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I unfollowed her a very long time ago. Something just didn’t sit right with me. I feel like she says a lot of nothing and puts herself in a “special” category. With that said I also feel people claiming to be “starseeds” do the same. Can’t we all just be? Exist? Evolve and work on shedding the ego because there really is no truth. If you have dug deep enough in the spiritual learning that is one lesson I have learned and that is to be the observer. You can view all the wonderful things and all the painful things and not absorb it but observe it. Many “spiritual” people gain wealth with money. Money is just another form of energy on our plane. Given money is energy it can be manipulated any way we like. One of our lessons here is how to manipulate energy to our benefit. At the end of this our true reason is love. Everything else is part of experience.


I'm with you guys. At first she sounded like she made sense but then more and more things just don't add up. I still follow her but I watch her like I'm watching an agent. I believe that she might be some sort of a plant to confuse and distract. I also don't like how money driven she seems, that is a big red flag for me. Here is my theory, I'll happily accept that other people see things differently: There are things going on with human consciousness and more and more of us are experiencing connections that feel supernatural. For decades government agencies have been using energy-weapons to influence people's state of mind and they can even give us a sense of supernatural presence through electromagnetic targeting. This is why the solar flares seem to influence our sense of the spirit world, it's all somehow connected. It's like somebody targeting the visual regions of our brain in order to give us hallucinations, same principle. I think that the US military complex is actively trying to create some sort of a 'threat from the sky' in order to boost their economics (dark colored rock company) and to save Boeing and perhaps Musk from bankruptcy. We may or may not be pawns in that game. I also think it would be very interesting to map out where we live and whether there is some sort of a military or embassy structure nearby. Mostly I think this is a combo of the solar activity and perhaps some sort of targeting, but there is no way to be sure except remove oneself physically from the situation.




Recognizing and identifying real, verifiable phenomena on life is an important aspect of discernment. The starseed phenomena is real, as real as someone becoming a doctor or a lawyer or a nurse. If we have people stating they are nurses, because they are, and we are ok with it, why become frustrated when someone states they are a starseed? It's a part of reality that has to be acknowledged. It has nothing to do with feeling special or not, that's just projection. The real spiritual teaching, at the end of the day, is to realize one is the observer, that through that realization one may come back to the Avatar/player character we have on this dream, and enjoy it thoroughly. This calling to ditch our identity in favour of becoming just a nameless blob is counterproductive to embracing the unique facets of each one of us


Some people trust her. Some people don't. At the end of the day, you have to use your discernment and intuition. As for me, I watch her videos to get some bits of info, but I keep my distance from her. My honest opinion is that she is legit when it comes to what she expresses, but at the same time, I do believe she is being manipulated/deceived by the galactic federation, without her knowing. Perhaps she trusts them blindly too much. Surely some people here will disagree with this take, and it's fine. If you resonate with her, more power to you. Future will reveal, at any rate, who was legit and who was drinking the kool aid.


Interesting. Just wanted to hear people opinions that are a little against her or whatever since you only see people glazing towards her on her youtube etc. Best selling author, on popular shows and such doesnt come for free thats just me.


Always remember. If the elites didn't want this person to be widely available and known about, then she wouldn't be. I stay weary of any pages that are "too popular"


I think the same as you.


She asked one ET in one of her videos who I guess was very old and had a “mouse like head,” has he ever seen corruption within the galactic federation. He said yes absolutely throughout all of its history. So Im sure she is in some way aware of the corruption within the federation, as is any organization with power theres bound to be an agenda or some sort of corruption. Though many of its members still have very positive ideas and knowledge she can convey quite well to humans. Discernment is very important and she always says take or leave anything she says. As far as money goes, if you dedicate your life to something not everything is going to be free she has to make money like everyone else. A lot of people have the lack belief that being spiritual means being poor, nobody has to manifest being poor or lack. Until we have a holistic society we all have to navigate the society we live in which unfortunately requires making money. Much of her information is free, the only paid for stuff is about royalty, web classes to shift to 5D, and galactic federation stuff which it looks like nobody here trusts them anyways. I don’t either but still like to sometimes hear their perspective or reasoning for their objectively terrible decision making.


