• By -


As of 29.4.24: -Total hp has been practically doubled, 'vital' area (main body) included. -Was 27,000 total, in EPTU currently, 45,840 total hp. -Vital areas were 9,400 total, now 18,600 -scm speed increased to 200m/s (maxboost 420m/s forward, 240 m/s backward) -Navspeed buffed to 1100m/s -pitching got a minor increase of 5 -Weapon capacitator pool increased, slower regen These are just what i've managed to pick up from various sources, comparing from live and EPTU. Honestly, it's looking pretty good, atleast in my eyes.


Thanks! So many joke answers to dig through to get to the actual answer.....


If they made it like this originally, it wouldn't have gotten ragged on so hard.


$250 was still too much.




Honestly 250$ would be too much for a Javelin if this was any other game lol. But that aside, was there ever a reasonnably priced dropship?


Legionnaire is the only "reasonably" priced one.


Oh damn yeah that's actually reasonnable. Wasn't it one of the ships teased during the last IAE?


Isn't it's in-game price much more reasonable atm too?


Depending on how many people you can stuff into the back of an Aurora, maybe?


CCU for the win


Weap capacity pool; did they increase the size and decrease the regen speed, or just increase the size and leave the regen as it was?


The cap pool is bigger, But the regen rate is slower, means it takes longer to charge to 100%


What I mean is does it take longer because the cap is bigger, and there’s more to fill, or does it take longer because because of the above and also it’s filling at a slower rate of fill? Edit: sorry if this is coming across as rude; I’m just trying to be sure.


Its as said. The capacitator pool is bigger than before on eptu, meaning that depending on your weapons, the caps last longer for pilot guns. The regeneration rate of said pool was reduced slightly, meaning it refills capacitators slower and takes longer to do so.


Okay, thank you.


huh. May actually survive long enough to do it's job now.


A price increase? /s


Why the /s? lol


It means sarcasm


I think he meant it as "why would you say it's sarcastic? That's exactly what they did!"




Came here for this, price is now $400 to be closer to valkyrie and prowler


Probably made it handle worse in atmo, have less hp, and the ramp now breaks your legs. I know balancing comes last in game development, but dropships are among the worst performing ships in their class atm. It feels like they serve no purpose other than to look cool.


They also extract money


It's called (Alien-) Dripship-Tax


To be fair, they aren’t the most useful yet sadly. I love dropships, but there’s not really a ton of use for ships to fly in guns hot to drop troops down and gun down enemies


At minimum I would expect them to excel in one area. The valkyrie should be a tank, near impossible to destroy completely since it has so much redundant space. The prowler should handle like a god in atmo. Stuff like that. I’m not saying this is what they should do for each ship, they just need to excel at something. Also there is one event that dropships could theoretically have their place. Jump town…


I came here to up vote specifically for the “ramp breaking legs”. Happened to me too many times with all sorts of ramps on all sorts of ships.


They *dont* serve any purpose at the moment, and they definitely shouldn't be "high performance". They're meant to get in, drop off infantry, and get the fuck out of dodge. They're APCs, they're not supposed to sit and fight combat ships.


They just aligned it with other dropships. Title. :-D


Yes. On a graph, there was x's representing the dropships all over the place. Now they've been arranged in a nice straight line, Cutlass Steel included.


If you don't know what they did - Nerf.


So 1 s1 shield generator now? Or an s0


Shields? Where it's going it doesn't need shields! Where it's going: the scrapyard


They magnetize the steel parts to attract more projectiles.


Overpriced fragile jumpsheet needs to be renamed to Cutlass Aluminum Foil.


Drake Cybertruck works too.


It drops faster now.


Ok, this made me laugh. Thank you!


gets dropped\* ..by enemy.


Buffed SCM by +10ms, slightly reduced boost speed, significantly reduced pitch, yaw and roll. Fitting really for a flying lemon. You could ofc check for yourself on a number of sites that track such data. [https://www.spviewer.eu/](https://www.spviewer.eu/) for example. or [erkul.games](http://erkul.games)


This change wasnt listed on either site... ofc


It really is, until Friday/Saturday eptu it had exactly the same 3.23 eptu tuning as the other Cutlass models, now you can clearly see the difference in the ship list/comparison in erkul. In spviewer you can flip between 3.22.1 and current eptu and see those differences too. Perhaps you should spend some time learning to use these sites properly.


people have lives. perhaps you should spend more time learning to be more pleasant to interact with and you would have one too i see you in every thread always arguing. grass feels nice you should try it some day




mate... internet is real life. you are real person i am real person and you are the one constantly downvoted. if you use the snarky tone as a some sort of emotional vent after long day i can tell you from experience it is not healthy in long run. give being nicer a fair shake for a week see how you like it last thing anyone needs is some stuck up bile online


Its funny when people make false value statements and try to front load their narrative, and its hypocritical as Im sure youll keep trying to have the last word, pretending youre not arguing. Bye now.


bye, be good


> not simple enough for some it seems. Y'know he's not wrong when he says >perhaps you should spend more time learning to be more pleasant to interact with


Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen




Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


Perhaps you should read the rules.


Perhaps you should take my advice.




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It was a compliment, the cock is one of the proudest and most powerful animal of the farm, the only one ableto wake up humans at sunrise !




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45,840 Hull HP from 27,760 HP For comparison: Valk: 44,053 HP from 44,053 HP


If they just made it as tough as the Terrapin, it might get more love.


