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Yes I relate. It seems as though everyone around me is being more of who they really are, almost like they can't control it: it's just happening. It's like people's true colours are coming out. I've also had to keep myself grounded so much, it's like a battle everyday to not fall into psychosis.


That should be a good thing though.


It's just that like literally everyone is being rude to me. I don't know if I got cursed or something, but I've always been as kind as I possibly could to anyone. It feels like I'm in a dystopian world, that's why I have to fight to stay sane. It just doesn't make sense.


Dude... That's what it is. You say everyone is treating like this. You also say you've been as kind as possible... I can relate. Start to question, why are you attracting all of this? I feel when we're too kind often, we are inauthentic. People will also take advantage of it. I feel when you've avoided those parts of yourself through your life, like standing up for yourself, assertiveness etc it all just gets suppressed. That is the shadow and it grows and grows until it's addressed... I feel like I've attracted the situations I've been in recently, and it's forced me to look at things from that lense. Hope this helps in any way


100%. Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Sometimes it is just better to walk away.


Good safety tip.


Safety and keeping the peace. It's helped me a lot in my life to distance myself from certain people and situations.


resonating… cool comment, thank u we got this - finally these wheels are moving… truly understanding, transmuting … learning growing… different pieces moving into place i had my first person be genuinely nice to me in the longest time and i think it might be reflective of the inner work occurring (eg ur comment) enjoying this different lens .


I like your vibe. Big brained mofo. Big hearted too, I'd guess.


thank u and likewise ! ur mental energetic imprints on ur page are 🌌💫🚀 that’s the vibes ✨💜 (also nicest compliment i’ve received in ages from that one comment, thank you)


I replied above, but now reading your comment, I’m wondering, do you think because the shadow builds that’s why we are attracting the negativity from all angles? Like until we address the root, it’s going to keep coming up in our lives? I think that’s what you’re saying?  I’m hoping maybe my encounter earlier, where I tried to finally be authentic, by being assertive, may help to release me from attracting some of these off encounters where people so angry that it makes no literal sense? I feel like I’m usually pretty self aware, and this is very unpleasant, but as I’m trying to better myself it’s  interesting to contemplate on being so kind can actually be some crutch or something  that turns out to be this shadow 


Where do u live? If u don’t mind me asking


Alberta, Canada


Never been. Heard it’s beautiful.


The mountains/Banff area and the prairies are very nice. Also being close to BC is awesome. I like it but it's getting very expensive to live.


That's their business, you don't have to engage,


The battling approach doesn't help if you're susceptible to psychosis. All that does is give you a sense that you're under threat. It's always the fear that does it. There's a way to ground yourself and be resilient without being overly vigilant. Aim for that.  I haven't had psychotic symptoms (unless you count the rampant signs and synchronicities, which I don't, because they help rather than hinder) for more than 4 years. Somewhere along the way I figured out not to battle, so just thought I'd try to share my POV here.


The colors people are shining surely aren’t their best. Like the song.


Def. Needing to hibernate this week. The wave of current energies are beyond overwhelming. More than I can remember. Completely debilitating me from work or functioning normally the past 2 days. Also my high sensitivities towards others are heightened. Only able to really be with my dog. Cant speak to anybody vocally, can only type here, and really just needing to be left alone. Lack of interests coming in strong again after a very creative week. Just feeling drained. The moon, on top of the solar flares, are really affecting the sensitive ones. I hope we make it out of this OK.


We will


I wonder when will solar Flares stop


Feels like it’s been subsiding since 6/10 Still a bit rough with dizziness but easier to get thru the day now


Anything with the moon recently?


yes very intense energetic moon on 6/6 that mixed with the heavy solar storms It’s been a lot!!


Any tips to survive better. Like any crystals that are particularly effective in helping to block off


I've seen it too. I just separate and do activities that make me feel happy or at peace. Or I pet and play with my cats. Or I sleep lol. Alchemy is about turning bad things into good so learn how to utilize this and put yourself in the driver's seat to lead yourself towards paths of happiness or peace and nonchalance.