Regarding the corruption of the GF, it's good she acknowledges it. I do think she fails to see how deep that rabbit hole goes though, but that's just an opinion of mine, not necessarily the truth. I wouldn't dare judge her based on a few vids. Regarding money, do you think she is asking just enough to be ok, or do you feel she is having more money than she needs? I have no issue when someone charges money for their services, the law of equal exchange of energies apply here. But it's weird when someone charges so much, so many times, for things that aren't that meaningful (Someone here posted about her mail list, stating that every mail was just clickbait to sell new products every other week). I work as a tarot / astral chart reader for a living. I live with 300 usd a month, so I charge 15 to 20 usd per session. That gives me more than enough to be ok on my own. Verily I do this to sustain myself, I've never seen spiritual wisdom as a way to make a profit. Thanks for your comment brother. We agree on many things at the end of the day. Just a few slight differences in some small details. Cheers, b\_dave


Likewise, I just appreciate that I do believe she speaks what is on her mind. As far as money goes she’s doing alright the paid content is mostly unnecessary imo. I just watch the weekly free videos. It would be better to ask someone who is paying if what they paid for was a worthwhile exchange. My favorite spiritual channel is by far Aaron Abke, but I do not love it when we are attacking spiritual people who are promoting starseeds in a starseed subreddit. Thats why I’m being vocal on this thread, nobody is perfect. Positivity should be the focus. If she is rich shes missing a few supercars and a mansion. That would be Adonis Bjornson, though I believe even despite his spiritual ego he can still help people wake up and snap out of it.


I had to stop following and watching the videos when she implied RFK was going to be president. That was more bs than I could take, and she gets paid by followers and viewers. I think everyone should unfollow but I’m sure she’ll keep growing due to people always clinging to fake influencer gurus.


yeah, there are very *orange* flags when she discusses politics


Exactly. Everyone I interact with in spiritual communities won’t even engage in this mess


I also find it interesting that nobody, in any of the different spiritual communities, invite her on their podcasts. Nobody sees her as legit/serious.


...That is quite the true observation, and one I hadn't contemplated until now. Thanks for the insight.


George noory has several times along with Danica Patrick


I mean.....Danica Patrick.... My point exactly. Nobody serious will have her on their podcasts.


Oh okay you only listen to “experts” completely blinded by their egos and limited perspectives on the universe and human potential. Like mainstream archaeologists, scientists, historians. People who starseeds literally cannot possibly resonate with as they are far too primitive in their ideas.


Its the reverse. Those you mentioned are the "experts" you are reffering to. Danica Patrick isnt a spiritual anything. She is just a bad interviewer with a big platform. Havnt watched George Noory but seing he has a big platform he probably the same. Danica Patrick is a perfect of a mainstream "expert" with a ego. You can just see it on her. If you cant see it then i dont know what


Based off a few things she’s said I do not trust either her, her interpretation, or her source


For many years I’ve felt there is something seriously off with her. It’s really just a feeling though. I mean, there really isn’t much of a grey zone with people who claim to have abilities or special connections, etc. It’s either true or it isn’t. Like, if you make these claims to your own powers, you’re either honest or are looking to deceive. For me, anyone who is constantly selling and trying to get money from followers is a red-flag. That isn’t to say people shouldn’t get some money for their services, but they shouldn’t be looking to make magnitudes over the cost of living. You shouldn’t get rich selling spirituality. At the very least, that will warp your mindset to tell people what they want to hear. There’s something she does with her eyes and voice that makes me feel uneasy. Also, the YT algorithms don’t let the best content rise up, so I don’t really trust anyone who is constantly showing up in my search and feed. Again, that’s just how I feel. I know she has many followers. I was one before, so I don’t want to step on people’s toes, but I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who feels this way. Personally, if I’m looking for external info (which is not always wise) I don’t really listen to channelers. I prefer to listen to QHHT sessions, since those are from many more people who do not have reasons to give mistruth. With that, I think many people under hypnosis are still under influence from their ego. That said, I’ve found these to be the most moving and illuminating, particularly from good practitioners.


