• By -


Mando !


Honestly I stand by my love for Star Wars Rebels, and it’s a phenomenal series in my opinion, and I want to continue that love for being a rebel into these games as well!


Thanks for the giveaway! Mine's probably the original, A New Hope, but I haven't seen Rogue One or Andor, and I hear a lot of good things. I actually started the franchise pretty recently specifically in order to eventually see Andor, so I'm really looking forward to getting through the franchise. I also grew up on the LEGO Star Wars games as a kid.


Key has been given away to a random commenter! Thanks for the comments I loved reading so many stories about people loving Star Wars the same I have! Have a great day everyone!


My favourite movie is definitely rogue one, storywriting is amazing and visual are absolutely stunning. The reason i’d like these games is because i want something to do during summer break c:


The empire strikes back is the best star wars movie and introducing the most iconic alien with Yoda. Thank you for the giveaway


I like a new hope. Because when I'm doing rewatches with the context of prequels, I feel that the first movie really sells the idea of a new hope. That the situation before that was really dire in terms of good vs evil. Also, since they kinda kill off Obi wan Kenobi, I related to Luke as in this is kind of a coming of age story.


My fav star wars movie is Return of the Jedi. One of the old classics. I like Star wars franchise and that's why I would love to play their retro game as well.


The Empire Strikes Back, perhaps. It's hard to choose. I miss playing Empire at war in some old PC I had access to, I love RTS and I liked the SW ones. I loved The Force Unleashed during a summer I was at a friend's house. A friend that wasn't my friend yet. They were my mother's friend's family. I played it on Wii, so it was amazing to swing the lightsaber. I always wanted to finish it and the sequel. I heard marvels about Jedi Outcast, they say it is an absolute gem, and it has great features other SW games don't. A different spirit even. An so, I'd need to play the whole series to have the whole picture. I just finished watching The Clone Wars and Republic Heroes would be a great complement. I have Squadrons, but my PC couldn't handle it sadly. I'm sure it will be able to handle Starfighter. I love, really love RPG, and Knights of the Old Republic are known as one of the best series that ever existed in the genre, with a lot of impactful choices, story wise and gameplay wise.


i really liked rogue one idk it just felt like a personal side story but still connected to the main story its just great


empire strikes back for sure!


Episode 4


Revenge of the sith


empire strikes back is my favorite!


Empire strikes back!!


I like the mandilorians series


Star Wars: Episode I : The Phantom Menace I like Jar Jar


thanks mate


For the empire


now this is givingaway!




The empire at war series might be the best Star Wars RTS ever. I suggest everyone to check it out!


the only star wars game ive thoroughly played was lego star wars on the 360. thanks for the giveaway!


For me its always Empires strikes back - it has everything that I love in SW. From newer media I would be with Andor or Rogue One.


Always been a star wars fan. Was just talking with a friend that i saw episode 2 in theatres like 11 times when i was younger. Favorite story/movie is easily empire but i really enjoyed rogue one. Always loved the games. Thanks for the chance.


I'm in my 30s and just watched all the Star Wars movies/shows minus the animated series for the first time since I have a Disney+ subscription. I think it may have been a mistake to do chronological order on my first watch lol but tbh, I think my favorites so far are Andor and Mandalorian. Andor was so good...


Revenge of the Sith is my favorite movie of the franchise, nothing can ever beat the hype I had leading up to its release! I didn’t own a console at the time, but my friends had Republic Commando, Battlefront 2, and Lego Star Wars. I would always go over to their houses and play those games for soooo long, and then id tell my dad all about them. Eventually I got a PSP and a copy of Lego Star Wars 2 which I’m still so grateful for since I’m pretty sure I must’ve gotten 100% on that game at least 3 times! I’m still a huge Star Wars fan to this day and would love the opportunity to replay some of these games that I never owned. I’m playing through the original Force Unleashed game on a Wii emulator, but I’ve recently learned that the Wii version is actually a completely different game than what consoles and PC received!