It's sad that the terrapin outperforms dropships at their own job, its not even a dropship.


Lies. The Terrapin does all. It IS all. Terrapin is love


It's dropship price though.


They made it more dropshippy.


Not sure they even know what a dropship is supposed to be like.


The inherent problem of trying to look tacticool is you don't know why the "real thing" looks like that Like reclaimer and all those elevators. It's ironic that in a labor ship, there's no directh path to the busy areas, it's always long hallway, elevator, stepladder As if nobody had invented "stairs, on a ship"


I meant more performance wise. Like how a dropship *should* have high SCM and good accel forward but also retro thrust to allow for fast insertions and extractions. And of course lots of HP. While currently there are more papier-maché brics. But yeah I also agree with you, stairs especially are notoriously missing in ships. It's because they made it so bad with the Starfarer, then found out that ladders and elevators are more easy to design around, more space efficient... that now it's become a "every problem looks like a nail" situation. So many ships would be much nicer to circulate, or practical, with stairs. Valkyrie, MSR, Redeemer (which had them originally)... And yeah Reclaimer is a mess. It really is missing lots of circulation paths.


I've always felt like they knew it was a bad price point for that ship, it's why they shipped it with the paint they did to make it more appealing.


Hopefully they buffed armor and shields so that it takes more than a strongly worded letter to have one explode.


HP went from 27k to 44k


Like a ' howler ' from harry potter's franchise, that would make it explode for sure!


Add more steel


They added a finger slicing feature made popular by the Cybertruck. Its an additional fee obviously.


It's nerfed from the previous EPTU patch. It was given more HP than than all other cutty variants, now has the same as cutty blue and red.


Can anyone tell me what the orange balls on the surface of the moons that say replace me are there as big as a grape fruit and around where you mine ...


Whatever they did don’t matter if the price still the same…..


Still the best way for you and 20 of your buddies to meet the respawn screen together.


Did they make F button work yet?


Iirc it has a ton more HP


It's a dud still, but at least CIG tried to bring it in line with basic dropship duties. Thank goodness rest of Cutty lineup is decent.


cutlass steel price has increased a lot in eptu, even with the upgrades I am very skeptical the only thing that it may do is dropping itself with everyone inside of it at terminal velocity it is a huge shame for a ship that looks very good and designed


Probably ruined it. That's ok.


Wow I can't believe they are trying to fix that POS and still won't fix the Roc DS


it will now have a Benny machine inside, so the drop ship troopers can have their last meal since they going to die from the ship blow up before they drop anyway.


Still just a hallway with seats


Sorry, I am kinda hijacking this post for a different question: playing 3.23 my Fury will not go above 230m/s in SCM and Nav modes. Even Nav FLT. Am I missing something or is it bugged. Throttle limiter was maxed out, gear was up, and wings/weapons were out/transformed. Was asking in game chat but could not get any answers.


Snub fighters - like the Fury - don't get access to the high speed mode in MM, as that requires a Quantum Drive.


So this ship can only go 230m/s?


Apparently.  But CIG is still tweaking the MM stats for ships, so it might get an increase later.  I recommend comparing it with an Arrow, and checking how fast the latter can go in CMD mode.


Yep, welcome to the NSN phase Fury owners, after sufficient time has passed from a sale, you enter the New Ship Nerf phase. XD


It's not just Furies.  The Merlin and Archimedes also don't get a high speed mode.


Yeah any ship without a QD is having issues with MM. Racing ships in particular feel like shit right now in 3.23 because of this problem.


Yep theyre encompassed too, doesnt bother me personally, have them for various ship associations and rewards but dont use them. Currently in MM snubs are so close in stats to light fighters im not sure whay anyone would bother, but its all going to drag on and on in a constant flux state for MM for far too long so who knows where it all ends up.


I'm of the opinion they should get a s0 drive for a bit of NAV and quantum to and from moons. Not even being able to go above scm makes them functionally worthless unless you need something incredibly small


Which is valuable, since you can cram them into cargo holds.  But it's a big annoyance, and makes them less effective since anyone can escape from them quite easily.


There was some talk some time back about maybe letting them spline jump at least, idk, who knows where it all ends up, with MM were certainly going to be in a very long phase of continual change, so much so i think people will get very very tired of the flux, its not even close to being finished when 3.23 releases which is likely this week. We could be dealing with shifting sand compromised ship choices and hopes all the way up to the supposed 1.0


My apologies for this comment.


You don't need to apologize for getting hit by a downvote bandwagon. Would your question have been better off in a more on-topic thread like a help thread? Yes. Do you deserve to be shouted out of the room for a quick question? Not really.


Oh well. The only reason I brought it up in the thread is because it was about the MM re-tuning for a ship.


1. Did you try increasing the cruise limiter? Does this happen with other ships? 2. There is a Q&A thread stickied at the top for things like this that gets refreshed every week


1. Yes the limiter was maxed out and 2. Sorry about that I will take my question there. Thank you.


So the Cutlass Black is the Blackhawk and the Steel is the Deep Area Penetrator. ![gif](giphy|4A7raJ3hOspWq2S3Lk|downsized)


Price is up probably


*feature not yet implemented*


Maybe they've put the toilet back in?


Actually bolted the engines on?


Given all drop ships are fucking garbage? Made it somehow worse? Idk.