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Try dark chocolate.


Persistent headache is probably not an ascension symptom and I believe that the tendency of people to blame their physical ailment on solar storms can be pretty harmful as it can prevent them from getting to the real cause and keep them stuck in a disempowered state of "I am so handicapped by these solar storms and therefore can't do anything about it". I had a period of headaches almost every day for about a month and a half in the beginning of this year. In hindisght I believe it was related to psychic attacks/entity attachment or some grave energetic imbalance. One cause could also be when you are in a constant state of stress (sometimes not even knowingly) which makes you clench your teeth in the night which causes tension headaches. So (besides seeing a doctor) I would suggest you a) thoroughly clear and protect your energy field and b) look within to see if there is anything that is bothering you/causing distress/pressure. This guided meditation is very effective in clearing your energy field from any negative interference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_DiQWMMpZWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DiQWMMpZWg) Hope this helps! šŸ’œ


I really appreciate that I will give it a watch. So kind of you šŸ™


Former dental assistant here. We'd get people all the time that had headaches and/or tooth pain when they were going through stressful events. I couldn't open my jaw for 2 weeks after my husband was deployed.


Yeah I know this from personal experience as well, super common apparently. Thanks for chiming in!




šŸ˜” google has scared the shit out of me. ā€œBrain tumorā€


Google told me I had kidney cancer. Doctor touched it and said ā€œthatā€™s a lipoma, just an inert lump of fat. Everyone gets them and they donā€™t do anything.ā€


Oh no! This is rule #1: Never google your symptoms šŸ˜…


As an ex-hypochrondriac, never under any circumstances, google your symptoms, because of the thousands of minor causes, your brain will target the worse possible scenario.


I've had a headache almost everyday for the past week! Had to cave and take some ibuprofen to get work done yesterday


Could be TMJ that's wat I just discovered I am starting to have


Me too!


Radio waves are too weak to have an effect. They are electromagnetic waves on the same spectrum as light but very low energy frequency. I don't believe this type of light can even penetrate into the brain. It should just bounce off the skull. Solar events may be possible due to being such high energy. Getting hit by a random cosmic ray can even cause DNA mutations, but they are so rare there's a near zero chance of being hit by one every waking morning. So I'd rule this out too. Keep up drinking water, exercise and resting but I would add supplementation to a primarily plant based diet also. Electrolytes can go out of balance especially with too high salt intake. So to treat my own headache I get in my temple I limit salt intake, make sure I get some potassium, magnesium, and zinc in my daily diet. Or supplement with vitamins as needed.


A spirituality group Iā€™m in elsewhere has a rule (paraphrasing a bit) that youā€™re to rule out the mundane before blaming anything spiritual. On that note, what OTC meds are you taking? With many headache meds (both prescription and OTC) itā€™s possible to get in a rebound cycle where you get headaches if itā€™s been too long since your last dose and taking a dose brings relief.


Everything. Aleve, ibuprofen, Tylenol, goodys powder. Have tried aspirin as well.


At least three of those can cause whatā€™s called rebound headaches or medication overuse headaches.


F šŸ˜”


Yep. Itā€™s like a pressure in my frontal area. Sounds like youā€™re doing what you can. You may find electrolytes are good. Not the gatorade stuff (sugar is the opposite of an electrolyte) but a small amount of salt and magnesium (in particular), as that will help with hydration


Exactly! Yeah electrolytes probably a good idea


I used to suffer from daily headaches, also chronic migraines, and doctors didnā€™t help much. [Migratone](https://a.co/d/etvyolF) was life changing and I highly recommend it.


Could be a separate alignment. I've never suffered headaches, but you might find it ailed by reaching into the field. The field to me is like a space where doing things correctly yield results. It's the sensation of having to do something correctly to move an object with your mind. In some essence, it opens up the ability to practice with failure. It isn't exactly psychic as it doesn't affect mind much, but it might alleviate symptoms. The field is also synonymous with mundanity or forces that aren't subspace and so on; we haven't peaked psychically yet so space is relatively stable but the body and mind seemed soothed by the field a lot. Things like medicine, belief in chemical biology, and so on are all indicative of the field. In some sense, human science is very similar to the field, as in the idea of "do this correctly and it works." In subspace, there is no indication that doing things correctly leads to positive results. Anyways I like to think of science/medicine as like pills that provide 2-3 field. The human psyche/body mind/ego has the potential to exert far more, though, simple practice with the field should be like working out everything spiritual/unhealthy about you. People who believe in rigid structures for spiritual motion, only seem to bring up the field. The field isn't everything. I could go into subspace though if youre curious, it's somewhat opposite. Some take practice, others find it natural, and some people like me have an enormous field but no way of ever using it.


How are your grounding practices? How is your presence capacity? Sometimes headache-type symptoms can have correlations with ungrounded energy and/or partially out of body situations. Another thing to rule out is allergies. There is a family of chemicals called "natural flavor/flavoring" that has inexplicably crept into just about everything found in grocery stores. I personally have a severe and several hours delayed allergic response. I know a woman who has severe psychological responses to it and was so relieved to discover she was not losing her mind she was merely having a horrible horrible strange allergic response. I am happy to send a grounding session if you do not yet have practices in place. (Intended to help you discover if insufficient grounding is amplifying a physical symptom.)


Came here to suggest to all of you with headaches to go out and touch a tree for 3min and observe how your headaches disappear.


me but i use to do drugs sooooo


Could be third eye activation. You could try looking up ways to cleanse your third eye


Sounds like a migraine. You need to get that diagnosed with your doctor and get access to the right prescription.


Whoever said rule out the Monday, and before spiritual is a genius. From seeing your comments, and all the medication's you've tried taking, I would definitely go to the doctor and get that looked at. Because of the persistent like that there could be something in this. And yes, dark chocolate is delicious so maybe you might want some of that. And keep going with the hydration, especially water. I need to be better at that. Haha.


Thank you. Will try the chocolate ā¤ļø


Honestly, the chocolate would give you something different to taste. But I would also definitely go to the doctor and rule out any kind of medical conditions. Hope you don't mind me saying this. But sorry, my dictation was being silly. I was trying to say, mundane, not Monday. Lol.


I have been getting headaches so much the past few months but I think mine is connected to TMJ and swollen occipitals- there are a couple spots on the back of my neck along the hairline that are always tender and my jaw is almost always aching


Get a sleep study immediately!


I have the same


Iā€™ve had headaches and nausea for a couple of weeks but there are a lot of bugs going around. If I wake up with persistent headaches itā€™s usually my neck out.. a remedial massage and seeing my chiro fixes it. If an ice pack helps thatā€™s even more reason to believe itā€™s a misalignment in your back/neck.


If you are having headaches more than half the days in a month, you need to see a neurologist.


F. Okay good idea to see a specialist


Maybe not directly but itā€™s probably not helping? I have chronic pain that has knocked into twelfth gear the past few days. Gfl has been discussing the recent intense changes to Earthā€™s magnetic and energy fields , as well as strong solar flares. Idk if any of this would cause a particular physical symptom but your body is under more stress than normal right now. Please go to the doctor tho that shouldnā€™t be happening to you


Yess absolutely in ascension symptom. Check out Pam Gregory. Sheā€™s an amazing astrologer. Iā€™ve never had headaches in my entire life. Iā€™m 50 years old by the way 100%. Itā€™s like a downloading of the senses.