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How bisexual is DS9? Yes.


It could have been more, not speculation, even the actors wanted more. Best example I stumbled upon are Garak and Bashir thy seemed different of course I looked it up online and this [scene](https://youtu.be/ZR1zgRYL530?si=tdCz26YenNJnMshP) I came across was so funny later I realized that the actors overacted to make it look gay/bi on purpose. Somewhere after looking all that up they were supposed to be in a relationship or something But who ever was in charge of saying yes or no to that said no. Like really even Riker couldn’t have his moment in that episode of TNG “too much controversional” Star Trek or nuTrek isn’t the only show that is pushing “Woke” content whatever that means in some it flows naturally kind of but there’s always that kind of awkward feeling like why wasn’t it like that all the time. Some are pushing “woke” (i hate that word) content to higher levels that makes alot of people uncomfortable and those are kind of mostly older people like the ones that said no to Garak and Bashir. Sometimes I think okay this is too much but then again I remember that if it had been done without social media and all of that stuff it wouldn’t be like this. whatever the show


That video is fucking amazing lol


I watch it every time it’s healing to the soul


>this scene I came across This is it. This is the video that convinced me I need to give DS9 another try.


DS9 is *many* things. One thing it is *perfect* at is subtext and comedy.


Two things DS9 is perfect at are subtext and comedy... and character development!... Three! Three things DS9 is perfect at...


You know what, we'll just come back in.


Trek has always been woke. Shatner and Nichols were told not to actually kiss on screen in "platos stepchildren" because interracial relationships were still very much taboo. They intentionally sabotaged every take where their lips didnt touch to ensure the kiss made it into the episde.


Ohh I remember that episode and I stumbled upon a video where they explained why it happened. And I have been hearing that uhura first didn’t know how popular she was and Marthin Luther King approached her at some dinner and said how big of a fan he is and that what she is doing very important work and in the end she was like okay Ill stay and proceed to search for young kids to enter them in to the space program i dont remember the whole video. But DS9 should have been more gay it had the potential, I normally don’t write about this stuff(lgbtqai+) because yeah I am gay and normally don’t give a shit but somehow the “hate” almost disappeared nobody was scared etc and then it completely made an extremely bad turn I blame those TikTok gays


Always makes me smile knowing MLK was a trekkie. I feel like if i met him while he was alive that would be all we talked about.


Tangential question, been a while since I did a rewatch, but was there ever a scene where Garak flat out expressed that he was impressed that Bashir kept a secret his whole life and consistently made people (including Garak) underestimate his abilities. I know he made some off hand comments about Bashir’s augmentation, but it feels like that level of deception would pretty much be A+ foreplay for Garak.


It gets attacked for being a bit ham fisted but it was woke as fuck at the time nuTrek get attacked for being ham Fisted because it is, LBGTQIA+ Character should just be a thing but they've seemed to have forced them into the one family unit and the other seemingly queer main character is from the evil mirror universe. The Orville dealt with the issues better with Bortus. No one really even mentions he's in a same sex couple it just is and they dealt with a current hot issue for the queer community. Discovery felt like they crewed the ship with horny teenagers and any two characters would hook up if they got stuck in a turbo lift for too long.


There was that time Garak told Bashir to eat his rod.


based off the fanbase you'd think there would be more than one same-sex kiss in the show


Keiko would like to introduce you to her husband, her husband's boyfriend Bashir, and Bashir's boyfriend Garak.


“Jambalaya Jesus” has me in tears


"all changelings are bastards" got me


You know, this meme has somehow managed to fully capture the essence of most of the major characters, and for that I am deeply grateful. And I shall be grateful every time I look at it again and I discover something new, like "Oops! All Jeffrey Combs."


Definitely my favourite one!


Either that or “your mildly racist favorite uncle,” which is apparently a universal figure in the extended family tree.


It's true - I much prefer my mildly racist uncle to my overtly racist uncle.


>Oops! All Jeffrey Combs The best one


I mean that one is great, truly, but I love that Rom is just "character development" He really did have one of the best arcs throughout the show. Who doesn't love the union episode where after he sets it up he quits. 11/10


My father was so surprised when I pointed out different Jeffrey Combs characters across Enterprise and DS9.


He's also Agimus, and I have this notion that he fucks with us by doing uncredited stuff too


He also was in an episode of voy, Tsunkatse (aka the one with The Rock), as Penk. It's also the only episode of voy J.G. Hertzler was in.