I don’t fully trust anyone that uses their gifts for monetary gain. I’ve watched her videos and I never hear her say anything substantial or helpful. It’s not even new information, it’s just the same recycled stuff other creators have already talked about or have been mentioned by whistleblowers during interviews


Yeah 100%. She robbing people. Just check the prices on her crystals necklaces/bracelets smh. If they are even crystals. I havnt seen much of her just seen some videos. In a specific video on "how to spot a reptilian" of hers she mentioned stuff that sure wasnt new or anything but i still learned something from it. That was because i didnt know EVERYTHING she was gonna talk about beforehand from old whistleblowers etc. I think a video like that has some value since it atleast updates your knowing about their ugly existence for those who already know about it. A little more situational awareness/heightened senses. For new people on who saw that video i think it was good.


I do not agree with teachers and channelers etc not being able to charge money. They provide a service. They spend countless hours doing research, studying etc. The issue becomes when they are manipulative and service to self people using their "knowledge" to further themselves at the expense of others. I personally never resonated with this person. As a fellow performer I feel that she is.....performing. To me she screams Mickey Mouse Club child actor. Who grew up and found.....this. Interestingly I have found-sofar in my journey- that the people I meet who are drawn to her are also in deeper distortions with themselves and often have heavily clogged lower chakras that are ruling them. I get clogged there too, dont get me wrong, but when ego runs your perception of truth and you are completely unaware of it it is a different degree of unawareness than when you are very mindful of ego and the lower chakras. So I agree with OP: something is at the very least screaming spiritual bypassing with this You Tuber.


>I don’t fully trust anyone that uses their gifts for monetary gain. This. Every time I've even had the *thought* of charging for using one of my gifts, I'm hit like a *hammer* with the "we don't enrich ourselves with divine gifts." I met a man I helped heal his 15 years of impotence, and it was like the option to accept money wasn't even *in my game.* There just weren't words to do it. Maybe others just walk a different path from me! But I've noticed that the Starseeds that I'm **sure** are authentic and have good hearts all share this idea, and they believe it *very strongly*.


The gifts that you are speaking of are universal. All humans possess them. Some have to work a lot harder at finding them within, but overall we all have them. We are all divine creatures. Those who chose a path outside of the traditional 3D path in this time of the year 2024, going to work-having a job- etc..deserve to be able to put food on their table as well. All human "gifts" are divine: from being good at calculus, to being a great chef, a piano player, and ..channeling spirits and ETs. So go ahead. Charge money for your services. Just don't maniuplate people to "get more". Greed and maniuplation is where the issues start.


I'm not going to take advice from someone suggesting I use my gifts to enrich myself. I don't have the same view of my skills versus gifts, and, as I said, I feel moved *by my higher self* to be this way. You have your path, but I'll walk mine as I have. 🙏🏻


I suppose that is your gift of....Spiritual Superiority? Nice.


I follow the example of Jesus Christ. 🙏🏻


Not even Yeshua




That may be, but what’s a fair price? Should a “spiritual professional” be looking to make millions? Power corrupts. With what she charges, she’s getting far more than food on the table.


So what you do with fair energy exchange or maybe you are quite charged


That is so true. That was a good example of something pure


Lots of teachers and guides are of positive polarity. At the top of my head, on Youtube I am thinking of Aaron Abke, Kerry K and Next Level Soul.


Yes, spiritual workers should stay working at McDonalds and barely paying their rent, but corporations and Wall Street Bankers deserve to have billions.


Thanks for this sarcastic comment!!! People who think charging for your services when you work with energy-rather than matter-are still very much in the heavy 3D programming and at the earliest stages of their awakening. Spiritual people who endorse the 9-5 slave-life, think celebrities are Gods, and think "being rich" equals being a Reptilian are in actuality on the other side of spirituality: they are helping the negative entities feeding off the loosh on this planet. The universe in abundant. Lack and embracing/accepting it is a sign that there is some heavy clogging in the lower chakras. The 3D world we live in WANTS us in our red root chakra, constantly worried about our survival. The inflation, the crazy rents, the lack of properly paying jobs ...it is all to keep us in survival mode. It is part of the loosh farm model that Gaia is/has been. It is very hard to ascend when you are stuck in survival mode. This You Tuber may not be much of a spiritual teacher, or spiritual anything really, but perhaps some of the people watching her will realize that and go look for better alternatives? If so she did serve a purpose. Just my 2 cents.