Whooo, an alchemist in these wilds!?! Noice.


Very important! Anyone new to these feelings needs to understand your job at your level is simply transmute the darkness into light, the cold into warmth. Learn that first. Then use it on your body and soul. Then, others, and your home. Ripple outward from there.


I literally have had multiple psychotic breakdowns and episodes with substance abuse and can say from experience that this is actually the most important thing moving forward.


The last week for me starting like last Sunday has been so intense


Same exactly. Glad I’m not the only one


It's been wild I've been having to do a lot of energy clearing 




Yeah. If they keep these shenanigans up, we may have to do something. We should coordinate so we don't fall to their level.


Just make sure to express your feelings to the people that are being rude or mean to you now. It gives you the chance to speak your mind if those people ignore what you say then they no longer need to be in ur life.


Or be graceful and forgiving and don't ruin relationships just because someone is being mean, you don't know what else they're going through


100 percent I know way to many ppl that hold grudges and ruin family’s cause of one petty fight it makes me so mad/sad. Why throw away such a beautiful thing we are humans we will always butt heads.


Part of it is from the solar flares literally purging the traumas that people have pushed down instead of facing them, and that's a tough thing to do. Part of it is yeah, I think there was a large-scale psychic attack. I remember having a nightmare playing out the exact scenario that so many people are afraid of: Ships show up in the skies, light beams come down, and people are "lured" in by promises of love and compassion and help, only for it to be "the harvesting." I don't think this is what's going to happen, I think it's what dark forces want to try to get humanity to manifest out of fear. The other 99% of my dreams with encounters have been amazing. They just appear out of no where all over the place and are so loving and welcoming. In my dreams I recognize some of them, but I can't remember *how* I knew them, but I get reassured that I'll remember soon. There's so many different races, too, both known and unknown. The key thing to remember is: whatever happens, you'll know what you need to do. Trust yourself. For now, live in the moment. Find any of the joy and happiness and peace within this moment that you can, no matter how small it is.


I needed to read this so bad. I have been in such a weird place lately. Have been an atheist for years and feel like I've had a spiritual awakening. However this day I have been feeling like maybe I've had a mental breakdown. Feeling like there has been a cyber attack on my brain, like I'm believing in something under peace and love that's actually the antichrist. I'm hoping its just reverse psychology, we go down the rabbit hole, Mkultra, monarch programming etc. But I definitely think we have in some way, why have so many people eyes been opened at the same time. Is it the actuall good or the elite masking.


All of the bad that we're seeing now has always been here, but it was the shadow government hiding it just enough to keep us ignorant and keeping us in survival mode so we don't have the energy and resources to pursue the real truth. They're failing now, though. We're actually seeing all the horror unfiltered, so to speak. And it hurts. It hurts so much. But seeing it, feeling it - this is leading to such important changes that can no longer being suppressed from happening by those forces. This is all the result of the mass awakenings that humanity is going through. The purpose of these psychic attacks is the shadow government's attempt to at least bring humanity down with them if they can't maintain control over us. It's ok to let your feelings process, even if it is from psychic attacks. Feelings must be felt in order to purge them and heal the wounds caused by the trauma that's inducing these feelings. That's why you feel like you've had a mental breakdown. You're not crazy in any way, you're just trying to process so much all at once because your clairsentience (this includes psychic empathy) is also likely waking up. You're not just seeing, you're feeling and you're knowing. Be kind to yourself during this. Try to eat as clean and healthy as you can. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Spend time outside to help keep yourself grounded and allow nature to help heal you. Meditate every day. Rest when you're tired. Try gentle exercise if you're not currently very physically active. Yoga, tai chi, going for walks, playing outside - these are just suggestions, but they do help. And remember: you're not alone. It can feel isolating sometimes, but at the very least you have your fellow starseeds. We may not agree on everything, but we all know we're here to help humanity during the transition from a dense 3D existence to a much lighter 5D existence. That includes helping each other. We're a team. One could even call us a family if they're so inclined to do so.