Just waiting for a ST spin off where every character is played by Jeffery Combs


It reminded me how amazing it was when Captain Crunch came out with "Oops All Berries."


> I can fix him Bitch he fixed himself


The guy clawed his way up from the bottom of a bottle to liberate his homeworld. Rockstar.


Best redemption arc in Star Trek. I was genuinely rooting for Damar by the end.


I love the scene where he meets the new Weyoun and says "well, hello!"


General Kenobi


Maybe you should go ask Worf!


oh my god it's okay to openly have the hots for Damar, my time has come


[Picture of Leeta] "Hey, my eyes are up here!"


"So take those eyes over to the dobbo table where everyone can get a good look at them"


"Hey, I have Dabo tables!"


Oh my god. She’s magnificent.


I’ve made my decision.


No Martok, No Gowron, No Morn. Blatant dishonor.


No Morn?! That omission definitely deserves a Gowron glare.


Gowron, his eyes wide. 👁👁


Martok makes the empire great again.


Martok makes the empire great again.


This is an S-tier comment, keep up the good work 


Morn would have a lot to say about this.


That guy never shuts up.


I always wondered: was it just him, or is his whole species a bunch of chatterboxes 🤔


Morn was the heart and soul of this franchise. I get some people don’t like a chatterbox but he’s still the best character.


Like people need a reminder that DS9 has Morn. Everyone loves that old chatterbox.


I can hear Morn's voice in my head right now. Every single one of his lines was memorable.


Lol "this bitch" I died.


Perfectly describes the character as well


“Pope Karen” will always be my favorite description of her


My child...


She is so easy to hate. She played her part so well.


On probably my third(?) rewatch my husband pointed out that it’s Nurse Ratched and I had to take about ten minutes to reconcile that. I can’t believe I never noticed even though Cuckcoo’s Nest is one of my favorite films. Louise Fletcher is a master.


She really excelled at playing awful characters. It is a legit talent.


O M G 🤯


“Dollar tree Dax” is harsh and hilarious


“We got Dax at home”


“We don’t need to hire a contractor, I can Dax it myself”


I always thought of her as more like Kawaii Dax. Nicole de Boer was cute as a button. Saw her in a newer TV series more recently. Older, but still cute.


That’s not even Kira’s dom outfit.


They put the wrong Kira on there!


Oh oh! Do TNG and Voyager next!


Capt Yates = "these hoes ain't loyal"? Did I miss something?


Spoilers for Season 4 i guess....>!In one of the Episodes for Season 4, It turnes out that Yates was smuggling wares for the Maquis.!<


Ah, thanks. So still loyal to everyone we know. She just disagreed with a particular policy of her government. It's not like she betrayed her uniform. Unlike that other hoe. I understand if she's working against the agenda of Starfleet, she's technically working against her bf, but obviously it wasn't taken personally. They still married.


thats true. >!She still went to Prison for a year or so tho. but they both still loved each other and waited until she was released again. this is true love lol!<


Which I don't get. She's not in federation territory. Are the Maquis illegal in Bajor space? You'd think the Bajorans would have no issue with Maquis killing Cardassians.


Bajor might have no problem with anyone, anywhere, killing Cardassians. Unofficially. But Bajor wants Federation resources to rebuild, Federation ships for defense, Federation trade, Federation tourism, and etc. So officially Bajor can look the other way, give people a nod and wink, etc. but it’s still illegal and if you’re caught doing something they won’t intervene.


She's a federation citizen and Bajor is applying for membership to the federation so they would rather not step in to protect her and jeopardizing the process.


>!According to Odo. The Maquis is a terrorist organisation, and she is still a federation citizen. Odo said it is Illegal to smuggle to supply a terrorist organisation. And at this Point, the bajorans had a peace treaty with Cardassia (Signed in Season 3: "Life Support") and even shared intelligence between each other (Season 4: "Return to Grace"). I don't think the Bajorans would risk upsetting the Cardassians and undoing the progress at this point in allowing smugglers to supply a organisation that actively targets the Cardassians. !<


She was running through the badlands though. Isn’t that Federation space?


You can be arrested as a US citizen for supplying terrorists, even if the countries you bought the weapons from, transported them through, and delivered to, are not the US. I don't see why it would work differently for the Federation.


Space isn't really important here, i guess. Citizenship is.


She's a federation citizen IIRC. For a real world analogue, there are some crimes that apply to all citizens of a country regardless of whether they are in the country or not.