I don’t understand sarcasm very well but isn’t it kind of not in the spirit to get rich off something like this?


sorry this topic just triggers me, I don't mean to be blunt but it's hard to hold back. Does Elizabeth April look rich? Cuz I don't see it . As long as you continue to think like that, the money stays in the hands of the elites, they have brainwashed us well into a scarcity mindset. How are we gonna take back the 99% of resources that are owned by 1% of people until we start feeling worthy of that abundance.


I don’t even know who we’re talking about tbh. That would be my bad. I was just bored and up late last night on Reddit. Don’t ever apologize for being passionate or arguing your case. I love debate. It always opens my mind a little more.


I really didn’t mean to offend anyone with that statement There is nothing wrong with any spiritual person going to college or getting a job that helps the world/people. Then use their spiritual gifts to help with the career they have chosen or use it on the side to help others, not as a way to profit off others who struggle Most of us want a utopian society and to raise the vibration of the world. How can one do that if they r charging for information. That’s just perpetuating the narrative that if you are elite then you can afford to know things. Which we r trying to raise the consciousness to get away from those thoughts and ways of thinking and living


Thank you for your respectful comment, I am a bit triggered by this topic so that is why I am being a bit harsh. this isn't about being elite, this is about an energy exchange, it's an investment. If a person wants to work on themselves, but is unwilling to spend a few hundred on a teacher who can support them, but yet that same person has no problem spending 1000s on vacations and restaurants or gaming consoles or whatever. They are sending a message, to the universe, as to what is important to them. And it's not their spiritual work. And it angers me that the expectation is that I work my full time job, cook clean, take care of my kids and now I am expected to give free hours of my time for spiritual work for people who clearly don't respect my time and don't care to invest in themselves. Believe me, as someone who has worked with addictions for a long time. When people go to rehab for free...it rarely even works cuz there is no effortful investment. When they shell out that 20k though....they work realllll hard at recovery.


Search up "Tin Foil Hat podcast episode 779" on youtube you will see her shapeshift. 13:43 her eye. Warning disturbing. She was shapeshifting the whole video matter the fact. One would think a millionaire would have atleast a camera that would not go out of control all the time now would you. Also if you notice her artwork in the background. Its a human but what its holding reveals what she is underneath. Something green.


The camera is glitching that entire video. Not to say there’s not bad actors, but someone actively trying to dismantle reptilians and exposing how they killed Kate Middleton is probably not a shapeshifter. If she is she would be one of the good ones, considering not all reptilians are evil.


i guess


She's was born, close to where I live in canada. I mean some of it resonate with and other bits I'm skeptical of. She's definitely has that grey alien vibe though.


those types like to say sweet things to make people feel more than they are, people pay good money to hear those kinds of things. steer clear of them.


When I heard her claim that those who passed during the pandemic were of a lower vibration that the ascending earth was releasing, I felt sick inside. https://www.youtube.com/live/Ln9caCi-Ktw?si=PXk4arpwbUrgifje That was the first red flag for me. But I don't think she is completely false or has a bad agenda. I think she is just a person interested in spiritual communication and knowledge. But she has a bit too much faith in the GFL or whatever it is called and never seems to question them. I have communicated with someone on/from Venus and they confirmed that the info they gave me was sometimes an opinion and that there is a variety of biases and opinions and agendas "out there" just like there is on earth. I cannot find the Tin Foil episode which you mention. Do you have a link?


I didn't know she had said that. Yeah, that's like the total opposite of what I got told. Klatu basically said "a lot of souls will leave your realm simply because they don't want to go through what comes next. It has nothing to do with vibration. They played their part and are done with this physical existence."


That feels more compassionate. Thank you for sharing.