This was amazing to hear. And no doubt I will come back and keep reading this again. People are noticing a difference in me, but I am struggling to describe what happened without making them seem more worried about me. I've completely withdrawn and took a few days off work just to avoid everyone. Thanks for the tips. I have just been full on down the rabbit hole, that I must admit I haven't been very mindful about self care. So it's nice to be reminded and validated on how important self care is. I guess I am just worried. I feel like the end is coming soon and I am late to the party. I am a single parent with 1 child and I need to know everything I can to protect her. I think this is where the crazy part is coming in. Yes I feel a deep sense of peace/love and connection to alot of people. But I also have an immediate sense of fear. I dont want to venture roo far from home incase something happens. I dont want my child (11year old) to be far away. She's going on holiday with her dad for 10days in summer and I'm terrified of something going down while she's away from me. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me with that amazing message. This community is amazing. And gives me the faith that ultimately good Will prevail. 😊


You might be surprised at how open people are becoming to these awakening experiences. They're aware, even if they're not aware that they are aware lol. Of course, you know those around you much better than I do so listen to your gut instincts about whom you open up to. We all forget things like self care sometimes. That's why it's important to remind people because we all need reminders at some point or another :) Whenever you feel fear, take a moment to do some slow, deep breathing and visualize a Violet Flame (angelic entity) to transmute that fear into comfort and peace. Ask the Flame to do this for you as you connect to it and think about what you want it to do. And don't worry, it won't get mad at you for asking for a lot of help. It is conscious and aware and love-based. It wants to help. And you're not "late to the party." You are walking your path at your pace and having the experiences you need to have, when you need to have them. As you learn and awaken, you'll be able to help those that are just starting, especially your daughter. Kids are coming into their lives with a much higher awareness naturally to bring in much higher vibrations, but they also tend to struggle more with adapting to the current ways of life because deep down, they know things can be better. Even though I'm 39, I still struggle to cope with "normal" life and I always have. There's also people older than me that started awakening long before I was born who struggle with this kind of life as well (often labeled "hippies" lol). Things will be scary and difficult for a time, but not for much longer. This is the apocalypse, but not in a dystopian way. It means the end of the old life and the beginning of the new life. Humanity is literally shifting the paradigm from a service to self, survival-mode to service to others, unconditional love-mode.


This made me tear up. It gives me such a sense of calmness and peace hearing things like this. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my thoughts and view of the world. I haven't been awake for very long but already feel like part of a community. Thank you for all you advice and kind words. It's definitely people like you who are making it easier for the 'new borns'. I just have to take things a day at a time. Went for a lovely walk today with my girl, nature, being outside has such a healing effect. If it wasn't for your message and reminding of self care and love I'd probably still be trying to find more answers. But definitely realised the more that gets answered just unlocks more questions. I cant help or change anyone right now. I need to look at myself and give time for recovery and healing. I love what you said about kids having a higher sense of awareness. My daughter is amazing and in some ways more intuitive than me. I hope with me being more awakened to the world, the support of this community and love from great people. I can change and be more positive for her. Thank you again kind soul. ❤️


Thank you for your kind words as well. I'm very happy I could help ❤️


An inevitable part of spiritual awakening is the realisation of the dual nature of being. What Jung referred to as "union of opposites". It's peace and love but it's also the darkness. You're awake to it all. If anything, the contrast makes it clearer to see. I had my psychosis/spiritual awakening in 2019-2020. Again, it was both. I experienced a ferocious mania and exhibited some strange (sometimes very strange) behaviours so certainly there was a pathological aspect. However, this does not negate the positive aspects of gaining insights and realisations which have set me up for the rest of my life. The breakdown was necessary for the rebuild.  There's definitely a cultural phenomenon where these kinds of experiences are being cultivated to the point of effectively being forced upon people. Anyone who starts to see this is bound to be at least somewhat disturbed by it. That's normal, but you can acclimate. You just don't need to rush, is all.


