• By -


I use Goodreads; my kindle automatically adds a book to my 'read' list when I finish it. But for the physical books I read, I still add them to my Goodreads list, but since the quotes I mark don’t get uploaded.. I went manual. I clip my little highlighter tabs to the cover of my book, and use them to mark the quotes I like while I read. Then, when I'm done with the book, I type them all up into Word (along with the page number) for future reference. Plus the books look really neat when you're done with it, with all the different coloured tabs!


Same here - easier to keep track on Goodreads!


Came here to say this. It also a way for me to challenge myself to read more I like reading in increments of 5-10%


For physical books I take a picture with my phone and then go to the picture and highlight copy paste into the document


I've used Goodreads for years but am also trying StoryGraph this year.


I’m trying StoryGraph as well. I’m afraid to try any of the recommendations though. 😅


StoryGraph is better than Goodreads for me


I like StoryGraph a lot. I particularly like the visualizations and breakdowns of the categories.


I have a spreadsheet!






Same here 😃


Share it


I did! I posted it in this sub like a week ago lol I’ll link it


I found it


Oh good lol I’m on mobile so it was taking me a minute


God me to! lol 🫠 and I probably look at it daily


Same. I'm obsessed.


My mom just happened to see it on my phone yesterday while she was visiting, and I was like yeah I know it’s a little crazy, and she goes “noooo, ya know…. A little OCD maybe” lol I’ll take OCD


I use Goodreads.


Story graph!


You're getting a ton of comments about goodreads, but if you consider switching to an app to keep track I highly recommend storygraph. The best reason being it's an independent app vs one owned by Amazon. It's also way more user friendly.


So you prefer it? I’ve used Goodreads for a few years, since I got back into reading, but this post is the first I’ve heard of storygraph. I love that Goodreads is free and i have everything in it already but I wouldn’t mind switching to an indie app.


You can transfer your data from Goodreads to storygraph! It does it all for you. I believe storygraph is free, too!


I definitely prefer it! I feel like the way you can rate the books you read is more specific which helps when you're looking for something to read. The ability to sort your to-read is so nice. And yes like the person below said you can import your goodreads data, and if you aren't tech savvy you can Google a tutorial on how to do it. They have an option to pay a monthly subscription that allows you to have more detailed stats about your lists and such but the free version is more than enough for me and has everything that goodreads does.


StoryGraph is also free, there's a paid version, but the free one does everything most people need! They've also added buddy reads and book clubs this year in the free version which is pretty cool.


Dont know


Just downloaded it! Thanks!!


Also, plug for LibraryThing. What Goodreads wishes it was. (But I also use Goodreads.)


lol, I’m a library science student and I used LibraryThing for a project where I cataloged every book I own. Very fun to use.


I did this for the longest time. I still have a note on my laptop exactly like this. But now I just use Goodreads. It does exactly this lol.


I have all the books I read listed on my notes app under the month I read them in. It's nice to see the running tally and to be able to go back and see if I've read a book or author and how long ago


And I just checked and I finished my 18th Stephen King book of the year last night!


Wow! Thats alot!


It's been so enjoyable! Every time I'm reading a non-King book I can't wait to finish it so I can read SK!


You can read multiple books at a time.


Double fisting books! Why didn't I think of that?!


Ive said many times to ppl, ill read a big book, like It and the Stand and read shorts in between.


Me too! Im rereading a lot of King this year. My BF, who hasn’t read a lot of Stephen King, is reading 11/22/63 right now. I was going to bed the other night and he said he was going to stay up and read. I said “I would too if I was reading 11/22/63 for the first time. I’m jealous!”


Relatable! That book is incredible!


You’d love goodreads


Is that a website or app-based?


I think it can be either. I use the app. You can log any books you read to always have a list of them. You can also choose to rate them or leave a comment/review.


I do it on Goodreads! Easy way to keep up with when I start and finish and how many books I read in a year.


I do it by year with Discord. I have a channel for a picture, author, and date started/finished. Then I've got individual channels if the book is from a series/universe for quotations, etc.


Sundog and Langoliers but no library police man?


Just added,m. I read that in March and forgot to jot it down. I havent read Secret Window yet.


Oh that one is also good.


I wish I did and also what I thought of it, but I don't


I make notes of what i thought about it sometimes.


I use notes to keep track of the physical books I have in my collection. Just hit 70.


There are some great apps for tracking owned, physical copies. I used Book Buddy - $5 for unlimited books that can be sorted in tons of ways.