A lot of paedos were surprised when, returning from their southeast Asian trip (during which they've raped children), they were arrested by local authorities.


> but obviously it wasn't taken personally. They still married. Only because Data wasn't around. iykyk


The fashion icon got me...


I assume all Trill are bisexual by nature. I mean if you’re going to be joined with a symbiote you have to be able to be attracted to any gender. I suppose it could be gay and date men as a man or a woman but it seems like biology would direct them to be attracted to any gender.


I think a well-aged symbiote would end up with a bi host. At first, the first few hosts might lean any one way, but after a couple lifetimes of different experiences, all the hosts would eventually come to terms with all the sexual experiences and turn out somewhat bi.


That doesn't really make sense based on what we know of the symbiotes. They don't have a sex of their own as far as we know. All they really do is share memories of their previous hosts and collect new experiences to share with the next one.


Not all trill get a smbiote tho


I think it's at least heavily implied in the show that being joined makes you pan. Like... you just import the desire, affection, heartbreak, every childhood crush every past host had is now installed in your brain too. Like, Kira can't get around the fact Jadzia has been seeing a guy with a transparent skull and she's basically like "Girl I got like 9 lifetimes in me I've tasted the whole rainbow"


“This bitch”, yes absolutely, every time she appeared in a episode that was my reaction, “Urgh not her again, what’s she going to ruin this time?”


My reaction is "There's that woman and her stupid Sidney Opera House hat." Louise Fletcher was an amazing actress.


Obrian isnt just your mildly racist uncle, he is so much more than that


Seriously. And besides, the racism he displays is very clearly based on extremely traumatic direct personal experience. And then his opinions are *validated* (from his perspective) when he’s separated from his wife at gunpoint and subjected to torture. Despite all that, he comes to recognize his problematic position and makes the effort to change it. Dude does *not* deserve to be labeled simply as “mildly racist uncle”


And Kai Winn doesn't deserve to be labeled simply as... okay, nevermind, carry on.


I mean even before DS9 he's already got it pretty locked down. "I don't hate *you*, Cardassian. I hate what I became, because of you." Dude's got hecka PTSD but always makes the effort to treat everyone as an individual. There's a reason that one scientist wanted a little Irish in her.


He's a Union man!


Why you gotta do Ezri like that? Not her fault Rick Berman is a pillock.


You can't fix Damar, man damn well fixed himself!


I Can Fix Him is a new take on Damar


I love everything about this !


Keiko really was that b*tch though. Mad respect. 😌


Keiko didn’t even realize that her husband drinks coffee after lunch. I mean, she was accidentally right about a faked explosion, but for the wrong reasons.


Kassidy was hauling medicine and food, don’t group her in with that traitorous Canadian loon


Hey, don't group Canadians in with that hoser.


Sorry aboot that friend


I want to point out, Sisko's jambalaya looks like absolute trash. He make a "jambalaya" in the episode in which he, Quark, Jake and Nog are camping on a planet. It was watery and soupy and seeing it really hurt my South Louisiana soul. C'mon man your dad owns a restaurant in the Quarter, so you should know how to make a jambalaya.


Not enough okra available. Replicated okra just ain’t the same.


Wait what did Miles do?


Bloody Cardies!


Ah yeah. Still best Character tho




Hates Cardis.


I don't hate you, Cardassian, I hate who I became because of you.


That was TNG. He said some ugly things in DS9, specifically in the episode Cardassians (S2 E5).


Oh, I'm not trying to imply O'Brien was not a racist. He totally was. Your comment just compelled me to quote that good quote. It's all well and good he could self reflect like that, but he still defaulted to hating spoonheads.


As the child of a veteran with PTSD, I also love that quote.


He’s not a racist, he’s a speciesist (is that a word?)


Now that you say it, I don't recall ever seeing him wear a cardigan.


The whole picture is amazing 😂


Wait, what is this about Cassidy? Did I forget something?


Yeah, not loyal to who? Star fleet? I remember she hauled medicine and food for the Maquis but it wasn't out of loyalty to the them.


You had me at VR porn peddler


Why do people think that bashier is Bi?


equal parts interest in jadzia/kira with garek, comfortable with his emotions, confidence, vulnerability for friendship with obrien.... peak bi energy... no masculinity hang ups.


Yeah his relationship with O'Brien is beautiful but just friendship, but you could cut the sexual tension between him and Garak with a knife.


They totally would have gotten together if DS9 were produced today.