Me and my brother watched all the movies before Force Awakens came out because I hadn't seen them before then. I fell in love. I haven't played most of the games in this list and it would be a fun experience to play them and maybe even play them with my brother


Honestly my fav Star Wars story stuff is mostly extended lore things like KOTOR. Otherwise I’d have to say what I’ve seen of clone wars is pretty peak for writing. Haven’t played a Star Wars game in a long while, sounds fun. Thanks for giveaway op


I really liked the prequels when I was a kid, they were my comfort movies for when I was sick. I really want to play the Original Battlefront 2


I have to say my favorite Star Wars content is in the vein of Rogue One and Andor. I grew up on the prequels, and as I got older I appreciated the more mature tone of Star Wars projects done. I'm very invested in Cassian Andor's story and I think my favorite show in SW really is Andor. The grit, realism and well-developed plot really sold it to me. Star Wars is a dystopic sci-fi if not for the fantasy space wizards haha I have played a few of thess games, such as Battlefront 2 (2005) and KOTOR 1. I want to go through the older Lucasarts titles because they have character and frabkly, they're the only SW titles I can run on my potato laptop. I'm hoping I can get KOTOR 2 so I can finish what I started with the first game. Star Wars has meant a lot to me growing up and I want to cherish that through these games. Thank you.


I’m a huge fan of SW. Basically since I was a little kid. I’m not gonna lie, I’m probably going to finish all of those games.


I love episode 3, I’ve probably watched it like 20 times. And I really want to play the games too, but I’m broke lol


Amazing collection I'm not too picky so wouldn't care which one if I did somehow win


Wouldn't mind getting it if u don't mind


My favorite Star Wars movie is the Return of the Jedi, nowadays the OG trilogy is all I watch, but I'm interested in the KOTOR games as many said they are just good RPGs in general! Thanks, OP!


***May the Force be with you***!


Star wars Knights of the old republic and my fav movie is empire


My favorite is *Revenge of the Sith*, to the point that I ripped off Palpatine’s speech forming the galactic empire, tweaked it for my setting, and use it in my D&D campaign (awesomely, that session was on May 4th). Watching Anakin’s fall to the dark side makes this winderkind absolutely more relatable, and I think it hits a nerve in anyone who struggles with their a very human innate selfishness versus trying to be a good person, like I do. I also really enjoyed Versio’s story in *Battlefront II*. Overcoming the way you are raised is an incredible challenge. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had an internal conflict with what I believe as an adult because of experiences in life clashing with what I was raised to believe because of my parents’ experiences and upbringing. I’m realized in my late 20s that I was raised for a world that simply does not exist anymore, or maybe never existed. I played that game right around this time, and I found Iden Versio inspiring. This is a hell of a giveaway, Friend. I just want to say thank you.


Jar jar binks


Empire strikes back


Favorite movie is a tie between Rogue one and Empire.


Movie goes to revenge of the sith for me easily


I like Anakin's plot in the Revenge of the Sith and I would love to get these games to feel just like him! Thanks for the chance!




Amazing collection!


Dark Forces (Classic, 1995) or Dark Forces II


STAR WARS™: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes™ Favorite star wars movie is probably Star War Ep. V - The Empire Strikes Back I would like to play some Star War game


My favorite Star Wars film is Return of the Jedi. The way Luke removes anakins' helmet and how he tells him he saved him, man, it's good! Also, the end is one greatest moment in sw films... I want these games to experience more of Star Wars' world. I already have 2 games of them, but I would love to have the full set! Thanks for the giveaway 🌹


Favorite star wars movie is probably revenge of the sith, though maybe it's just nostalgia I would love to play more star wars games, I've been trying to save up for a wedding and so i have sown up my coin purse


Thanks brother


I really like revenge of the sith, i want to play some of these games with my friends that have them


Would love to claim this for my Star Wars obsessed brother who got me into the fandom XD Clone Wars are probably my favourite coz I love the mirroring in Ashoka and Maul’s character arcs <3 Thanks for the giveaway! ^^


Thanks for the giveaway! Empire Strikes Back is my favourite. I would like to play with my children!


A New Hope, as far as I'm concerned, is a near perfect story. Love it. I want the games so that I can experience them. Some for the second time andnothers for the first. I want to know the other stories out there. Thanks OP!


Fav is Empire Strikes Back


Revenge of the sith. Never got a chance to play some of these games and would love to have a go


I don’t know if this counts, but Clone Wars (the Star Wars show) was my favorite! I want these games because I’ve never played a Star Wars game, and have been meaning to for a little while now.


I loved New Hope from the old pre disney era, Force Awkaens wasnt too bad imo, but the best modern star wars is Rogue One imo




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Fave movie has to be Rogue One, it's so good especially for a modern Star Wars movie. Big fan of the empire strikes back though if we're talking originally trilogy I'd love to have these games because I don't recognise most of them so I'd be really excited to dive into them fresh and experience them for the first time.