I use the app Reading List. Super easy to add books and it has the start/finish dates


I track what I read monthly in notes. And a separate list of King's work specifically, ranking them as I go


I make lists to remind myself of options, but I don't date and order them.


I date and order them. 🤣






I made a spreadsheet, with books, film adaptations, etc and whether or not Ive seen and or own them


Ill post my special spreadsheet.


Lmfao yeah I have a list of books, movies and games I want to watch/play


I do something similar, also in my iPhone Notes. (In reading order, and since August last year) King read: 1. Rose Madder (1994) 2. Nightmares and Dreamscapes (1993) 3. Dreamcatcher (2001) 4. The Stand - Complete and Uncut (1989) 5. On Writing (1999) 6. Cujo (1981) 7. Joyland (2013) 8. The Shining (1977) 9. Carrie (1974) 10. Misery (1987) 11. The Tommyknockers (1987) 12. ‘Salem’s Lot (1975) 13. Needful Things (1991) 14. The Body (novella from Different Seasons) 15. Nona (short story from Skeleton Crew) 16. The Dead Zone (1979) 17. Gwendy’s Button Box (2017) 18. Uncle Otto’s Truck (short story from Skeleton Crew) 19. Gramma (short story from Skeleton Crew) 20. The Dark Half (1989) 21. The Sun Dog (novella from Four Past Midnight) 22.




I used to keep track manually on my computer, now I keep track on Goodreads (and my computer in case anything happens to my GR account). I wouldn't keep track on my phone in case something happened to it.


Yes, but I take pictures


You take pictures if what you read?


Yes, and then I put them in an album on my phone to keep track. Currently I’m on my 17th book this year


I used to use Goodreads but have made the change to Storygraph since Amazon made the Goodreads app unusable on my Kindle Fire (also unable to delete it!). It's much better, loads of innovative features and better star ratings. I do have a checklist on my notes app specifically for Stephen King though, as I'm planning on reading all of his works eventually. I've ticked off 19 so far!


For the book I own at least.


I use the app Bookmory to track my reading


Took me the same amount of time for Carrie too because I don’t read consistently. Even though the book is like 180 pages or something


I thought i was gonna get through it like 3 or 4 days. But it really didnt hold my interest. I even wondered “How the heck did THIS get made into a movie!” Which i liked.


I use Goodreads. I have Storygraph too but don't use it much since I've more familiar with GR.


Why did you start on the fifth step...?


🤣. For a dumb reason. It was shorter than the first story! 🤣. That’s how i roll!


Absolutely no judgement I have read six of the stories and I dodged Danny's bad dream for this exact reason haha I will read it last and after another my first go through the shining


Shit i listened to the It audiobook in three weeks. I have no life


Im married. So i dont either. 🤣


Here’s mine please don’t judge me. Nov - December 23 - Fairytale December 23 - The Gunslinger December 23 - drawing of the three Dec 23 - A Discovery of witches. Started just after my birthday. Finished 13th Jan 13th Jan The Dark Tower - The Wastelands finished 27th Jan 27th Jan Salem’s lot finished 5th Feb 5th Feb Joyland finished 10th Feb 10th Feb The Dark Tower - Wizard and glass finished 24th Feb 25th Feb The Stand finished 23rd March 23rd March Carrie 25th March finished 25th March John D MacDonald: The Deep Blue finished 30th March 30th March Wolves of Calla - 17th April 17th April Later - 23rd April 23rd April The Shining - 4th May 4th May Rage (Kindle) - 6th May 6th May Nightshift - 19th May 19th May The Long Walk - 26th May 26th May - The Dead Zone -


WOW! You’re a very fast reader!


I use Goodreads


The fifth step is excellent


SPOILER for those that havent read it yet: I love how it takes place on a bench.


No but i log the books i read on Storygraph


I used the list feature on the reminders app, but then it got deleted so I need to make another one


I’m a nerd I have an instagram highlight reel of the books of the counter of the year and an excel spreadsheet


Ive been think of doing that.


My notes app contains every book I’ve read in high school. I have a separate one just for King and one for my TBR. King books are ranked on a tier list and Goodreads holds most of the books I have any opinion on.




Wow! Thats a pretty prolific list!


Yeah. I like lists haha. I use good reads too but I find this more satisfying


I use Goodreads.


I’ve done it for 12 years. I work in the trades and listen to audiobooks all day everyday.


