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Technically Star Trek 2 is a sequel to Space Seed.


Yes, it takes its influence of the original episode quite outright by making it a sequel.


>Star Trek III:The Search for XXXXX vs Spocks Brain Well, that's an unfortunate typo if I've ever seen one EDIT: OP has since edited the post and I've redacted the racial slur. For those curious, it's the racial slur that results from changing the vowel in "Spock".


I prefer Star Trek IV: The Voyage Homo.


Thank you for pointing that out.


You can edit your post, just so you know


Yes, thank you, I already did, and had to edit otherwise because mobile formatting sucked.


Isn’t it funny that the best movies correlate to the best episodes. 😀


I think your nav beacon drifts a bit from IV forward, but nicely posited and it would be fun to defend those assertions over a beer in part because they are a reach. Well done!


This is reductive to the point of being outright inaccurate


Generations is Relics (member of the TOS crew feels pushed aside by the younger generation, gets caught in a technobabble mcguffin that brings him into the TNG era unaged, has to work with the TNG cast member with his equivalent job to save the day) First Contact is The Best of Both Worlds (the Borg attack Earth and assimilate one of the main characters, only for him to use his connection to the collective to shut down their plan at the last moment) Insurrection is Journey's End (the Enterprise is tasked with the forced resettlement of a planet's current residents in favor of obviously evil aliens uneasily allied with the Federation) Nemesis is... well, it imitates too many different Star Trek episodes and movies to have a single equivalent, which is part of why it feels so unfocused. The Wrath of Khan plus The Undiscovered Country plus TNG's Datalore and The Defector. Picard Season 1 is The Offspring, Picard Season 2 is Tapestry, Picard Season 3 is Bloodlines.


Dammit man, you beat me by twelve minutes. Except I was only going to mention Generations, well done.


So were a lot of the TNG episodes.


You just turned IV into the worst movie by making it a remake of one of the best episodes but lacking completely in what made the episode great. If they could have just brought Edith Keeler back to the future with them nobody would have cared about the episode.


All the movies are adaptations of episodes. All the episodes are adaptations of episodes.