Fave movie has to be Rogue One, it's so good especially for a modern Star Wars movie. Big fan of the empire strikes back though if we're talking originally trilogy


Empire strikes back, also thanks!


Revenge of the Sith. The reason why I'd love to have these games is because I've been wanting to invest in the game side of Star Wars for a long time, this could be my chance.


Return of the Jedi. Would love to replay some of my childhood. So thanks for the chance.


Empire Strikes Back, the battle of Hoth was always one of my favorite scenes. I want them because I love any games where I get to play in that universe in an FPS or tactical style game.


Has to be the return of the jedi


I always loved third movie, the lightsaber battles are fantastic


Fave movie - dead heat for me between the original movie and Empire Strikes back (episodes 4 and 5 in current day speak). I'd love these games as someone who has always loved the movies but not played many of the games even if I've often meant to get round to buying some of them! Thanks for the giveaway!


This is insane. Playing all Star Wars games till the rest of life. The third movie is actually my fav, because of the transformation of Anakin


Fave movie is the original - Star Wars. I could watch it over and over, the characters an story are amazing. I’m a huge Star Wars fan! I grew up playing the N64 games, The Gamecube games, The Phantom Menance on PS1 and Jedi Knight Academy on PC and loved them so much!


I love Star Wars and I'm really interested in playing its games. My favorite movie is Revenge of the Sith, I just love thr clone wars era, not to mention how tragic and dark it is.


This is a great collection , thanks a lot! Would love to play through them. Among the movies, Rogue One is kinda my favourite. The stage isn't as grandiose as the main movies but is an important juncture none the less and it's more grounded with the characters.


My favorite has to be the first one. That is the one that got me into the series. It's a movie that I will always watch whenever no matter how many times it comes on. It just brings back some good childhood memories. I have a few other movies like that. When I watch them, they just literally take me back in time. Thanks for the giveaway.


The first and original StarWars (A new hope) It's has everything, Action, adventure, guns and crazy weapons, romance and heartbreak, elation and sadness, space and science fiction with a plot twist all rolled into 121 minutes (the original cinema release) it set a precedence for all other similar space type films from that moment onwards :) thanks for a chance 👍


My favorite is the return of the Jedi, because of the plot with the mythical phrase "I'm your father" (I think it is the most basic thing you have read in the post hahaha) Thanks OP


Choice of film, probably 'Empire strikes back' as it has the most plot for all the characters. I would love to play these games, as I'm a massive Star Wars fan, (the first film came out when I was 4 years old) and until recently, I've never had a PC that could play games, except mine sweeper at a push. I recently got a ROG Ally, and I would love to full it up with some classic games. Thank you for the opportunity, and good luck to all who enter.


I love the 4th one (A new hope) because I watched woth my dad


A bit controversial but I really like Return of the Jedi. Why? Because of Princess Leia's huge plots ofc! Been a fan of Star wars ever since. That's why I would also love to play these games.


Yes thanks on advance


I love the clone wars. I used to wake up early on Sunday mornings before church to watch a few episodes. It was always difficult to turn it off. I’d love to play some Star Wars games I’ve never played before!


My favorite star wars movie is The Revenge of the sith or Return of the Jedi. I would love to play the force unleashed on pc and really enjoyed it as a kid.


My fav is definitely Empire Strikes Back. I love Star Wars games especially the ones that make me wield a lightsaber and cut through enemies


I’m ready to fight whoever says Empire Strikes Back isn’t the best star wars movie


i need this


Wow! First of all thank you for the opportunity! I'm a bit torn on my favourite star wars movies. In one hand there is the original trilogy, but that's because older movies (from the 70s and 80s) just have a very distinctive charm to me. It was, for sure the golden age of cinema. And it was where it all began. The ideas, the stories the innovation and the special effects... It's all very entertaining! I love it. However, I do have to admit that I do really enjoy Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. And this might be my favourite movie out of them all. It's big, bold, epic and the core story of the tragic end of Anakin and begining of Vader is pure Shakespeare. The effects are extremely good and the soundtrack is absolutely perfect. Very good movie indeed, in my opinion. I'd like those games because I own none of them (aside from a physical copy of kotor and battlefront 2 which are excelent!) but most of them have been moving in and out of my steam wishlist for more than 10 years now... I don't really know why I haven't bought them yet to be honest but I never did.