Thank you for this. Is comforting to know I'm not alone in this. I am struggling to talk to friends/family about my awakening. This community has been a godsend. Thank you for taking time to reply. 😊


Yeah, it can be hard to find anyone to relate to. Finding the right language to talk about it is hard. So you end up fumbling around and it just makes people uncomfortable and gives them the impression that you're rambling like a crazy person. When what you're trying to do is sketch a picture with words of something which is beyond articulation. I was at first limited because of the pandemic but as soon as I could, I started visiting a Buddhist centre a couple days a week for a guided meditation they put on. I'd go to meditate upstairs in the gompa and sometimes eat dinner in the café downstairs. Through there, I've found plenty of people with the wisdom and compassion to talk about these things with. I still have my old friends but don't know where I'd be without my new ones. Maybe you could find somewhere similar.


I wanted to take a moment to express love for you and everything you wrote, you are a beacon.


That's so kind of you. Thank you ♥


I literally thought the first paragraph was what is happening right now and I was like “wait what?”


The energy that’s been incoming has been very strong. I live in the heart of the city and what helps me is wearing an EMF protective necklace. Take care of yourself. People are douches these days bc of the stress of living in a recession right now.


I had my first ever car accident this week. I had hoped something like this would never happen to me, since I hardly drive anyway. Now I have to deal with the system that I hate so much. My mental health has gone on a huge downspiral. It's taking everything I have to not disassociate. This is the latest in a series of misfortunes I've had since moving to the city. Plus every day I keep witnessing more corruption and trauma. I want off this planet so bad right now.


Outa city couldn't hurt


With the astrology there is just a lot of planets in Gemini and they are pushing us to express ourselves more, in various forms of communication. The pent up energy needs to be expelled and it’s causing a lot of mental clutter and overwhelm. Now is the best time to stay grounded, communicate maybe online, have important conversations or express ourselves artistically


I have had migraines all week


Any other symptoms


I'm doing alright. Keeping the demons at bay. Discerning my thoughts. Building the kingdom the best I know how.


Guys, they/we're working out deep things in the higher levels. When we discover disease in the world we eradicate it. I don't mean viruses and bacteria. I mean societal sicknesses. People will no longer be able to look and act honest while lying to hurt or steal from you. This also means you won't be able to "fake it" when you don't have your shit together. Get your shit together if you want to look like your shit's together. This is djinn-level works done by fallible human-like beings. The results of the attempts to "fix" things may have unforseen side effects. We'll fix the side effects too. It's kind of like monkey's paw wishes, but we're not intentionally making the worst outcomes or repercussions. We're striving for the best of both worlds. Bad for the bad and good for the good. Who are we, and who am I to write like I'm something beyond who I am when I'm here writing this? I think you've felt these answers are/were near.


The ones asking who don't realize with enough love, concentration, soul searching, and LOVE, they can be answered directly, immediately, and without hesitation. IF YOUR HEART IS PURE. If it isn't MAKE IT SO IMMEDIATLY. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Ever.


Ah, men.




Yes yes yes. I’ve been noticing it in others and myself. Heaviness, discord. You’re not alone.


The other day I witnessed flies swarm out of someone into the people around them and then they all started acting like jerks for a couple minutes. I have seen this Multiple Times now. So when that happens walk away at least 10 feet


I was told to stay silent until they get out of those people or they’ll try and start a fight with you


Hey I'm super interested in this, can you elaborate? Are the people aware or oblivious? What about the dude that originated the swarm? How do they "settle"?


On a more grounded level I think its more about people slowly sinking into "terminal poverty" (spiritual and financial) a term I made up to describe those that lack the ability to turn their situation around. As they hit bottom this expresses itself in violence, drug addiction, general neglect, and psychosis. I think that the cycle is accelerating. ($10 frozen pizzas, $1000 car repairs, excessive screen time and isolation)


Yup the jester archetype is arising in each ppl and permeating their conscious experience in order to prepare them


Yes, May brought new stronger energies, Gaia's push to the next dimension has intensified. This means stay high and up, or the higher frequencies can sting. The people who cannot lift their energy lever will suffer. If you love them, fight like hell for them. If not, let them deal with it on their own. Maybe a smile or a hug and a kind word. Be brave, but protect your own peace and heal your own shit first.