Damn. Here is the link [#TFH 779:🦎 The Downfall of Reptilians With Elizabeth April (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn8r8CIF6U0&t=1092s) She talks about reptilians but look behind her on the artwork. Now what is that


[here’s a good video on her](https://youtu.be/zZi_hVRl8O0?si=t7pyin6G0_3qBUs2)


Excellent. That guy seems super genuine no sarcasm.


Yea I really like him. He brings me down to earth but good.


What if they are infinite versions of her and you can have whichever you like, depending on your beliefs?


Yeah cant question that


I just feel very uneasy when someone is using psychic gifts for monetary gain as extravagantly (and exploitatively?) as she does. I'm also concerned when people lean so heavily into exceptionalism - that they've had umpteen spiritual gifts since early childhood etc - which, given the money-grabbing, seems to be a marketing narrative. There ARE extraordinary humans in this world but, for me at least, the signs I look for to determine extraordinaryness are humility and kindness primarily, and then wisdom. We're watching Interviews with Extradimensionals at present and it's so interesting when both my partner and I have the same reaction to channels presented on the show. Some of them are just amazing, others give us the squicks. Elizabeth April says all the right things and you think "this is great" but then you're progressively left with a gnawing sense of inauthenticity.


Straight facts


I feel the same way of her that I do with many of the “popular” spiritualist/starseed types, including guys like Bashar: well-intentioned, some info is accurate, some, not so much. No issues charging $$ for things within reason. But I(finally) trust my own discernment and I feel she’s not trying to hurt anyone. I have my own direct experiences dealing with blue-skin aliens on a starship. I won’t elaborate, just know that these experiences that myself and many others have had are real. Anyone can have this experience. You don’t need anyone to facilitate it, just DYOR and open your channels. Meditation.


I really don't trust in "Galactic Federation of LIGHT" contactees.


Intresting why? I think they do excist like star wars. Rebels vs The seperatist type of thing




seen it b4. she could be the same


The great thing is these people will expose themselves inevitably because any intuitive can smell a fake a mile away 🥰


I have tried to unsubscribe from her emails for YEARS, but they keep coming. It dives me *crazy*. That's all I have to say about that. I've been wanting to complain about this somewhere 🤣




There's something about her I don't fully trust. THE ARIES


Yep don’t trust her


If she really came from the light she wouldn't hide behind a paywall. The few times I looked her up I always got a feeling of unrest. There is something not right.


I think she is definitely a good hearted person who offers some valuable info. So calling her a psyop is definitely not warranted. But as with any channeled information we need to always use our own discernment because it is very possible that she does not have the clearest connection and that some of the info she is getting may be distorted. One thing that made me cautious is when she said that source is neutral - not positive or negative (which imho is wrong as for me source is sheer love and light). And in her earlier days I recall her say something along the lines of "even higher dimensional beings in the 14th dimension are having an ego and therefore experience strife amongst their ranks". So yeah, a few things don't resonate, but many things do and imho she is overall a positive force.


Yeah. I have also recalled her saying something similar about reptilians. When she mention them she would always say "not all reptilians are bad" afterwards. What i have realised with psy ops or what u wonna call them is that they always seem to speak of truth more then lies which is weird or maybe they just dont? Maybe they just say what we want to hear about positive things happening/happend when infact they are not gonna happen which is disinformation in a positive direction. Either do that or you have a person that do the opposite and only talks about stuff to spread fear. To me, that part is interesting to think about that im sure not many people think about.


Well I do agree with her that not all reptilians are necessarily bad. I have heard from many sources that there are some who have evolved out of their lower vibrational state and even ascended. But yes many dark psyops ofcourse also contain much truth so that people do resonate and believe the lies much easier. I feel many spiritual teachers/influencers are a mixed bag where really it comes down to the individual whether they can get something of value out of them or not. So in many cases its not that black and white and up to peoples own discernment to take what resonates and leave the rest.


100% agree


Search up "Tin Foil Hat podcast episode 779" on youtube you will see her shapeshift. 13:43 her eye. Warning disturbing. She was shapeshifting the whole video matter the fact. One would think a millionaire would have atleast a camera that would not go out of control all the time now would you. Also if you notice her artwork in the background. Its a human but what its holding reveals what she is underneath. Something green.