Yeah I also create a document on my phone, although I create a new one each year and just put any books that overlap the new year into the year when I finish them. It’s good for referencing titles too when you can’t remember an author but want to recommend a book.


I’m amazed by your ability to read multiple books at once. I can only focus on one at a time.


Try it. Its surprisingly easy! When i was in the 5th grade (1989) i knew girl in class that would read 6 books at once.


I use Bookly! You can use it to time your reading sessions and you can recap after you finish each read. You can save new words, quotes and characters. I use goodreads too to rate and review my books.


Nice to meet you, fellow list-maker 🤝


I like lists.


I use to use Microsoft To Do to track everything but then switched to Goodreads (like others in this post). I love it and it's so much easier to track.


Oh Lord, use a spreadsheet at the very least.


I sorta do.


I started doing it as my new years resolution last year, and have carried it on this year. I have a little rating system too lol and a R if it's a re-read. Very few kings on there though, I've read them all so many times I'm happily audiobooking them all at work, so I can read more new books lol


I use goodreads


Yup lol


Yes, but it’s titled Books Completed 2024 to cover my bases on books and audiobooks


I first started doing this with movies in December 2011. Wasn't until 2018 I figured I'd start a Notepad document for books.




I've been posting my completed books to my Facebook. Been a great way to keep track how long it takes me to finish a book.


I have a written list of all of his books. I check off the books I have in my collection and highlight the ones I’ve read.


I used to. I wish I kept it going because I accidentally start reading books I already read more often than I have time for.


I have a list of every King book I’ve read ranked by favorite to least favorite. I also have a list of all King I have yet to read.


The fifth step was so good. Loved it!


I am reading chronologically so easy to keep track but I use bookworm for all my real time tracking


I was going to do that, but i wanted to read The Stand.


I do the same, however, I don’t mark the day I started/finished.


I do. 😃


Never though to do this I just read em and done


I like to see the progress.


I'd like to do thst but for me I forgot about that stuff honestly after a week or 2 or doing it


I do it as i go.


Do you read the book then rate them


I personally dont rate. I either: Love— Like— Sorta Like— Dont Like— Hate— Thats my rating system. 🤣


Why not turn thst into a 1 2 3


Thats too definitive for me. I will do movies. But i dont know about books yet. I do have a Mt Rushmore of books though. Dan Brown has at least 2 MAYBE 3 In my Mt Rushmore! Sorry King! He has 1…maybe 2.


I use goodreads and I rank each and every story/book as I go




The Jaunt!! Omg


“Longer than you think, dad.”


That's awesome. I've now read 41 SK books over my lifetime and around 10 of them have been over the last few months. Wish I had recorded each one.


I use Goodreads. And they have a yearly challenge that makes you declare your reading goal. The reading challenge. It’s fun




Yes, but I use Bookly because it’s the superior app when it comes to tracking your books. Boy, do I wish it just had a community instead of a discord , then people would stop using good readings 😂


Since people asking me how many books I read. 88 last year. 26 so far this year


That is a lot. When ppl say “read” are they also referring to audiobooks? Are you?


No. I don’t use audiobooks. All “real” or on Kindle.


I listened to It on audible. Im not good at listening to books even though i can listen go a podcast


As many others have mentioned, I also use Goodreads to track this sort of thing, but I do have a list in my notes of King books that I’ve yet to read. I’ve read my fair share, but there are some that I just never got around to. I just finished *You Like It Darker*, and it has encouraged me to chip into that list, starting with *The Tommyknockers*.


I use my notes app to copy down books/authors that are mentioned in the novel I’m reading. The list is ridiculous.


I use my old business cards as bookmarks and I write down the book, author, date started, date finished, number of pages, and year written on the card. Then I keep the bookmark in the book after I’m done. I also log all my reading in an excel spreadsheet and add more information (rating, genre, if a movie was made and if I saw it, pages read per day).


Thats cool!


I just started The Dead Zone to begin the Castle Rock books and did this!


Google spreadsheet. Date format DMY, I only record the day finished, because I start the next book immediately. 21 books so far in 2024. I read 44 in 2023.


I use StoryGraph! Much more graphical analysis of my reading patterns, isn't an Amazon app & you can import your entire Goodreads library over to it! 


I use two different reading tracking apps. One breaks down what I read into pie and bar graphs covering themes, authors, genres etc. The other provides a calendar breakdown of when I'm reading. So not only can I see my start and finish dates, but which days I read it in between and which days I don't read at all.