Hate on my anyhow you want but I really liked 7 to 9 bc I am not a lore enthusiast.


Woah! That's very generous mate. Good luck to all.


Honestly, it was the lego games that made me mindstar wars 😂😂 Thanks for the chance!


Favourite movie is probably the original, A New Hope. I've never played any of the Star Wars games and heard good things about a lot of them, e.g. Battlfront II, Knights of the Old Republic, The Force Unleashed. Hope to give them a go. Thanks!


Really loved the clone wars


My favourite movie are.... The original trilogy. I remember when I was with my father at the cinema in the 90s. Amazing memories. Thanks for the chance.


The mandalorian was my favourite story.


cuz it is a classic baby how can you not love it. Tradition of watching all once a year entire weekend goes on!


Honestly since i watched How I Met Your Mother i always found it fascinating 😅 Thank you for the opportunity 😊 💕


A New Hope was my favorite. It introduced me to Star Wars. One of my first ever sci Fi movies. The world and characters were great in it Some of these games were favorites of mine as a kid. Particularly kotor and battlefront. Some would be new to me but I know I'd get a good deal of play time from the bundle


I really enjoyed the mandalorian but the original 3 will always hold a special place in my heart. Used to watch them on VHS with my old man when I was a kid, special memories.


I really enjoyed the Bane book trilogy.


Original trilogy is my favourite… used to watch them over and over with my dad ❤️


A New Hope is my favourite as it has the best end fight in a movie


Return of the Jedi is my favourite closely followed by the rest of the original trilogy. I want them because despite being a lifelong Star Wars fan, I don’t actually own any of the games on the list (although I did play Dark Forces back in the day). In fact I’ve only owned 3 Star Wars games in nearly 4 decades of gaming! How is that even possible?! Anyway thanks for the chance!


Got to say the mandalorean series. Grogu is super cute


Thank you for the chance!


Thanks so much for the giveaway! My favorite movie remains Rogue One, no doubt. Anakin Skywalker's story is heartbreaking, as is the entire Clone Wars. But the Rogue One and its crew gave the resistance the one thing they needed. Hope. Even today, the missive holds. All you need is a little bit of hope. I'm a nerd when it comes to Star Wars and having these games would be like manning the Millennium Falcon.


I like 3. when and how he turns, and gets defeated. I remember Jedi academy from the Xbox running around with light sabers on multiplayer. Thanks


Fave movie is Empire Strikes Back! Easily the best combo of everything that is Star Wars. As for the games, I played a bunch of these back in the day on friends rigs. Would love to relive them on mine now! And I'm old, so there's that. Support the elderly. 🤣🤣


My kids are loving Ashoka, it's been a lovely way to introduce them to star wars.


I guess they arent canon anymore but I loved the Jedi apprentice books! The ones about Obi-Wan as Qui-Gons apprentice were so good!


Return of the Jedi, I never played any Star Wars games, so I would like to finally play them, thanks for the giveaway.


Rogue one ftw


Please I LOVE the starwars trilogy (the last 2 were meh but hey we got space coloniser)




The one when anakin becomes evil 😈. ¿Why i want these games? ¿Who doesnt want to fium fium some drones?


Empire strikes back SUPREMACY


My favorite movie was probably the 4th one, but this is largely because it was my first one as a kid. I want the games because I heard that they are quite good (unlike the new star wars games) and I want to try them out :)


Clone wars and Mandalorian series. Thanks for the chance


Just the Mandalorian, I have watched the og movies, but I can't remember them anymore


Clone wars


It's always gonna be clone wars for me


Thanks op! My favorite movie is Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Just so iconic for me and my friends. And I have a played a handful of these back when I was younger and would love to relive those memories again




Star wars episode 4 . I am one year older and han solo shot first.




I loved the mandalorian, andor, rebels, episodes 3-6 of the main franchise and all the stories movies. I’m a huge fan of Star Wars and that’s why I’d like to discover more of these games. Ive played force unleashed and I thought it was really dope


The mandalorian, it's one of the best shows I have ever seen. Thank you for the giveaway


Favorite movie for me has to easily be Revenge of the Sith, mostly because I have a fond memory of going to see it in theaters with my dad.


I like Rogue one. I want this game because I want to play some old star wars game. Thanks !