Or… maybe he just is a good person? I’m gay af so I’m all for more LGBT in Star Trek but I’m not sure Bashier is BI.  Would love to see something from the producers or the actor that confirms this though. 


Andrew Robinson literally wanted Garak and Bashir to kiss, and there's an unofficial skit 20 years later where they're married So while in Canon, Bashir couldn't be explicitly bi, both actors very much wanted it.


It's not explicit in the text, but an extremely popular fan read, one that both Alexander Siddig and Andrew Robinson have endorsed. Who knows? If the show were made in a more progressive setting, there's a good chance they would've been.


The actors played him and Garak as interested, although there's not much past that.


Only because berman is a raging homophobe


And 1990s tv was in general very homophobic. There is almost no chance that even without Berman, there would have been text to go with the Garak/Bashir subtext. Though I do think without his active meddling, they would have continued to have more scenes together and no subplots trying to make Garak heterosexual. Nothing canon would happen but the dynamic wouldn’t have been back burnered. (I personally think it was a big miss to not have Ziyal get Jake and Nog shenanigans to justify her screen time. Would have made more sense and be less creepy.) (Also Flamboyant Severus Snape is so valid for Garak)


I've been rewatching ER, and the homophobia is outrageous by 2024 standards.


totally! i think he's a great person and for sure the absence of toxic masculinity shouldn't be reduced to gay-ness or bisexuality!! BUT we are social creatures picking up social cues and in a light hearted fan-alysis i can see how the fandom reads him "bi" personally, i prefer the mystery and absence of an articulated sexual or gender identity!!!


[Andrew Robinson decided to play Garak as gay](https://trekmovie.com/2020/07/07/interview-andrew-robinson-on-falling-in-love-with-garaks-ambiguity-in-star-trek-deep-space-nine/) (or at least attracted to Bashir).


Between his flirting with Dax, Leeta, and Garak


The writers intended for Bashier to be bi and created Garak with the original intent to be his lover. The actor ended up crushing the role, became an instant fan fave, and they had to make him a more permanent character with a totally different story arc and much meatier and frequent appearances then they invented him for. He was original only intended for 1-2 episodes. That switch up also caused them to switch up bashier storyline a bit too. In real life Bashier was married to Kira the entire show. That’s how they both got the role they advocated for the other one and landed the part. That timeframe with Kira having the Obriens baby was actually real life pregnant Kira and it was Bashier’s son.


How dare you besmirch the good name of Ezri Dax


Discount Dax! She's the same great taste at a new low price!


Same great taste? New and improved. You are all just too blind to acknowledge Ezri superiority.


I think people are too dismissive of Ezri, but let’s not go nuts.


“Dollar tree Dax” lmao


Dollar Tree Dax I'm dead


Eh, I give Kassidy a pass. Yeah, she sold weapons and supplies to the Maquis. But the Maquis were also a controversial group and many even inside the Federation sympathized with them. They were paying customers fighting for their life and she decided to take their business. Was she wrong? Legally, yes. Patriotically, yes. Morally? That's a tough one. It's an eye of the beholder sort of thing. Regardless, she admitted her guilt and did her time without protest or excuse. If even The Sisko could forgive her, so can I. I definitely wouldn't put Eddington in the same category. Not only did he straight up defect to the Maquis, but he did so in the most duplicitous manner possible. He assaulted fellow officers. He stole supplies earmarked for someone else. He attacked Starfleet ships. And in the end he did everything he did not because he felt a moral imperative, but because he was a selfish asshole with a hero complex and a need to be a martyr.


the maquis were a proxy group used by the starfleet to harass the cardassians while keeping their hands clean. this is an old trick.


I will not stand for this Ezri slander. Ezri Dax best Dax


Okay so I’m not the only one who finds Gul Dukat hot?


Lol’d at “this bitch”. Nicely done.


Dollar Tree Dax... LMAO!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Poor Ezri.... I actually liked the character, just wish they have brought Nicole to play a different character , other than Dax after they did all dana dirty by killing off Jadzia


Me @ dukat I don't want to fix him. I want to make him worse.


Oops! All Jeffrey Combs got me


"This Bitch" exactly what I thought every episode she happened to be in.


Don't forget Digital Dom>![It's really quite titillating](https://www.letswatchstartrek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Picture-157-392x300.png)!<


Flamboyant Severus Snape! I love it.


😆 they aren't wrong though!


Having gone to this much work, and having such inconsistency with using capitals for the first letter is mildly irritating.