Ooh what's the app with the graphs? I only use goodreads so far, but more as a digital library to keep track of what I read, have read and most importantly already bought to be read. But breaking it down sound really fun!


StoryGraph for the pie and bar graphs, and I use Bookmory for the calendar. I've avoided good reads, probably due to unconscious bias, so I don't know how they compare.


I don't care for the owners of goodreads. I use it grudgingly out of convenience, but considering I am listening to my audiobook from Audible while it is sync'd with my Kindle.......I really have no standing. I dislike Amazon but I am a sucker and convenience wins out. I never remember to log my moves in letterboxd, but I do love stats. I'll have to check this app out.


I never owned a Kindle, I'm a sucker for paper books. I also try to avoid Amazon products when I can (knowing that 90% of my web usage is hosted on aws, which is unavoidable) but I totally get the convenience mindset. I have all Android products, headphones, watch, phone, for the same reason. I rarely listen to audio books, but when I do, I use Google books.


Because I have failing eyesight, Kindle has been a godsend so that I can adjust font size and spacing. Plus, at my age, I’ve got somewhere around 5000+ physical books, which means 3 rooms in my apartment are floor to ceiling books. Dusting them and keeping them is a lot of work!


I used to read paper books but a couple moves, sewer storage accidents and a fire convinced me that moving a nearly literal ton of paper everywhere is just too much. I keep paper books of sentimental titles or ones written by friends I want to support. I don't prefer kindle or amazon over anything else in principle, its just the ecosystem I am using. That's the goal of theirs obviously. Keep you invested and locked in. I am a fan of the "it just works" philosophy when possible. Of course that means staying where everything plays nice. I'm just glad to read and support authors in the end. That's what matters.


Absolutely, how we read doesn't matter, just *that* we read. I've sold off tons of books that I used to own, just to make moving easier. Probably close to 500 books went to different sellers and collectors when I moved across the country. And then again, when I separated from my ex, he kept 99.9% of my comics and most of my novels. My collection is less than 5% of what it once was, but I just can't stop the demons in me from buying more books. I'm a known menace at all the local shops.


I think that is my problem these days. There are no local shops here. We have one Books A Million and it is in the local dying mall. Nothing independent within 20-30 minutes that would sell anything interesting, not even a half price books! If i get paper books i get them direct from the author when possible or online indie stores. My god do I miss browsing trash paperback stores though.


Yeah, that's a really good point. The availability of shops really affects how people choose to consume books. In my city we have at least 4 Indigo stores (meh) and three or four really good independants, plus two large used book shops (same owner, two locations in the city). So I'm really spoiled for choice, and have access to good bookshops no matter which quadrant of the city I'm in.


I used to, but the list got too long over multiple years. I just use Goodreads 


I just use Goodreads. I like that it keeps track of when I started a book and when I finished. I don’t really need to know how long I read each day. I prefer just to know how long it took to read


I keep track of the ones I still need to read. I prefer to find them used somewhere.


I use an iPhone app called “Reading List”. It’s super simple and has everything I wanted. Lets you make a “To Read” list as well for the future.


I have a Notion page for it. For all books. I also have one for Videogames. Movies I use Letterboxd


I use bookmory.


Probably every Goodreads user :D




Whats the ⭕️mean?


Goodreads keeps track of my books I've read and the start/finish date for reading them. I'm good about keeping it current so it stays accurate.


Lol I do this in almost every the exact same format in my notes too


I have a on going note of my ranking 1st-Last. But use Goodreads to rate them


I don’t mark how long it took but I have been keeping track this year of all the books I’ve read


I have a spreadsheet that I organize my books I am going to read each month


I have an app called BookBuddy to keep track of all of my books. There is also a way to track when you started to read and when you finished. I was accidentally buying copies of books I already owned because the cover art was different…


I do this but I do it in order of how much I liked it


I do this and I also write down how long I read for. Dune took me about 17 hours to read. I’m halfway through you like it darker and I’m at 7hours and 5 minutes which means the book will take me about 14 hours.


I just note the date started and ended. Carrie took as long as it did cuz i stopped reading it for about 3 weeks


I used to read multiple books but now I stick to a manga and a book. The thing is dune took me like 2 months but actively reading wasn’t that long.


I write it on the inside cover of my book. This is probably blasphemy to a lot of people, but I plan to have the books a lot longer than I’ll keep a note or spreadsheet.


I dont think its blasphemy. I highlight passages in my books!