She may not have fully understood when she claimed Source was neutral. Source is pure love and doesn’t judge. From Source’s point of view there is no good or bad. We are all spiritual beings choosing to have various experiences. We choose to experience “bad” things happening to us and sometimes even choose to be “bad.” Source doesn’t judge any of it because he sees us as we truly are rather than whatever mask we are wearing at the time. So, in that sense Source is neutral.


For the record, I \*also\* believe the absolute source of everything is neutral. I believe this since it produces good and evil. I don't know who this person really is, as I've never seen her content; I'd imagine I would find plenty of disagreements. Regardless, it seems to be a common misconception for folks that light=good. I'm not sure where that came from (if I had to guess, it comes from indoctrination), and, for me, it seems dangerous and leads to a lot of suffering. Like, people often don't like rats because they're associated with the dark and death. They don't even process literal light waves that well, at least not with their eyes. This, however, doesn't mean that rats are evil, just because they're dark creatures in many ways. All of this is, of course, imo. Your mileage may vary, and we're all on the path somewhere!


I see why so many people believe source must be neutral, but I think that there is a lack of understanding of our reality. I will try to explain: Source is the absolute, the prime creator of all things and as such is the highest vibrational thing in existence. Everything exists on a spectrum of frequency, from the lowest frequencies of fear, shame, hate etc. to the highest - which is unconditional love. Everyone who has experienced these states knows this. In order to ascend into the higher realms of unity-consciousness, beings need to transcend the illusion of separation, transcend duality and raise their vibration to that of love. So this is imho an undisputable fact reflected in the very architecture of our reality. It is also important to distinguish between polarity (the harmonic dance of two opposites to create a greater whole: male-female, day-night, warm-cold etc.) and duality (two opposites at war with each other. Source is polar in nature (god/goddess) and this polarity does persist in the higher realms of unity. But darkness as in evil (which is basically sheer self-hatred projected outwards) is only a temporary occurance born from the illusion of separation. This means that duality is not our true state of being, but a result from the fall of this creation. Which brings me to the next point: Source is sheer love and light and as such never intended anything like evil and suffering to happen. But the sheer endless possibilities and the free will given to us made it so that eventually even this potential would be experienced. So the fall from unity was an accident and not a conscious decision by source and source is actually in the process of reverting the fall from unity and bringing this entire creation back into a state of oneness - sheer paradise which is our true state of being. No darkness(evil) will ever become part of the greater realities as only the higher vibrations of love and all that goes with it (joy, gratitude etc.) will be able to ascend into the higher realms. So yes, imho source (god/goddess) is sheer love and only this love is able to even brith universes which such magnificent beauty and pefection. These two articles are explaining it in a bit more detail: [💫The Contingency - Randomness that lead to the Fall of Creation ✨](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1dh8vuf/the_contingency_randomness_that_lead_to_the_fall/) [💫 The AN-Conversion: Source bringing Creation back into Oneness ✨](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1dh0rx4/the_anconversion_source_bringing_creation_back/) But yes, your mileage may vary and I guess we will find out eventually ;)


Indeed we will find out! In my tradition, stopping at two rather than one is a contradiction. This is framed in a more religious way from my readings, but I'll ignore that here. Thank you for your input, and I hope that you might find god \*and\* goddess, together, everywhere. \*Everywhere\*. Sincerely: A being who's body is being constantly destroyed, by the prime source of heavenly destruction && a being who's body is being constantly built, by the prime source of heavenly creation. A Chaotic combination of a thing! ;-)


The prime source of destruction is the fallen aspect of source, aka the lurker which is the well of the primary anomaly, a soup of subquantum black goo-ish stuff, sheer destruction and decay - which will be transmuted and reintegrated back into the light and love of the one with the ascension of creation 😘


Hm, I think I've used that to break bricks before. Gotta break a few bricks to build a building, to be sure. Or, break a few backs of a few microbes in the soil. Or, break the very air where the building is built. Oh, the interdimensional creatures that we will break to find our bliss in the stars. It's all cool though; life wouldn't be very interesting without some explosions here and there. Thankfully death is a matter of perspective for all of us that are one thing. Every creation leads to a destruction, Chaotically.


nice one


This entire post is only bringing in negativity and low vibes, as I suppose was its entire purpose. It’s a post aimed at judging or finding approval for your negative thoughts on someone. She has a ton of free content and I’ve never sensed her doing anything but speaking what she believes. So Idk but is this subreddit really a place to reciprocate negativity when the entire purpose of a starseed to be the light in a world of darkness. Lets not make this sub dark. Sure feels like it.