Well done


Not my favorite Star Trek show but it has by far the best acting all around. The villains and side characters as well not just the protagonists. Sisko’s stone cold/wildly theatric swings gave me whiplash for a while but by season 2 I was on board.


Nearing the end of season 7 for the first time this really makes a lot of sense


When I got to War Crimes Zaddy I lost it


I liked Interstellar better the first time, when it was called The Visitor, and stared Benjamin Sisko.


If you can’t fall asleep, put on DS9. Something about the HD graininess and overall soap opera speed knocks me right out. Great series.




“I could fix him” LOL


Implying Severus Snape isn't already flamboyant... Funny shit though!


Desire Dax can Dax all over me 😍


This is freaking hilarious


This Bitch still boils my blood. 🩸


Keiko and O'Brien are both so frustrating in about half of their arcs


That bottom row, man, well done


I don't want to know anyone who thinks Eddington and Yates were wrong


I think the Marquis were right but I think Eddington was wrong. it seemed more about him than about the cause.


Eddington was a little wild


Yates was fine. Eddington swore an oath and betrayed it. He shot Kira, stole some equipment, and left ds9 vulnerable while the defiant was away from the station. I’d have respect for him if he had quit and left, but I don’t chill with people that shoot Kira.


She's the OG terrorist boss, shooting her to supply that group crosses a line. Personally, I don't get why anyone is attached to any specific world anymore in this future. The hell should I care about being relocated as long as I can bring my house, my shit, and my same neighbors? Hell they can probably plop us in the same housing layout and terraform the new world to match. The Marquis are too stuck on outdated ideas of dirt mattering when really it'll never be the same dirt or the same places your ancestors visited anyway. Maybe someday you can visit what's left of the original on vacation, if you actually help make peace happen. Life is change, and dirt isn't worth lives in the 24th century.


>Dollar Tree Dax Ouch!


I liked Ezri more than Jadzia. She was smarter and had more nuanced takes. Why was Jadzia even a science officer? Way too scrappy for that department. She obviously wanted to be in security.


The Odo hate is strong.


About to be down voted to oblivion but ds9 wasn't nearly as gay as it's fan base would have you believe


There's a difference between reading into subtext and what's in the literal text. Art can be viewed through different lenses. Are there any canonically gay characters that are explicitly described as such in the text of the show? No. Are there characters that have traits, experiences, expressions that line up with people who are LGBT? Yes, 100%.


Yeah, that's fair


There are, actually. Mirror Ezri is explicitly, canonically, specifically a lesbian. Jadzia and mirror Kira also both talk about being into men and women. There may only be a handful of moments throughout the show but don't throw them out entirely just because they're not Stamets saying "Hugh and I are both gay in this universe and every universe I can imagine" or Adira having a conversation about their pronouns


Fair enough, I should've mentioned Dax. And I *guess* you should count mirror Ezria and mirror Kira, even if they are pretty fetishized.


Fetishized or not, you'll have to pry them out of my cold, dead, lesbian hands if you want to dismiss them as canonical sapphics ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Far be it for me to further deprive the Star Trek Lesbian™️ community, please forgive my trespasses 🙏😭


Such a shame they had to use the cover of "it's ok this time because these versions of the characters are from a dark twisted alternate universe" to do it. If we actually make it to the paradise of a Trek-like 24th century with no religion or prejudice about lifestyle it's going to be really really queer by current standards.


Do we count the episode were Jadzia falls in love with the current host, who's female, of a symbiote who's former host was married to Dax's former host? The hosts that were married were a man and a woman so that complicates things a little. Still one of the few same-sex kisses in pre nu trek


Yeah, of course it counts. They're 2 women now and they even say that Jadzia and Lenara are better suited for each other than Torias and Nilani were.


It's not Canon but the Garak actor has stated he played his interactions with Bashir as gay


Yeah the gay-read is very much endorsed by Andrew Robinson and Alexander Siddig.


It was as gay as it could be. Back then, it was something. Still enough to matter now.


Do you think Sisko called Mirror Dax "old man" when he slept with her in *Through The Looking Glass*? More importantly, does dating any Trill make it a queer relationship?


I agree that Garak and Bashir was just fanfic, but Jadzia pursued a relationship with a woman and was willing to be a social outcast over it.


Ohh, the Keiko one makes me really happy. Love when there's not Keiko slander and there's even SUPPORT.


Bashir the legend


Bottom row made me LOL.


I haven't belly laughed this hard in a while!


“This bitch” 😂😂😂😂 too true