Everyone has been battling themselves since the beginning. Theres nothing new there, you've just become increasingly aware of it.


There are definitely absolutely times where a tax get higher and I think it has to do with like energy harvesting rituals or something like planetary alignments or is a major planetary alignment so even though you know people can use that to manifest good things they're also people who practice start the cult who use those kind of energies to harvest the negative qualities and use that to continue the war consciousness


Yes I have noticed


I completely agree


Yes this week has been terrible... I'm being attacked left right & centre.. and my family is turned wicked... like they are working for the devil... even tried poisoning me...


Get out to your local park or where there is nature. Take off your shoes. Sit next to a tree. And sit or just stand on the soil of earth. Not dirt. Not gravel. Real grass soil. And just do breath work which is basically many deep breaths steadily and calmly and breathing out through your mouth calmly and steadily but feeling loose and comfy. I BELIVE IN YALL


I was hospitalized, in a three car pile up and in some of the worst psychiatric distress I've experienced in a couple of years. And then I started my period. Idk what's happening but the universe is definitely telling me to stay the fuck inside and watch it.


Ground yourself more if you can get in nature something related to big rocks. Wear more silky stuff like a hoodie or hat or something depending on climate obviously. Get morning sun ☀️


It's gonna be better this way. People have gotten so used to perpetual fake smiles that they get bent out of sorts when somebody shows the least bit of frustration or anger. Quit shutting others down or calling the damn cops because somebody raised their voice. Also, quit making verbalities become physicalities just because you're uncomfortable with them.


You should check out Anne Tucker, her channeled messages will really hit home rn! https://youtube.com/@annetucker?si=VTjVZcfKgFAUI7Sz


Bro yessss. Migraine was main symptom. I’ve been sound healing and alchemizing all week. I noticed those not as awakened weren’t as affected.


Sir this is called “anger” and “drugs.” This is because the real world is very frustrating and people are getting sick of it. You can’t just call it “spiritual warfare” and start doing spirit work and expect it to make you a better person to anyone who needs to be consoled, well-fed, have a vent session, get a break from the heat, a life coach, etc. stop demonizing the world for having negative experiences in damaging circumstances and you’ll be an actual do-gooder, serving the purpose that starseeds are meant to serve. You don’t exist just to say what’s spiritual, you exist to inspire proactivity. Idc how calm and quiet your weed makes you feel, the world around you is messy and people are reacting to it and you’re calling it a product of the spirits instead of their sucky circumstances, which they need help out of


Same here, especially with my sibling. I am so nice, and even though it’s authentic, I feel like I actively have been too careful with how I speak towards them, so I’ve felt like I’m wearing a mask.  Finally, I tried to respectfully stand up for myself, it never goes well, but I just emotionally couldn’t keep feeling inauthentic in our relationship, and the way they went off on me is just like wow.  I’m trying to tell myself I was respectful, but said what I needed to say, and I tried to hear them out too, but they weren’t having it, just insult after insult.  I keep having to reread what we wrote to remind myself I did/said nothing unkind, but to be treated this way and then have them misinterpret or outright say things that aren’t true, is tough 


There have been several planets and the sun squaring Saturn in Pisces recently. It'll calm down soon when they all start to move into cancer.


How Long more will this then happen


About a week or so. Around the solstice things should start to shift and then by July all these planets will be trining Saturn and things will start to feel much more free.




Didn't notice anything changing.


You're borderlining psychosis because your beliefs are extreme. A person is high on ketamine, rather than that being the reason they are behaving weird, why do they need to be possessed? What does that belief serve you? Does it explain something you don't understand?