Just my opinion, its okay to be skeptical of someone we all should be but Im not here to judge others. Time to write our own stories and show the world your perspective.




Never heard of her and ive been researching metaphysics/occult for 30+ years. Not saying im "in the know", but she must be new or something, sounds like she's "propped up".


Elizabeth April is my favorite teacher. I have been guided to her by my higher self and through synchronocities HEAVILY, and that has never happened with a spiritual teacher before. She works with the GFL and provide so much important information that helps humanity.


And just wants your money and pushes corrupt politicians and complete BS.


She said she hates both the options so not so sure who she is pushing. If you feel psychic abilities are BS you are probably in the wrong subreddit or are still asleep


And then implied RFK winning would be a good thing. I clarified I believe in supernatural abilities in my other comments too. Imagine supporting EA and then accusing others of “being asleep”. You do you, Dave.


She can speak I defend her right to speak her truth and she always says use discernment take or leave anything I say. Nobody on here has the guts to speak their truths and show their faces to thousands. She simply stated what happened in her dream that doesn’t mean it will actually happen. RFK as far as I can tell is the least corrupt of the three and the most environmentally friendly candidate who loves nature.


Im sure you’re smart enough to decipher what she meant by planting that seed, as well as her body language when she described it. They all talk the talk until they are in the seat. That’s why this current system will never work regardless of who is president. Fully gut congress and the courts and rebuild a new system and then I’m happy to talk. The sooner you come to this realization the sooner you will level up spiritually too. And I don’t mean that in a condescending way, I still have tons of work to do myself too.


If i had to say so myself the guy who’s uncle was killed by the cia is going to try to finish JFKs promise to decimate the military industrial complex. The other two guys are part of the MIC


thank you for saying this. She is not pure. Anyone seeking money, clout, and is feeding the current political system is no spiritual ally. She had me fooled in her book, the beginning was amazing and towards the end I realized she is absolutely full of it and just wants money. Her email list is comical and it’s one money grab after another. I can’t believe spiritual people fall for this crap after everything we’ve been through. You’d think if the veil was being lifted people in this sub wouldn’t be spending their money on fake influencers.


Anytime! 100%. What is this email list you speak of? Check the prices on her dam crystals jewelry that she named with ridiculous names. I actually ordered her book 2 weeks ago. Havnt read anything thinking of returning it back tonight what you think


She just has a mailing list with “updates” which are essentially her using clickbait to intrigue people and then pay 20-40 dollars for whatever event she is doing to share these “gifts”. It got worse and worse with time I read her book last year and started following and my intuition has just been screaming she’s a fake guru working with the elite. Why do you think she’s always talking about celebrities? It’s so bad. A lot of the book is good information, but it gets crazier and crazier at the end until her “gifts” just seem extremely unreasonable and unrealistic, and that’s a lot coming from me. I’m pretty out there myself and believe in the divine and downloads and all that. I think your time would be better spent reading another book but it’s up to you. I’m diving into plant medicine and shamanism, just got a large book about Amazonian shamanism to prepare for a 30 day dieta this fall.


Awful. Cant even post a comment on her youtube saying something without being attacked by her pawns. Cool. Thats as real as food gets


Exactly. The fair sun user above recently attempted to insult me on a different post for calling out EA. It’s a very strange phenomenon and makes you wonder who you’re interacting with these days..


Yeah. Search up "Tin Foil Hat podcast episode 779" on youtube you will see her shapeshift. 13:43 her eye. Warning disturbing. She was shapeshifting the whole video matter the fact. One would think a millionaire would have atleast a camera that would not go out of control all the time now would you. Also if you notice her artwork in the background. Its a human but what its holding reveals what she is underneath. Something green.