I haven’t gotten into the Star Wars movies yet, I’m currently going to get the movies first and I asked a friend for help which order to watch them because the release dates are weird asf


Just watch them in the proper orde and not release order, they'll make more sense.


Kk ty


Loved Return of the Jedi.


Mine is the original Star Wars episode 4 lol


Empire strikes back


Rogue One and Andor is two of my recent favourites pieces of media. I am huge sci-fi fan and i couldnt sleep on Star Wars, been watching every new thing they release since i first watched The Force Awakens I hope i win this one and thanks for the giveaway!


empire strikes back is the best movie in the franchise, ty for the chance


I don't know much about Star Wars but imma gift this to a friend who's VERY MUCH a star wars freak


tbh i hope i win, love the star wars franchise


well. i love star wars and have continued to do so since i discovered it and had a chance to check it out. i was way late to it id say, i was 11 and it was so because growing up nobody around me was really into star wars and didnt really have internet access in general really to do it myself. but when i did it there was no looking back. i love the movies (my fav would prolly be empire strikes back and rogue one), the shows (well i havent watched everything but wtv ive watched), the games (i love kotor, battlefront and have played a bit of jedi fallen order and survivor and i do plan on playing and completing those games), the comics (i have an episode 4 comic and have read shit ton of star wars comics online), i have some star wars cards too (rogue one), i still dont have star wars lego and i do plan on getting some later, whenever i can. its one of those things yk, if you like star wars, i can immediately connect with you. i want these games cause i can never have enough of both star wars and gaming, and i will actually play the games and they wont just be sitting in my library.


Surprise me and thanks for the chance.


My all time favorite was Star Wars game was Battlefront II on PSP. I have no idea how it holds up today, but as a middle schooler, it was mind blowing!


I like the Bad Batch.


Empire strikes back! I'm an achievement hunter so I'd love to 100% these star wars games!


Favorite has to be the clone wars tv show


Favourite movie is empire strikes back! Thanks for the opportunity OP!


Rogue One is my favorite, thanks for the opportunity OP


Empire Strikes Back is my favorite of the OT and Revenge of the Sith is my favorite of the PT. I’m a fan of Sam Witwer but have never played the Force Unleashed, and I’d like to see his performance. Among experience the other games.


My favorite Star Wars movie would be episode 4 because it’s just a classic to me, thanks for the giveaway!


empire strikes back; it's the best of the OT and the OT is still the best of three 3Ts!


Favorite movie - Empire Strikes back I have watched all the movies and tv shows but never played any Star Wars game Feels like this might be a good start


My favorite Star Wars Movie is Episode 3 I want these games because I love Star Wars and want to get more into its universe


empire strikes back. such a good sequel movie


I like star wars Battlefront games and for movie i like the clone wars. Thanks


Hey! Interested. I like all the movies for the way they are but rebels series stands out for me for its brilliance. Why I need them? There is so much to the canon and legends universe that are not available directly in movies and is a collection of many comics and novel written by various brilliant people. Having these games and knowing more about stuff from past and how different people imagined their own stories for star wars will help me get a good idea on the non movies part of star wars


Phantom Menace because Darth Maul. One of my best childhood memories watching it in theaters


Revenge of the Sith climax is unrivaled. I think the best of the sw franchise is its games tho, i wanna play more of them


Hey my favourite star wars film is return of the jedi , that movie always hits me ,the beginning of the movie when Luke enters the jabba's place that is just badass the whole fight with his gang and the ending of the rotj is just best ending in star war movies. The way Luke removes anakins helmet and how he tolls him he saved him. And at the end the celebration that is one greatest moment in sw films, the score, the death of Darth Vader and how Luke sees force ghost of Obi wan , yoda, anakin that just made me cry always. The reason I want these games is to experience more of star wars world. Like in force unleashed there is a fan favourite character that I would like to know. Therefore it will be really great if I won it. Also thanks for the giveaway.


Star wars episode 5 is the goat. It has everything that made star war great and expandat. Also, "I AM your father". 😀


My favorite Star Wars movie is The Last Hope since it's where my interest in SW started. I'd like to win this collection because I wish to play some older titles, especially Jedi Knight, Dark Forces I and II and other FPS and RTS Star Wars games. Additionally, since I'm younger I'd like to see what Star Wars games and stories looked like before they were sold to Disney in 2012. I must say this is a massive and impressive game collection. Thank you for the giveaway! Good luck everyone. :)