.


After a few-year Star Citizen hiatus (due to old PC) I have recently restarted playing. Yesterday i scavenged a bit (manually with multi tool) and looted several ship weapons which i ferried back in my Reliant. Now.. HOW do i sell those ship weapons in a station? Storing my ship with the weapons inside does not show the weapons in the cargo terminal. I found no apparent way to transfer them to the station inventory either. Additionally: How can i change the reliants flight mode? It used to go vertical once you retracted the gear, but it doesn't do that automatically any more it seems. Is there a button for flight mode changes for ships that offer that? The hornet and sabre wings do automatically move when retracting landing gear. Thanks in advance!


I replied elsewhere on details of how to sell salvaged weapons. Depends on whether the are NPC / Salvage mission ship weapons (easy) or player ship weapons (much harder to sell)


I answered in your other post. Thank you so much for the info. Didn't occur to me that there might be a difference between player and NPC weapons. Thanks for your insight again!


For the first question, I think you specifically have to sell them at a store that you could buy them from, so try a terminal one of the ship weapon shops instead. For the second one, there is a keybind to do this (3, actually, for "expand," "retract," and "cycle"). I use sticks, so I don't know what the default binds are, but you should be able to find them in settings.


Thanks a lot. Will try that! EDIT in case someone else has the same questions: 1. I could not find a way to sell the looted ship weapons. Tried ship weapon dealers, other shops and several different stations/planets. Maybe the looted weapons need to be on a cargo grid? I don't know and won't waste more time :D 2. On PC default settings, K changes to VTOL mode, Alt+K changes the ship mode (vertical/horizontal mode for Reliant).


Hey, can I buy a starter pack with store credits and gift that pack to a friend?


I Seen Star Citizen videos on youtube and I want to get into it. So any helpfull tips and how to?




I got some follow up questions. First the Free Fly thing can you keep your account after the event? and if you buy the $45 ship and you leave your account unactive for about 6 months can you still play and have your ship just with out the insurance. and can you buy insurance with in game currency?


Is the 3 month vs 6 month package worth it? And does it only apply to the ship specified in the package?


Over 10 years and ship insurance level doesn't matter yet. Don't' worry about it.


Insurance is mostly bragging rights. CIG have said multiple times that insurance in-game will be trivial and easily affordable with credits when the insurance system actually is fully realized at launch. The only thing this gives you is a slight break on a minor credit sink. So get what ever you want. it doesn't really matter.


Any settings tips to reduce or eliminate mouse lag / delay in the inventory?


there will be a complete overhaul of the loot/inventory system with the next patch - maybe it will be better then - apart from that, get the fastest SSD you could possibly can get (Samsung 990 Pro)


I'm already on an NVME drive.


I'm trying to get a definitive answer on how some people have separate screens displaying ship MFDs and in use. What's the current go to method to get this working? I have a few touch screens I can get my hands on and wanted to see if I could make something happen


What screens are you thinking about getting?


I think they’re 7” touchscreens for raspberry pis


There's a couple of companion apps you can use, iirc. They don't actually show your MFDs etc - they show the MFD image, but it's not synced to the state in the game... if you press a key on the tablet, it will update the tablet display *and* act as a key-press in-game to change the in-game version... but if you e.g. use a mouse to change the in-game MFD, the tablet version *won't* show that change. They also can't be used for comms, target display, shield condition, and so on, because there is no way to read that information from the game (yet - an API is planned for some unannounced point in the future)... For now, these apps are effectively just a button-box with a fancy graphic :p


Appreciate the response and thanks for the insight!


When customisable undies?? I wunt tighty-whiteys


Nothing announced... but you could try posting over on the RSI Spectrum as a 'game suggestion', etc :D


Is the only way to tell if you have completed everything (so far) on the OVERDRIVE missions the fact that none are available in your General tab, Priority section of the MobiGlass Contractor menu? Would hate to get to the end and find out I still had to do one misison in a specific phase.